Park security checks


Well-Known Member
mrtoad said:
But that would not work as you would be stopped because of cameras etc setting it off.
They are currently developing metal detectors that will know the difference between a weapon and a camera. Using a variety of technologies they will be able to identify not only if you have something on you, but also what and where it is.


Well-Known Member
MKCustodial said:
Again, I'm very sorry if I'm being misinterpreted. Maybe I'm not being able to express myself exactly right. What I meant to say is that the whole situation is very sad. The US has a very old history of freedom and tolerance, and after all that's happened, you were cornered into relying on bag checks and metal detectors to feel safe. It's not like you have a choice, really, and that's why I said it's nice to have this chance to gather all the different opinions.

You're right... the current need for security checks is a sad situation. Unfortunately, it's a necessary side effect from attempting to keep all citizens (any visitors) safe. Not just from terrorists, but from anyone bent on causing harm or mischief. I'm sure the WDW bag checkers pull lots of things from bags that are not terror related, but could be used to disrupt other's vacations.


Well-Known Member
EvilEmperorZurg said:
I am mainly saying that there should be more security around Disney. I mean I guess the bag checks deter people from some things but there are always ways around things. Another thing is that the security guards should be a little younger in most of the cases. I know the Disney hires allot of retirees and that is fine and good but do not make them security guards. I usually feel safe going to Disney but I still have that fear that something can happen. Especially on the busses. I mean anyone can get on them at any time. All you have yo do is park your car at downtown and get on one. Call me paranoid but I expect something being originally from Philly and very close to ny. Hopefully nothing will ever happen. Sorry to ramble but I do not think they do a good enough job with security at wdw.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>

The older security guards are what I like to call Disney's themed security force. I assure you that there are many many others who far better fit the profile of security. They are around and you will only notice them if they are needed.


Well-Known Member
peter11435 said:
They are currently developing metal detectors that will no the difference between a weapon and a camera. Using a variety of technologies they will be able to identify not only if you have something on you, but also what and where it is.

Neat stuff and I welcome it...


Beta Return
On bag checks: they are there to appease the general public and help them "feel" at ease. If I'm a terrorist, and (for some reason) I want to blow up WDW or a park within it, I'm going to do it without going through the turnstile. I'll become a CM and get in thru the tunnels or other backstage entrance.....I'll drive my car around security checkpoints, after I study them for a year, and use my car as a bomb at the power plant up north.....I'll get a cell-phone detonated IED shipped in with the next box of Stitch dolls and detonate it while it's in the Merchandise Storage in the tunnels. No, I haven't been brainstorming these ideas for months - I just thought of them while I was typing, on the fly. We saw how orchestrated 9/11 was, and if they're going to do something to a place like WDW, they're going to do it with a team, with lots of planning. It won't just be Akmed walking thru the turnstile in a robe with a Jansport backpack. If Akmed decides he wants to do it half-[donkey'd] and try it on his own, he'll pack a pipe bomb with C4 in the velcro pocket in his khaki cargo shorts. At the same time, I don't see WDW as a major target, as many paranoid people do. If they're going to try again over here, they're going to hit the heart of the economy - wallstreet, major cities, banks, etc.....not some amusement park. If WDW gets blown up, all of us on here will cry, but it won't destroy the economy or our freedom.

On Metal Detectors: Right now, anyone could walk right into any park with a handgun and/or knife on their person - and not even carry a bag. If we're really trying to detect weapons or IEDs, we need some sort of imaging system, like X-Ray. Some airports in other countries have recently tested X-Ray machines like the ones mentioned a few posts earlier. They work more like the bag-scanners at the airport that actually show a live image as the object passes through. You can make out the shape and composition of pretty much anything that isn't tissue and see exactly where it is on the body. Right now it actually works TOO well, and....well....leaves little to the imagination, so they're trying to tweak it down a bit and help you keep your secrets....secret. I would personally MUCH rather see something like this than the bag check. Rather than an alarm start screeching, Security simply sits in a room adjacent to the entry tunnels and sends a plain-clothed officer out to the "suspect" and asks them to come aside for a quick sweep. No cause for alarm to other guests.

On Profiling: It's necessary. Not necessarily RACIAL profiling - just profiling. It's not a bad thing, and it's not Politically Incorrect. Every FBI, CIA and Secret Service agent profiles for a living - that's their job. That's how they detect problems and suspects. Someone who is going to do something wrong, or has just finished, will display characteristics that give them away. True, based on stereotypes, many Americans now practice racial profiling....and that will never end after what we've been through recently. We just need to do it in a less conspicuous manner, which leads to my next paragraph.....

I would like to see WDW install the face-scanners that were used at the Olympics and other large events. The cameras that scan every single face entering the park and compare them to a database of known criminals and terrorists. The systems work VERY well and eliminate the need for obvious profiling. The people watching the monitors can still profile, but they can cause less of a scene and less embarassment by addressing the "suspects" similarly to the X-Ray system above - discreetly. Between this and X-Ray Machines, they can eliminate the bag checks altogether and almost completely eliminate risk....unless they REALLY want to keep beer and smuggled candy bars out!


Active Member
I think the baggage checks are a GREAT idea! I live 6 miles from the George Washington Bridge and in the town where at least 1 of the 9/11 hijackers stayed at a hotel up until that horrible day. To see the smoke and worry about a family member who did not answer his cell phone was a feeling I never want to experience again. If having to wait on line to get my bag checked in the off chance that they may catch someone is well worth it in my opinion. Disney is a very crowded place and a "hit" on any of the theme parks would be catastrophic with a huge body count, just as it was at the WTC. In my opinion doing away with this very important security measure because some people complain it infringes on their right to privacy puts us all in potential danger. My brother was in WDW in July and was searched like everyone else, I am sure that after being at Ground Zero for rescue and recovery as a Firefighter (sights, sounds and smells he will never forget) he wasn't that worried about his privacy being invaded!


New Member
They won't catch a guy with a knife or pistol but that's not what they are there for. They DETER people from packing a bag with C4 and bowing up a crowd. They also make most people feel more safe.


Well-Known Member
edwardtc said:
I would like to see WDW install the face-scanners that were used at the Olympics and other large events. The cameras that scan every single face entering the park and compare them to a database of known criminals and terrorists. The systems work VERY well and eliminate the need for obvious profiling. The people watching the monitors can still profile, but they can cause less of a scene and less embarassment by addressing the "suspects" similarly to the X-Ray system above - discreetly. Between this and X-Ray Machines, they can eliminate the bag checks altogether and almost completely eliminate risk....unless they REALLY want to keep beer and smuggled candy bars out!

Very good idea!


Well-Known Member
Connor002 said:
i think you just gave someone somewhere a very bad idea... :lookaroun

I really don't care how effective it is, if it makes the park just a little safer, it's served it purpose

Lord I hope not!!! I would never be able to forgive myself for not saying something to WDW personnel rather than posting it on a website.

Should I go back and delete that post?


Well-Known Member
WDWWishes2005 and Connor002 could you please go back and edit your post in order to delete the quote.

I'm don't want anyone to get any ideas.

I deleted my original post.


Active Member
I like the baggage checks, whatever it takes to keep guests safe...same on airport security. Although I will say I don't think at a couple of the parks they actually even looked through my purse. The guy in front of me at MGM had like a lunchbox cooler, with Budwiser in it...hilarious the guard was like ummm sir you can't bring this in. I was cracking up.


Well-Known Member
TAC said:
I am not trying to panic anyone, and I am NOT a paranoid person, but as far as a what if scenario...instead of going straight up to the bag search tables, take a look around...look at people who are watching the people going to the back check area. Look at the people off to the side, watching...

Yep, I've noticed a few that seemed to be aimlessly walking around, but on closer watching, they were very aware of everything going on. I've seen this at the resorts also. I'm sure we would be surprised to find out how many undercover people are at the parks and resorts that work security.


Well-Known Member
TAC said:
Don't be ridiculous. Don't you think that if someone wanted to do something at WDW, they would have a well thought out plan? A terrorist isn't going to decide tomorrow morning at 6 am that they are going to walk up to the bag check line at MK and flip a switch.


I didn't think I was being ridiculous. I was trying to remedy something I regret posting. WHAT IF..........

Better to be safe than sorry.


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
Yep, I've noticed a few that seemed to be aimlessly walking around, but on closer watching, they were very aware of everything going on. I've seen this at the resorts also. I'm sure we would be surprised to find out how many undercover people are at the parks and resorts that work security.
Exactly. That is the point I was trying to make about Disney's themed security earlier. The fact is that there is plenty of REAL security there too. The best kind of security is the security you can't see. There are always plain closed security around at Disney.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
TAC said:
Don't be ridiculous. Don't you think that if someone wanted to do something at WDW, they would have a well thought out plan? A terrorist isn't going to decide tomorrow morning at 6 am that they are going to walk up to the bag check line at MK and flip a switch.
You are right a terrorist would not...however a nut case would.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
TAC said:
And a nut case is going to be searching Disney message boards for an idea ? Be real.
I never said that they were looking to Disney message boards for ideas. You stated that a terrorist wold not try to attack without planning.

TAC said:
A terrorist isn't going to decide tomorrow morning at 6 am that they are going to walk up to the bag check line at MK and flip a switch.

I agreed with you and then made the point that a nut case would try to attack without any thought or planning.


New Member
I think the happy older gents checking diaper bags are reffered to as deterents. They are there to deter generic whacko's who aren't smart enough to concoct an elaborate scheme. The idiots who attacked NYC are not the type to come through the front gates with diaper bags full of C-4. Isn't given the fact that WDW has been publically mentioned time and time again by the media as a potential target more of a reason WDW would not be hit? The expectation is there. That somewhat takes out the terror of the act. A 6 Flags park would be less suspecting. Thats probably why we get occassional warnings about threats to shopping malls because it's very generic. It causes terror in people. As well as instills a broad terror on the Amercian economy. :)


Well-Known Member
TAC said:
And as I said before, I'm sure if someone were comtemplating a terrorist attack at WDW they already have thought of that.

What if there was an IED on a parade float? What if the terrorists decided that to hit the Fantasmic theater during a show?

What if..

What if..

What if...

I don't think anything like hitting a parade float OR anything during Fantasmic could happen BECAUSE they have good security. That's why I posted the original thought about where it COULD potentially happen.

You are mean.

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