Disney Irish
Premium Member
Thanks for the response. You seem to be expressing whatever frustrations you have with this community in your decision to only focus on the positive. Whenever anyone here has a negative opinion about Disneyland, even if there is plain-as-day evidence that the resort is making choices that put its carefully crafted brand and legacy at risk, you are contrary and defensive. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's my takeaway from this post.
Anyway, carry on.
I have no frustrations with the community. I post just like everyone else on a topic which we are all passionate about, Disney.
I have things I like and dislike about how Disney does things. I've named quite a few things I dislike in response to you. But I choose to focus my energy on looking at the positive rather than focusing on the negative. Looking at the negative only makes one miserable. I already have too much negativity in my life. So I choose not to be miserable about something with which I'm passionate about.