News Pirates of the Caribbean closing for refurbishment in February for new auction scene


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the time-traveling implication arguably present in the Disneyland version has never applied to the Florida version, where you hear cannonfire still erupting outdoors as you enter the fortress show building. The first thing you see when you sit down in your boat is a pirate ship off in the horizon. Not to mention that there's all kinds of pirate-y stuff going on outside in Adventureland- in the past the pirate Barker bird and now the Jack Sparrow Show and Magic Band scavenger quest. Guests are to understand that everything in the ride is contemporary to the world outside the ride.

To be fair, the time travel story has always been muddled, at best. The addition of "modern sensibilities" and Jack Sparrow have taken a weird narrative and made it completely broken and unintelligible. The Florida version was always cursed and/or dead pirates with their treasure, "time travel drop", chronological attack on city, from guns blazing, to rampaging, to city burning, to treasure room...rinse repeat.

With Jack Sparrow, we get cursed pirates, drop, attack looking for jack sparrow, pillaging, Jack is in the room with the cursed treasure. So the curse is now absent, yet we still have cursed pirates. We have the pirates looking for a treasure map and Sparrow, but they don't really seem to care about that, because they just rob everyone. Jack pops up and gets the treasure by outsmarting the pirates...but we never see him outsmarting them, beyond hiding and we never see the pirates getting their due, except for a few in a jail cell.

That's my major issue is that Jack wrecked the story and the changes have made the already confusing mess into a "series of scenes" that have very little narrative continuity.


Well-Known Member
To be fair, the time travel story has always been muddled, at best. The addition of "modern sensibilities" and Jack Sparrow have taken a weird narrative and made it completely broken and unintelligible. The Florida version was always cursed and/or dead pirates with their treasure, "time travel drop", chronological attack on city, from guns blazing, to rampaging, to city burning, to treasure room...rinse repeat.

With Jack Sparrow, we get cursed pirates, drop, attack looking for jack sparrow, pillaging, Jack is in the room with the cursed treasure. So the curse is now absent, yet we still have cursed pirates. We have the pirates looking for a treasure map and Sparrow, but they don't really seem to care about that, because they just rob everyone. Jack pops up and gets the treasure by outsmarting the pirates...but we never see him outsmarting them, beyond hiding and we never see the pirates getting their due, except for a few in a jail cell.

That's my major issue is that Jack wrecked the story and the changes have made the already confusing mess into a "series of scenes" that have very little narrative continuity.
See, my interpretation of the Florida ride, original, post-sparrow, and current, is that there never was any time travel. Even before we get in the boats the fort is currently under attack by pirates- we can hear the Spanish garrison sounding the bugle and preparing to repulse them. So, the skeletons we see in the caves (and the jail cells) have only been dead for a few years at best, because other pirates are still active.

Also, I've never seen the scenes in the village as a hard chronological progression, because all of the characters we see are unique. The idea that part of the town is being bombarded by the Wicked Wench while part is being ransacked works fine. Even with Jack Sparrow in the mix it still kind of works, as he could be darting from place to place just ahead of the riders. Either interpretation is valid.

Prince Thomas

Well-Known Member
I'ma just leave a thought here.... they got rid of the scene with buying a bride cuz its not PC. But instead lets put a gun in the womans hands....thats a smart move. With all the school shootings was that a smarter move to be PC.

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
See, my interpretation of the Florida ride, original, post-sparrow, and current, is that there never was any time travel. Even before we get in the boats the fort is currently under attack by pirates- we can hear the Spanish garrison sounding the bugle and preparing to repulse them. So, the skeletons we see in the caves (and the jail cells) have only been dead for a few years at best, because other pirates are still active.

Also, I've never seen the scenes in the village as a hard chronological progression, because all of the characters we see are unique. The idea that part of the town is being bombarded by the Wicked Wench while part is being ransacked works fine. Even with Jack Sparrow in the mix it still kind of works, as he could be darting from place to place just ahead of the riders. Either interpretation is valid.

Correct. Florida's was never meant to have time travel elements. You enter a fort under siege, board a boat to escape the siege, wind through caverns full of dead pirate skeletons, and wind up in the town in the middle of the siege.

Tim Lohr

Well-Known Member
At the rate the PC B.S. is going I give it 10-15 years before the ride is basically unrecognizable. Take away the guns, take away the alcohol, even change the Spanish lady from the window that yells " Carlos don't be chicken" because it's a stereotype of Spanish accents (my Peruvian wife loves that scene). It's ridiculous the rate it's going.

I just don't get why TDO thought it was ok to leave the Wench Bride scene for 20 years after changing the men chasing the women around scene... confused on that one.
I think the main problem with the ride today is that the additions of the movie stuff has diminished the goofy-lighthearted tone of the original... It used to be that you didn't know what to expect when you entered it. The queue in Florida had a kind of "ominous" feeling, as did the caves full of skeletons, and then you were dropped down a waterfall into a sea battle with cannon fire all around you, but the captain of the ship has this crazy dialogue about "bloomin' cockroaches", which was a little odd. You round the corner to the scene with the Well, where the pirates are dunking the Mayor because he won't tell them where the towns rum is hidden, which is funny, even funnier with the "don't be chicken" line. Then the Auction then scene came across as even more "ridiculous" than the scene with the Mayor in the Well... if you thought you were in for a serious scary ride about pirates when you entered, the Auction was clearly the point were you realized the ride was a comedy/parody/farce... not something to be taken "literally", and part of the fun of the ride was the way it slowly transitioned from "ominous" to "ridiculous"

But now since they've imposed this literal narrative about Jack Sparrow on the ride, I don't think it's as lighthearted as it used to be. Now you go down the water fall and Barbossa is talking about Jack Sparrow, the pirate at the Well is dunking the Mayor because he won't tell them were Jack Sparrow is, which isn't so funny anymore. When you finally see Jack Sparrow he's hiding because he's afraid what the pirates are going to do him, which was then followed by the Auction, a bunch of women tied up by the same pirates Jack Sparrow is afraid of. The auction scene didn't fit this new narrative because they'd gone from each scene being these unrelated, "cocktail party" type conversations, to this new linear story about Jack Sparrow. The Auction itself was the same scene, but it had a more "mean spirited" context because of what lead up to it. For people who weren't familiar with the ride before the films, the whole thing is probably a bit more ominous, I found it more ominous. Disney probably didn't want to touch the original auction initially because it was this classic moment in the "original" ride, but they didn't seem to consider how all the new movie material they shoe horned in as cheaply as possible, would affect people's perception of the original scenes in the ride.

I like the films and I like seeing the film characters in the ride, but I miss the experience of the original ride. I think Paul Frees' delivery of the dialogue took the edge off the content, that's also why he's so good as the Ghost Host, his performance of the lines gives the dark subject matter you're seeing a lighter, comedic quality. I wish the would replace the original boat captain in the beginning, and give him and the pirate beck the original Paul Frees audio. I think they should have Barbossa and Jack Sparrow "sword fighting figures" on top the fortress in the beginning above the cannons firing (where DL has a video projection of 2 pirate shadows sword fighting). I think that'd be a much better way to introduce the 2 charters in the ride, and if they had some little "cocktail party" witty banter during the sword fighting, like they do in the films, it could co-exist with the original ride, or "add to" the original ride without "replacing" and disrupting the original ride. There seems to be a "chain reaction" "domino" effect, every time the change some aspect of the original ride it throws to flow of the whole thing out of whack, eventually I think you're right, it won't be recognizable, if they don't stop tinkering with the ride to promote movies the public seems to be losing interest in.

Kram Sacul

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I am usually in the same spot as you...but I don't think this is a small change- regardless of the change, it changes the feel of the ride- a small change was changing some of the dialog in the first scene with the Mayor but keeping everything else intact. This they changes most characters, all dialog and story...

I think what most (including me) are mad about is not the fact they changed it, but HOW they changed it...if it were done correctly, it could have been received much better. Example: TOT in Disneyland- such an uproar when they mentioned GotG...after it opened, a lot of people changed their tune because it was done well.

Eh, not really. It’s still an eyesore on the outside and the actual ride is a chaotic mess. It’s a dumb idea executed well so it overcomes a lot of the flaws.

This change to POTC is a dumb idea executed badly. Dialogue, voice acting, the redhead’s “new” face, etc. All they had to do was add a few props and change a few lines but instead they went out of their way to fail.


Well-Known Member
For me, it's because the new scene isn't good. Instead of complaining about the moaning you could have posted what you like about the scene change ;)
It completely changes the whole meaning of the's not a slight change at all...
now what I like about the change: There are still pirates and they didn't add any Toy Story characters....that's about it.


Well-Known Member
It completely changes the whole meaning of the's not a slight change at all...
now what I like about the change: There are still pirates and they didn't add any Toy Story characters....that's about it.

The next update will remove Sparrow at the end and replace it with Andy playing with his pirate action figures with Woody and Buzz cracking one liners.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Frickin' chickens. I can't believe it.

"We wants the Rhode Island Red!" (actual chicken breed).

I understand the impetus behind the change, but this is stupid beyond belief. Auctioning freaking chickens. Every scallywag wants a layin' hen, which is the worst sexual innuendo I've ever heard. WHO CAME UP WITH THIS IDEA???

Here's what should have been done (I'm building on others' suggestions here):

Auctioneer: What's yer bids fer this treasure trove of baubles, me hearties? Who'll buy a trinket for the ladies of Tortuga?

Redhead: Oh stow those bits of glitter an' glass! It's the rum they wants, right, boys?

Pirates: Yeah! We wants the rum! We wants the rum!

One pirate: We wants the redhead!

Redhead: BELAY THAT! (fires gun in air)

One pirate: I'm sorry mum! 'Twas just a joke!

(The rest of the pirates laugh)

Jeez, Imagineers, who writes for you now? The hacks who write the non-jokes for The Big Bang Theory? Yeesh!!!!

Tim Lohr

Well-Known Member
Short film by Disney based on the original scene. It actually successfully reimagined the scene while staying true to what made the original timeless, and, wouldn’t you know it, also manages to make the women empowered without feeling cheesy at any point. Can’t say the same about the new version.

Edit: Also the auctioneer reminds me of Dreamfinder haha

This is how the Auction scene in the ride always came across to me, the whole idea of auctioning off brides is so ridiculous that these pirates would have to be a bunch of idiots to try it. I think the films captured that "screwball comedy" aspect of the ride really well, and it's a shame this short wasn't part of one of the actual movies, I think this might of brought the general public "up to speed" on the scene from the ride, or gave it some context and established the tone of the original ride.

I think they got the personality of the Red Head exactly right in this short too, she's really kind of a vain and unscrupulous character, but wants to come across as glamorous. The new "Pirate Red Head" in the ride is more like a tom boy, she now wears a man's boots and hat, which seems to be the opposite of what she was originally... it's kinda odd that Jack Sparrow now has more eye make up than she does... When they announced that she would be turned into a pirate, I didn't think it would be this big a difference, she really wasn't all that wholesome a character to begin with. I came across this cosplay girl who did her own "Pirate Red Head" it's still feminine and glamorous, but a more aggressive version of the original costume, to me this make more sense than what now in the ride.


Well-Known Member
Frickin' chickens. I can't believe it.

"We wants the Rhode Island Red!" (actual chicken breed).

I understand the impetus behind the change, but this is stupid beyond belief. Auctioning freaking chickens. Every scallywag wants a layin' hen, which is the worst sexual innuendo I've ever heard. WHO CAME UP WITH THIS IDEA???

Here's what should have been done (I'm building on others' suggestions here):

Auctioneer: What's yer bids fer this treasure trove of baubles, me hearties? Who'll buy a trinket for the ladies of Tortuga?

Redhead: Oh stow those bits of glitter an' glass! It's the rum they wants, right, boys?

Pirates: Yeah! We wants the rum! We wants the rum!

One pirate: We wants the redhead!

Redhead: BELAY THAT! (fires gun in air)

One pirate: I'm sorry mum! 'Twas just a joke!

(The rest of the pirates laugh)

Jeez, Imagineers, who writes for you now? The hacks who write the non-jokes for The Big Bang Theory? Yeesh!!!!

I could live with that, it still keeps a classic line. As long as they changed her godaufll voice, trurly hate that voice. Also I never touched on the chicken part, I would have been happy with gold, or jewels, then the funny part would be they wanted booze over gold.. I don’t know though, did pirates even have money? Sorry I’m not a good script writer, just like the person responsible for this mess lol...😀


Well-Known Member
Frickin' chickens. I can't believe it.

"We wants the Rhode Island Red!" (actual chicken breed).

I understand the impetus behind the change, but this is stupid beyond belief. Auctioning freaking chickens. Every scallywag wants a layin' hen, which is the worst sexual innuendo I've ever heard. WHO CAME UP WITH THIS IDEA???

Here's what should have been done (I'm building on others' suggestions here):

Auctioneer: What's yer bids fer this treasure trove of baubles, me hearties? Who'll buy a trinket for the ladies of Tortuga?

Redhead: Oh stow those bits of glitter an' glass! It's the rum they wants, right, boys?

Pirates: Yeah! We wants the rum! We wants the rum!

One pirate: We wants the redhead!

Redhead: BELAY THAT! (fires gun in air)

One pirate: I'm sorry mum! 'Twas just a joke!

(The rest of the pirates laugh)

Jeez, Imagineers, who writes for you now? The hacks who write the non-jokes for The Big Bang Theory? Yeesh!!!!
This would have made the entire scene a whole lot better.

It's amazing what better dialogue can do.

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