Park security checks


Active Member
Gucci65 said:
Edited because Gicci65 dosen't want anyone to get hurt

i think you just gave someone somewhere a very bad idea... :lookaroun

I really don't care how effective it is, if it makes the park just a little safer, it's served it purpose


Well-Known Member
Whether right or not, profiling does take place. IMO, I think it's fine for them to profile the people walking into the parks. Next time you are in the bag check line, just watch what is going on.

You will see them "glance" into most bags, but you will see them "search" other bags. All it takes is for them to clue into something strange about a person or their bag and they will inspect the contents closely and observe the person's behavior.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
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mrtoad said:
But that would not work as you would be stopped because of cameras etc setting it off.
Not really sure how it would work. Knowing Disney it is going to be a system that resembles the x-ray machines in Total Recall.


New Member

I am mainly saying that there should be more security around Disney. I mean I guess the bag checks deter people from some things but there are always ways around things. Another thing is that the security guards should be a little younger in most of the cases. I know the Disney hires allot of retirees and that is fine and good but do not make them security guards. I usually feel safe going to Disney but I still have that fear that something can happen. Especially on the busses. I mean anyone can get on them at any time. All you have yo do is park your car at downtown and get on one. Call me paranoid but I expect something being originally from Philly and very close to ny. Hopefully nothing will ever happen. Sorry to ramble but I do not think they do a good enough job with security at wdw.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>



Well-Known Member
First of all I want to say that I agree with those who don't mind the security bag checks.

Secondly, I'd like to commend the security people for doing a fine job.

Everytime time I go through the lines, not only do they do a thorough search of my wifes back pack, but they also make me open my camera case every time. This makes my family feel a little bit safer.

I thought the security checks would be a nightmare when they were first implemented, but this was not the case.
I found the security people to be speedy, focused, but at the same time friendly and courteous.

I'm not so sure I could maintain the level of friendliness and kindness they always seem to maintain if I stood in the Florida heat for hours at a time.

My only negative thought is this: They seem to care about packages and camera cases and such that are carried in, but they don't seem to search the strollers as well as I'd like them to. Some of the strollers have more pockets and hiding places than any backpack.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
EvilEmperorZurg said:
I mean I guess the bag checks deter people from some things but there are always ways around things. Another thing is that the security guards should be a little younger in most of the cases. I know the Disney hires allot of retirees and that is fine and good but do not make them security guards.

What does their age have to do with anything? I would rather have an old man that has seen and heard everything checking bags than some kid that wouldn't know an IED if you hit him in the head with it.


Well-Known Member
Master Yoda said:
What does their age have to do with anything? I would rather have an old man that has seen and heard everything checking bags than some kid that wouldn't know an IED if you hit him in the head with it.
And let us not forget that some of these older people may be retired police officers who have had training that no theme park could ever give! Belle


Active Member
wannabeBelle said:
And let us not forget that some of these older people may be retired police officers who have had training that no theme park could ever give! Belle

not to mention, if a problem occured, i'm sure more security would be there quickly


I don't mind the bag checks and I probably wouldn't mind the metal detectors, but it is unrealistic to think that you could pass through an effective metal detector without noticing. Case in point - airport security.


New Member
I always thank the security guards after they check our bags, God knows what kind of garbage they catch from other guests.

Also there not jerks about the searching. Disney has rules against bringing outside food into the park but we still like to pack some snacks for the longer lines. The security guards never say anything about our food, they don't abuse there positions.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
ELopez said:
I don't mind the bag checks and I probably wouldn't mind the metal detectors, but it is unrealistic to think that you could pass through an effective metal detector without noticing. Case in point - airport security.
That is more than likely the reason they are not there yet. If I had to guess I would say that if a metal detector could discern between different types and quantity of metal then a silent system could work. For example person A walks through the detector and it finds several ounces of lead and brass it could be determined that that individual is carrying a gun. Person B is found to have a large amount zinc, copper and iron, that person could be caring a pipe bomb. Person C is found to have a small amount of nickel and coper, that person most likely has change in their pocket. If the alarm was triggered security could be alerted and the situation handled in the best way in relation to the threat detected. If such a system existed it could be covertly installed at any location that people go through one at a time (such as a turnstile) and no one would know.


Well-Known Member
NeedABreak said:
I always thank the security guards after they check our bags, God knows what kind of garbage they catch from other guests.

Also there not jerks about the searching. Disney has rules against bringing outside food into the park but we still like to pack some snacks for the longer lines. The security guards never say anything about our food, they don't abuse there positions.

You can now bring food into the parks. In fact we saw some woman dragging a full sized cooler on wheels around.


New Member
The real big issue I have with the security checks is the person who wears pants with a lot of pockets and crams stuff into each of them. No bag so they get to bypass the security checks. I have heard of a lot of people doing this.

I don't mind the checks. We have children in a stroller and baby bag. Also usually have a pack. We always prepare before getting there, by opening them up. Helps them go through it quicker and you are on your way. I absolutely hate it when someone doesn't at least have one zipper open and expects them to do it for them. That is what truely slows up the lines.


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
IMO, I think it's fine for them to profile the people walking into the parks.
You will see them "glance" into most bags, but you will see them "search" other bags. All it takes is for them to clue into something strange about a person or their bag and they will inspect the contents closely and observe the person's behavior.

That's the worst part about the whole "profiling" system. I mean, all it takes is a different nationality or tone of skin, and a whole vacation may be ruined if the guards in duty are not real tactiful and Disney-like in their behavior.

In general, I believe the sad and bad thing is that you all, as a country, need this sort of thing to feel safe. I hope you don't misinterpret this as a slam on the country. It's very hard sometimes to convey your thoughts into words, and it's even worse when you have to write it in a different language. It's just an outside pont of view. It's obvious this would be the general feeling, after your recent history. I would really like to hear, however, how are things being handled in the UK and Spain, places that have experienced similar acts of violence. And before someone says, yes, I'm aware the dimension was very different, but to me it's equally sad if the target was one or one million. No one should suffer because of the insanity of others.

I haven't been to Disney since the new security protocols were implemented, and since I've heard about them, I've tried replanning my regular park schedule. We'd always carry one backpack containing all wallets, IDs (xeroxed passports), ponchos and the occasional bottle of water or merchandise purchased. I could see myself eliminating the backpack to avoid the bag check. But with the baby coming, going to WDW without a bag is now impossible.

All in all, yeah, I can sorta see why it's there. I don't think it's useful, though, and I believe it has more psychological than actual effects. Just my opinion. :wave: I've seen threads on this subject derailing before, but I hope this one can go on as it is, because the different opinions can bring a lot to the discussion.


Well-Known Member
MKCustodial said:
That's the worst part about the whole "profiling" system. I mean, all it takes is a different nationality or tone of skin, and a whole vacation may be ruined if the guards in duty are not real tactiful and Disney-like in their behavior.

Go back and read my post again... I said nothing about RACIAL profiling. If you think that's the only type of profile, then you are seriously misinformed. Most profiling is based on BEHAVIOR and is a good tool in security enforcement. Look at people when you ask a simple question and you can tell when most have something to hide.


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
Go back and read my post again... I said nothing about RACIAL profiling. If you think that's the only type of profile, then you are seriously misinformed. Most profiling is based on BEHAVIOR and is a good tool in security enforcement. Look at people when you ask a simple question and you can tell when most have something to hide.

Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that was what you said. I just made a comment based on your reply. At this day and age, from what we've been seeing on the news every day, it's unfortunate but very safe to say that this is probably happening a lot. Just take the poor kid who died in London, mistaken for one of the terrorists. It seems they were after him for a while, even though his situation in the country was legal and clear, he had a job and all. But all it took was a darker skin and hair tone.
Again, sorry if it seemed I implied that's what you said. :wave:


Well-Known Member
MKCustodial said:
In general, I believe the sad and bad thing is that you all, as a country, need this sort of thing to feel safe. I hope you don't misinterpret this as a slam on the country.

Not sure how else it could be interpreted... I was going to let this one slide, but I believe you need to be more informed. Look at London and tell me they are not profiling based on religion after the recent terrorist attacks. Many news reports have indicated such and their officers are publicly saying its true. Unfortunately, it's a side effect of the terrorist activity. If we didn't have such problems, then there would be no need for bag checks at WDW. Your beef is with the terrorists (or anyone bent on illegal activity), not the people trying to keep all of us safe.


Well-Known Member
MKCustodial said:
Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that was what you said. I just made a comment based on your reply. At this day and age, from what we've been seeing on the news every day, it's unfortunate but very safe to say that this is probably happening a lot. Just take the poor kid who died in London, mistaken for one of the terrorists. It seems they were after him for a while, even though his situation in the country was legal and clear, he had a job and all. But all it took was a darker skin and hair tone.
Again, sorry if it seemed I implied that's what you said. :wave:

It did seem that way and apology accepted. What happened to that kid was unfortunate. The situation would have been different if he had not run. His actions just backed up the apparent risk.


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
Not sure how else it could be interpreted... I was going to let this one slide, but I believe you need to be more informed. Look at London and tell me they are not profiling based on religion after the recent terrorist attacks. Many news reports have indicated such and their officers are publicly saying its true. Unfortunately, it's a side effect of the terrorist activity. If we didn't have such problems, then there would be no need for bag checks at WDW. Your beef is with the terrorists (or anyone bent on illegal activity), not the people trying to keep all of us safe.

Again, I'm very sorry if I'm being misinterpreted. Maybe I'm not being able to express myself exactly right. What I meant to say is that the whole situation is very sad. The US has a very old history of freedom and tolerance, and after all that's happened, you were cornered into relying on bag checks and metal detectors to feel safe. It's not like you have a choice, really, and that's why I said it's nice to have this chance to gather all the different opinions.

wannab@dis said:
It did seem that way and apology accepted. What happened to that kid was unfortunate. The situation would have been different if he had not run. His actions just backed up the apparent risk.

Well, they're running a new investigation, and it seems the police didn't identify themselves properly prior to shooting. The whole thing is inconclusive, and I heard there's a comission going to London this week to talk with Scotland Yard.

In any event, that's not the point of the thread. We should stick to the subject in question. :)

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