People Get Ahold Of Your Children!

I have 3 kids who are for the most part well-behaved but sometimes they just don't listen:brick: Its like a demon takes over their little souls. Especially in a place like Disney World when they are excited all the time. That's actually the main reason I love going is seeing how much fun they have. However the parent could have at least apologized for the kids actions. There is no excuse for ignorance. I hope the ice cream comes out. Im not sure what to do about the stroller comment. When you have young kids you have to use them. I hate having to use them, to me its a pain to maneuver those things around crowds. I guess what you are saying is that people run into you on purpose with the strollers? I must admit that I have never done that although for my next trip.........


Well-Known Member
Re: well

Originally posted by civileng68
Well I know what you mean and I know that there are alot of kids in Mk but to say "deal with it" is a little bit rediculous. I was a disciplined child and never did things like that. I was courteous to others and talked to always watch out for others.

Also, i bet if the same thing happened to you, you wouldn't just smile and loviling say "kids kids kids" and move on would you? Besides, more than anything I was upset that the parent failed to make an appology.

I'm sorry but that's not just a "deal with it" issue.

No, it wasn't ice cream...but it was a greasy turkey leg that nailed me one time...and while I was heading out to dinner actually.

Yeah, I was a little upset...but kids will be kids...and yes, parents should be more "aware" of their kids' activities...but someone bumping into you with an ice cream isn't exactly the end of the world and something worth dwelling on. Just look at it as a bird doing his business on you...the kid didn't intentionally hit you with it (yes, the parent should have apologized and I'm not condoning her behavior).


Well-Known Member
Re: i dont understand

Originally posted by civileng68

I also am the type of person that if my child did something that like I would be so appologetic.

I am, lol. My kids have done things just like you talk about, and I'm always right there feeling embarrassed and apologizing all over myself... I'm not saying the woman was right at ALL. Just that, well, you are never gonna be able to control what other people do or how they raise their kids, why does everybody let themselves get so worked up?


Account Suspended
Original Poster

Originally posted by tommyboy12099
I have 3 kids who are for the most part well-behaved but sometimes they just don't listen:brick: Its like a demon takes over their little souls. Especially in a place like Disney World when they are excited all the time. That's actually the main reason I love going is seeing how much fun they have. However the parent could have at least apologized for the kids actions. There is no excuse for ignorance. I hope the ice cream comes out. Im not sure what to do about the stroller comment. When you have young kids you have to use them. I hate having to use them, to me its a pain to maneuver those things around crowds. I guess what you are saying is that people run into you on purpose with the strollers? I must admit that I have never done that although for my next trip.........


You see what I'm saying exactly! I understand children get excited and go crazy sometimes. I know this, even the most disciplined children. My point was that more than anything I was upset that the mother did not bother to even appologize. She looked at me as if I disrupted her child's play time or something.

I know though that children make mistakes though, I mean, even my puppy who is trained, takes a dump on my neighbor's doorstep every once in a while, but I surely do appologize! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Re: absolutely

Originally posted by civileng68

I know though that children make mistakes though, I mean, even my puppy who is trained, takes a dump on my neighbor's doorstep every once in a while, but I surely do appologize! :lol:

Do you clean it up or just leave it there?

Did you want the mother to come over with a napkin and "mom-spit" to clean your pants? (You is the same chemical composition as Formula 409)

(I'm kidding btw...this is a joke)

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
Re: i dont understand

Originally posted by civileng68
I guess I just don't understand or believe that if someone had something like that happen to them that they would just be happy and move on. I just can't imagine it.

I'm sorry but I'd have to disagree! Kids will be kids and I TRY to be as patient as possible, even if it means getting beaten up a bit or getting dirty! But everyone has his/her limits and I respect yours! :)


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: absolutely

Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
Do you clean it up or just leave it there?

Did you want the mother to come over with a napkin and "mom-spit" to clean your pants? (You is the same chemical composition as Formula 409)

*spits on Bri*

Bri: Oohhhhhhhhhhhh, my skin! It burns!!!


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Re: absolutely

Originally posted by MouseMadness
*spits on Bri*

Bri: Oohhhhhhhhhhhh, my skin! It burns!!!

*for civileng*,00.html?sid=0823008002314127100

(just messin' with ya)

Umm...I can't see!!!!

*plays Jaws theme*

Be careful civileng...he's coming....



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Original Poster


New Member
Of course, today, with the almighty diagnosis of HDAD, it is hard to control some kids. I do want to say, Civil, that the mother should have apoligized. I know that some kids are hard to control. My kids seem to respect my authority a little better than their mothers. She has told me about the fits they have thrown over the years in grocery stores when she doesn't buy them the toy they 'just can't live without'. Once upon a time, a firm spank on the bottom (keep it clean people) would have quelled such behavior. In the PC world of today, you produce the spank and you may find yourself in meetings with Social Services.

So, to sum up. Christi spit on Bri (where?), his skin is slightly irritated, Kids will be kids and may be hard to control if they are HDAD, the parent should have apoligized, and my mom never got me the toys I wanted either.


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: absolutely

Originally posted by civileng68
*Point has been completely missed*

Money - NO issue
Pants - No issue
Children with ice-cream- No Issue
Appologies by parents when something goes wrong - Priceless.

*point has been completely missed*


(what part of "Just messin' with ya" and "I'm kidding, it's a joke btw" didn't you get?)

I'm playing around man.

I already said that I didn't agree with the mother's reaction!


Park History nut
Premium Member
Kids will be kids, we all were once, but I was a well behaved kid. At least now uncontrolled kids are at my knee height, and I can just carry on walking (if you get my drift!!)

"The young AND young at heart"


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by marni1971
Kids will be kids, we all were once, but I was a well behaved kid. At least now uncontrolled kids are at my knee height, and I can just carry on walking (if you get my drift!!)

"The young AND young at heart"

Why do I see a bunch of screaming kids with bruises on their foreheads around Marni? :lookaroun

(also...a joke...obviously)


Well, I'm 21, single, and obviously have no kids - so I really have no idea what it is like to be a parent. However, like most of you, I was once a child. And I was fortunate enough to be able to go to WDW when I was a kid. It reminds of something that I saw happen once at WDW, with a kid misbehaving and the parents disciplining the kid. Once at EPCOT, a small kid (around 5 years old) threw his sneaker across a restaurant. Well, the parents weren't happy at all. They took the kid, left the park, and went back to the hotel.

Remember, kids will be kids, especially at Disney World. I'd actually be more concerned seeing a kid upset at WDW than one who is so happy he's going to explode. The problems are with those few parents that kind of just let their kids do whatever they want. I see this when, for example, a small child is walking along a narrow wall without an adult immediately nearby. The wall might be only 3 feet high, but that could be the same height as the child. Or when on a crowded day at the park, a parent lets their kid push the empty stroller around. It may be cute and all, but a lot of times the kid can't even see over the stroller. I know that they can't make rules against all these minor annoyances (and in the grand scheme of things, they really are minor - but still annoying). But parents have to be cognizant of the fact that they are not the only people in WDW. Everyone else paid their money to get into the park too. We ALL just need to think of the concerns of other people too, and that way we can get along. And a simple apology by a parent can really go a long way.

I guess this is just the way that I feel now. Maybe things will change in the future when I experience the absolute joy of being a father.

Oh, yeah, that kid who threw his sneaker. It was me. My parents took me, left EPCOT, brought me back to the hotel, and I learned to live with it. They also apologized to the staff at the restaurant. I was just fortunate that the sneaker landed in an empty seat.


i have to say sometimes grown ups are as bad as children but in different time a grown woman knocked my 3 year old at the time to the ground and i iwas holding his hand just to get in line for splash mountain before it got longer. my son didn't get any apology. you also have to put up with foul language that very often comes out of adults mouths right in front of kids.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by wdwfan30
i have to say sometimes grown ups are as bad as children but in different time a grown woman knocked my 3 year old at the time to the ground and i iwas holding his hand just to get in line for splash mountain before it got longer. my son didn't get any apology. you also have to put up with foul language that very often comes out of adults mouths right in front of kids.

I completely agree...

Those _______ _______ ________ adults and their _________ ______ ________ language!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by wdwfan30
i have to say sometimes grown ups are as bad as children but in different time a grown woman knocked my 3 year old at the time to the ground and i iwas holding his hand just to get in line for splash mountain before it got longer. my son didn't get any apology. you also have to put up with foul language that very often comes out of adults mouths right in front of kids.

Amen to that from me as well Not only my own kids, but I've seen others too. Not one apology from the adult. They just kept going.

Gotta amen the foul language comment too :)

Disney Hog

New Member
I have four children and I would have to say that I agree that too many parents do not have control over their kids. It upsets me too to see parents not attempting to correct their children or to even acknowledge their behavior towards others.

I take great pride in my well behaved children. I go to great lengths to make sure that they are not disruptive and that they do not bother others. They know how to behave and how to respect other people. I do not spank them or abuse them, they simply are taught how they should act. So, when it is obvious that other parents do not do the same, it is frustrating.

One thing to remember is that one of the few things that you do not have to get a license or permit for is having children. Most anybody can have one and unforunately many of them do not know or care to know how to properly raise them.

If it happens again I wouldn't hesitate to ask for an apology. Especially if it is still bothering you.

I should go ahead and apologize right now for all of the scraped ankles out there that were caused by yours truly. :lookaroun

Oops, Sorry.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes kids aren't the only ones acting childish at the parks...but yeah the mother should have apologized, and should've been keeping a better eye on her kid...

That being said....

*throws ice cream cones and turkey legs at everyone, while reciting "bad" words*


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