People Waiting at WDW for Harry Potter?!

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Utter mince. Why are EE, TT, ToT, RnRC BTMRR etc all have the biggest waits. It amazes me (no not really) that so many will make excuses for Disney Worlds decline into mediocrity.


New Member
i think they cater to me just fine and I'm not elder nor do I have a kid 10 or under.... actually I don't have any kids...

I know this is going to sound cheesy, but Disney caters to the Peter Pan inside of us all. IOA provides an adrenaline rush. Personally, I love them both for those reasons alone. And can't we all agree that Disney doesn't have to have the best of everything and competition is a good thing!

Evil Genius

Well-Known Member
Utter mince. Why are EE, TT, ToT, RnRC BTMRR etc all have the biggest waits. It amazes me (no not really) that so many will make excuses for Disney Worlds decline into mediocrity.

Perhaps because "mediocrity" is subjective and there may be those of us in a less cynical sect that don't pick nits and complain about virtually everything Disney does anymore.

We enjoy the WDW them in fact and quite honestly the WWoHP means nothing in terms of my future vacationing plans nor do I believe does it for others of my ilk.

You want to continue to make snarky comments and tear down everything...fine. However don't expect to change people's minds...people cherish the Disney parks...something I don't the Universal Parks could ever aspire to. I don't wish the Universal Parks ill will as I believe competition breeds quality and progress...but damn people on these people need to take their meds!

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
It means nothing to me ahhhhhhh Vienna.

Some people cherish the marketing vision they've been sold, others have the ability to separate blind faith and brand loyalty from the reality.

Evil Genius

Well-Known Member
It means nothing to me ahhhhhhh Vienna.

Some people cherish the marketing vision they've been sold, others have the ability to separate blind faith and brand loyalty from the reality.

That's in incredibly presumptuous statement.

Couldn't have anything to do with films and characters that have been loved since childhood and transcend generations.

Or childhood memories of parks and experiences that can still be relived and shared with future generations.

Nope...we're all blind sheep. :brick:


Well-Known Member
That's in incredibly presumptuous statement.

Couldn't have anything to do with films and characters that have been loved since childhood and transcend generations.

Or childhood memories of parks and experiences that can still be relived and shared with future generations.

Nope...we're all blind sheep. :brick:

Childhood Memories it is...Between Disney Movies and Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck shorts, to my stuffed animal Goofy as a kid, to the trips I took to WDW, my love for Disney has been earned, not marketed to me (unless claiming that they were available to me being the same as being marketed to me). And it has been solidified after many hours of researching and reading on the great man himself.

and I personally love the ambiance of the Wilderness Lodge (nothing quite like it when you've lived in Central Florida for 90% of your life), the charm of the Electrical Water Padgent, Sci Fi Dine-In (love watching the old sci-fi movie clips), sitting in the front seat of Space Mountain never gets old to me, Firework shows of all sorts have always gotten me excited. As you mentioned, fond memories (the Magic Kingdom was my grandfather's favorite place to take us).


Well-Known Member
Those crowds are nuts. I would never wait in a line like that for anything. All those people in one mass on a 90 plus degree day. Can only imagine what it smells like, plus having all those people rubbing up on you with their sweaty bodies. ugh!!


Well-Known Member
That's in incredibly presumptuous statement.

Couldn't have anything to do with films and characters that have been loved since childhood and transcend generations.

Or childhood memories of parks and experiences that can still be relived and shared with future generations.

Nope...we're all blind sheep. :brick:

That sounds like an admission that the Disney parks largely trade off nostalgia and don't feel it imperitive that they be at the forefront of park technology and entertainment anymore.

Sounds like we're all saying the same thing, then.


Well-Known Member
I don't think Disney really minds anyhow, aren't they getting a cut of the door at IOA because of the Marvel characters? They are probably saying woohoo, we're making money and not doing anything to do it.


I still don't understand the big deal about this? Yes the FJ attraction seems really awesome, and the town looks really detailed and amazing. But it's just 1 freakin attraction, with 2 rethemed rides. I mean, I'm not dissing it. But even if it came to Disney World I still wouldn't make such a big deal out if it.

All it is 1 attraction with a village set. Defintly will check it out, but won't wait 16 hours, or even 1 hour for that matter...


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
I don't think Disney really minds anyhow, aren't they getting a cut of the door at IOA because of the Marvel characters? They are probably saying woohoo, we're making money and not doing anything to do it.

Disney doesn't get a cut of IoA admissions....

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Technically Disney makes money for each person who walks into Universal Islands of Adventure because of Marvel Island

I could be wrong, but I don't think this is true. Universal pays Marvel (i.e., Disney) a set licensing fee to use those characters, but that's not the same as giving them a cut of every admission ticket.

Unless Universal is selling Marvel merchandise (which I'm sure Disney would get a cut of), I don't think Disney really has any financial incentive to see more people go to IOA just because of the Marvel connection.

It was reported during the merger that it was not a set licensing fee and based on the ammount of people that enter the park in a year. If it doesn't tie into Theme Park attendance numbers directly, it does tie into IoA profit. I'm almost positive it's not a set fee or time contract.

I don't recall ever reading that. It wouldn't make sense to have that kind of fee, since the whole park isn't based on Marvel.

I don't think Disney really minds anyhow, aren't they getting a cut of the door at IOA because of the Marvel characters? They are probably saying woohoo, we're making money and not doing anything to do it.

Disney doesn't get a cut of IoA admissions....

Does anybody have more details on this arrangement...preferably with some citations? I'm very interested in knowing whether Disney earns money simply by having people go through the front gate at IoA.

A Google search on "Universal Marvel licensing fee" didn't really help...although I did learn that Universal is contractually obligated to devote a certain amount of retail space to Marvel merchandise. In that sense, more people in IoA means at least the chance for more people to buy Spider-Man T-shirts and the more people in the park does have the potential to profit Disney.


Well-Known Member
Does anybody have more details on this arrangement...preferably with some citations? I'm very interested in knowing whether Disney earns money simply by having people go through the front gate at IoA.

A Google search on "Universal Marvel licensing fee" didn't really help...although I did learn that Universal is contractually obligated to devote a certain amount of retail space to Marvel merchandise. In that sense, more people in IoA means at least the chance for more people to buy Spider-Man T-shirts and the more people in the park does have the potential to profit Disney.

I don't have info on the relationship, but I just wanted to add that anyone that thinks Disney would be perfectly content to get a MINUTE take of the gate (if that even happens) due to Marvel licensing is nuts.

Would that at all be indicitive of how Disney has operated these past handful of years what so ever? They nickel and dime you to death (so does Uni). Their profit margins can't just be "good". They've got to be "GREAT".

So to think that any bean counters at Disney are looking down I-4 and happy that they might get $3 per entry at IOA (if that) rather than the ENTIRE ticket amount beause they didn't have to spend the money on Potter makes no sense what so ever.

Potential revenue lost is exactly that. Lost. And I'd bet my house on the fact that there have been a NUMBER of meetings over the past week with people wanting to know why they didn't get the Potter rights.

Disney deals with money in the tens of millions. Not in the low thousands.

I find it funny that some people think TDO would actually be HAPPY they didn't get Potter... It's also funny that people think TDO isn't worried about the effect it might have.
It's incredible to me that people are saying "Disney doesn't have anything to worry about" and "the franchise will die down in a few years."

Well, obviously! Disney not only has the advantage in the Orlando theme market, but they are MILES ahead. And yes, the franchise is going to lose some of the hype after the next few years. But the ride is still going to remain popular, is called by many the best theme park ride in the world, and has done wonders to gain Universal national media attention.

The fact is, Disney HAS slid into mediocrity. Disneyland and the Magic Kingdom were and are popular to this day because they pushed the limits of theme parks decades ago. The idea of a resort destination set apart from the outside world at WDW, the idea of completely themed and detailed environments, pioneering new ride systems. All of these things MADE Disney great, and it's the nostalgia associated with such bold moves that makes Disney popular to this day. But that doesn't mean Disney should take the cheap way out now just because it can.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Does anybody have more details on this arrangement...preferably with some citations? I'm very interested in knowing whether Disney earns money simply by having people go through the front gate at IoA.

A Google search on "Universal Marvel licensing fee" didn't really help...although I did learn that Universal is contractually obligated to devote a certain amount of retail space to Marvel merchandise. In that sense, more people in IoA means at least the chance for more people to buy Spider-Man T-shirts and the more people in the park does have the potential to profit Disney.

Here's an article I found from Bloomberg detailing the acquisition. It states Disney will receive a licensing fee from Universal parks using Marvel characters in their rides, along with other financial incentives. Interestingly though, it says Disney may be prohibited from using Marvel characters at WDW, but not DL.....

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