Park security checks


Well-Known Member
Gucci65 said:
I don't think anything like hitting a parade float OR anything during Fantasmic could happen BECAUSE they have good security. That's why I posted the original thought about where it COULD potentially happen.

You are mean.

I don't think he's mean, he's just being practical. I mean, to think that a post on a Disney discussion forum could spark a terrorist incident is pretty farfetched. Of course, that's just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
MKCustodial said:
I don't think he's mean, he's just being practical. I mean, to think that a post on a Disney discussion forum could spark a terrorist incident is pretty farfetched. Of course, that's just my opinion.

I believe in my original post I said "or do I have an overactive imagination".
How do you know it could never happen.

Whatever, sorry I ever posted under this thread.

Y'al have a good evening.


New Member
MKCustodial said:
I don't think he's mean, he's just being practical. I mean, to think that a post on a Disney discussion forum could spark a terrorist incident is pretty farfetched. Of course, that's just my opinion.
Maybe not spark a "terrorist" incident in terms of what we all now consider terrorism. But remember, an American with a messed up agenda such as a Timothy McVie is still considered an act of terrorism. And any psycho who happens apon this forum could take an idea posted here and apply it. I think Gucci65 posted something that he later decided was irresponsible to post, retracted for fear that someone could read this board and see his idea and follow it through. No, Sadam Hussein is not looking on WDWMagic for secret ways for terrorising Disney but slow Joe who got beat up a lot as a kid who has mental issues and is easily persuaded may find Gucci65's post as an idea... :)


Well-Known Member
Gucci65 said:
I believe in my original post I said "or do I have an overactive imagination".
How do you know it could never happen.

Whatever, sorry I ever posted under this thread.

Y'al have a good evening.

I don't see why you have to take it so personal. I was just stating my opinion. Sorry if I offended you.

brich said:
I think Gucci65 posted something that he later decided was irresponsible to post, retracted for fear that someone could read this board and see his idea and follow it through.

And he has every right to do so, since it was his post. I don't think anyone here implied that he should edit back his post. In fact, I only tried pointing out that, personally, I don't see how Tac was mean by what he said. :)


Le Meh
Premium Member
Gucci65 said:
I don't think anything like hitting a parade float OR anything during Fantasmic could happen BECAUSE they have good security. That's why I posted the original thought about where it COULD potentially happen.

You are mean.

No, TAC is not, if I had replied, you would have seen mean, with a shot of certified horses ____


Le Meh
Premium Member
Gucci65 said:
I don't think anything like hitting a parade float OR anything during Fantasmic could happen BECAUSE they have good security. That's why I posted the original thought about where it COULD potentially happen.

You are mean.
No, TAC is not, if I had replied, you would have seen mean, with a shot of certified horses ____


Well-Known Member
The bag checks aren't just in response to terrorism. As others have stated, there are a lot of items that Disney would like to keep out of the parks. For example:
Fireworks - we don't need anyone shooting them off during a night time event, thinking it would be fun to add to the show.
Spray paint - there's enough vandalism in the cities, plus Disney has enough to clean up as is. No "tagging" here.
Personal weapons (knives, guns, etc.) - for obvious reasons.
Drugs and drug paraphernalia - the illigel kind, for obvious reasons.

As far as giving ideas to terrorist (domestic, foreign or otherwise); we haven't even begun to scratch the surface. There are so many more things that they've thought of, stuff that would probably make our skin crawl.


Well-Known Member
brich said:
Maybe not spark a "terrorist" incident in terms of what we all now consider terrorism. But remember, an American with a messed up agenda such as a Timothy McVie is still considered an act of terrorism. And any psycho who happens apon this forum could take an idea posted here and apply it. I think Gucci65 posted something that he later decided was irresponsible to post, retracted for fear that someone could read this board and see his idea and follow it through. No, Sadam Hussein is not looking on WDWMagic for secret ways for terrorising Disney but slow Joe who got beat up a lot as a kid who has mental issues and is easily persuaded may find Gucci65's post as an idea... :)

Thank you Brich :kiss: that is exactly why I decided to delete my post.

MKCustodial - you didn't offend me. I'm sorry I posted for two reasons (1) that someone could in a far off place in their head take my thought to heart (2) for being called ridiculous.

Hakunamatata - "you are mean" was my way of saying I didn't like my idea being called ridiculous. I won't resort to name calling like I have seen on other threads. That's nonsense. NOW some FYI - I am the mother of a 14 yr old cheerleader with an attitude. Wanna compare meanness? Bring it on ! :lol:
i can tell you all that i went to cypress gardens about two weeks ago and i know why disney doesnt have metal detectors...IT TAKES FOREVER that was the only complant i had about the park was that and that the lady running it was a total meany...i think someone did something in her cornflakes she had for breakfast...anyways and i also must say that if someone wants to do something to the park they will find a way too do it and just like 9/11 you know what the terrorist did they got training so whats to say they couldnt do that at disney...i mean you see all the problems disneyland is having with rides yeah try and tell me thats just random breakdowns i think not something is fishy out there and im not talking about gray davis' campain....anyways my point if people want to do something they will do it and security or not it will be done wheither people like it or not so i dont mind some bag checks cus its just keeping honest people honest


Well-Known Member
Just a note to all of us. We cant even begin to imagine what the terrorists can think of. I know I cant. We just dont think the same way. Not even vaguely close and for me that is a very good thing. Can we catch or even begin to anticipate what will be done next? No. Is there a chance that we can catch the random trouble spot with a simple bag check, yes possibly. As previously mentioned one CM has already said they have actually caught a bunch of stuff such as knives & guns!!! Kinda makes you wonder about that huh?? My point is that what we have may not be perfect, but it is another layer of protection that is not horribly intrusive. I can live with that. Belle


Well-Known Member
The bag check is useless.

It is the first part of the "show" Disney puts on every day, just like the "streetmosphere" actors.

Personally, it doesn't make me feel one iota safer than without, and would much rather not to have to think about such things because worrying isn't going to help. If something is to happen, it's going to happen, no silly little "glance" check at bags is going to lull me into a false sense of security. If someone wanted to do something at Disney World, they aren't going to put the tools into the top of a backpack and open it up for some unarmed rent-a-cop at the entrance.



Beta Return
AEfx said:
The bag check is useless.

It is the first part of the "show" Disney puts on every day, just like the "streetmosphere" actors.

Personally, it doesn't make me feel one iota safer than without, and would much rather not to have to think about such things because worrying isn't going to help. If something is to happen, it's going to happen, no silly little "glance" check at bags is going to lull me into a false sense of security. If someone wanted to do something at Disney World, they aren't going to put the tools into the top of a backpack and open it up for some unarmed rent-a-cop at the entrance.



Tara Mae

New Member
I don't know, I agree with the check points, but in all honesty, they don't ease my nerves one bit.

They barely even check the bags any more. They unzip and unbutton, take a quick glance, if even, and then shove it back towards you.

I agree with the two above posts.

And, in opinion, I feel that if a sniper or whatnot wanted to get into Disney with a weapon of some sort, they could do it, even with the bag checks. There are other ways to hide a weapon. In underwear, bras, pockets of pants that are inside the pants, pockets within jackets...

I just don't see the point of a bag check that isn't. I have never once actually had a cop look in my bag. Just unzipped it and let me go. Rent-a-Cop is about right.


Well-Known Member
Tara Mae said:
I don't know, I agree with the check points, but in all honesty, they don't ease my nerves one bit.

They barely even check the bags any more. They unzip and unbutton, take a quick glance, if even, and then shove it back towards you.

I agree with the two above posts.

And, in opinion, I feel that if a sniper or whatnot wanted to get into Disney with a weapon of some sort, they could do it, even with the bag checks. There are other ways to hide a weapon. In underwear, bras, pockets of pants that are inside the pants, pockets within jackets...

I just don't see the point of a bag check that isn't. I have never once actually had a cop look in my bag. Just unzipped it and let me go. Rent-a-Cop is about right.
As someone pointed out earlier. There are always many other security personel working around the bag checks that are not in uniforms. The purpose of the bag checks is not really to look in your bags, but rather to watch the reactions of those walking up to the bag checks. They are trained to notice odd activity.


Well-Known Member
OK Lets get the obvious out of the way first. If someone REALLY wanted to do some damage, they could. The people who do this stuff arent like us. We dont think the same way, we dont act the same way. That is a fact of life, get used to it. It is sad but true. I cant go any further without getting into a far more political arena that I would care to here. Now getting into the bag checks, if this stops even one person from causing mischief of some sort, than yes it is worth the few extra minutes at the gate. Belle


Well-Known Member
wannabeBelle said:
... if this stops even one person from causing mischief of some sort, than yes it is worth the few extra minutes at the gate. Belle
peter11435 said:
As someone pointed out earlier. Their are always many other security personel working around that bag checks that are not in uniforms. The purpose of the bag checks is not really to look in your bags, but rather to watch the reactions of those walking up to the bag checks. They are trained to notice odd activity.

Exactly... bag checks are for the two things mentioned above..

1. Weed out the goofballs and their toys.. such as fireworks, small arms, paint, etc.
2. Check the reactions of the people coming through the gates. Do you really think someone is not looking at you even when you go through the "no-bag" lines? The lines just divide the people into smaller groups for scrutiny and to look for trouble makers.

I've never been "nervous" about going into any of the parks and it would take something major within an amusement park setting to instill even a little fear into that type of activity for me. The number one goal of the terrorists is for us to live in fear. Don't do it!


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
Exactly... bag checks are for the two things mentioned above..

1. Weed out the goofballs and their toys.. such as fireworks, small arms, paint, etc.
2. Check the reactions of the people coming through the gates. Do you really think someone is not looking at you even when you go through the "no-bag" lines? The lines just divide the people into smaller groups for scrutiny and to look for trouble makers.

I've never been "nervous" about going into any of the parks and it would take something major within an amusement park setting to instill even a little fear into that type of activity for me. The number one goal of the terrorists is for us to live in fear. Don't do it!
Well said Wannab@Dis!!!!!!!!!!! Belle


Well-Known Member
AEfx said:
The bag check is useless.

It is the first part of the "show" Disney puts on every day, just like the "streetmosphere" actors.

Personally, it doesn't make me feel one iota safer than without, and would much rather not to have to think about such things because worrying isn't going to help. If something is to happen, it's going to happen, no silly little "glance" check at bags is going to lull me into a false sense of security. If someone wanted to do something at Disney World, they aren't going to put the tools into the top of a backpack and open it up for some unarmed rent-a-cop at the entrance.


I can understand that the security checks don't make you feel any safer.
I'm sure all the Rambo's out there know all the ins and outs of terrorists thoughts and activitys.

The Security check isn't meant for's meant for people like my Dear Grandmother, who lives in New York City, who used to Love to come to Disney World but is almost afraid to leave her house since 9/11.

Just chill out and let them security guards do their thing.
If it gets my Granny out of the house and makes her feel safer, then it's a good thing.


Beta Return
Some valid points have been posted here, either way, regarding the bag checks. If they're really using them to stop food & drinks - that's great....seems wasteful, but whatever.

I don't really buy the fact that the rent-a-cops checking bags are highly trained experts in profiling and spying....they just look like jolly old men to me. Now, there may indeed be plain-clothed security profiling at the gates, and I'm all for that. They don't hold up the process and they don't cause a distraction, scene or sense of worry to "grandmas" who have become agoraphobics since 911.

I often wear a very compact belt pack for my digital camera - and about half the time, the guy standing in the NO BAGS line tells me he has to check my camera pouch. What?!?! I guess he's looking for the extra bullet in the battery pouch that I might use in the .38 I have strapped to my thigh.....:rolleyes:

If I were a bag checker, I would indeed participate in profiling - whether it's PC or not, it happens....and I'm sure after 911 we ALL have caught ourselves doing it at least once. If I'm checking bags and I see mom and dad and bobby and susie with mickey ears on - yeah, I'm just gonna give their bag a quick scan for beer or the forbidden outside food. However, if I see a Muslim-looking gentleman, perhaps with a turban and/or Muslim garb on...and he's alone or with another male of similar appearance, I'm probably going to disect their bag - I'll admit it. Call me racist, call me cautious, call me whatever you want.....and I'm not alone. If the checks are indeed necessary, then I hope (and presume that) they are profiling in some way - even if they're just looking for some roudy teens or suspicious loners.

As perviously stated on the X-Ray won't slow down the process like at other parks, or airports, because it won't be that system. They will be better concealed and won't have alarms that the public would hear or see. They will simply display almost a true-life video of each person walking through the X-Ray field - allowing the plain-clothed security to identify suspicious objects and their location on someone's body - then they can, very casually, pull that person aside upon entering, and give them an opportunity to present that object, or be subjected to a quick pat down. This would all be done in a room adjacent to the entrance, and all the other guests would see is someone that appears to be a Manager or other street-clothed CM speaking with a guest in a pleasant manner - giving no sense of alarm.


Well-Known Member
edwardtc said:
Some valid points have been posted here, either way, regarding the bag checks. If they're really using them to stop food & drinks - that's great....seems wasteful, but whatever.

I don't really buy the fact that the rent-a-cops checking bags are highly trained experts in profiling and spying....they just look like jolly old men to me. Now, there may indeed be plain-clothed security profiling at the gates, and I'm all for that. They don't hold up the process and they don't cause a distraction, scene or sense of worry to "grandmas" who have become agoraphobics since 911.

I often wear a very compact belt pack for my digital camera - and about half the time, the guy standing in the NO BAGS line tells me he has to check my camera pouch. What?!?! I guess he's looking for the extra bullet in the battery pouch that I might use in the .38 I have strapped to my thigh.....:rolleyes:

If I were a bag checker, I would indeed participate in profiling - whether it's PC or not, it happens....and I'm sure after 911 we ALL have caught ourselves doing it at least once. If I'm checking bags and I see mom and dad and bobby and susie with mickey ears on - yeah, I'm just gonna give their bag a quick scan for beer or the forbidden outside food. However, if I see a Muslim-looking gentleman, perhaps with a turban and/or Muslim garb on...and he's alone or with another male of similar appearance, I'm probably going to disect their bag - I'll admit it. Call me racist, call me cautious, call me whatever you want.....and I'm not alone. If the checks are indeed necessary, then I hope (and presume that) they are profiling in some way - even if they're just looking for some roudy teens or suspicious loners.

As perviously stated on the X-Ray won't slow down the process like at other parks, or airports, because it won't be that system. They will be better concealed and won't have alarms that the public would hear or see. They will simply display almost a true-life video of each person walking through the X-Ray field - allowing the plain-clothed security to identify suspicious objects and their location on someone's body - then they can, very casually, pull that person aside upon entering, and give them an opportunity to present that object, or be subjected to a quick pat down. This would all be done in a room adjacent to the entrance, and all the other guests would see is someone that appears to be a Manager or other street-clothed CM speaking with a guest in a pleasant manner - giving no sense of alarm.
They are not looking stop food and drinks. I have seen people with bags full of food and they were allowed in.

Also I nor anyone else said that the jolly old men were highly trained experts in profiling and spying. As I said the people in blue at the gates (read jolly old men) are only Disney's themed security. There are others (many others) who are very well trained in what they do. They are the ones around the bag checks who are profiling and spying not the ones in uniform.

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