Possible Changes at Test Track


Well-Known Member
Living in the Northeast I can say one test I think would be a great addition would be driving (or attempting to drive) on ice.


Active Member
Keep the concept and ride system, since WoM won`t be coming back, but make it a fantasy test; make the brake tests in a street setting instead of a warehouse, make the hill climb forest more real - it may be realistic, but I was shocked at how bare it all looked. And add some features to the outdoor section; a tunnel on the curve, some scenery perhaps. And I`m sure 10 years later they could now swap the main computers for something more powerful and reliable.
Would you happen to have a layout of Test Track on hand?
(And of the original Imagination, but that's in a different thread... :lookaroun )

Kingdom WDW

New Member
When I originally saw this, I thought Cars was overrunning Test Track. Now THAT would be a nightmare, won't it?

Preshow: You need to get Lightning to the Piston Cup before the race starts, but first, you must fight through I-4 Traffic to get to the Piston Cup, taking place at the Walt Disney World Speedway!
Show: Guests board Lightning cars, while he makes comments along the way. You drive through the Magic Kingdom, and have a close encounter with Stitch. You narrowly miss hitting the monorail, and you crash out of the station and you're out in the open, going 65 mph. You arrive at the race in the end.

Synergy+Good attraction that doesn't need an all new ABC Extreme Makeover: Disney Addition!=Disney Happiness.

Norm The Skull

New Member
Worst attraction at Disney

Well I know I haven't been to Disney as often as most of you. Heck I didn't even do all the attractions yet.
Out of all the attractions that I did do TEST TRACK was the worse. I drive on the road everyday faster than that car ride.
Let us not forget it is only a car ride.
On our next trip I asked my family what attraction should we skip to make time for others and Test Track was a unanimous decision.


Well-Known Member
I occasionally get to see the faux-cones that collapse. That's always a thrill. My favorites are the screens before the heat chamber - they never work right. Never ever in years.
And can i ask why GM doesn't like Test Track? It always has a line, and breakdowns have significantly improved.

Test Track was a wreck this week. I went for evening EMH this week. The standby line said 50 minutes and the single rider 15. I hopped in the single rider behind a group of 7-10 high school/college kids. They proceeded to switch to the standby line. 25-30 minutes later, they were exiting Test Track having gotten on and through the standby line while I was still standing in the "staging/video" room in line as a single rider. The actual waits were really about 25 for standby and 45 for single rider. Glad that without fastpass they still couldn't get the queue times right.

Also, the faux cones on ABS were not working, the ABS video was not working, the video screen in our car was not working, the speed on the track barely approached 60 (I've traditionally hit 65 in the past).

Though, it is true, it was not down - which was a great plus.


New Member

Test Track was a wreck this week. I went for evening EMH this week. The standby line said 50 minutes and the single rider 15. I hopped in the single rider behind a group of 7-10 high school/college kids. They proceeded to switch to the standby line. 25-30 minutes later, they were exiting Test Track having gotten on and through the standby line while I was still standing in the "staging/video" room in line as a single rider. The actual waits were really about 25 for standby and 45 for single rider. Glad that without fastpass they still couldn't get the queue times right.

The single rider line is an unpredictable gamble, you can't blame the park for messing that up. If all the groups in standby are 3 or six, the singles line will not move. But if it's all 2 and 4s the single riders fly.

Also, the faux cones on ABS were not working, the ABS video was not working, the video screen in our car was not working, the speed on the track barely approached 60 (I've traditionally hit 65 in the past).

How did you know how fast you were going? Did the board show something other than 64.8? I always figured that was fake and not a real radar gun.

As for the upgrades, i think an ice test, and a spin-out would be great. A tip-test could be interesting too, where they swerve back and forth trying to roll the vehicle.

One thing that I would honestly like to see there is adaptability in the course. Whenever the vehicles stop on the track, the effects continue and looks awful. The truck isn't scary when it lights up before you get to it, and the barrier test isn't to great when the lights have already revved up then turned off.​


I for one think imagination needs a rehab first. After that, TT should go. It's been around long enough, and it was never even great to begin with. It always felt crammed into the WoM show building. The design of it smacks of "confused and ugly", which was all the rage back in 1995. The whole place is SO 90s...the booming techno music, the bare steel mesh and girders that suffice for theming. There barely is any theming, speaking of which - the 2nd floor, once populated by WoM sets that would have rivaled most holly wood movies, has literally nothing. Nothing, other than a few plastic cones and cardboard trees. When you compare the two in your head, you cannot tell me that the scenery has improved since WoM, even if you are a TT fan. If you disagree with me, chances are you've never ridden WoM when it was around or even seen a video of it.

Don't get me wrong; I have a realistic perspective. WoM is gone and is not coming back. But there is nothing to say that a new, fantastic transportation-themed ride can't be made there. When you think about it, this is maybe the most topical subject in future world, considering that gasoline-powered vehicles are getting more and more impractical. There has to be a way to create something EVERYONE wants to ride without it being one big cheap thrill (with respect to janis joplin, natch)


New Member
I was thinking, and this may sound stupid and not logical, but I am gonna throw it out there anyways lol. What if GM supplied like a body kit, like a GTO or a New Camaro body design, and as the times go by just switch out the bodies, lol, kind of like clip on sunglasses if you get my point. Changing the track option would be fantastic, but if they want to update and promote vehicles, this is a good way to sort of semi-advertise. I know I would want to go in the Camaro lmao. Just my 2 cents.



Well-Known Member
The single rider line is an unpredictable gamble, you can't blame the park for messing that up. If all the groups in standby are 3 or six, the singles line will not move. But if it's all 2 and 4s the single riders fly.

How did you know how fast you were going? Did the board show something other than 64.8? I always figured that was fake and not a real radar gun.

As for the upgrades, i think an ice test, and a spin-out would be great. A tip-test could be interesting too, where they swerve back and forth trying to roll the vehicle.

One thing that I would honestly like to see there is adaptability in the course. Whenever the vehicles stop on the track, the effects continue and looks awful. The truck isn't scary when it lights up before you get to it, and the barrier test isn't to great when the lights have already revved up then turned off.

The speed gauge over the Track is accurate. The 2nd time we did Test Track it was matching the vehicle speed posted and it was back to close to 65 again. Prior to that we hit around 59.8 or so.

I agree the single rider line can be unpredictable, but to post 50 minutes on the standby line, with no fastpass available, when it was only taking 25 or so is way off. The standby line without fastpass should be somewhat understood.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Another thread another bunch of moaning posts. Theres more bleating on this board these days than in an Australian sheep flock.

Several of you must be close to disliking or having complained about every single ride by now.

Keep it or change it I couldn’t care less as long as I get value for money on my admission, though IMHO we could do with additional attractions instead of just revamps.


New Member
I can't believe all the negative things said about TT. I love that ride. Sure, there's room for improvement, but it is certainly one of my favorites.


Well-Known Member
Test track is an awesome ride.
No one ever is happy with everything.
No one ever agrees on anything either.

GM was never unhappy with this ride so that rumor is a lie.

They do need to upgrade the computer system so it does not break down so much. Its not a fun thing being on the high speed section and it shutting down, well maybe a little fun, but you never expect it.

I thought the future type upgrade sounded like a great idea.

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