But I never even mentioned the bus situation! And again, its not about ... nevermind, forget it.
See, you're making this about YOU again. I didn't single you out about the buses. READ TOM.
Again, even though you deny saying it, but you actually cop to (and deny at the same time) by saying only terminnally ill children should get the benefits that YOU determine should qualify for the benefits, but then you say that doesn't count -- you don't get to pick and choose who gets what.
I know how hard it is for all the able body, healthy people standing in line waiting, while all those lucky disabled people who want a pity party get to ride their scooters, jump in line and get on the bus first -- it's just so unfair. Who cares if they have serious health problems, they don't get to ride the majority of the rides everyone else does, that the day they spend in the parks is a struggle, that they have to leave the park before everyone else, that it's completely embarrassing for them to be leered at, but try to manage the best they can. This is all about YOUR convenience.
I'm so sorry you have to put up with so much insensitivity and you have to deal with such unfairness at a theme park, Tom. And I'm sorry it stresses you out to the point you have to cry about fairness and complain about waiting in line to help out those pity party disabled folks. Why does Disney have to try and cater to everyones needs so they can all have the same enjoyment as everyone else? They aren't taking into consideration all your struggles waiting in line, Tom. I'm sorry.
You want to cut down the abuse? GREAT! Let's throw Tom a party everyone! We'll support every letter in your very detailed letter you send to guest relations to stop this problem. I SUPPORT YOU.
And since it will do no good to talk about a little understanding, seeing you're completely ignoring the personal experiences people are giving you in this thread, and again, thinking of yourself, and how that card helps their experience, as your inconvenience trumps everything and everyone, I'll say this. Take your friend Matt's advice, get over yourself.