Possible Changes coming to the Guest Assistance Cards (GAC)

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Well-Known Member
I'm going to ask my doctor to write me a note that says I need escorted to the loading platform without waits. Why? Because I have had over a decade of back issues and multiple surgeries.. and my doctor wrote me a note that says I need that.

Don't like that? TOUGH! IT'S MY VACATION and ITS UP TO ME!!

Ever think of that?

So the majority of the people who have died... died because of their own ignorance or ambivalence So that's somehow someone else's problem to harbor them from their own ignorance?

I guess I should be demanding Disney remove all high carbohydrate products from the parks. I have type II diabetes, and it shouldn't be my responsibility to ensure I track my carbs myself. And how many people are out there that don't know they have diabetes or don't take it serious! Obviously we should make sure they don't have to be responsible for themselves... that's the compassionate thing to do.

Yes, do what you want :)

I know you're not a stupid person, so I'll let this post go as acting. People with this allergy died from the result of others. Like the kid just a couple months ago who was assured that the sandwich his friend made him contained no peanut products, but it did and he died. It doesn't take much to be a little considerate for others.

And if I was going to give you a "flynnibus" response I'd say, if you took more responsibility for yourself, maybe you wouldn't have diabetes. But then again, I wouldn't say that for a multitude of reasons, the least of which is being properly informed about your specific condition before I decided to give you a condescending remark.
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Well-Known Member
Im already regretting this.....but......what is normal anymore, now folks who grew up accustom to "normal" have to live abnormal lives to accommodate those aspiring for "normalcy".....go figure.
She's trying to live a normal life and .../...At her school, not only are the teachers diligent, but also the students. It's been incredible how everyone joined in to look out for her safety.


Well-Known Member
Im already regretting this.....but......what is normal anymore, now folks who grew up accustom to "normal" have to live abnormal lives to accommodate those aspiring for "normalcy".....go figure.

What exactly is the abnormal life normal people are now forced to live?


Premium Member
Yes, do what you want :)

I know you're not a stupid person, so I'll let this post go as acting

It's applying your own justifications to another case you may not support the same. You've defended that the person gets to decide their own mitigations and accommodations -- regardless of science or facts about the environment. You've ignored that a doctor's note, can be had without really any true requirement for the accommodation. You've defended any challenge to those above points as simply saying 'its their choice'. Ok... put all those together and you can see how your position is anyone should get anything they want.. and maybe just if they have a doctors note behind it.

  • You put blind faith in a doctor's note... you chose to ignore that the accommodation in the doctor's note doesn't actually mitigate sun exposure at WDW.
  • You chose to ignore that skin cancer patients are not actually kept indoors as part of their ongoing lifestyle post diagnosis...
  • You chose to ignore that a person's greatest exposure to the sun at WDW is not actually in the queues...
  • You chose to ignore the reality that if someone is that sensitive that all of the above is actually too extreme for a patient's individual circumstances... that maybe visiting a part of the world known for it's brutal sun exposure probably isn't in their best interest.
And it's true... I've had nearly a decade of actual diabilitating back issues.. issues that started over 20 years ago. I've have had to take months off of work and go on disability while I recover from major back surgeries. To this day, I still have limitations and struggle with it. So if I ask my doctor to write me a note.. they would. But know what... its my issue and I adjust my lifestyle, including my vacations, as necessary.

People with this allergy died from the result of others. Like the kid just a couple months ago who was assured that the sandwich his friend made him contained no peanut products, but it did and he died. It doesn't take much to be a little considerate for others.

You obviously are being defensive over this peanut allergy because of your personal involvement. But that doesn't really have much to do with what you hounded me for with regards to skin cancer. I didn't bring peanut butter up.

People with allergies are responsible for their own isolation from their instigators. The only way to truly accommodate your fears is to ban all peanut based products from sale and consumption in the region. Beyond that, it's on the impacted person to be diligent and responsible. The burden on others is to be accurate and truthful in their representation - not necessarily perform the isolation for them.

If you think others should perform the isolation for them, why don't you think the same protections should be there for someone who has extreme lung or immune deficiencies? Should it be law that all public places increase their air quality standards to a medical grade level so that those with those afflictions can travel freely without being responsible for their own interactions and where they put themselves? Should it be law that anyone with the slightest illness be kept out of schools to avoid hurting someone else who may not know they have an immune deficiency?

Peanuts were banned because it's an easy (relative) thing to eliminate without little to no additional cost. It was a simple accommodation -- but the mindset is what has been corrupted and abused and now extrapolated to obscene lengths. Now its no longer an accommodation, it's a requirement that everyone adapt to fit a special case. Now people use that ban as a stepping stone to the next blanket accommodations that should be made because of similar pretenses. This leads to a change in responsibilities and expectations. No longer is it 'I can't be around XYZ' - it's 'its your responsibility to keep XYZ away from me'

And if I was going to give you a "flynnibus" response I'd say, if you took more responsibility for yourself, maybe you wouldn't have diabetes. But then again, I wouldn't say that for a multitude of reasons, the least of which is being properly informed about your specific condition before a decided to give you a condescending remark.

And the fact that saying that would expose your ignorance of the cause of diabetes.. but I guess that's neither here nor there. Truth is... I am responsible for maintaining my own health and what I eat or not -- not everyone else. If there is no meal available at a location suitable for my needs... I go somewhere else or bring my own food. The burden to feed myself is ON ME - not others. The burden for others is allow me to eat my own food if there is nothing they are offering that is suitable -- not require everyone provide me with food that meets my diet requirements.


Well-Known Member
If you don't feel you need the card, then don't use it. It's as simple as that. There are people who feel they need it and some who couldn't have a productive trip without it. It's not for me to say otherwise. I'm not judging anyone who uses it when they feel they need it.

Yes, I take the allergy personal, mostly because of the ignorance I see about it. Especially when I see these stories of kids dying through no fault of their own, when they've done EVERYTHING right. This isn't JUST about personal responsibility. We can't ban all peanuts and I love them, personally! But I use my head, I sacrifice just a little for her, and it hasn't killed me. That's what we're talking about. Something that is potentially fatal. Sometimes we do have to look out for others. And I don't understand the selfishness when it comes to "my kid has the right to eat peanut butter at school!" over a child's education and social development. You know that exists and it's not just about lawsuit-happy parents, like what's been made out to be in this thread.

In all seriousness, take care of yourself @flynnibus and I mean that. My father has diabetes, now he's in end stage renal failure, his eyes are shot with retinopathy, his legs are all screwed up, all because of his diabetes and not taking care of himself. I know a great deal about diabetes, unfortunately. Good luck, man.


Premium Member
If you don't feel you need the card, then don't use it. It's as simple as that. There are people who feel they need it and some who couldn't have a productive trip without it. It's not for me to say otherwise. I'm not judging anyone who uses it when they feel they need it.

Yes, I take the allergy personal, mostly because of the ignorance I see about it. Especially when I see these stories of kids dying throug no fault of their own. This isn't JUST about personal responsibility. We can't ban all peanuts and I love them, personally! BUt I use my head, I sacrifice just a little for her, and it hasn't killed me. And I don't understand the selfishness when it comes to "my kid has the right to eat peanut butter at school" over a child's education and social development. You know that exists and it's just lawsuite happy parents.

It all boils down to self responsibility and accepting the world can not bend to every individual completely. We should be accommodating of each other... but that has to have limits. Eventually conditions or requirements go to a level that an individual's needs will exceed what is reasonable to provide or to a point that causes undue burden on everyone else. Where that line is tough to agree on, but I think most agree such a line exists.

When people stop taking responsibility for themselves and push the burden to others.. that line moves to the right in an alarming fashion.

In a society that has gotten excessively self-centered and seems to value personal responsibility less and less... you can't let individuals define their own accommodations. Our society as a whole is simply too greedy and lacks respect for others.

That's why the laws around ADA/etc are defined where someone says what their LIMITATIONS are - not what accommodations they require. Let people work around your constraints -- not allow the individual to define how everyone else should be.

What accommodations are required need to be rooted in facts and balance the needs of the individual vs the needs of the whole.


Well-Known Member
Seriously? My niece has to take a special medical kit everywhere she goes to give herself an emergency shot. She has to clean things off herself everywhere she goes. She had an attack AT WDW (which is not pretty) by riding in a car that had traces a peanuts from a previous rider. She's trying to live a normal life and takes precautions and these kids and adults DO HAVE reactions when they "go out." You just don't know about it, unless you're following this particular high school kid around 24/7?? It's about eliminating the most deadly risks. It's not asking much. It's not the end of the world to be a peanut free zone. And no, we haven't sued anyone.

At her school, not only are the teachers diligent, but also the students. It's been incredible how everyone joined in to look out for her safety.
My daughter (8) has a VERY severe peanut/tree nut allergy but only if ingested. It is very scary taking her to ball games where peanuts are everywhere and having her at a small private school that is not nut free. WDW is very accommodating which is wonderful. many people who don't have kids with food allergies may think they understand, but they really don't. knowing that the smallest speck of a very prevalent food could cause her to stop breathing should scare the hell out of anyone who has kids. we still take her to base ball games because she loves it. that is a normal life. allowing a kid to be a kid while still keeping them safe is very tough for a parent, but necessary. oh, and how did this thread start involving food allergies? i just happen to have a 5 year old who requires the GAC and also an 8 year old with a severe peanut allergy so i am all over this thread!


Well-Known Member
It all boils down to self responsibility and accepting the world can not bend to every individual completely. We should be accommodating of each other... but that has to have limits. Eventually conditions or requirements go to a level that an individual's needs will exceed what is reasonable to provide or to a point that causes undue burden on everyone else. Where that line is tough to agree on, but I think most agree such a line exists.

When people stop taking responsibility for themselves and push the burden to others.. that line moves to the right in an alarming fashion.

In a society that has gotten excessively self-centered and seems to value personal responsibility less and less... you can't let individuals define their own accommodations. Our society as a whole is simply too greedy and lacks respect for others.

That's why the laws around ADA/etc are defined where someone says what their LIMITATIONS are - not what accommodations they require. Let people work around your constraints -- not allow the individual to define how everyone else should be.

What accommodations are required need to be rooted in facts and balance the needs of the individual vs the needs of the whole.

If you knew what this 13 year old girl does on her own and has since she was 4 years old, this wouldn't even be an issue about personal responsibility. This is an added burdon to the child. We're talking about lessening that burdon, whereshe's going to be at a school, 5 days a week, 7 hours a day, around hundreds of kids, yes, people have to help out. It is not a coincidence that the majority of kids who die do so at school, or camp, etc. That's what's irking me about the thoughts in this thread about food allergies because there just isn't a real understanding.

If you don't feel that you can make it through the day at WDW without that card I have no problem with that. But people have been just as self-absorbed and selfish before today, imo.


Premium Member
If you knew what this 13 year old girl does on her own and has since she was 4 years old, this wouldn't even be an issue about personal responsibility. This is an added burdon to the child

many people have crosses to bear. Are you willing to accommodate all of them based on their terms everywhere?


Well-Known Member
Hmm.. A lot of backlash over an opinion I am against this because prior to recently they didn't do anything, that's why I'm against new policies. My back has pain time to time, its my own personal business. If I want to keep it my own then I can, those are my rights.


Well-Known Member
Wow this thread is getting wild!

I have a 4 yr old autistic son who is a disney fanatic. His first word was in disney (the #2). Our first trip with him we did not know about the pass and it was VERY difficult and a safety issue to both him and other guests. I just wanted to point out 2 things:

1. It is disney and ONLY disney who can say what accommodations people get with their pass. It honestly doesn't matter what we think other people's needs are.

2. If society was more loving accepting and non judgemental then maybe people wouldn't need as many accommodations.

We have had people stare, wispered and even say something about our son. We have had people confront us because he was in a handicap area (in his stroller with his red tag). I have walked away in tears at the disapproving looks we get as parents because our "out of control, bad" child is melting down. I am quick to rectify all situations but maybe just maybe have compassion for parents struggling with a little one (with special needs or not) instead of judging.

My disney guest stories are endless...
But my amazing memories of my little one far outweigh the others and it will always be my magical place. Owen's too!
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