Pet peeves at WDW?


Well-Known Member
Okay, I know this post is going to raise some eyebrows, but it's really funny in a dark and twisted way. If you don't like dark and twisted, this game may not be for you. I only bring it up because people have been ragging on parenting skills, or lack thereof, of some parents. Me included.

My friends and I used to play this game when visiting WDW or DL called "Smack-a-Kid Count" where we'd count how many times we saw parents blow their lid and smack their kids. Points were given according to where on the body the child was smacked. Five points for the arm, ten for the behind, and twenty for the back of the head. Extra bonus points were given when parent utters the time honored phrase, "I'll give you something to cry about."

I know, I know. Sick and twisted. But you'd be amazed how many points we racked up at the end of the day. Somebody thought we should turn it into a drinking game, but that would have entailed way too much alcohol.


New Member
My pet peeve is when people say something like:
"Have you seen the new dinosaur carnival at the animal park?"
"No, I didn't know Disney had a zoo."
"Oh, well, it's really well themed, they made the ground like a parking lot."

:brick: :brick:


Well-Known Member
Pet Peeves?

1) People with strollers who don't watch where they're going on and run over/hit you in the foot.

2) People who don't apologize if they bump into you (either bodily or with a stroller).

3) People who don't listen to the reminder: "PLEASE NO FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY".

4) People who think that no one during the show can hear their conversation while they're being loud, rude and distracting.

I guess I have a few :hammer:


Beta Return
Hi SpongScott!

Yup, 23. Nope, not married. Nope, no kids.

1. Sorry about the generalization. I do indeed agree that not everyone is a "wuss", haha. There are still good ones out there like you - and I appreciate those people. It just seems as if the majority anymore fit the "bad' bategory.

2. That's exactly what I meant...with today's society being to "PC", many people are afraid to "discipline" their children for fear of them ratting them out at school, and the law coming down on them for "child abuse". A good spanking or smack across the mouth NEVER hurts - and I firmly believe that it is good shock treatment (worked for me, HAHA!)

3. Again, I apologize for "grouping". Yes, there are some people who really do suffer from this disease - my cousin, in fact, has it (he's 28 now and he just has a short attention span now). However, when he was young, discipline and medication REALLY helped correct his hyperactiveness and misbehaviour. What I'm saying is that there IS a way to contol all behavior like that, even if it is high amounts of narcotics :animwink: but TOO many parents and teachers just use the term ADD or ADHD so loosely to explain every account of misbehavior or hyperactivity. No, not every case, but too many - and it's still no excuse to let your child disturb the experiences of everyone else.

My whole point is that too many people (not everyone) have a lack of respect for OTHER PEOPLE. What you do in your own homw, how you let your kids behave at home or school, or what kind of discipline you believe in is not an issue - but if your kids are rowdy, hyperactive, and misbehaved, please don't bring them to the parks where they will ruin or disturb someone else's VERY expensive vacation.

I appreciate your understanding SpongScott, and your effort at being a good parent. I know that not everthing can be perfect, and I don't expect that, but I do expect a certain level of behavior when in a public place.

I'll gladly stand next to your clan in line anyday! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Ok, again like I said before, I think a lot of the "pet peeves" are exactly that, pet peeves because I can't see myself getting annoyed by some of the things, but to each his/her own. However, there are a couple of things I can relate to and would like to share.

1)Cell phones- ok let me think. My little brother, little sister, and I each have cell phones, as well as one for my dad and one my mom. When we are at the parks, they are very necessary because my parents do not ride Test Track, Space Mountain, or any ride like that. Now, sometimes they will wait for us in a bench and we won't need to call them but sometimes the lines are too long they decide they want to go to the shops or go grab a snack. In these situations, we do use the cell phones to call them and find out where they are so we can meet up with them. When my siblings and I use our cell phones, we do not block anyone and we try not to be loud (sometimes you just can't help yourself). I think this reason is reasonable, I mean why should my parents have to wait for us in a bench...this is their vacation too isn't it? Let them soak up the atmosphere while we ride something. Then after we call them and meet up. I see no problem in that.

2) Someone mentioned the people who wait in line and later the rest of the party push their way through the line to catch up. Ok, well something like this happens to us. While most of us are in line, someone like my parents or sister may be running behind and trying to catch up. Usually what we do so as not to get glares from people is we are nice about it, stand back, let people pass until our remaining party members catch up. I think this is the polite way to go because not only are you having to push your way to catch up, but we are actually giving a lot of people our place in line because really what's a few more places. It won't make a difference.

Does this make sense? I hope so. :wave:


Beta Return
Originally posted by DDuckFan130
Ok, again like I said before, I think a lot of the "pet peeves" are exactly that, pet peeves because I can't see myself getting annoyed by some of the things, but to each his/her own. However, there are a couple of things I can relate to and would like to share.

1)Cell phones- ok let me think. My little brother, little sister, and I each have cell phones, as well as one for my dad and one my mom. When we are at the parks, they are very necessary because my parents do not ride Test Track, Space Mountain, or any ride like that. Now, sometimes they will wait for us in a bench and we won't need to call them but sometimes the lines are too long they decide they want to go to the shops or go grab a snack. In these situations, we do use the cell phones to call them and find out where they are so we can meet up with them. When my siblings and I use our cell phones, we do not block anyone and we try not to be loud (sometimes you just can't help yourself). I think this reason is reasonable, I mean why should my parents have to wait for us in a bench...this is their vacation too isn't it? Let them soak up the atmosphere while we ride something. Then after we call them and meet up. I see no problem in that.

2) Someone mentioned the people who wait in line and later the rest of the party push their way through the line to catch up. Ok, well something like this happens to us. While most of us are in line, someone like my parents or sister may be running behind and trying to catch up. Usually what we do so as not to get glares from people is we are nice about it, stand back, let people pass until our remaining party members catch up. I think this is the polite way to go because not only are you having to push your way to catch up, but we are actually giving a lot of people our place in line because really what's a few more places. It won't make a difference.

Does this make sense? I hope so. :wave:

1) Yeah, I see people doing that all the time, or using those little Motorolla TalkAbout radios. No problem with that. What IS a problem is when those people use them during a show, or on a ride or attraction. Cell Phones should NOT ring during a show or in a ride. And the last thing I want to hear is someone's loud conversation while in line or trying to have my own conversation with the person next to me, or while enjoying a ride or show. Cell Phone are ok - outside :animwink:

2) I appreciate what you do - that's how it should be. When my party is straggling, we just wait outside the line and let people go ahead until all of us are there, then we get in line. It's the right thing to do...and so easy. You make a good point - what harm is a few people getting in front of you?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by edwardtc
1) Yeah, I see people doing that all the time, or using those little Motorolla TalkAbout radios. No problem with that. What IS a problem is when those people use them during a show, or on a ride or attraction. Cell Phones should NOT ring during a show or in a ride. And the last thing I want to hear is someone's loud conversation while in line or trying to have my own conversation with the person next to me, or while enjoying a ride or show. Cell Phone are ok - outside :animwink:

2) I appreciate what you do - that's how it should be. When my party is straggling, we just wait outside the line and let people go ahead until all of us are there, then we get in line. It's the right thing to do...and so easy. You make a good point - what harm is a few people getting in front of you?

Oh yeah :lol: forgot to say that. On rides and/or shows we do turn the phones off or put it on silent mode (no vibrating either, just silent). My cousin's boyfriend forgot to do it during the American Adventure and of course it went off but I smacked him upside the head :rolleyes: . Oh but yeah I'm totally respectful of that. :)

Mia's Daddy

New Member
My pet peeve is people who bring their SUV strollers into the park then proceed to bump you in the the calf over and over. My wife has has quite a few blown tires from getting hit so many times by strollers. And then the same people try to take those things into the stores on Main Street. HELLO! you can't do it. But hear my warning friends, I have a little girl on the way....Watch your calves cause here comes payback!!! HA HA HA HA!!!!:D


Premium Member
  • People who ignore signs (like the "Do Not..." and "This ride is...")
  • The prices of food :animwink:
  • Strollers!!! :brick:


Well-Known Member
My gosh, I'm so glad I'm not a "type A". You guys are gonna work yourselves into heart attacks, for goodness' sakes!

If I may make a case for my stroller use... and believe it or not, I consider myself to be a responsible stroller operator. However, I've seen some people complain about the AGES of children in the strollers. OH my gosh! Let me say, having 4 kids aged 9 and under, we rent 2 double strollers at each park each day. They aren't always used, but the option is there. The reason I will do this regardless of what anybody else thinks or says is because with four young girls, I am quite frankly scared to death of losing track of them! If it's a slow day, I'll let them walk, which is usually what they prefer so they can do some exploring. But in the middle of a rush, or at night when it's really hard to see, they are all locked in that stroller so I don't have to worry. *shrugs* You'll just have to live with it, since DIsney doesn't seem to think they're too old for me to spend money on a stroller for. ;)

The kids at WDW don't bother me, the parents usually do. Plain and simple... be sure your bad feelings are directed toward the right people!


Well-Known Member
1. People who stop the in the middle of the row. Unless it's clearly a light group, I crawl over and it's not uncommon to step on someone while doing so.

2. It is frustrating when people continue to board the tram after the cast member has called for no more boarding. There really is another tram coming right up. But many times, people won't wait unless they can see it.

3. People who don't pay attention in lines, allowing gaps to develop. I know this doesn't make much difference in real boarding time, but it is annoying when you've been waiting for 20 minutes.

4. People who suddenly stop while walking, to consult a park map or something. This one is not a big deal, I'm usually pretty good at swerving.

5. FAST PASS. I hate them. I have used one only once, against my will, when they were handing them out like stick candy to get people to come to Who Wants to be a Millionaire. One of my favorite lines from my son last year was as we were planning our trip. I admit we are theme park commandos. We are there when the parks open, to hit the biggies so we DON'T have to use these infernal devices. But we were having a planning discussion about how to cover both Rock n Roller Coaster and Tower of Terror, and I suggested that one way we could do it would be to, and paused for dramatic effect. My youngest son, 15, feigned terror in his voice when he realized I was going to suggest using Fast Pass. I apologized and told him I didn't mean to upset him. He said he was't upset, "I'm ashamed!" (that we would even consider them.)
I read a Wall Street Journal article a couple of years ago about Fast Pass, and I don't know if it was the reporter or someone he was talking to (consultant or Disney employee), who pointed out the real advantage of Fast Pass was that it could tie you up, where there wasn't enough time to go ride something else and get back, so therefore, you would VISIT THE STORES OR SNACK BARS to kill time.
The second-class treatment of those without fast passes is awful!! I have seen cast members hold up the 'stand-by' line just to see if another Fast Pass person might be coming. (on both Splash Mountain and Living with the Land, for crying out loud!)
Abolish these things.


New Member
What about the foreign male tourists that run around in their short shorts? I do not want to see their butt cheeks hanging out!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by PoohB
What about the foreign male tourists that run around in their short shorts? I do not want to see their butt cheeks hanging out!

Oh, is that what you kids call it these days? Foreign? In my day it was called gay.
:lol: :lookaroun


My Reaction

Since I'm from New Orleans and Mardi Gras is 100 times worse for ignorant, foolish behavior.I tend to bring all my crowd managering skills to Disney every year I go.

With people that don't move down and insist on staying put I make it my job to step on or bump knees for that person at least make them think about it.

Stroller problem, spin around fast as I can, If apologetic all is gravy, if not, a few well placed words (not cursing kids are still around) always makes the parent feel stupid.

People that stop in front of you in the middle of the path.You usually have to almost fall and trip to avoid bumping into them.I don't try to stop just bump them, they tend to then move over on the side.

I know, I know it may be a little harsh or rough but I come to think that.Ignorance breeds Stupidity.A little lesson to all those who oppose the rules or are just plain lacking in the common knowledge department.Beware when this Cajun comes to Disney.I don't give rude looks or just wish someone would tell them something, I do something.

Hey it makes you feel so good when you make the person realize they're being stupid and move.Or when other people thank you for saying something to a renegade stroller maniac.


Active Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by PoohB
What about the foreign male tourists that run around in their short shorts? I do not want to see their butt cheeks hanging out!

You may not, but my son-in-law's brother would!


Active Member
My number one peeve: SMOKING!!

Why must people light up when they're in line or while they're walking around? It's annoying to us who do not want lung cancer! I understand your need for the smoke, but please go somewhere else!

Number two: Mean Stroller Moms!
Just because you decided to bring your kids and their "Limo" stroller doesn't give you the right of way. I don't care who you are and what your social status away from WDW, but we're all trying to get somewhere and if you would be polite and patient, life would be better (And take the wrinkles off your face)

Number three: Nextels/Walkie talkies
I am one, I admit it. I use a NEXTEL at work. They're great, but not for the parks! Just remember, all the things you're saying over the NEXTEL isn't private anymore! I once heard a young woman listen to her friend's account of the previous night! It sounded magical, but did we all need to hear it? No!

Number four: Dumb tourists
Being a resident of the Sunshine State, I often say, "go home all you tourists." I don't mean any harm, it's just a phrase I use for those who have no clue where they're going or what they're doing. I realize it may be their first trip to the property so I usually get over it quick.

Thats all.


Active Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by meekoman
I guess my pet peeves are:

6. I secondl the motion on the Brazillian or whatever the nationallity of the person who just doesn't get the idea of deodorant. Just because they don't stink first thing in the morning doesn't mean that they won't once the temps get to 90 by noon.

I think they want to smell like their camels/donkeys/elephants when they get home. Perhaps WDW should put a big sign in the resort rooms showing how to use the MM soaps.

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