People Get Ahold Of Your Children!


New Member
You have to remember, in this day and age, the new attitude is:

"It's ALWAYS someone else's fault"

Especially when kids do something wrong. It doesn't matter is they ran up and smeared chocolate all over your nice pants, it's YOUR fault for being in their way.

I have friends who raise their children like this, so I get to see it first hand.

My wife and I are determined to raise our children with values, manners, and enough commonsense to apolgize if there were to get chocolate all over someone.

Parents are really out of control with their kids - I see it everyday.


New Member
Originally posted by strobe
Parents are really out of control with their kids - I see it everyday.

I would put a "Some" in front of Parents.

This thread reminds me of that Brett Favre commerical where he offers up solutions after the incidences take place.


Well-Known Member
well put bigfatdonna!!! the sad thing is that people who don't dicipline their children and let them run around and behave badly without saying a thing, make us parents who do dicipline our children but every now and then the monkeys do act up , we look bad. and i'm sorry , not giving your child an icecream cone chocolate for that matter in public because it might ruin your clothes or theirs is moronic.. sorry, thats why they make " shout". i'm sure this was'nt the first pair of pants to get icecream on them in disney nor the last.


Account Suspended
here's my two cents.

1) what I do at the parks (Disneyland - I live in California)

I have no problem walking around and if I notice a kid is not watching out and running around and getting into people's way a) I will not move my course of direction significantly b) I will put out a firm fist, wrist and arm and c) if the kid runs into me, he gets a hard knock. End of story. Parents usually see this 'strong arm' tactic and I have found they usually quickly yell at their kid before they hit me because they see me 'not caring'. Now I don't go bowling kids over, but I don't let them get near me either if he/she/it is out of control o.k. there is my useless 'how to defend yourself from nasty children speech' have a sense of humor please

2). As a parenting expert (joke I have no kids) I see all sorts of varieties of parents. I have 35 first cousins and half of them have kids. Can I say this for EVERYONE to hear? ALL BEHAVIOR CAN BE EXPLAINED. That said...I have found a few categories of parents. Now there are normal parents, and that blends into the more dysfunctional varieties....such as:
1) Emotional relaters. These parents tend to react not interact with their kids. They think with their emotions and project expectations. Kid doesn't behave as they 'imagined' they get frustrated...
2) 'Please Me' parent. Tends to conditionally love. Puts respect ahead of love. Doesn't instinctually 'get' his kids. Abusive tendencies if taken too far.
3) Perfect Parent (really! a dysfunction!) Because this parent stuffs their emotions, they don't really care about their kids emotions all the time either. I.e. "you made your bed now lie in it". At the outset these parents look great because they 'follow the rules'...but their kids may have commitment problems in vocational/relational areas
4) Giver's, not receivers. These parents are full of compassion for their children and have parenting as the all consuming task. Over nurturing. Kids get WILD. and OUT OF CONTROL WITH ICE CREAM CONES! kidding. But not really. These parents have trouble saying 'no'. (this will be me when I'm a parent).
5) o.k. I'm tired...I'll skip this one.

Anyway...I'm getting professional help if my children turn out 'bratty'...Please folks, turn to a professional if there is a problem with your kids. Especially if they are a problem at Disneyland or WDW and I'm around ;)


New Member
Originally posted by JBSLJames
I would put a "Some" in front of Parents.

You are right - got me on that one! But let's say we split the difference and say "A lot of parents". :lol:

Seriously, most parents are good. But it seems like no matter where you go, there is always the one who has the out of control kids.

We were at an upscale Billards club recently - it was in the afternoon, so a lot of families come in for lunch. I have no problem with it at all, it's a nice place to eat.

So my friend and I are playing a game, and along comes this little kid who reaches up and starts pushing the balls around the table. His dad walks over and says 'That makes the shot a bit tougher doesn't it? With a big smile.' He takes the kid away, but he returns in about five minutes and does the same thing again.

Now this was just a friendly game of pool, so I didn't mind all that much, and didn't even say anything about it. But that sort of behavior is really unacceptable, especially when someone is paying $12 an hour to use the tables.

All in all, most kids are pretty good, but there is ALWAYS that one parent, with the out of control kid, who aggravates the heck out of everyone and never accepts any responsibility for their actions.


New Member
Originally posted by JungleJim
When I had my 34th birthday at Chuck E. Cheese the same thing happened to me!! Too many rude kids!!:hammer:

Weeeee, Yay!!! Chuck's Place. I personally go just for the food. . .


Well-Known Member
I never gave my kids ice cream in the parks.
I gave them ice cream when we got back to the resort.
Ice cream is full of sugar...and a good sugar buzz will naturally make a child go beserk.

A smart parent know this.

Unfortunately not just smart people have children.
Stupid people can have them too.

Unfortunately, after you have a child, they don't hand you an instruction manual.
But even if they did, stupid people wouldn't read it.

Smart parents learn by observation how their child will act in certain situations.
Stupid people don't learn..they just stumble through life wondering why people glare at their kids and and let their kids do what they want just to keep them quiet and happy.

When they used to see kids acting up at Disney World, My kids used to tug on my pant leg, look up at me and ask..."Daddy...whats wrong with that kid and why is he acting so silly?"

Let's face it long as stupid people are allowed to have children, there will be always be children that misbehave.

I just shake my head and smile now when I see a rude child...because I know where they got it from...and I kinda feel sorry for them.


New Member
Originally posted by Scooter
I never gave my kids ice cream in the parks.
I gave them ice cream when we got back to the resort.
Ice cream is full of sugar...and a good sugar buzz will naturally make a child go beserk.

A smart parent know this.

Unfortunately not just smart people have children.
Stupid people can have them too.

Unfortunately, after you have a child, they don't hand you an instruction manual.
But even if they did, stupid people wouldn't read it.

Smart parents learn by observation how their child will act in certain situations.
Stupid people don't learn..they just stumble through life wondering why people glare at their kids and and let their kids do what they want just to keep them quiet and happy.

When they used to see kids acting up at Disney World, My kids used to tug on my pant leg, look up at me and ask..."Daddy...whats wrong with that kid and why is he acting so silly?"

Let's face it long as stupid people are allowed to have children, there will be always be children that misbehave.

I just shake my head and smile now when I see a rude child...because I know where they got it from...and I kinda feel sorry for them.

:sohappy: :king: :sohappy: :king: :sohappy: :king: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
well call me and how many other parents stupid them for giving our kids icecream...........sorry but sugar has nothing to do with it bad parenting does..but then again these are probably the people who are in resturants with sreaming kids who just sit there like nothing...

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I guess I must be the only one on here to have Satans spawn as kids. Or perhaps the only one not telling Porkies.:animwink:

Moody teenagers, the only cure for them is several years worth of life experience, that soon sorts them out.

As for bratts a good battering usually focuses their attention, and it can work with the parents too.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by dixiegirl
well call me and how many other parents stupid them for giving our kids icecream...........sorry but sugar has nothing to do with it bad parenting does..but then again these are probably the people who are in resturants with sreaming kids who just sit there like nothing...

I think you missed my point here.

I have no problem with people giving thier kids ice cream in the parks.

I just chose not to give MY children ice cream in the park because I knew they would get what we in my family lovingly refers to as "The Heebie Jeebies" after the sugar rush hits them.

I don't like having to try and calm my kids down in a crowded park after they have had lots of sugar. I'd rather do it back at my resort.

Knowing how your kids will act is what I'm talking about and that's why I don't give my kids alot of sugar in the parks.

I'm not calling ice cream giving parents stupid, I'm merely saying that if you DO choose to give your kids ice cream or sweets, you need to know how to deal with them when they act up.

Smart people/parents know how to deal with them.
Stupid people/parents don't.

BTW...a spoon full of peanut butter will counteract the sugar in most cases and stop the "Heebie jeebies" immediately

We used to carry a jar of Skippy Peanut butter where ever we went for this purpose. Trust works:animwink:


New Member
I remmember one time I was waiting in line and a little girl thinks its fun to start punching me in the leg. Her parents didn't do anything about it.

Sometimes I can't figure it out how some parents can't get ahold of there kids. My brother I always behaved in Disney World, mainly because we were afraid that our mom would never take us back. :eek:


Originally posted by Disney Hog
My wife griped at me the other day for picking up the crackers my 1 year-old son threw on the restaurant floor. I don't like my children to be a bother to anyone else.

BLESS YOU Disney Hog! Coming from an ex-server, you can bet your server that night appreciated it! If there were more guests like you out there, I'd probably still be in the restuarant business!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Senderella
BLESS YOU Disney Hog! Coming from an ex-server, you can bet your server that night appreciated it! If there were more guests like you out there, I'd probably still be in the restuarant business!

Everybody should have to wait tables, at least for a while, to understand. I spent a year as a server at Red Lobster... GAH!


Originally posted by MouseMadness
Everybody should have to wait tables, at least for a while, to understand. I spent a year as a server at Red Lobster... GAH!

LOL You were a Red Robster fish pusher too? Believe it or not, RL was always the worst regarding the kids/floors/crackers thing. None of the other restaurants I worked at where nearly as bad. Constantly pushing a hokie! BLAHHHHHHHH


Well-Known Member
As a proud dad who is diligent in ensuring my children will (hopefully) grow up respectful of others, my first reaction to the initial post here was:

Pick up the icecream
Smear it on the Mom's clothes and say:
"Sorry, but I think your child accidentally left this with me."

I know it contradicts my Modus Operendi, but sometimes something of this sort needs to be done.;)

The Mom

Premium Member
Originally posted by dixiegirl
well put bigfatdonna!!! the sad thing is that people who don't dicipline their children and let them run around and behave badly without saying a thing, make us parents who do dicipline our children but every now and then the monkeys do act up , we look bad. and i'm sorry , not giving your child an icecream cone chocolate for that matter in public because it might ruin your clothes or theirs is moronic.. sorry, thats why they make " shout". i'm sure this was'nt the first pair of pants to get icecream on them in disney nor the last.

I would prefer to head off trouble before it begins. I KNOW that ice cream cones, along with a few other food items, were a problem for MY children while walking in public parks. They are messy, sticky, sugar filled, and despite Shout, often stain. My children can never finish a whole one, so they're wasteful, also. I prefered not to walk around with a package of shout and a change of clothes, so we skipped the ice cream, or they ate it out of a cup with a spoon. They have ample opportunity to eat them on other occassions, and I doubt that they feel more than a momentary sense of deprivation when I denied their request.

If your experience is that your children can eat them neatly, or if you aren't bothered by THAT particular mess (my children certainly make other messes that might bother others, if they happened to see our house/yard) than that's your choice. It is neither stupid nor moronic, just different than mine.

However, if it affects someone else, an apology to that person, an an attempt to stop the behavior, is in order.

BTW, the eldest will be 21, so she's on her own. ;) The youngest MIGHT be allowed to eat them when he's 12, but only if he gets a little neater. :eek:

Wckd Queen

New Member
While I dont have kids of my own, I have had my hand in the, shall we say "surrogate" parenting :lol: When I was in college, my uncle and his wife had an adorable set of twin girls. Naturally, they became living dolls for the adults, and my aunt was always more than happy to pass them off to us for a weekend stay. We never minded. Even as a single college student, I could put those girls in the car and go anywhere with them by myself...malls, restaurants, grocery shopping...virtually without worry. They were always well behaved and listened to you. My aunt used to actually worry about them being with me, because my boundriess were wider than hers were :lol: But, they knew my limitations as well. We were in Lancaster, PA, in the Bob Evans there, having dinner once. I think the girls were about 4 or 5 at the time, and there was a younger child having a tantrum while the mother ignored him. Nicole looked up at me and said "Whats wrong with him?" And, I admit...I fibbed. I said he had diaper rash :lol: Of course, same trip, other twin, there was a 'moment' in a store for which I was red faced and quite appologetic...but..other than the "Dairy Queen Incident", which we dont talk about, it was a pretty good trip:)

I have been told that I have a high tollerance for children, even for those with a wilder side :lol: Im guessing thats a good thing :lol: But then, I tend think that there is a distinct difference between a poorly behaved child and one thats just having a moment. There are times when kids are going to have moments~even the best behaved ones can have them. At WDW, its hot, they are tired, they are excited, theres sugar, theres Mickey, theres rides...theres ALOT. Its sensory overload time. I can understand a child having a moment. Moments, they happen to all of us.

BUT...when the parents ignore the moment or stare daggars at someone who says "HEY!" when their child swings a toy and hits them with it, thats where I have a problem. I have seen kids climb over the fences at WDW and run on the grass...with the parent looking on and doing nothing, if they are even looking! I have been in line in the ladies room, when a mother has come in, pushed her tween daughter to the front of the line amid protests, and told the child to stay there, because SHE is next. But, I think what has to be the worst thing I have seen at WDW, was the group of children with the wheelchair, taking turns being pushed up to the they didnt have to wait in line! Their parents found this quite amusing. People who had witnessed the stunt on other rides didnt.

I think a good deal of the time, kids are only going to act in a way that their parents let them. We expected the twins to act a certain way when they were out with us, and they did. But, if they didnt, we were right there, attempting to correct the situation, and appologizing if necessary. I personally can understand it if I see a child acting up and a parent attempting to make them stop, even if their attempts fail. At least they tried, and I appreciate that. But, when the situation goes unchecked, and the parent pretends they dont know whats going on, or worse, as in Strobes case, gives it one of those "awww..isnt that cute", condoning the behavior, then thats where I tend to think that maybe the parent should know better.

Im hoping that ice cream stain came out of the pants.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Senderella
LOL You were a Red Robster fish pusher too? Believe it or not, RL was always the worst regarding the kids/floors/crackers thing. None of the other restaurants I worked at where nearly as bad. Constantly pushing a hokie! BLAHHHHHHHH

*thread drift*

LOL! I forgot about the hokies... LMAO! What a word.

We had this one family, we called them the chicken finger family because they came in every damn sunday after church, and every damn sunday they ordered chicken fingers... (Hello, Red Lobster's for the seafood lover in you! :brick: ) And EVERY DAMN SUNDAY! they left a fifty cent tip. No kidding... family of 6, and fifty cents. And if that weren't enough, they HID IT!! You'd always find it under a napkin or something. It was hell waiting to see if they'd get sat in your section or not.

As you were, thread....

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