Poncho's, Poncho's everywhere..and let's not forget the itchy feet too! An August TR

Ponchos, Ponchos everywhere Updated 11/16

Welcome Welcome to my August 2011 trip Report... be warned.. U will get wet..you may even get soaked.. so grab your poncho and join us! ( read the Pre-Trip report here)

Trip dates: August 18-29 2011. Room only on August 18th, Free dining from 8/19-8/29

Resort~ Pop Century..my first time at a Value.. 2 rooms

Who? Well lets see we have:

ME: Alison..I turned 36 while in Disney. I have been a Disney fan my whole life. I could live in Disney. I made 2 Disney trips in 19 months in 1999 and 2000 then I shelved my Disney World dreams when I met my now husband and we had 3 kids in 3 years.Fast forward 10+ years and we were finally ready and able to take the plunge and take the 4 kids! I homeschool 3 of the 4 kids ( the oldest is graduated) plus I work a day job doing office type work for the family business and I bartend 2-4 nights a week at my best friends nightclub.

Eric: 39.. a now reformed Disney Skeptic. He was not thrilled with this trip in the planning and paying stage.. and even up til the we arrived stage. He only had 6 Flags to picture in his head what Disney might be like. Well let's just say if I had a nickel for each time he said "this place is awesome"( which was almost the trip report title BTW)..well I could buy us all AP's and go back again this year!

Noah: Turned 17 on this trip. Has been to WDW twice before..once at 4.5 and once at almost 6.5 ( for Christmas no less).. he was above all the most excited for this trip aside from myself.. he knew what to expect and he was giddy like a 6 year old school girl any time you mentioned the trip. Noah is currently a "sandwich artist" at Subway while he decide's what's next in his life! warning prone to extreme teenage mood swings!

Kate: 16.. Noah's girlfriend. nice girl.. but let's just say no girlfriends/boyfriends will ever be invited again!

Declan: 9.5 going on 90.. we always say he's an Old man trapped in a kids body. He was the kiddo I was most worried about at Disney as he has a tendency to suck the fun out of things. Declan tends to overthink, over worry and over control things. He's a fab kid, smarter than any 9.5 year old should be and is a great athlete. He was super excited to go to Disney but due to his issues with the unknown he had a giant knot in his tummy too!

Jadziah: 7 almost 8.. she is by far my most even tempered kiddo. She was giddy and unworried about the trip. She required a disney shirt for each day we were there and yes..she got them..lol hey it pays to be the only girl outta 4 kids right? ( oh JahD Zee Uh like in Star Trek Deep Space nine.. yes I named my daughter after a character in a TV show..I'm a star trek nut and proud of it)

Taejan: 5 almost 6 ( as in he turns 6 a mere 3 days after we left Disney). There are few words to accurately describe Taejan ( Tay-Gin we made this one up). He has the best personality, is beyond outgoing.. vocal and full of love and life.. he's also a putz.. a VERY small but BIg putz.. no is just a word he laughs at.. he made the trip very stressful at times..but oh well..such is life. he also was the catalyst for many of the great "awwwww moments" on this trip as well!

Elaine AKA Gigi: My mother.. she has also been to WDW 2 other times ( with Noah and I). She was a great help with the 3 younger kiddo's and she fully enjoyed her time at Disney with us. She did NOT like the heat ( but then again which one of us did???)

So there's the cast of this mighty adventure.. coming up.. the "pre disney" part of the trip!


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Such an adorable picture!


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Back to Kim Possible

After we met Jasmine and Aladdin , we headed off to find Eric and Declan. They had finished one KP mission and started another. It was one Declan had already done but he was super exited to show us it.. so off we went to Japan!







The mission was great and Declan loved showing it off to us. After the Mission we had some time before our meal ADR and we just wandered around..


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Say it isn't so... the ponchos come out..AGAIN...

After KP we just wandered thru WS. We had time before we needed to hit the monorail to our dinner..and no real agenda.. At home all my friends were preparing for Irene to hit. We were worrying about the Warner's who were driving home and basically following Irene up the coast. It was a surreal afternoon.





We ended up doing Mission Space again.. we allowed the kids to play a bit in the area after the ride. Declan found a cell phone..so we turned that in. My mother had stayed outside with the stroller.. and Noah and kate were..well no idea at this point.

We went to exit and there was a wall of people and water. The weather had gotten bad. I'm not talking normal August rain either.. this stuff was blowing and it was raining sideways. We popped on ponchos, put Taejan in the stroller and headed out. I talked to Noah and Kate and they were going to meet me at the store ( mouse gears?) in Innoventions. We headed over and it was actually FLOODED in the space between the store and the Electric Umbrella.. it was raining that bad!

I met up with Noah and Kate..bought them the shirts they wanted. When the 3 of us came out Taejan was crying..hard. He had gotten made, threw a fit ( My child is just lovely...anyone want to buy him??) and ended up hurting himself..good times people..good times!

The 8 of us headed..fast to the monorail. We boarded..and it didn't move..for a good 15 minutes. By the time we got moving Taejan had actually fallen asleep.. it was perfect and MUCH needed! I called Melissa and she was already at the Grand Floridian and it was only sprinkling there.

up next...Taejan's dream comes true!


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LOL.. I am really hoping to finish it today or tomorrow.. ready to be done with it. I am on to planning the next trip!

I am working on 2 trips right now!! Oldest DD is doing the college program, has to be down there 4/9 - early August so I am going to go visit either mothers day weekend or last part of June for a long weekend and the second trip will be our family vacation for Chirstmas. THis trip is booked and only 399 days to go! Getting her cast member discounts is what will afford me both of these trips in one year!!!! :sohappy:

Happy planning to you and I hope you see the discounts you are looking for so this will happpen!!!


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I am working on 2 trips right now!! Oldest DD is doing the college program, has to be down there 4/9 - early August so I am going to go visit either mothers day weekend or last part of June for a long weekend and the second trip will be our family vacation for Chirstmas. THis trip is booked and only 399 days to go! Getting her cast member discounts is what will afford me both of these trips in one year!!!! :sohappy:

Happy planning to you and I hope you see the discounts you are looking for so this will happpen!!!

I just want ONE more trip before my oldest leaves the nest. We decided we are going ( if we can scrounge the money) no matter what.. if they don't offer free dining then we just don't do any sit down meals! As of now we are planning 9/19-29


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I just want ONE more trip before my oldest leaves the nest. We decided we are going ( if we can scrounge the money) no matter what.. if they don't offer free dining then we just don't do any sit down meals! As of now we are planning 9/19-29

That will be a really good time!! Not quite so HOT..and even less people...oh not so much from what we have been reading in trip reports. But all done up for Halloween. And you all will have to do a MNSSHP!!! Your kids will love that!!!


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That will be a really good time!! Not quite so HOT..and even less people...oh not so much from what we have been reading in trip reports. But all done up for Halloween. And you all will have to do a MNSSHP!!! Your kids will love that!!!

That's the hope.. I can adjust dates IF free dinning comes out..a major plus of homeschooling! Now we just wait and see..lol


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Pluto is not signing the book.. he is writing "it's easier if the kids sit down until we get to the table"

Great trip report. I can't imagine traveling with such a brood!

If "Pluto" wrote something like that in my kid's autograph book, I would be having a discussion with a supervisor. I don't care how the kids are behaving, that's uncalled for.


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And then we entered the TSMM queue. Now this is about when I should tell you we have a buddy system. One adult per "small" child.It was supposed to be me/Taejan My mom/Ziah and Eric with Declan because Declan can handle himself and Eric doesn't watch the kids well. ( he lost Taejan in our yard once when he was 18 months old and I found him almost in the VERY busy road I live on!)
Well Taejan wanted his daddy and I foolishly allowed it. So I had Ziah, my mom had Declan and Eric was supposed to have Taejan..yes supposed to. We got in the queue... got handed a little red card for the wait time thingy.. and talked then I said "WHERE" is Taejan?? OMg my heart sunk.. Taejan was NOT with us.. Taejan was NOT in the queue..Eric did NOT have my son.

To say my heart jumped into my throat would be an understatement. I was nearly instantly in tears because we had been in the queue for a good 3 minutes already. Eric didn't even budge ( reaction time is not his strong suit)..Noah and I bolted out of the queue.. finally Eric followed... Noah and I went one way Eric another and THANK GOD Eric found him up near the FP machines.

Poor kiddo was a wreck.. he was so upset and crying and I wanted to slaughter my husband. From then on Taejan was MY buddy no if's and's or but's! He spent most of the 35 minute wait for TSMM very upset..

I am not exaggerating in the least when I say my wife would kill me. Kill me dead. On the spot. She was ready to kill me when it rained. Me losing a kid and then not immediately scouring the park - dead.

Of course, she'd have killed me long ago if I lost track of an 18 month old in our yard. I'd be in trouble if that happened in a dream.

Your husband is a lucky man.


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Taejan's dream comes true..

We got ourselves via Monorail to 1900 Park Fare..rather early thanks to the rain. Oh and yet another set of test track fast passes we never used..LOL.. those are home with us now as souvenirs..

We met up with the Sweener clan..and waited








We got checked in..and our pictures done..

then off we went to be seated!



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I am not exaggerating in the least when I say my wife would kill me. Kill me dead. On the spot. She was ready to kill me when it rained. Me losing a kid and then not immediately scouring the park - dead.

Of course, she'd have killed me long ago if I lost track of an 18 month old in our yard. I'd be in trouble if that happened in a dream.

Your husband is a lucky man.

I wont lie..i wanted ti kill him dead..but all that does is leave me even more outnumbered by the little rascals.. he will NEVER live it down..I am pretty sure i remind him of it daily..LOL..


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1900 Park Fare

After our group picture we headed in and got sat at 2 tables right in the center of the restaurant. The Chef came out right away and walked me thru the buffet. Because all the meat was marinated in something with gluten he cooked me up a fabulous steak..yes I felt special..lol.

We got food and before long it was time for the Characters to make their entrances:



Lady Tremaine asked Noah if he swam too much and was that why his hair was greenish.. was so amusing!

The stepsisters loved the hair and they LOVED Ziah because she flat out told them she HATES princesses..so needless to say to anyone that has been to this meal..it became a very big deal with shouting across the room at each other.Pretty sure I haven't laughed that hard ever!



more coming..


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Taejan's dream comes true..

next up was the dancing.. since we were right smack where Cinderella and her Prince dance we had great "seats" for it....


The the Prince asked Piff to dance:

And Cinderella asked Taejan.. oh my how my boys face lit up..




Right about now Declan ran and hid behind my mom. See Piff and the Prince were done dancing and Declan was terrified that because of his hair the Prince would ask HIM to dance..LOL..

Taejan and Cinderella were now done dancing and she kissed his little forehead. He was a big ball of mush and is saying to me in this picture " My dream came true...mom my dream came true"..


Now we just have silliness..Miss Ziah refused to dance with the Prince so they moved along.. and the boys got silly:


We finished our meal and decided to call it a night.. we headed back to Magic Kingdom and then from there back to Pop.



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Pop Pictures

Once we made it back to the Magic Kingdom Via the Monorail we hopped on a bus and got back to Pop while it was still very light out. We decided it was a good time to walk around, explore and take some pictures.



First we stopped back at the room to unload all our stuff.. this is the scene we found.. I simply adore Mousekeeping..


Oh and my daughter..the fashion diva.. was rocking the socks with crocs.. I was tempted to pretend I didn't know her..lol






More replanting.. the upkeep at Pop was very impressive..

More pics up next

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