Premium Member
Because as is the Grand Fiesta tour isn't selling anyone on a Disney vacation nor a visit to Epcot. Changing the attraction to Coco however would be cheaper than building a new ride which is RIGHT up TDO's alley. It would infuse the pavilion with an IP that could sell more merch (as again there is 0 to none for the caballero's in the pavilion) which is also in their m.o. Long story short Coco over taking the caballero's works on every level. A no brainer if you would.
Do you honestly think any one ride could sell a vacation anymore? It's too expensive now...we crossed the rubicon on that concept. That was the Tatum/Walker/Eisner reality.
I do agree that coco is a much better cultural fit than I like the idea.
But it wouldn't be a high priority for me - cause I'm sure I'd run things eventually - i would be really eager to get a pavillion back in imagination...
...after the proposed changes announced this year that is still the biggest hole in the lineup.
I've always preached - cause it's true - that the product is everything. That's where the profits are made and why it's an operational gold mine.
But the product has sucked for going on 20 years...and I'm not sure gift shops dictate moves as much as they used to.
How much coco crap are you gonna sell?
To the American market? Not much...because most of the wdw core demographics will have a short attention span for this matter how good it is...and I'm itching to see it this weekend.