Park security checks


Well-Known Member
AEfx said:
Unfortunately, you just don't get it. And that's okay. Not everyone has to understand everything, I guess. It's an issue much greater than the bag checks at WDW, or the time it takes to go through it.

I guess this is one of those things where you can see the big picture, or you can't.


Just because you think it doesn't make any difference or in reinforces old fears doesn't really matter.

The security checks are there for a reason. Whether you understand or not doesn't matter. They aren't there to catch Osama, but they are there to keep items out that don't belong, to watch out for the possible troublemakers, and to bring order to the entrance so the REAL security people you don't see can watch everyone.


Well-Known Member
The fact of the matter is while you may feel the security checks don't do any good, they can't hurt. And as I explained earlier the security checks do help to slow people down and allow for far better trained individuals to observe the situation.

Also I think the someones favorite phrase would apply very well here. Hakunamatata, I'll let you do the honors.


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
Just because you think it doesn't make any difference or in reinforces old fears doesn't really matter.

The security checks are there for a reason. Whether you understand or not doesn't matter.

I matter so little you had to tell me not once but twice...gee, guess you put me in my place, wannabe.

wannab@dis said:
They aren't there to catch Osama, but they are there to keep items out that don't belong, to watch out for the possible troublemakers, and to bring order to the entrance so the REAL security people you don't see can watch everyone.

Then why was it not necessary before five years ago?

The answer is it was done to put on a show to make people feel safe.

As I've said earlier in this thread, I am well aware of the "hidden" security, but there are other ways to bring order to the entrance without doing the silly, non-standardized bag-check.

Also, as I've said, I don't expect it to go away any time soon, but I recognize it for what it is. I am not picketing Disney, or even writing a letter, LOL, or asking them to remove them. I simply have an opinion that Disney would be just as safe without them, and a more magical place to boot. You don't agree with that, and you say my opinion doesn't matter anyway - so I guess all I can say is thanks for your input and Have a Magical Day. :)



New Member
Master Yoda said:
From what I heard Disney is working on metal detectors and when they are perfected you will never know you went through it.

Metal detectors that i don't know are there sounds like a great idea. That is a much better idea than those big things that you see at the airport. Those would really take away the Magic.



New Member
just thinking. Aren't the finger print readers at the entrance supposed to be another form of security? If you were on a terrorist watch list and you entered the park, you would have to put your finger on the scanner which would match your prints with any prints on file. This would then notify Disney security and then they could call the proper authorities. I think I got it got it sounding right.

ok im going to have to post something about this that i found funny here in tampa. starting this thursday at the tampa bay bucs game all fans will be patted down at the gate before entering the game yes you heard me right pat down like a idk about all of you guys but i know for sure that is totally crazy too me and also i think in todays world theres one big problem with all the security and thats we get tunnel vision and we start to think we are so secure that nothing can happen too us and in that tunnel vision we do over look things and thats when WAMO another 9/11 situation happens because we get so far too the other extreme that we over look something again just like with b4 9/11 we were so under the radar and lacks that we didnt see it coming and i think this time we are going too far over the radar and we are going to get hit again if we dont watch things and tone it down a little and just keep a watchful eye but dont over do it. but thats just my view of things

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
tigger_rox00 said:
just thinking. Aren't the finger print readers at the entrance supposed to be another form of security? If you were on a terrorist watch list and you entered the park, you would have to put your finger on the scanner which would match your prints with any prints on file. This would then notify Disney security and then they could call the proper authorities. I think I got it got it sounding right.

The scanners don't take finger prints. The scanners measure the distance between the joints in your fingers and an algorithm generates a code to coincide with this measurement. This info is in-coded on your ticket and is not shared with anyone. From what I understand this number is unique to only about 1 in 100 people.


Well-Known Member
AEfx said:
I matter so little you had to tell me not once but twice...gee, guess you put me in my place, wannabe.

Then why was it not necessary before five years ago?

The answer is it was done to put on a show to make people feel safe.

As I've said earlier in this thread, I am well aware of the "hidden" security, but there are other ways to bring order to the entrance without doing the silly, non-standardized bag-check.

Also, as I've said, I don't expect it to go away any time soon, but I recognize it for what it is. I am not picketing Disney, or even writing a letter, LOL, or asking them to remove them. I simply have an opinion that Disney would be just as safe without them, and a more magical place to boot. You don't agree with that, and you say my opinion doesn't matter anyway - so I guess all I can say is thanks for your input and Have a Magical Day. :)


I'm sorry that my post was not clear enough. In fact, I wish I had added myself to make it a little more clear. I wasn't saying that your opinion doesn't matter to me or the other readers. I meant that your opinion (and mine!) doesn't matter to Disney or the people that decided to implement the checks.

You are correct in that the bag check wasn't implemented until after 9/11. You are also correct in that the bag checks were initially started to help people "feel" safer about entering the parks. However, a lot has changed since then and the bag checks now play a bigger part in the security of the parks.

It's been reported here and I have heard from other places that they routinely find things that should not be brought into the parks and it also helps the other security measures to control the entrance in a better fashion. So, what started out as a terrorist related "feel good" check has become a part of entrance security that does have merrit. If Disney felt for one minute that the checks were useless, then they would discontinue them. As you pointed out (correctly, I think), the "feel good" sentiment is no longer required as most people have gotten over the initial trauma and see the security check as a nuisance. If making people "feel" safer was still the primary reason for the checks, then I think they would have been taken out a couple of years ago.

However, that's not the whole story any longer. Based on their experience, the bag checks do have more merit than the psuedo feeling of safety, so they will continue until people quit bringing in ridiculous items or a better method of screening people is implemented.


Well-Known Member
AEfx said:
LOL, I'm plenty "chilled out". I smile and say hello to the security guards as they do their thing. ;) Even the grumpy ones, who I always make sure I wish a Magical Day.

With all due respect to your grandmother, the average person is no longer "traumatized" by the events you referenced. Small children at WDW were babies at the time - and I hate the fact that they have to go to the Magic Kingdom and see a security check that is nothing more than a big show.

It just adds to this culture of "terror, terror, fear, fear!" that so many people are holding on to. If the security check was actually useful - for anything than weeding out the occasional idiot that doesn't know to hide his beer under his shirt instead of in a backpack - I'd be all for it. But it doesn't.

I'm of no illusions that it's going to go away any time soon, but I certainly can say I think WDW would be a happier place without it.


I agree ( *gasp* :lol: )....

Fear based legislation, decisions, actions...are failed from the get go....

Why should our peace of mind, our freedoms, our rights to privacy be dictated by the "actions" of a group of terrorist?

X-Ray machines? Metal detectors? That's rediculous. If people want to go through with a horrible act, they will find a way around everything and anything. Will all this stuff in place make it harder? Sure. But there's still the same chance something can happen. Terrorist will attack places people think are safe...(hello! they want to terrorize you)....

Sad is the fact that we even have to have this conversation in this day and age...sad that people kill each other, etc....

My opinion has always been Disney has these security measures to cover themselves if something were ever to go wrong. They don't care about you or me...they care about surviving a lawsuit(s), if WDW was ever attacked.

This quote applies here:
"The more laws you make, the more thieves there will be." -Lao Tzu

Oh...and regarding the original post.... earlier this year I was in line waiting for my camera bag to get checked...I noticed a man and his wife and they were discussing how he forgot he had a gun in his back pack...he wanted to go back to the resort to put it away, his wife insisted on going through with the bag check...the security guard (after the wife explained her husband was a cop) said that it happens all the time, police officers don't think twice about carrying their arms, because they are so use to them...they asked for some ID, etc....and told them they can pick it up when they leave the park...


MKCustodial said:
In general, I believe the sad and bad thing is that you all, as a country, need this sort of thing to feel safe.

Well, the thing is, the real world is not fantasy, fun-n-games, and make believe. There are insane people in this world who hate the United States, and want it to cease to exist. No offense, but Brazil is not under that kind of pressure. Terrorists hate western culture and anything having to do with it, and give no regard to western individuality - the same crime you accuse us as being guilty of. So until you feel what it's like to have the entire world save Britain and Japan wishing death upon you for being who YOU are, I don't think you have a right to judge us for what we "need to make us feel safe".

- Brian


Well-Known Member
Brian_B said:
Well, the thing is, the real world is not fantasy, fun-n-games, and make believe. There are insane people in this world who hate the United States, and want it to cease to exist. No offense, but Brazil is not under that kind of pressure. Terrorists hate western culture and anything having to do with it, and give no regard to western individuality - the same crime you accuse us as being guilty of. So until you feel what it's like to have the entire world save Britain and Japan wishing death upon you for being who YOU are, I don't think you have a right to judge us for what we "need to make us feel safe".

- Brian

I don't think he meant it in the way you're taking it...I think he means that it's sad that we have to take those measures to feel safe...sad that the world is a messed up place...etc...


Well-Known Member
Brian_B said:
Well, the thing is, the real world is not fantasy, fun-n-games, and make believe. There are insane people in this world who hate the United States, and want it to cease to exist. No offense, but Brazil is not under that kind of pressure. Terrorists hate western culture and anything having to do with it, and give no regard to western individuality - the same crime you accuse us as being guilty of. So until you feel what it's like to have the entire world save Britain and Japan wishing death upon you for being who YOU are, I don't think you have a right to judge us for what we "need to make us feel safe".

- Brian

Well, sorry if I offended you. I really didn't mean it like that. I suppose Oz's post above really sums up best.
I'd like to ask, though: what did I accuse you of, exactly? I mean, Brazil is one country that has mirrored the US trends and cultures in many events. True, many here, like in many other countries, including the UK, I believe, were saddened by what happened but do not agree to your president's way of handling things, especially his International diplomacy skills. I do not think, however that the whole world is wishing your death, except some segments in a few countries like Afghanistan and Iraq. Most of the other are not angry with you for being who you are. As I mentioned, they're angry with the fact that your government sometimes meddles too much into other countries' affairs. Like the time they wanted to put a military base in the Amazon, or when they wanted to follow on the rumor that there were terrorist cells on the Uruguay/Paraguay/Brazil frontier.
In any event, if you could explain the whole accusation thing, even by PM, if you don't want to expose it here, I'd really like that. Sometimes, as I said before, i may believe I'm writing one thing when in fact it can be interpreted as another thing completely. I consider myself very proficient in the English language, but mistakes will happen. :wave:


AEfx said:
At this point, I don't believe that many people are fooled by it into thinking it actually makes you feel more secure. I think as time goes on more people see it as a reminder of something they'd rather not think about while at the World. Anyone who is traumatized by the events of five years ago isn't going to be helped by a play-acting bag check - they need professional help.

It was four years ago for those keeping track.

Anyway, I agree with you, those checks don't do much other than show.

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