I am definitely a planner. I have my itinerary all done, dining reservations made, touring plans printed, menus for restaurants printed, crowd calendar index printed (which I update once a month), and airline reservations booked.
Everyone thinks I am crazy but all of this planning makes it easy for me while on vacation, especially the touring plans. I never have to wonder where I am going or what I will be doing since it is all planned out. However, this vacation, March 3-11, 2011, will be a little more relaxed. Yes, the itinerary is all done as stated above but I plan to spend two days each in Magic Kingdom and Epcot. I ran my 60-something year old mother as well as my 40-something year old sister and teenage nephew ragged two years ago and I decided to take it easy on this trip since it will be just mom and I. She is so looking forward to the trip because she will not have to make any decisions and she knows she won't miss a thing due to the planning I do.