Evil Genius
Well-Known Member
The lulls are equivalent to the time between meals...you are satisfied and content until that next carrot comes.
I love the books - I'm a mother and aunt and teacher and fan.
I don't blame JK Rowling for guarding her vision.
This series has already survived a decade and is still growing - I've watched new students every year show excitement about finally being Harry Potter readers that can comprehend chapter books! My opinion...these books are better than the movies and I HAVE read them all after standing in lines at midnight to receive them!
I don't make comparisons between Disney and Rowling b/c they are BOTH in my heart.
The books are very much better than the films. Of course I'd say that's the case almost 100% of the time.
My point is still that I think while Universal striking while the iron is hot is a smart thing to do to a certain point. It is a tremendous amount of capital to invest into something that really hasn't proven itself to have multi-generational appeal.
I could be wrong and if I am I'll be the first to admit it. However if I am wrong Universal better have plans to expand capacity of WWoHP or it'll be a moot point.