Possible Changes at Test Track

I would appreciate if you would cease to quote me, then change the content of what I posted. Thanks :wave:

Further, as I stated in a previous thread, I am done with you.

The content was not changed, just put into text form.

And I would appreciate it if you would stop trying to blame me for stuff someone else did and trying to start problems. For someone that is done with me you sure seem to keep trying to instigate trouble.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Well allrighty then....

I actually like the que of TT. Its very busy and helps to keep you from getting board. I would like to see a more futuristic ride vehicle and course maybe. But all in all, its ok. Miss the prior tenant of the building though.


New Member
I don't really know what this system can provide that the current one can't. Even with the rail system, the there would have to be a opening in the floor where the car is attached.

Well I Honestly think this ride system can provide a lot more. The car can most likely move smoother and plus it can provide a lot of angles that a car on a flat track just can't do. Plus with all the diferent angles, you would actually feel as if you were in a flying car. Yes there would be a gap in the floor, but all you really have to do is make the ride a little bit darker(and it already is somewhat dark at times) and just cover up the gaps with some kind of felxible material. I think this ride system has A LOT of potential. Not only for Test Track, but for a lot of other rides too.


Active Member
i like test track, annoied me that things like the cones and screens worked when the urge took them to - but other then that it is a good ride. Tbf however it is a *bit* too 90's which is nice, and i like the design of the show building, but the style of the cars for example look tired and dated.

Who ever said 'futuristic' car testing has got it spot on, also marni i aggree it needs to be better themed.

and pumbas - well said ;) (dont see this post as a moan - its not at all ;)) but remember we are in theory on a fan boy site :p


New Member
In its current state, Test Track takes us through conditions we experience every day on the road and climaxes with a spin around a gray parking lot. Uh...yay? Personally I'd find it more appealing, and more appropriate for Future World, if I could go on Test Track and feel like I'm experiencing something I've never seen or done before, something that really gives me a fun and thrilling glimpse at the car of tomorrow.

This is brilliant! I've always tried to figure out why I've found Test Track to be good but not great. It's all a bit too familiar isn't it? I can put my car through any of those tricks where I live- except the belgian blocks.

I think the vehicles and the Track is great. Now it's time to give this ride a really great setting- come on - take me someplace magical! To the future!


Well-Known Member
For those that were looking for a layout of Test Track, I found these online at some point:

Lower Level:

Upper Level:

And just to complete the set, the original queue layout:

Oh, and as for the "Car 17 Crash" story, I also thought it was true (I heard it from a couple CMs that were on the Test Track opening crew) until I asked an Imagineer about it, and she said that nothing like that happened on-site in Epcot. Though she did say they did have a number of nasty crashes and fender-benders in the testing grounds in California (including instances where they disabled blocking and other safety features), but no cars flew off the track in the manner told in the story.

She thinks that some parts of the various stories carried over to the Epcot site and were passed along to the Cast Members who then took the info and ran with it. And the 17 in the story refers to the first version of the ride-control software that worked for longer than 24 hours. (Though she didn't realize that they had left Car 17 out of the numbering sequence until I mentioned it to her)



Active Member
Ive rode it way more times then I'll ever remember, but I still like the ride. Just like any other ride, the newness is going to ware off and youll over time get bored with it.

If they were to change it up, Ide like to have the non ABS scene actully spin the car completely around or at least backwards, if it would be possible. I like the idea of racing side by side on the high speed track. That would be pretty cool. Its time to change the music in the que area. Most of all like most have said, fix the things that havent worked in a long time.

To the majority of the people who are in the parks, they seem to like the ride. Smiling faces after the ride and long waits show that. Theres some talk about how you can go 60mph in your own car and there is no difference. Some of you may have forgot that WDW also needs to appeal to kids. For them, Im sure it's one the first times they have ever felt like there "driving" something that fast. Even though you and I may not learn anything, Im sure they are. To me the cars seem futuristic, especialy to a first time rider.

Disney would go broke tring to get some you guys completely satisfied on every single ride, that would also appeal to a younger age as well.

I drive a drag car that goes well over 170 mph... but this ride still does it for me.

thats all. :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
I was on the CP back when test track was first being tested. I recall easily the day my roomate who worked at Epcot came back from work and said that the car had gone right thur a wall and it was madness at Epcot, managers and such running all towards the place.

He was also able to get a tour and saw remains of it.

I doubt anyone would ever admit that it "actully" happened, but at the very least SOMETHING did happen that day. Way to many people in Epcot were talking about the goings on over there.


Another thread another bunch of moaning posts. Theres more bleating on this board these days than in an Australian sheep flock.

Several of you must be close to disliking or having complained about every single ride by now.

Keep it or change it I couldn’t care less as long as I get value for money on my admission, though IMHO we could do with additional attractions instead of just revamps.

I seem to see people on this board constantly complaining about Test Track, Soarin' and Mission Space. I know I would take those three rides over any other ride at Epcot either today or in the past. I mean, yeah, World of Motion and Horizons were fun, but they probably seem a lot greater in retrospect because it's just that, retrospect.

It seems like most people who hate Test Track are just bitter there's no longer a World of Motion ride.


New Member
I also love Test Track, but let's see... GM supposedly wants something new, and obviously it should be a little more futuristic to fit with the theme of Futureworld. Hmmmm....

Wait a sec, DURR! It seems so obvious now! Test Track should become a TRANSFORMERS RIDE. Your '08 Camaro ride vehicle turns into a giant robot and beats the crap out of your friends' tank ride vehicle which also becomes a giant robot. You ride on your giant robot's shoulder, dodging gunfire and jumping buildings.



New Member
I also love Test Track, but let's see... GM supposedly wants something new, and obviously it should be a little more futuristic to fit with the theme of Futureworld. Hmmmm....

Wait a sec, DURR! It seems so obvious now! Test Track should become a TRANSFORMERS RIDE. Your '08 Camaro ride vehicle turns into a giant robot and beats the crap out of your friends' tank ride vehicle which also becomes a giant robot. You ride on your giant robot's shoulder, dodging gunfire and jumping buildings.


not to mention dangerous.:lol:

but a transformers attraction somewhere (not necissarily disney) could be interesting.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
I also love Test Track, but let's see... GM supposedly wants something new, and obviously it should be a little more futuristic to fit with the theme of Futureworld. Hmmmm....

Wait a sec, DURR! It seems so obvious now! Test Track should become a TRANSFORMERS RIDE. Your '08 Camaro ride vehicle turns into a giant robot and beats the crap out of your friends' tank ride vehicle which also becomes a giant robot. You ride on your giant robot's shoulder, dodging gunfire and jumping buildings.


Thats an idea a couple of us talked about. I posted some ideas along with wdwfreak53 and its actually not a bad idea. Its in the imagineer section. http://forums.wdwmagic.com/showthread.php?t=202445

Of course I love transformers but I wouldnt want it to replace TT. (MGM would be perfect) I agree TT needs a jumpstart into a more futuristic concept. The ride should system should stay the same (just iron out the breakdowns) If it doesnt change Im fine with that, as long as they get all the effects working, because I love the ride as it is anyway.


I agree with you 250%!!!! Great idea bout a futuristic car ride. That would totally fit into Future World more better.

But they might make it like in the simpsons when they go to EPCOT! the electric car when if you get caught in one, people will think your gay!


Park History nut
Premium Member
I was on the CP back when test track was first being tested. I recall easily the day my roomate who worked at Epcot came back from work and said that the car had gone right thur a wall and it was madness at Epcot, managers and such running all towards the place.

He was also able to get a tour and saw remains of it.

I doubt anyone would ever admit that it "actully" happened, but at the very least SOMETHING did happen that day. Way to many people in Epcot were talking about the goings on over there.
That sounds like the first instance that the door to the exterior track failed to open in time (you can guess what happened)

-since then a lightweight, breakaway door has been used.


New Member
Make the ride go 100 mph.

Easy solution. building a giant loop on the turn that is far away from the building. If the track goes outside of the park's boundaries, they could easily do 100 mph without extreme banking.


New Member
Make the ride go 100 mph.

Easy solution. building a giant loop on the turn that is far away from the building. If the track goes outside of the park's boundaries, they could easily do 100 mph without extreme banking.

And while they're at it, add a couple of inversions and corkscrews. And then at the end they could simulate driving off a cliff with a massive freefall. That definitely says Epcot to me...

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