Positive Disney Thoughts.... No Negativity!!...


Active Member
"The Year of No Celebrations or Gimmicky Promotions"
But they've already played this angle so many times. At this point this is basically "remember the last time you remembered something."

Well, I'm with you. There's no doubt about, I'd prefer them not have any celebrations or promotions. I'm the guy that gets aggravated when he goes in October and there's Halloween decorations ... or when the Christmas music loop is playing instead of the regular music. I suppose I'm a "purist".

However, if they aren't going to build anything new (and they aren't - FLE aside) - and they are going to insist on marketing a special promotion (which they are) - they might as well play on nostalgia rather than pretend there's something new to see (that isn't really there or impressive).


New Member
Well, I'm with you. There's no doubt about, I'd prefer them not have any celebrations or promotions. I'm the guy that gets aggravated when he goes in October and there's Halloween decorations ... or when the Christmas music loop is playing instead of the regular music. I suppose I'm a "purist".

However, if they aren't going to build anything new (and they aren't - FLE aside) - and they are going to insist on marketing a special promotion (which they are) - they might as well play on nostalgia rather than pretend there's something new to see (that isn't really there or impressive).

well they are marketing nostalgia...retro t-shirts duuhhh!!! :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Trust me... I don't need your "help"

As long as my family has a great time enjoying the new campaigns... That's all that matters to us. Enjoy your endless rants and complaints about everything... I'm sure it'll make a difference.

win!!! at least the marketing didn't suck you in....lol! :rolleyes:

look, reality sets in for me when on a bus to ak, my wife- who LOVES disney even though she can't take as many trips with the kids as do i, casually observes the recording....." and come see our newest attraction....expedition everest...". she asks, "really?" hasn't it been at least 5 years since that's been "new"? that's not the only "slap you in the face" example that there is.

she's RIGHT!!!!

i can immediately reduce into a child whenever i get on the magical express. i'm 38. but ANYONE who doesn't see that disney has sold itself to.....itself, is crazy.

disney used to be about pressing the envolope, the good show, quality over $. it had vision, boldness, fearlessness. it once shared walt's own defiance long after he managed the helm.

those days are gone.

disney is walmart.

stockholders are more relevant than "...guests..."

unique loses to marketable in an instant.

shame, shame, shame on the powers that have guided the ship in recent years.....

read a book or two about walt. both the disneyfied versions, and the non disneyfied versions. you will get it. the current version of disney has only an ambition of profit. not quality. not unique experiences.

my best statement about a person whom i was never old enough to share footsteps with was how he cherished and almost obsessed about his past, yet dreamed and LIVED the future.

my goodness, how far disney has strayed from walt's course? for him being bankrupt was an option, but not a thought for success. he simply pushed past it. he found a new curve.

leaders like that are difficult to come by. no one WANTS another walt. we do, but the task is impossible. we simply want people with the backbone to follow his path. bold and full of nostalgia.

half genius, half teacher, half writer, half adventurer, half artist, half army, half pilot, half grandfather, half salesman, half coach, half (mad) scientist, half dreamer, half ...of walt. that's why we miss what used to be about disney.........

The Mom

Premium Member
We already have one "no negativity allowed" thread going. I'm not going to referee another. So, as long as people remain fairly civil, contrary opinions will be allowed.


New Member
My family have been going to WDW for 20 years. I am the biggest Disney fan and love all that is Disney. That being said, the positives outway the negatives. However, as time has passed a regular visitor can't help but notice the slip in quality over the years. I feel that Disney has long since left the core values that it once held. The almighty dollar rules all more and more every day. Maybe I wouldn't mind shelling out all the money each trip if they tried to keep the concept fresh. Disney hasn't really kept up with the times or the competition. New rides come to other parks all over the country. We get the FLE. My kids are way past the Fairy Land thing. The Imagineers need to live up to the title and wow the world like they use to do. Again, I really do love Disney as it is a place where I can go and forget about my real life. The Magic Kingdom at Christmas is fantastic. Epcot is my favorite(Bring back The lights of Winter). More then anything I just want Disney to get back on top of their game and just be the best!


Park History nut
Premium Member
I wish more people could appreciate the nostalgic aspect of such an amazing place called WALT DISNEY WORLD.
TDO do...

Without the negatives you`d live in a real life fantasyland.

As much as I moan about certain things, the dates in my sig say it all considering where I live.


Well-Known Member
I have way more positive views of WDW parks than I do negative. The negative that I express towards Disney on this forum is done so out of love for the parks that I know can always be better, frustration with the fact that we know that Disney can do better, and impatience because I know that Disney can do better.

I was one of those guest that got to visit WDW just before the official opening when they allowed the FL residents to preview it. I have been attending since 1971. Have things improved since the, yes. Have things slipped since then, yes. I love those parks so much that we are moving to FL about an hour away from the parks. Easy and more frequent access to WDW was a big selling point for me in making that decision.

In a discussion forum, you can't expect everything posted to be rosie. I realize that for most humans it is far more likely that they will express their negative thoughts on internet forums rather than their positive. Sorry, if that bothers you, it's just the nature of the beast.

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
Disneyland's 50th Anniversary year was incredible. The Remember Dreams Come True fireworks is the best show they've ever done and the golden ride vehicles (perfect for photo ops) was inspired. Some of the best times I've ever had in any Disney park was that year.

Disney markets best when it plays on nostalgia.

Not to drag up this debate again, but do you notice the commonality there? It's all about Disneyland. They did, have, and always will get the better of everything.


Well-Known Member
I think what has slipped is the "plussing" that Walt instinctively brought to each endeavor. I thought that is what "Imagineering" was all about - beyond what was expected. It seems that many new items are just what is expected now. Having said that Disneyworld is, and will still be my favorite vacation spot. Thanks Mr. Disneys (Walt and Roy) for being exceptional and starting something extraordinary. By all of us giving constructive feedback hopefully the TDO folks can keep it going.


Active Member
Original Poster
Listen... Constructive criticizm is fine and expected. I know alll about discussion forums. There is negative and positive views on things. But these forums nitpick at everything. It's like 85% crying and complaining about everything. Barely any good feedback. I've read on a couple things how their trip was good, but would've been excellent if the Yeti was fixed. Does the ride still work? YES. If you can't laugh and enjoy EE with your family because a growling Yeti doesn't work like it used to... And that's spoils your trip, you have some big time issues.

Whining on here over and over and over about the same crap on a Discussion Forum won't do anything. Except make a bunch of grown adults look like children. Nothing on here will make a difference.

If you don't sonewhat understand at least where I'm coming from, then you're very stubborn people. I, to an extent, understand complaints. Everything won't please Everyone. But theres a line that has to drawn between a simple disagreement and crying like a school girl. You have to understand at least a little bit of where I'm coming from


Well-Known Member
This is a discussion forum, and theres no question that if you're on this site, you have a lot of positive things to say about Walt Disney World. However, if we were to just sit there and constantly talk about how "everything is great!" then there would be no real discussion.

Agreed, 100%. Sure, talking about Disney in a positive light is certainly something that is not frowned upon around here. I mean, this is a Disney forum. However, if there is never any argument or discussion. This place would only be here to reinforce what we already believe and know.


Well-Known Member
No matter how often I complain about the bad decisions that management make, I love the place. If it wasn't for my family, going to WDW would be the only vacation I'd ever want to take. It's the only place that truly makes me feel like I'm somewhere else. It's my escape.


Well-Known Member
It's the best place on earth. I have been going to Disney since the late 70's and it just keeps getting better and better.


Active Member
If you can't laugh and enjoy EE with your family because a growling Yeti doesn't work like it used to... And that's spoils your trip, you have some big time issues.

Thank you for psychoanalyzing me (and others). Your diagnosis is duly noted.

Here's an analysis for you. If my (and others') opinions and comments regarding Disney on this message board spoils your enjoyment of the board, perhaps you have some big time issues.


Well-Known Member
LOVE DISNEY! I am 39 and when I was one my parents took me to WDW... since then, I have been hooked. Disney is my favorite place. I still think Disney is the most magical place to go. I also think the parks are still the cleanest and well kept..

I lived just a few hours away for 35 years and I have literally seen just about every change there. Even though I am now in Indy, I still plan on visiting the parks often.

My very best memories are when each year my Grandparents would take my Brother and I there for a week. We were totally spoiled and had a great time...

Are there some things I would change? Sure.... but I am very proud to say that I love Disney and will continue to support my favorite place in the world.

I don't care who I offend or let people roll thier eyes ........ Disney is the best.:sohappy:


You can always stop going to DW all together, and write it off completely. There are many things you could do besides DW for vacation. It's obviously making people very upset going to Disney anymore. "Yeti isn't working, TRIPS RUINED NOW"

But most of you will still go, won't you? Still have a great time too, won't you? :lol:

I agree with you, if WDW is so bad to so many of you stay home and make room for us newcomers (I've been going for 25 plus years) and like everything else around us things change. I don't always like the changes, but to me and my family there is no place like Disney. Looking forward to my trip in Nov.:)


Well-Known Member
I think it is a waste of time to debate such things...positive/negative, whatever! It's Disney for crying out loud, and when I get to take my family, I am usually just enjoying them and our time there, NOT analyzing what Disney has done wrong or right. Usually there's so much right, I am not noticing the wrong anyway.


Well-Known Member
This is a discussion forum, and theres no question that if you're on this site, you have a lot of positive things to say about Walt Disney World. However, if we were to just sit there and constantly talk about how "everything is great!" then there would be no real discussion.

Agreed, 100%. Sure, talking about Disney in a positive light is certainly something that is not frowned upon around here. I mean, this is a Disney forum. However, if there is never any argument or discussion. This place would only be here to reinforce what we already believe and know.

I, too, agree 100% that this is a discussion forum and that critical and dissenting opinions should be voiced. However, I don't think the OP is suggesting that the entire site follow the "everything positive" rule, just this thread. That's not an unreasonable request or a difficult concept to grasp in my opinion.

That said, here is my input in this thread:

I love that Walt Disney World is truly a "modern marvel" of engineering and urban planning. I love how the construction of WDW really epitomized the phrase "think outside the box".

I also love how Disney is one of the ultimate brands. I have always had a fascination with branding and I read somewhere once that Disney is the number three most recognized brand in the world (Coca-Cola is number one and McDonald's is number two). I have no idea how they measured that, but it kind of makes sense to me.


Active Member
I also love how Disney is one of the ultimate brands. I have always had a fascination with branding and I read somewhere once that Disney is the number three most recognized brand in the world (Coca-Cola is number one and McDonald's is number two). I have no idea how they measured that, but it kind of makes sense to me.

Q Score

This is just a fake example (ignore the scores, they are made up - at least I think they are made up), but it shows what they use to score a brand.

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