Our itinerary...help!!


New Member
Hi everyone! :wave: I'm new here and new to Disney so I'm going to need all the help I can get! We're planning our first trip for the last week in October :sohappy:
I was hoping that I can show you a rough draft of our itinerary and you could give me your thoughts/opinions on it??

Sunday - arrive at 11:30 am, day in MK (EMH), dinner at Tony's @ 6:30
Monday - AK, Rainforest Cafe for lunch @ 11, MGM, H & V @ 4:30, Fantasmic
Tuesday - BBBoutique @ 12:10, time in DTD, LTT @ 5:40, MNSSHP
Wednesday - sleep in, hang out at pool, Whispering Canyon @ 5:40, Chip and Dale campfire
Thursday - Princess Storybook bfast, day in Epcot, Le Cellier @ 4:00
Friday - CRT @ 10:10, last day MK/Epcot, fly home 7:00 pm.

So...what do you think? Do I have enough time to do all this? Am I trying to do too much? :veryconfu Thanks for the help!


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Also, I wanted to point out that it will be just me and my two DDs (6 & 7) going. CRT was a gift from Pop-Pop and the boutique was a gift from Mimi.

I'm also looking for some advice on counter service meals that would be good
Thanks again
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New Member
Hey mom! Welcome to the boards!

Are you solely interested in Character meals? If not, I can suggest 50s Prime Time or Sci-Fi Dine In at MGM, I have eaten at Hollywood and Vine in the past and didn't care for the buffet, but it's just a suggestion.

As far as counter service:

Cosmic Rays (Tomorrowland)
El Pirata (Adventureland)
Pinocchio's Village Haus (Fantasyland)

Sunshine Seasons (Land Pavillion)

ABC Commissary
Toy Story Pizza Planet

There are lots of other options at each park, I'm sure you'll find something that meets all of your needs!

Have FUN!
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No, not just character meals but we wanted to do the Fantasmic dinner package and there are only three options. I didn't want to do Mama Melrose because we are eating at Tony's the night before and I didn't want to do Brown Derby because I didn't want to use 2 TS.
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Active Member
momof2girls said:
Hi everyone! :wave: I'm new here and new to Disney so I'm going to need all the help I can get! We're planning our first trip for the last week in October :sohappy:
I was hoping that I can show you a rough draft of our itinerary and you could give me your thoughts/opinions on it??

Sunday - arrive at 11:30 am, day in MK (EMH), dinner at Tony's @ 6:30
Monday - AK, Rainforest Cafe for lunch @ 11, MGM, H & V @ 4:30, Fantasmic
Tuesday - BBBoutique @ 12:10, time in DTD, LTT @ 5:40, MNSSHP
Wednesday - sleep in, hang out at pool, Whispering Canyon @ 5:40, Chip and Dale campfire
Thursday - Princess Storybook bfast, day in Epcot, Le Cellier @ 4:00
Friday - CRT @ 10:10, last day MK/Epcot, fly home 7:00 pm.

So...what do you think? Do I have enough time to do all this? Am I trying to do too much? :veryconfu Thanks for the help!

Last time I was at Tony's, I really was disappointed in the food and service. I think Crystal Palace's food is much better and you get pooh characters. I also know that many people recommend Liberty Tree Tavern too for dinner, it's thanksgiving type food which isn't my thing, but I know it's better than Tony's.

Rainforest Cafe the food and service are not good, I know some have had a good experience here, but the majority have not. I also think having a big lunch before dinner at 4:30 might be a bit much. The Tusker House in AK is very good and it's counter service, would you believe, and you could eat a bit lighter since you're having dinner early.

The last day, FYI, you will need to be back at your resort for the DME bus (you are using that right?) for a 7:00p flight would be 4p for departure, so you might not have enough time for MK and Epcot.

The itinerary, looks good otherwise, have a great time.
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Well-Known Member
momof2girls said:
Also, I wanted to point out that it will be just me and my two DDs (6 & 7) going. CRT was a gift from Pop-Pop and the boutique was a gift from Mimi.

I'm also looking for some advice on counter service meals that would be good
Thanks again

I like the Pecos Bill restaraunt in Frontierland.
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Active Member
momof2girls said:
No, not just character meals but we wanted to do the Fantasmic dinner package and there are only three options. I didn't want to do Mama Melrose because we are eating at Tony's the night before and I didn't want to do Brown Derby because I didn't want to use 2 TS.

The food at Mama Melrose is just so-so. I've been to Brown Derby and it is excellent, but understand that you don't want to use two TS.
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We didn't want to do Crystal Palace because we already have three other character meals. Do you think we would be better off doing a counter service on our first night and then doing Mama Melrose instead of H & V? Or do we even need to do the Fantasmic dinner package? Would we get okay seats to Fantasmic if we have dinner at, say, Sci Fi or 50s Prime Time?
Also, no we are not doing ME. We're using Happy Limo and I think they said they would pick us up at around 5:30 but I see your point, we may not have enough time for both. I figured we would use that last day for anything that we missed or want to do again.
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If you are doing the dining plan, I just realized that in counting up your TS meals you have a total of 8 planned (CRT is 2 TS credits), but are staying 5 nights, so you are only entitled to 5 under the dining plan.

If anything I would cut the dinner at Tony's and do CS that night.

I would keep the Fantasmic dinner package because it is so much better not to have to wait on line with the kids for any extended period of time. It is a real convenience.
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I think maybe we will cancel Tony's. As for the number of TS, my DDs grandfather payed for CRT so that's not included on our plan. Thanks for all the insight though, I really appreciate it!! :D
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Active Member
momof2girls said:
I think maybe we will cancel Tony's. As for the number of TS, my DDs grandfather payed for CRT so that's not included on our plan. Thanks for all the insight though, I really appreciate it!! :D

Grandpa is totally awesome!! CRT is fabulous, food is good, my favorite thing is the deep fried cheese danish thing they have.

If you drop Tony's that will work out since you will then have 5 TS meals which is exactly what you are entitled to under the dining plan.
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Not old, just vintage.
momof2girls said:
We didn't want to do Crystal Palace because we already have three other character meals. Do you think we would be better off doing a counter service on our first night and then doing Mama Melrose instead of H & V? Or do we even need to do the Fantasmic dinner package? Would we get okay seats to Fantasmic if we have dinner at, say, Sci Fi or 50s Prime Time?
Also, no we are not doing ME. We're using Happy Limo and I think they said they would pick us up at around 5:30 but I see your point, we may not have enough time for both. I figured we would use that last day for anything that we missed or want to do again.

Since you are going to be in WDW in October, rather than say July, I think you could probably safely forgo the Fantasmic! dining package and go to 50s Prime Time. There really arent any bad seats for Fantasmic! and you aren't going during a super busy time so I think you could do better than H & V. I went there a year ago and was less than impressed with the food. Most of it was kind of cold and rubbery. :lookaroun Our server was great but the food left a lot to be desired. Go to 50's Prime Time and have a blast. The food there is really quite good and you can't beat the "entertainment."

Also, as some others have said, Rainforest Cafe can leave a lot to be desired. It is noisy, the food isnt great, and service is sloooow (if your lucky!) Just something to think about!

Have a great trip and write us a nice trip report when you get back. :wave:
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I hope have a great trip!!! We'll be there in early November.

My wife-to-be and I have eaten at most of the Disney restaurants.

As for MGM - the food/ambiance at Sci-Fi is fantastic....so is 50s prime time (though the meals are a little more home-cookingesque)...if you go to 50sPT, get the smores!!

I would consider eating at Chef's de France in Epcot....the food is the best that we've had at a regular cost table service meal.....then again, it will depend on how adventurous your kids are!!

For Counter Service in the MK, consider the Columbia Harbour House. They have fish and chicken and a veggie sandwich....the clam chowder was better when it came in a bread bowl, but its still really good....

And don't forget....you MUST get a dole whip float (pineapple soft serve with pineapple juice) at the Aloha Isle in Adventureland!!!

Once again, Have Fun!!

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New Member
momof2girls said:
Hi everyone! :wave: I'm new here and new to Disney so I'm going to need all the help I can get! We're planning our first trip for the last week in October :sohappy:
I was hoping that I can show you a rough draft of our itinerary and you could give me your thoughts/opinions on it??

Sunday - arrive at 11:30 am, day in MK (EMH), dinner at Tony's @ 6:30
Monday - AK, Rainforest Cafe for lunch @ 11, MGM, H & V @ 4:30, Fantasmic
Tuesday - BBBoutique @ 12:10, time in DTD, LTT @ 5:40, MNSSHP
Wednesday - sleep in, hang out at pool, Whispering Canyon @ 5:40, Chip and Dale campfire
Thursday - Princess Storybook bfast, day in Epcot, Le Cellier @ 4:00
Friday - CRT @ 10:10, last day MK/Epcot, fly home 7:00 pm.

So...what do you think? Do I have enough time to do all this? Am I trying to do too much? :veryconfu Thanks for the help!

Welcome! Your itinerary looks good, and I don't think you are trying to do too much. You are going at a good time of year.

I would echo some of the comments so far and consider replacing Tony's with Crystal Palace.

I was not very impressed with Rainforest Cafe. If you wanted to eat at AK, you could consider Donald's Breakfastosaurus instead. We really enjoyed the buffett, and the character interaction is great!

Have not eaten at H&V or CRT recently, but I love Whispering Canyon, LTT and Le Cellier. The cheddar cheese soup at Le Cellier is incredible.

Some of my favorite counter service places have already been mentioned (Pecos Bills and Cosmic Ray's in MK). We also love Yakitori House in the Japan Pavillion, and you can always get excellent pastries at Norway and France. Yum.

Have a fantastic time.
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momof2girls said:
Sunday - arrive at 11:30 am, day in MK (EMH), dinner at Tony's @ 6:30
Monday - AK, Rainforest Cafe for lunch @ 11, MGM, H & V @ 4:30, Fantasmic
Tuesday - BBBoutique @ 12:10, time in DTD, LTT @ 5:40, MNSSHP
Wednesday - sleep in, hang out at pool, Whispering Canyon @ 5:40, Chip and Dale campfire
Thursday - Princess Storybook bfast, day in Epcot, Le Cellier @ 4:00
Friday - CRT @ 10:10, last day MK/Epcot, fly home 7:00 pm.

I think you will have a blast - your schedule sounds great; just a few a suggestions!

I LIKE Rainforest Cafe in AK, despite what everyone has said. Granted, we got a B-E-A-utiful waiter who gave us free dessert, and had a smile to die for, but a girl's gotta have priorities, right?

I also agree with a few others - usually it will take at least 45 to get from AK to MGM...waiting for a bus at AK, the 15 min trip to MGM, getting to your PS restaurant...and if all you're doing between a lunch that will end at about 12:30 and a dinner that starts at four, you might not be hungry quite yet?? Of course, you know your family better than we do, so whatever works for you:)

I also agree that the last day, fitting in MK/Epcot might be a bit much, but it depends on your little ones. We managed to fit in MK/Epcot and MGM between the hours of 8 and 5, but it was exhausting!! (And we're all 21, 22, and 23 year olds!)

Anyways, have fun at all your reservations - they sound like a blast, and I wish they would've had all that when I was little...poor little deprived Disney gal:p
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Thanks again everyone! :D I was looking at all the responses and alot of them kind of mirrored what I was already thinking so here's a revised look at my itinerary (sp?).

Sunday - I think maybe we'll just try to do as much as we can and do a counter service. I'm thinking maybe Columbia Harbour House. Let me know your opinions on this place. Or maybe we could do Chef Mickey's?? It was on our list but the others won out and I didn't want to overload on character meals. There's got to be something for mom in there! :) What do you think of leaving to go to Chef Mickey's and then back to MK for EMH? Would that be too much??
Monday - I cancelled Rainforest Cafe (just found out there's one about 45 minutes from home, we'll try that one out!). I'm thinking either Tusker House or Flaming BBQ and then MGM that night. I also cancelled Hollywood and booked Sci Fi at 6:30. Gives us more time to get there and I think the girls will love eating in the cars! :animwink: I figure if we go to AK at opening and stay until around 2:00 or so, we can go straight to MGM or if the kids are tired, we can go back and rest beforehand. We might also go back to MGM on our off day!
We didn't change anything else. Tuesday through Friday stayed the same. As far as our last day goes, I figure we'll be in MK for CRT so we'll probably just stay there. We don't actually have a whole day in there anywhere else even though we'll probably get alot done on the nights that we have with EMH and MNSSHP. I have a feeling that might be the girls favorite!! :sohappy:
Thanks again!!
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Well-Known Member
momof2girls said:
Thanks again everyone! :D I was looking at all the responses and alot of them kind of mirrored what I was already thinking so here's a revised look at my itinerary (sp?).

Sunday - I think maybe we'll just try to do as much as we can and do a counter service. I'm thinking maybe Columbia Harbour House. Let me know your opinions on this place. Or maybe we could do Chef Mickey's?? It was on our list but the others won out and I didn't want to overload on character meals. There's got to be something for mom in there! :) What do you think of leaving to go to Chef Mickey's and then back to MK for EMH? Would that be too much??
Monday - I cancelled Rainforest Cafe (just found out there's one about 45 minutes from home, we'll try that one out!). I'm thinking either Tusker House or Flaming BBQ and then MGM that night. I also cancelled Hollywood and booked Sci Fi at 6:30. Gives us more time to get there and I think the girls will love eating in the cars! :animwink: I figure if we go to AK at opening and stay until around 2:00 or so, we can go straight to MGM or if the kids are tired, we can go back and rest beforehand. We might also go back to MGM on our off day!
We didn't change anything else. Tuesday through Friday stayed the same. As far as our last day goes, I figure we'll be in MK for CRT so we'll probably just stay there. We don't actually have a whole day in there anywhere else even though we'll probably get alot done on the nights that we have with EMH and MNSSHP. I have a feeling that might be the girls favorite!! :sohappy:
Thanks again!!
Hi there Such great information from everyone, specially ShoppingNut!!!
Sunday is good, give yourslf a little bit of time to get acclaimated to everything. I LOVE Columbia Harbor House just because it is so different from normal park fast food. I think you will like it. Chef Mickey's is a great buffet and I dont think you will be dissappointed in any way if you decide to go there.
For a Counter Service at AK I happen to like Pizzafari which has a really nice Hot Italian sandwich over there. I dont care for Flame Tree BBQ mostly because of a bad experience I had there. Me and my tummy werent on such friendly terms for a while there. Others have eaten there and enjoyed it and it always smells so good walking by it! I have also gotten good reviews on Tusker House which could be a good option.
I Agree with the not enough time in MGM statement. There is so much to see there. I would definitely dedicate more time to MGM and Animal Kingdom both. AK isnt like any of the other parks. It has to be explored to find out all the interesting stuff. Some are rides and shows similar to the other parks, some are animal experiences which are totally unique to this park. I would say if anything make a reservation for a second night in EPCOT after this but a touch later after AK Closes so you can catch everything. Belle
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