Poncho's, Poncho's everywhere..and let's not forget the itchy feet too! An August TR

Ponchos, Ponchos everywhere Updated 11/16

Welcome Welcome to my August 2011 trip Report... be warned.. U will get wet..you may even get soaked.. so grab your poncho and join us! ( read the Pre-Trip report here)

Trip dates: August 18-29 2011. Room only on August 18th, Free dining from 8/19-8/29

Resort~ Pop Century..my first time at a Value.. 2 rooms

Who? Well lets see we have:

ME: Alison..I turned 36 while in Disney. I have been a Disney fan my whole life. I could live in Disney. I made 2 Disney trips in 19 months in 1999 and 2000 then I shelved my Disney World dreams when I met my now husband and we had 3 kids in 3 years.Fast forward 10+ years and we were finally ready and able to take the plunge and take the 4 kids! I homeschool 3 of the 4 kids ( the oldest is graduated) plus I work a day job doing office type work for the family business and I bartend 2-4 nights a week at my best friends nightclub.

Eric: 39.. a now reformed Disney Skeptic. He was not thrilled with this trip in the planning and paying stage.. and even up til the we arrived stage. He only had 6 Flags to picture in his head what Disney might be like. Well let's just say if I had a nickel for each time he said "this place is awesome"( which was almost the trip report title BTW)..well I could buy us all AP's and go back again this year!

Noah: Turned 17 on this trip. Has been to WDW twice before..once at 4.5 and once at almost 6.5 ( for Christmas no less).. he was above all the most excited for this trip aside from myself.. he knew what to expect and he was giddy like a 6 year old school girl any time you mentioned the trip. Noah is currently a "sandwich artist" at Subway while he decide's what's next in his life! warning prone to extreme teenage mood swings!

Kate: 16.. Noah's girlfriend. nice girl.. but let's just say no girlfriends/boyfriends will ever be invited again!

Declan: 9.5 going on 90.. we always say he's an Old man trapped in a kids body. He was the kiddo I was most worried about at Disney as he has a tendency to suck the fun out of things. Declan tends to overthink, over worry and over control things. He's a fab kid, smarter than any 9.5 year old should be and is a great athlete. He was super excited to go to Disney but due to his issues with the unknown he had a giant knot in his tummy too!

Jadziah: 7 almost 8.. she is by far my most even tempered kiddo. She was giddy and unworried about the trip. She required a disney shirt for each day we were there and yes..she got them..lol hey it pays to be the only girl outta 4 kids right? ( oh JahD Zee Uh like in Star Trek Deep Space nine.. yes I named my daughter after a character in a TV show..I'm a star trek nut and proud of it)

Taejan: 5 almost 6 ( as in he turns 6 a mere 3 days after we left Disney). There are few words to accurately describe Taejan ( Tay-Gin we made this one up). He has the best personality, is beyond outgoing.. vocal and full of love and life.. he's also a putz.. a VERY small but BIg putz.. no is just a word he laughs at.. he made the trip very stressful at times..but oh well..such is life. he also was the catalyst for many of the great "awwwww moments" on this trip as well!

Elaine AKA Gigi: My mother.. she has also been to WDW 2 other times ( with Noah and I). She was a great help with the 3 younger kiddo's and she fully enjoyed her time at Disney with us. She did NOT like the heat ( but then again which one of us did???)

So there's the cast of this mighty adventure.. coming up.. the "pre disney" part of the trip!


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Pop Pictures part 2






We took the kids to the playground..

At this point Ziah started not feeling good. The 2 weeks of run run run had finally caught up to my last kiddo. So off we went for an early bedtime. The next day was my birthday and we had breakfast with Pooh waiting!



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Our last day..

Our last day just happened to be my 36th birthday. We woke up.. got ready. Ziah was still not feeling great. She wasn't "sick" so much as just completely worn out from the heat and 2 weeks of "vacation".

We heard from the Warners.. they were very close to home.. Irene was destroying area's near our county.. 4 months later there is still a lot of damage.. it's sad.

We headed off to the Magic Kingdom.. we rented Ziah a stroller so she could just chill.

After we got the stroller we walked into one of the shows.. we watched it for awhile..


Since I was fairly certain we wouldn't be staying in the park much past our breakfast, I opted to go grab FP's for Splash. On the way we stopped for more pin trading. Declan was desperately searching for the elusive yellow puffle!



After we got the FP's we decided to ride Pirates.. Ziah just wanted to sit in the stroller so we all took turns.



After a few rides on that we went on Aladdin.. again Ziah just wanted to stay in the stroller.. poor thing.




We wandered around a bit as we slowly headed for our early lunch. Declan was getting very down that we would be leaving soon and he still hadn't found the last puffle he needed for his collection. As we came upon some stores I decided to make some magic of my own. I ran ahead and bought the entire puffle collection and took the yellow one off the cardboard. Next I went into the Christmas store.. using the pretense I didn't want the kids in there due to the breakables!

I found 3 very nice CM's and asked one ( a very nice young man) if they could help. Of course they were so nice and said of course. The young man put the yellow puffle on his lanyard. I went out and told Declan there was a bunch of CM's with lanyards so go in and trade. He goes in, goes to one CM and does a trade then goes over to the one I gave the pin to and FLIPPED out. He was so excited.. tears people..tears. He traded his pin and got the one he had been after for DAYS!

As we left another CM ran out and slipped me back the pin he had traded ..talk about honest and sweet! I was so happy for my kiddo.. sometimes you have to help the magic along!

We headed over to The Crystal Palace and met up with the Sweener Clan...

Up next.. the worst meal for me.. ugh..


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The Crystal Palace and home..

This was the one meal I was looking forward to the most.I adore Pooh.. i loved this place 10 years before. We got checked in and sat. We had a very nice waitress.. she mentioned my allergy and said the chef would be right out.. sigh..not so.

Ziah was perked up by now.. food and rest are wondrous things. The characters started their rounds..




everyone was eating..but me..no chef still..




Still no chef..



They get dessert and I finally get to eat.. I was not happy.. oh well..



After we all got done the sweener left.. they had decided to head home early. We were still not sure if my mom, Noah and krazy girl..I mean Kate's flight was going to be all set for the next day.

Eric took everyone back to the resort because Ziah was back not feeling great. My mom, Declan and I went to ride Splash Mountain. Sadly once we were off we said goodbye to The Magic Kingdom.

So much earlier than I had planned..but my kiddo comes first.. and she wasn't feeling great and needed her mama!

We spent the afternoon packing and my mother and Noah went and got their boarding passes and spoke to the airline. Their flight was good to go.

The Warners arrived home.. lots of delays, the Sweeners got off on their trek home. They never did find their wallet. About 5 weeks after we got home it came in the mail .. minus the $200 in cash they had in it.

The next morning we walked everyone to Magical Express at 5:45am.. there was a bus waiting and my mom , Noah and Kate were off.We hopped in the car and began what would be a 24 hour trek home!

On the way we say 4 accidents.. 2 that happened in the first 30 minutes out of WDW..one only a car in front of us.. thank goodness my husband can drive..well!

We saw utility truck convoys, tree damage and such. We had to change our route not once but twice due to roads closed in NY.. it took us about 3 hours longer than it should have to get home because of it.

We had an amazing trip, even with little bumps and issues.. I can't wait to go back..without a crazy tag along though!


New Member
Ok guessing no one is reading..that's ok.. i'm still going to finish this up..

After Club Cool we headed off to do more Kim Possible.. Declan truly loved doing these missions!


The original plan was all the kids were going to take part in this.. I'd get a few minutes of peace.

On the way to our mission Taejan required food:

Ziah played some hopscotch :

Mission accepted and off the went..


Taejan lasted exactly 1.5 minutes..lol.. then he was done..so Eric and the other 2 took off and Taejan and I went character hunting:

And we lucked out



Then as we continued we saw that it was almost time for Aladdin and Jasmine..so i called Eric.. Ziah VERY quickly left the KP mission and joined us, Since it looked like rain the CM walked those of us in line to the inside area.

To Be Continued

I've been waiting for an update. Still reading and enjoying it very much. The pictures are great.


Active Member
I have just spent a few hours reading your trip report. I enjoyed it very much! I hope you guys get to come back soon! Thank you for posting it !


Well-Known Member
I loved your report too! I'd say I'm not the only one 18,000 views!

Loved the writing on some of the pictures - like the 'same barber' one. You have a great sense of humor! So glad you made it back safe and sound!


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I have just spent a few hours reading your trip report. I enjoyed it very much! I hope you guys get to come back soon! Thank you for posting it !

Thank u! We are planning another trip within the next 15 months.. all depends on Disney discounts..lol.. will be starting a PTR soon.


Well-Known Member
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I loved your report too! I'd say I'm not the only one 18,000 views!

Loved the writing on some of the pictures - like the 'same barber' one. You have a great sense of humor! So glad you made it back safe and sound!

hee hee.. yeah true. I try to keep things real and see things as fun not bad..kwim?


I saw your PTR for your upcoming trip SO EXCITING!!!! and needed to come read this. I laughed and really enjoyed reading it. Looking forward to your next one!


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So to all the readers of this trip report.. Noah and Piff are still together ( over 5 months) Krazy Kate is bye bye bye..and very soon I will have some exciting news on my PTR..so if you are bored.. go visit and subscribe..lol


Active Member
I just spent the last few hours going through your TR; I found it after looking at your PTR. I"m glad to you had such a great time.

I'm glad you had easy trips to and from MA. I live in central MA and I couldn't imagine driving to Disney.


Well-Known Member
Loved reading this! I was so sad that it was over when I finished reading, but now I get to read your PTR! You have a wonderful family :)

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