Pet peeves at WDW?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by bigfatdonna
OK, OK, SpongeScott. Please remember the bean-o on the next trip!! You're literally blowing my attempt to "stop and smell the roses" while at Disney World!:p
It is kinda nice to be able to "Puumba" in line and when the kids say, "Ewwww, do you smell that?" that I can blame it on the person in front of us or behind us at the time. Gets me off the hook....for the moment.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by durhay
I add a point to the tube top issue. The worst part is when your wife spots her first, then eyes you to see if you look. That's just cruel.

Well, it's something of a knee jerk thing, as the looking is on your part. :lookaroun Neither party can really be held accountable, I don't think.

:lol: :p


Well-Known Member
Fair Warning

:) I'm giving a fair warning to everyone going to the parks next week lol. We will be hitting the parks next week. We includes, my parents, myself, hubby & 2 1/2 year old son and my "forein" cousins.

Before we go each day I will screen my "forein" cousins for deoderant, but German is their native tongue so they will most likely be speaking it on occasion. They both speak English very well, si I am sure they will be trying to speak English as much as they can as they always do when they come here.

Mom will either be in a wheelchair or ECV most of the day. Since she does not appear to be sick, just ask her to show you her legs swollen as big as tree trunks on her 130lb frame. Those nice blisters you get on your feet from walking, well since she's diabetic they could turn into bleeding sores and get infected causing her to lose her toes.

My son will be in a stroller and if you choose to stop in front of me with no warning you will get run over. If you are just walking to slowly for my taste I will carefully go around.
When he is not in a stroller, he will be dragging me around on a leash. And no I do not use the cheap leashes with velcro made for children (to get out of) I will be using a standard dog leash. This way my son is secure and he can't get away from my extremely watchfull eye to bother anyone.
Don't worry, if my son misbehaves while in line or anywhere else, this will not be ignored. He immediately gets 1..2..3.. counted out loud seconds to stop then a nice smack on the bottom or upper leg with a wooden spoon. You will never see me hit at my child or slap him across the mouth as it was mentioned in an earlier post. He will be spanked for inappropriate behavior, but he will not be beat by any means.
As I said in an earlier post, if my son watches you while your eating or during any other time, and this bothers you, then I'm sorry, he's 2 get over it. He's very friendly by nature and tries to make friends everywhere he goes.

Lastly, to the one who suggested breastfeeding in a bathroom stall, Would you eat your lunch in the bathroom? This was an utterly ridiculous suggestion. I will not be breastfeeding this trip but I have in the past. Most mother's who chose to give their child this precious gift, are pretty modest. Not all but most. We as mother's generally feel are are kind of ugly all engorged with milk and sagging from the extra weight. Most of us are just as horrified if someone gets flashed as the person who got flashed.

Ok off my soap box now, who's next? :animwink:


New Member
How about this one......I am an adult & don't have any kids with me when my husband & I go to Disney World. I still love interacting & having pictures taken with the characters. How about the looks someone like me gets from all the parents because I am in line & taking up time when they think their kids should be able to get in front of me & my husband?? I understand that the kids are excited & want to see the characters. I understand the parents want their kids to see the characters.....but hey I paid my way in too & want to have a good time please don't give me those looks. Anyone else have this experience??? :p


New Member
Originally posted by ajcrusher
Most of my pet peeves are people/behavior related as well. After our last trip, my husband spent 3 days venting about all the strollers in Magic Kingdom. We didn't have a problem with any strollers hitting us but with families (ones with strollers in particular) who felt the need to all walk side by side and take up the whole aisle. Is it so awful if a couple of people walk behind others? And I was wondering why so many parents feel the need to bring their tiny infants to the park. I can understand if you have an older child you'd like to take but why bring an infant who's just going to get tired and irritable and in turn, make everyone else tired & miserable as well. Just doesn't make sense to me.

I will be visiting Magic Kingdom in June with my husband 5 and 1/2 Month son and my 2 year old nephew and his mom and dad, my baby loves being in the stroller and looking around, if he does cry i try and see what the problem is, i wont just leave him to cry

It drives me mad when, just because he lets out a little whimper as i am going to him somebody starts tutting or giving you a filthy look, give me a chance i am going to see why he's crying!!! :brick:

I do try to be careful with my stroller, i remember getting sore feet from them being run over last i went.


New Member
Originally posted by MagicalMonorail
I'm sorry but I cannot stand screaming kids. I just can't take it. Sometimes we go into a show, and children will just scream and cry and wail. Do their parents take them outside? Of course not! Does this bug anyone else?

My pet peeve are the people who complain about kids, at a place that was built specifically for kids and families. Kids do what kids do, they are inquisitive, full of energy, and have good days and bad days. A screaming child is an earful, but not the end of the world.


New Member
Originally posted by Disneygrl36
How about this one......I am an adult & don't have any kids with me when my husband & I go to Disney World. I still love interacting & having pictures taken with the characters. How about the looks someone like me gets from all the parents because I am in line & taking up time when they think their kids should be able to get in front of me & my husband?? I understand that the kids are excited & want to see the characters. I understand the parents want their kids to see the characters.....but hey I paid my way in too & want to have a good time please don't give me those looks. Anyone else have this experience??? :p

I know...I've had the same thing happen to me...but with me, I know some of the characters and people wonder why I get extra hugs or pulled to the front of the line. I just let them wonder!

And take all of the time you want with the characters. After all, you paid the same amount to get in as they did!



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by TheDisneyGirl02
I know...I've had the same thing happen to me...but with me, I know some of the characters and people wonder why I get extra hugs or pulled to the front of the line. I just let them wonder!

And take all of the time you want with the characters. After all, you paid the same amount to get in as they did!


Then I will get bitched about because my kid starts to cry because the characters had to leave before our turn...

And so the vicious cycle continues.

:lookaroun :animwink:

j/k, I don't wait in lines for characters. Except for Ariel, we wait for Ariel, lest we suffer the wrath of Lauren!! :eek:


Well-Known Member
Nothing irritates me more than someone getting upset when I walk into their picture or videotaping when the park is very crowded! I apologize for not seeing them, but only to hear nasty remarks. I would never intentionally walk into someones picture, but people need to undersand that when it's very crowded it's not the time to take that group photo taken across a walkway.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by NemoRocks78
And about just the TTA? And the one I hate most: "let's go on the ball ride"), all those stroller moms and dads (I don't know how many times I've been rammed

My daughter started calling TTA the peoplemover after her 2nd trip to WDW. It's a term of endearment for us - so we will try to say it quietly so as not to offend.

Strollers are my biggest pet peeve. I still say they need a roped off area JUST for strollers and their entourage. My ankle was cut open two year ago while walking around the Osbourne Lights and the *#%$ did it intentionally. They were trying to break through the crowds! In another life, I would have used her to clean the park later that night.:zipit:


New Member
I have a problem with some 'members' on this site that keep bringing up an amusement park other than WDW. I mean, come on :mad: !!! People come on this site to get their Disney 'Fix' not some crud about some Paramount park. I am SICK AND TIRED of it. If you can't say something about Disney, GO FIND ANOTHER WEBSITE!!!!!!!!!!


Rode the Beast at PKI yesterday. Best ride EVER. EVER. :sohappy:


New Member
This message is for CDEVOR.

I have kids and if they are yelling or screaming during a show I will take them out. I can not stand people who will let their child scream and do nothing about it. I'll give you about 5 seconds to try to pacify the child. After that then the child needs to be taken out so that you don't ruin the show for everyone else that paid their hard earned money to get into the park. I would be embarrassed if my child ruined a show for everyone else.:hammer:


New Member
I just wanted to say that yeah, i know the correct names for all of the rides and attractions for WDW, yet i still refer to Spaceship Earth as "the ball." sorry if anyone thinks that makes me a less than adequate, but sometimes terms just end up in your vocab (this one from my dad) and they are quite hard to get rid of. I also still refer to TTA as wedway peoplemover and have no plans to change.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by KimPossible
I just wanted to say that yeah, i know the correct names for all of the rides and attractions for WDW, yet i still refer to Spaceship Earth as "the ball." sorry if anyone thinks that makes me a less than adequate, but sometimes terms just end up in your vocab (this one from my dad) and they are quite hard to get rid of. I also still refer to TTA as wedway peoplemover and have no plans to change.

Thank you:wave:. I definitely agree with you. While I don't call TTA the Peoplemover, I do call Spaceship Earth "the ball" or "la bola" as a term of endearment, knowing full well what the name is. And when talking to my mom and dad in Spanish about ToT I call it "la torre" or RnRC "el roller coaster" or BTMRR "la montaña rusa" (sp?). I see no reason for people to get mad about it nor should it be a pet peeve. Oh well.

Edited to add: oh yes and we call Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin "las pistolitas" (the guns) :rolleyes:


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Original Poster
Would I eat lunch in a WDW restroom? Why not? They are a lot cleaner than many homes I have been in (some of supposedly very rich and educated people), and a lot cleaner that most of the countries of the "odor challenged" who visit WDW.

My son has been around the world and he states the US is the cleanest country overall of any he's been too. Sure, there are some parts in all countries that are spotless, but overall most still have open sewers and/or "open air" toilets, and not to mention garbage everywhere and beggars galore who make the WDW visitors smell good.

stitch rocks

New Member
Originally posted by Disneygrl36
How about this one......I am an adult & don't have any kids with me when my husband & I go to Disney World. I still love interacting & having pictures taken with the characters. How about the looks someone like me gets from all the parents because I am in line & taking up time when they think their kids should be able to get in front of me & my husband?? I understand that the kids are excited & want to see the characters. I understand the parents want their kids to see the characters.....but hey I paid my way in too & want to have a good time please don't give me those looks. Anyone else have this experience??? :p

that happens to me too... i get annoyed at the stares parents give me... come on if i want a pix with stitch then i am going to get it... no matter how many "act ur age" stares i get!


New Member
Originally posted by leosmummy
I will be visiting Magic Kingdom in June with my husband 5 and 1/2 Month son and my 2 year old nephew and his mom and dad, my baby loves being in the stroller and looking around, if he does cry i try and see what the problem is, i wont just leave him to cry

It drives me mad when, just because he lets out a little whimper as i am going to him somebody starts tutting or giving you a filthy look, give me a chance i am going to see why he's crying!!! :brick:

I do try to be careful with my stroller, i remember getting sore feet from them being run over last i went.

I don't give people with infants dirty looks. If they want to take them that's fine. It just seems to me that it's a lot of work and the poor parents miss out on some of the fun as they're trying to calm down a tired baby, etc. It seems more stressful to me.

I do occasionally give dirty looks as we manage to pass a group who have decided the whole walkway area is just for their use. There are some who feel they're whole entourage should walk side by side and usually they decide to take their sweet time. I try not to let things bug me since I want to have a good time as well.


Active Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by cdevor
My pet peeve are the people who complain about kids, at a place that was built specifically for kids and families. Kids do what kids do, they are inquisitive, full of energy, and have good days and bad days. A screaming child is an earful, but not the end of the world.

Screaming kids are caused by inconsiderate parents who have no limits themselves. The vast majority of WDW visitors with kids know when it's time to go back to the room and/or pool and not abuse their kids so they can ride Sapce Mountain again. A screaming kid or adult ruins the magic for everyone.


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Original Poster
Originally posted by mwc1996
I agree with just about everything that has been said here. I am taking my 3 little girls in November and I will have a stroller and either me or my wife will be pushing it. I hate it when a parent will let one of their kids push the stroller. It's like begging for an accident. I will have to take up for the 2 dozen Krispy Kreme will chair riders though. My father in-law looks like one of these. He could definetly stand to use a couple of hundred pounds. However, he will be riding one of these when we go. He was shot in the leg during a hunting trip. He can still walk but can not stand for long periods of time. I bring this up because you never know the circumstances that bring people to the wheelchairs. Just because they look like they are fat and lazy doesn't mean that they are. Be happy that you don't HAVE to use one of these. I know he would gladly trade his wheel chair for a good leg.

Know if someone is ONLY using them to cut in line.......then I think we should give them a reason to need it! (Anyone got a shot gun?);)

Krispy Creme--good; hunting--bad. This is America 2004, not the Wild West of 1865. There is no need to hunt anything but those crazy frigging terrorists, but then again they do still drag black men behind pickups in the South. Remember the Alamo!!!

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