Possible Changes coming to the Guest Assistance Cards (GAC)

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steamboat wil

Active Member
You're turning a thread discussing a legitimate problem into "pity us and our disabilities". It's not about vouching for your disability, its not about Disney deciding who deserves disability services and who doesn't... its about developing a new fair system that can still give disabled guests both equal opportunity to experience attractions as everyone else and eliminate the benefit that makes said staggering amounts of people seek to obtain and abuse the cards.
Yes, I GET all of that. And that would be absolutely fine if ONLY the very miniscule number of parties that actually need that level of assistance were using these cards. But, again - I don't think you are realizing the scope of the abuse. Earlier in this thread, an actual Guest Relations CM vouched that 400-500 "alternate entrance" cards are given out PER DAY, at Magic Kingdom alone!
And nobody is asking you to justify your use because this isn't about "who is actually disabled and who is not"...

Yes, they have given better solutions, multiple times in this thread, for instance, doing SAME THING EVERY OTHER THEME PARK DOES - and permitting disabled guests who can't wait in lines to enter after a designated time has passed based on that attraction's current wait time. Or even just removing either "instant" OR "unlimited" from the equation. OR Fastpass+ and NextGen technology can eliminate the cards all together and allow disabled parties to reserve their ride times like everyone else.

And again, for reiteration, this discussion was never about deciding who has a "true need", and remember that Disney has ALREADY done their part 100% by making the parks ADA compliant.

I need no pity from anyone. You have stated how it is unfair to guests waiting in standby watching the GAC users ride to their hearts content. You have not brought up things I have mentioned at the fairness of shows such as VotLM, Muppets, and ITTBAB. Where most GAC users are seated in the back 2 rows. We don't get equal opportunity there. You also failed to talk about other attractions (be it minor ones) that aren't accessible at all. Swiss Family tree house or TSI. So I assume what people care about is your "instant fast pass". From experience I will say once again this isn't an instant fast pass. I get the feeling that people in line for the "good" rides feel they are getting screwed. I have said I wish this policy would somewhat change and I hope this is a positive change in stepping forward with NEXT-GEN. What I don't get is you want equal opptunity, but only for the rides that use fastpass entrance for the GAC users. Nevermind the shows aspect, where we can't sit where we want. Nevermind the attractions that we can't experience at all, or the ones who don't use fastpass where it has been stated most GAC users wait longer than standby. Just the rides and attractions with fastpass. Seems equal opportunity to me?

I really would appreciate a renamed system that the poster a page or so back came up with. Seemed like a resonable plan most would accept.


Well-Known Member
But I never even mentioned the bus situation! And again, its not about ... nevermind, forget it.

See, you're making this about YOU again. I didn't single you out about the buses. READ TOM. READ.

Again, even though you deny saying it, but you actually cop to (and deny at the same time) by saying only terminnally ill children should get the benefits that YOU determine should qualify for the benefits, but then you say that doesn't count -- you don't get to pick and choose who gets what.

I know how hard it is for all the able body, healthy people standing in line waiting, while all those lucky disabled people who want a pity party get to ride their scooters, jump in line and get on the bus first -- it's just so unfair. Who cares if they have serious health problems, they don't get to ride the majority of the rides everyone else does, that the day they spend in the parks is a struggle, that they have to leave the park before everyone else, that it's completely embarrassing for them to be leered at, but try to manage the best they can. This is all about YOUR convenience.

I'm so sorry you have to put up with so much insensitivity and you have to deal with such unfairness at a theme park, Tom. And I'm sorry it stresses you out to the point you have to cry about fairness and complain about waiting in line to help out those pity party disabled folks. Why does Disney have to try and cater to everyones needs so they can all have the same enjoyment as everyone else? They aren't taking into consideration all your struggles waiting in line, Tom. I'm sorry.

You want to cut down the abuse? GREAT! Let's throw Tom a party everyone! We'll support every letter in your very detailed letter you send to guest relations to stop this problem. I SUPPORT YOU.

And since it will do no good to talk about a little understanding, seeing you're completely ignoring the personal experiences people are giving you in this thread, and again, thinking of yourself, and how that card helps their experience, as your inconvenience trumps everything and everyone, I'll say this. Take your friend Matt's advice, get over yourself.


Well-Known Member
The alternate entrance should be renamed "alternate wait". Attractions should be able to give guests a special Fastpass of sorts that could be given instantly but require the guest to return based on the current wait time. This allows those who can't be in a confined crowded line environment to occupy their time with something else while still waiting to be equal. The guest can choose how to occupy their time whether it is shopping, another attraction, a toy/video game, snack, or something like a KidCOT activity station. Here's an example. Let's say a family visits Fantasyland. They want to ride Peter Pan's Flights, so they are given a card with the current wait for them to come back. Meanwhile, Phillharmagic has a low wait so they can experience that. Then they try Small World but it has a long wait, so they get another card. Mermaid is also long so they get another card, eventually they just have lots of cards, but they can now spend the time they have to wait by grabbing a snack, meeting a character, visit an activity station, play Sorcerer's of Magic Kingdom, or play with a toy that was brought along. It might be a bit annoying and hard to explain to child that may not comprehend the idea of waiting, but how does it work outside of Disney with lines and waiting?

This is a much better idea, only problem I see with it is there isn't a limit on how many cards you could have at the same time. Since you could in theory have 5 cards at any point in time you could be waiting in 5 virtual lines simultaneously. This has obvious advantages and still has potential for abuse.

I think with FP+, as much issues as I have with it, that Disney will have to tools available to make a system that works and is equitable.


Well-Known Member
Thank you very much. It is comforting to see at least one person " gets it ". God bless you, even if your a nonbeliever I appreciate your compassion. BTW you made me tear up.

Steamboat is talking about people with real disabilities. Unfortunately people with true disabilities have millions of complications in their lives and everyday activities take more time than for a non-disabled person. That is truly a shame and my heart goes out to them. That being said most people here are complaining abuot being abusing the system Disney has created. My big gripe is with power strollers for able bodied people. I've seen teens on them, older people that are very able to walk, overweight people, people carrying their children on their laps while driving, and the list goes on and on. These people get out of their chairs by their own free will, they transfer to rides without issues, do NOT have to wait for special ride vehicles, and etc. These are the people ruining it for the people with true disabilities. If anyone is staring at these people, it's because they are filled with disgust over the entire situation. Even over the last 3 years of staying at the resort, it is getting worse and worse. I've even stated that it would only cost each of us (party of 10) 3 dollars extra a day to rent one of those off site scooters and be guaranteed no more waiting for buses, especially at the end of the day. We would never EVER do that but unfortunately people do. That's why this discussion is taking place. I work with children ages 3 - 21 that would give anything to live a normal live and I would gladly wait for one of them to be loaded on a ride or bus before me. 99 out of 100 times that we waited for these buses, round after round, it was not one of these individuals though. The system is flawed and down right broken, especially when dealing with the buses.


Well-Known Member
This is a much better idea, only problem I see with it is there isn't a limit on how many cards you could have at the same time. Since you could in theory have 5 cards at any point in time you could be waiting in 5 virtual lines simultaneously. This has obvious advantages and still has potential for abuse.

I think with FP+, as much issues as I have with it, that Disney will have to tools available to make a system that works and is equitable.
I think that idea is fair, now we just need to address the busing situation


Well-Known Member
I also saw a woman that was largely overweight walking and struggling. I had so much respect for her when I saw her going through the regular bus lines at the end of the night at a very busy Epcot, sitting when she needed to, not looking for anything free. At the same time, we saw another less overweight person riding their scooter. The person was placed onto the bus first. When she couldn't park it, she got off of it and let the cast member park it. She then proceeded down the steps of the bus and helped fold up a stroller and carried it onto the bus with her entire family (about 15 people). This person should be disgusted and ashamed with herself


Premium Member
Not defending abusers here, but I find it amazing that you know so much about disabilities that you can diagnose them instantaneiously. Surely there is some kind of Nobel prize for that in your future.

A 'noble' defense in it's own right.. but do you deny Disney has implemented a model that isn't necessarily based on 'what is most accommodating to the individual's disability' - but rather what is most streamlined and cheapest for Disney to implement?

Do you deny that in doing so, Disney has created a scenario that has made it extremely lucrative for unscrupulous people to take advantage of?

Do you deny that for the unscrupulous, the benefits are so great and consequences are almost zero?

Do you deny that these scenarios are not just theoretical, but are actually taken advantage regularly in the parks?

Do you deny that when unscrupulous people take advantage of Disney's choices, other people, including both disabled and non-disabled people suffer?


Well-Known Member
I believe that I stated I was not defending the abusers, and I know there are a lot of them. It was just a reaction to the comparison of an overweight person not using a scooter and another who was able to get off the scooter. Disabilities are not always blatantly obvious.
I agree that the sytem is flawed and there is a definite need for changes to policies, it's just that we as individuals shouldn't rush to judgement about perceived abuses.


Well-Known Member
I think that with FP+, guests could show up at attractions and have their place held in line virtually by the CM at the gate. Show up, scan card/band, and boom you have a FP for returning (now + standby time) minutes into the future and good for one hour.


Premium Member
I think that with FP+, guests could show up at attractions and have their place held in line virtually by the CM at the gate. Show up, scan card/band, and boom you have a FP for returning (now + standby time) minutes into the future and good for one hour.

They could do it today too.. all it would take is the CM writing a time on a card. But Disney doesn't do it - so I doubt they'll do it in FP+ either.

The problem has not been 'there is no way to do it..' - it's purely Disney choices

- Too scared of facing a litigious person
- unwilling to train employees to confront such people
- unwilling to invest in options to remove the advantages that lure people into abusing the system

It's far easier for Disney just to tell CMs do not question anything and simply turn a blind eye to the problem. Making those who need the services suffer due to longer lines.. and making everyone else suffer due to longer waits as well.


Active Member
I know I will get grilled for this next comment, but I find it funny reading some of these posts and people say, well I need the card because I have a bad back and can't stand in one place for a period of time... UH... And riding a rollercoaster is good for your back??? or I have a disabled child and he/she doesn't do well with crowds or standing in one place for a while.. How is this fair to your child that can not understand why you are putting them in this situation??? Should you really be at the busiest place on earth? I don't mean to offend anyone.. but do you really hear what is coming out of your mouths?.

Maybe you need to look up the story of the autisic little boy and Turtle Talk with Crush, then maybe you would understand, Then you would be asking what am I really thinking.


Active Member
I also saw a woman that was largely overweight walking and struggling. I had so much respect for her when I saw her going through the regular bus lines at the end of the night at a very busy Epcot, sitting when she needed to, not looking for anything free. At the same time, we saw another less overweight person riding their scooter. The person was placed onto the bus first. When she couldn't park it, she got off of it and let the cast member park it. She then proceeded down the steps of the bus and helped fold up a stroller and carried it onto the bus with her entire family (about 15 people). This person should be disgusted and ashamed with herself

I have not been feeling well lately, if I send you a recent picture could you tell me what my illness is, will save me on medical bills TIA


Well-Known Member
The scooter thing is becoming more and more of a problem than people realize, at recent study showed that 80% of people that were perscribed them, by doctors, and funded by medicare, had no business owning them, let alone being on them. It is flat out disgusting, and the manufacutrers, as well as those who abused the system, are simply complicating the issue for those who truly need them.



Well-Known Member
For those who do not think the abuse is quite as bad as it is being made out to be. Let me just say that a big name attraction at the Magic Kingdom kept count of how many GAC guests were admitted into their attraction's Fastpass queue over a period of a week. Let's say the estimated amount of guests that this specific attractions aim to achieve in an hour of operation (taking into consideration some aspects of general operation is around 1800 guests. In an average hour, around 350 guests were admitted using a GAC card. That means that approximately 20% of the guests served in that hour were admitted using a GAC which admitted them through the Fastpass line where they had minimal to no wait. It is up to you to form an opinion on whether that amount is reasonable or not or if also tells if the system is being abused or if WDW just attracts many guests that face a variety of disabilities or special needs.

I do have an honest question for GAC users. Do you face issues when it comes to receiving similar assistance at restaurants, gift shops, transportation, meet and greets, or other areas where lines and crowds form? Do you feel that there should be ways to accommodate you at these locations, is it even needed, or do you think its a fair balance? I do ask this with all good intentions so I hope no one feels like they are under attack. I very curious to hear how families live through the rest of their vacation at a busy theme park resort.


Well-Known Member
The scooter thing is becoming more and more of a problem than people realize, at recent study showed that 80% of people that were perscribed them, by doctors, and funded by medicare, had no business owning them, let alone being on them. It is flat out disgusting, and the manufacutrers, as well as those who abused them system, are simply complicating the issue for those who truly need them.


Storytime. Here's a story from when I once worked as an outdoor greeter to a popular attraction:

Guest with an ECV guest in their party: "Excuse me, can you tell us the wait time for ____ right now?"
Me: "Sure! It's about 70 minutes."
Guest: "Oh geez. Well what about her, [gestures to ECV guest], will they do anything for her?"
Me: "Actually, the queue is fully wheelchair-accessible, so all of you will be able to wait in the standby line." [said this as cheerily as possible]
Guest: "What!? You mean they won't let us go through the FastPass line?"
Me: "No, sir. You can talk to the Cast Member at the front of the line but I doubt any extra accommodations will be made."
Guest: *sigh* "Alright, just leave the scooter out here."
Me: ....

Apparently the condition requiring the ECV wasn't bad enough that she couldn't stand for 70 minutes... and I got this kind of thing ALL the time.


Well-Known Member
Apparently the condition requiring the ECV wasn't bad enough that she couldn't stand for 70 minutes... and I got this kind of thing ALL the time.

What irritates me the most is when, I see said person who is clearly pushing the boundaries of their bodies weight limit, driving these things thru the line's at the F&W Festival ... their is either nobody in line, or max 2 people in front of them, yet they can't park the thing for 2 minutes and god forbid walk the (round trip) 30' to get your 600 calorie ravioli square and eat it? The amount of laziness and lack of ethics I have witnessed during my trips to the world seems to grow every year and it all circles around those stupid scooters, I don't know who I feel worse for, the CM's who have to deal with this on a daily basis, or the people who truly need these things to be mobile yet get the stare's simply because people have abused these things and have created the negative stereotype surrounding them.

It is messed up and sad to say the least.
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