Poncho's, Poncho's everywhere..and let's not forget the itchy feet too! An August TR

Ponchos, Ponchos everywhere Updated 11/16

Welcome Welcome to my August 2011 trip Report... be warned.. U will get wet..you may even get soaked.. so grab your poncho and join us! ( read the Pre-Trip report here)

Trip dates: August 18-29 2011. Room only on August 18th, Free dining from 8/19-8/29

Resort~ Pop Century..my first time at a Value.. 2 rooms

Who? Well lets see we have:

ME: Alison..I turned 36 while in Disney. I have been a Disney fan my whole life. I could live in Disney. I made 2 Disney trips in 19 months in 1999 and 2000 then I shelved my Disney World dreams when I met my now husband and we had 3 kids in 3 years.Fast forward 10+ years and we were finally ready and able to take the plunge and take the 4 kids! I homeschool 3 of the 4 kids ( the oldest is graduated) plus I work a day job doing office type work for the family business and I bartend 2-4 nights a week at my best friends nightclub.

Eric: 39.. a now reformed Disney Skeptic. He was not thrilled with this trip in the planning and paying stage.. and even up til the we arrived stage. He only had 6 Flags to picture in his head what Disney might be like. Well let's just say if I had a nickel for each time he said "this place is awesome"( which was almost the trip report title BTW)..well I could buy us all AP's and go back again this year!

Noah: Turned 17 on this trip. Has been to WDW twice before..once at 4.5 and once at almost 6.5 ( for Christmas no less).. he was above all the most excited for this trip aside from myself.. he knew what to expect and he was giddy like a 6 year old school girl any time you mentioned the trip. Noah is currently a "sandwich artist" at Subway while he decide's what's next in his life! warning prone to extreme teenage mood swings!

Kate: 16.. Noah's girlfriend. nice girl.. but let's just say no girlfriends/boyfriends will ever be invited again!

Declan: 9.5 going on 90.. we always say he's an Old man trapped in a kids body. He was the kiddo I was most worried about at Disney as he has a tendency to suck the fun out of things. Declan tends to overthink, over worry and over control things. He's a fab kid, smarter than any 9.5 year old should be and is a great athlete. He was super excited to go to Disney but due to his issues with the unknown he had a giant knot in his tummy too!

Jadziah: 7 almost 8.. she is by far my most even tempered kiddo. She was giddy and unworried about the trip. She required a disney shirt for each day we were there and yes..she got them..lol hey it pays to be the only girl outta 4 kids right? ( oh JahD Zee Uh like in Star Trek Deep Space nine.. yes I named my daughter after a character in a TV show..I'm a star trek nut and proud of it)

Taejan: 5 almost 6 ( as in he turns 6 a mere 3 days after we left Disney). There are few words to accurately describe Taejan ( Tay-Gin we made this one up). He has the best personality, is beyond outgoing.. vocal and full of love and life.. he's also a putz.. a VERY small but BIg putz.. no is just a word he laughs at.. he made the trip very stressful at times..but oh well..such is life. he also was the catalyst for many of the great "awwwww moments" on this trip as well!

Elaine AKA Gigi: My mother.. she has also been to WDW 2 other times ( with Noah and I). She was a great help with the 3 younger kiddo's and she fully enjoyed her time at Disney with us. She did NOT like the heat ( but then again which one of us did???)

So there's the cast of this mighty adventure.. coming up.. the "pre disney" part of the trip!


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Doesn't it sometimes seem like people on scooters feel they rule the world.... *sigh* and not just WDW, but all over the place. I was at a fair here near my house on Saturday and a woman in a scooter and a man walking were behind us and my sister and I were walking ata fairly quick pace. Well, the woman didn't seem to think so and she goes "Beep beep!!" I stopped dead in my tracks, turned around and said "Don't beep beep at me. If I'm walking too slow, go around me!!!!!!" I tried not to be rude but I was so aggrivated that she had the nerve to say beep beep to me.... ugh!!

Sorry you guys had such a troublesome exit out of AK :(


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Doesn't it sometimes seem like people on scooters feel they rule the world.... *sigh* and not just WDW, but all over the place. I was at a fair here near my house on Saturday and a woman in a scooter and a man walking were behind us and my sister and I were walking ata fairly quick pace. Well, the woman didn't seem to think so and she goes "Beep beep!!" I stopped dead in my tracks, turned around and said "Don't beep beep at me. If I'm walking too slow, go around me!!!!!!" I tried not to be rude but I was so aggrivated that she had the nerve to say beep beep to me.... ugh!!

Sorry you guys had such a troublesome exit out of AK :(

I find people can just be rude in general.. I try to ignore it for the most part. We were at a local sgtreet fair 2 years ago and a lady in a scooter didn't even say excuse me she just blew her horn and made the crowd part.. was ridiculous.. I dead stopped and told her she was a rude piece of work and her scooter did not give her the right to act like an !


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Disney Day 10.. Epcot again!

Saturday August 27th was another "free" day.. our ADR was for a monorail resort so we could go to Epcot or Mk.. the kids picked Epcot. We got up and at it rather early.. the early night the night before was def making the early morning easy.

Oh wait... A dear online friend who lives in FL and has passes had been planning to meet up with me since I told her about this trip. They were currently at All Star Sports and were going to head to Epcot to meet us!!

I took a few pictures on the way to Epcot:

During the whole stay they had been repainting the giant POP signs over the bus stops:


Taejan had gotten Simba for surviving the scooter attack the day before in AK and Simba , of course, joined us!

We got thru bag check and the turnstiles fairly easily..



Our ONLY Mission today was to finally ride Test Track..so far we had gotten 2 sets of FP's and not ridden it yet.. grrr.. on the way this CM was having a pass with Declan..

Score..another set of FP's for Test Track... so ..do you think we used these ones?? NOPE...but did we ride TT?? You shall see..



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Test track..maybe

So , we grabbed some fast passes then saw the line was only about 20 min long so we decided to just hop in.

We meander our way thru the line and get to where they put us in front of a pre show door and bam.. the ride shuts down.. grr. A bunch of people decided to just get their fast passes back and not wait. We opted to wait. Was a good 20 minutes before we heard the cars start up again. Then we got shuffled into a pre-show room and pretty much shuffled right thru.. saw about 30 seconds of the movie..lol.

The ride was great.. honestly a little more umph than I remembered.. amazing what 10.5 years can do to my memories of rides..lol. Let's see.. Eric and I loved it.. my mother endured it.. Taejan was inbetween loving it and hating it, Ziah mostly loved it and Declan spent the entire ride screaming and/or in tears.. his face in this picture will forever make me laugh..sorry.. I am just that mean of a mother!



Up next..Mission Space.. I took Ziah because Eric, Taejan and Declan are wimps.. of course We did the green side because I am also a wimp..just apparently not as much as the rest of the family!

Once we got done Eric and Declan manned up and went on it too...I guess Ziah and my smack talk finally got to the wimps...lol.. we lingered and took pictures, had a snack etc:

I took taejan to the bathroom..

We got back and Eric and Declan still werent back..wth? My mom had tried to buy the kids popcorn and soda's but the cart wasn't working right..so the CM's ended up giving her the food..love that little pixie dust! Unfortunetly that snack did NOT stop the Taejan monster from making an appearance..

See him? cute right? well he's slowly pushing the stroller further and further from us. Now this is when the fact he got lost on day 3 comes in handy. He will only go so far from us.. to say that incident scared him would be an understatement!

Little Further:

About this time Noah and Kate showed up..they had done Orange and when they exited I spotted them and made them come pretend they were part of the group!


and right after that Taejan ditched the stroller in his epic need to be a putz!

I also had been getting texts from Jamie about where they were.. currently they were on a bus heading to Epcot..finally!

We were about to go waste a good 45 minutes of our lives... if only I could have that time back.,.i'd ride test track again!


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I'm so glad Taejan wasn't hurt too bad when he got ran over. I can't beleive how rude people are. It's great you were finally able to ride TT.

Ditto on both counts.. people never cease to amaze me.. I try very hard to teach my children to be polite respectful humans...too bad other people can't be this way.

I wish we had gotten to ride a few more times.. always next trip right?


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Real Life Update

I know it's been awhile since I updated the TR...life has been..crazy.

I have 3 kids dancing plus 3 kids in Nutcracker..so that's 3 dance classes on Monday's and 3 rehearsals all at different times on the Saturday. This is our 12th year with Nutcracker. Noah did it from 6-15 , touring with them a few years. He played a Party Child and then Fritz. Declan is a party child again this year, Jadziah is a clown and Taejan a mini mouse!

Then I have one playing soccer..so that's one weekday practice and 1 Saturday game every week. The Saturday games are killers because we usually have to be there at 8:30.. did I mention i work until 2:30am?? yawn...

Now Basketball is starting up..Declan is in week 2 of twice a week clinics and Ziah and Taejan start on the 29th.. Ziah's birthday is the 28th..plus my "day job" and schooling the kids.. life is crazy. Oh and of course Taxi service for the teen!

Now, because I needed this, I threw out my back..good times people..good times!


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They look great!!!! Does everyone love all the October snow you all got???? :hammer: I am sure that white stuff is adding to all your fun......:eek:


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Yeah we got about 24 inches.. My daugher's birthday was Friday..apparently she wished for snow..LOL.. it is going to make Trick or Treat very interesting tonight!


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2 FEET of snow ...YIKES!!!
Your kids look adorable.
Love the Rapunzel costume.
Hope they have fun tonight :wave:


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Sorry about all the snow you guys got! I hope you didn't lose power though! Luckily, we were spared here in Southeastern MA and only had some on the grass and the car..hope everyone had a safe Halloween!


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We got quite a bit of snow up here in Maine too. I thought itwould make going out Saturday night a bit tricky and tht maybe not a lot of people would be out but the Halloween party I went to was packed! And we had more trick or treaters last night than we did last year.. and last year we had no snow! Very bizarre!

Hope your kiddos had a fun time!! :wave:


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30+ minutes of my life I want back!

yes ladies ( and gents?) I am back..I can't believe it's been almost a month since I posted an update. Life is crazy..plus I don't want this report over.. makes it too real that the trip is over. ( I am anxiously waiting to see if the off free dining soon for fall.. we may book and pray)..

So where did I last leave u? Oh yes outside of Mission Space.. Taejan was in full monster mode...the teens were with us.

After everyone rode we split up again..no idea where the teens went.. we headed to The Universe of Energy:

Funny thing is I have never done this.. it was just one that even after 2 previous trip of 24 days in WDW had never made it on my "done" list. I kinda wish it had stayed that way!

We must have gotten there JUST as the wait began...long time in that dark waiting room:



This was probably the longest most boring 30+ish minutes ever. This "experience" could be so much more than it is.. instead I wanted someone to shoot me.. sorry..

After this we met up with Jamie and 2 of her 4 plus some of her extended family. Jamie and I have "known" each other online for like 10 years.. so it was very excited to finally meet!


The 2 kids that started it all ( we met on a message board while trying to conceive these kids):

AFter this we headed off to Club Cool for a drink.



We all felt better after some hydration and sugar in us! Taejan was in a much better mood too!

UP Next? World Showcase..


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More Kim Possible

Ok guessing no one is reading..that's ok.. i'm still going to finish this up..

After Club Cool we headed off to do more Kim Possible.. Declan truly loved doing these missions!


The original plan was all the kids were going to take part in this.. I'd get a few minutes of peace.

On the way to our mission Taejan required food:

Ziah played some hopscotch :

Mission accepted and off the went..


Taejan lasted exactly 1.5 minutes..lol.. then he was done..so Eric and the other 2 took off and Taejan and I went character hunting:

And we lucked out



Then as we continued we saw that it was almost time for Aladdin and Jasmine..so i called Eric.. Ziah VERY quickly left the KP mission and joined us, Since it looked like rain the CM walked those of us in line to the inside area.

To Be Continued


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Jasmine and Aladdin time

So Taejan, Ziah and myself had all been walked to the indoor meeting area for Jasmine and Aladdin..we were only 2nd or 3rd in line..it was great!


We had the best Jasmine and Aladdin..they took so much time talking and interacting with the kids..it was great!





Oh and before we move along.. I must share our test track picture.. Declan face just makes me giggle..he was def thinking he was gonna die on that ride!


Up next..back to Kim Possible Mission time!

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