Personally, I'm still doubtful Pixar Pier is happening. However, if it does, how big of a bomb will it be? There's absolutely no buzz around it from what I've seen. Unlike Mission Breakout, it's not controversial so much as "Who cares? That seems pointless and dumb." I'm sure there'll be an initial couple of days to come see it when it "opens" but a repainted and renamed California Screamin' with a new soundtrack? A new face on the Fun Wheel? A show transplanted from somewhere else in the park? Who cares about any of this? Mission Breakout is a terrible attraction and a pathetic attempt by Disney but at least people are excited about Marvel and Guardians of the Galaxy. No one is excited about Pixar anymore. Just look at Cars 3 or The Good Dinosaur. Sure, Finding Dory did great financially, but who it was an incredibly film. The only two good Pixar movies of this decade are Toy Story 3 and Inside Out. The rest have all fallen short of what the studio once was in the late 90's and 2000's. I don't see any hype for this and I think if it ends up happening Disney will see a huge loss in revenue or just barely break even like they did with Mission Breakout.