Our Birthday Celebration Trip Report!! April/May 2011

So here I am, sitting here writing my very first trip report after my visit to the world. Let's start of with the cast of characters that embarked on this vacation.
First there's me.


I'm Darolyn, 28 years old. I've been to WDW 22 times now. My parents took me on my first trip when I was months old and we returned evey year until I was in 7th grade. After that, my parents separated and it was harder for us to go every year. Since 7th grade, I have been 10 times. In 2001, my Mom purchased a timeshare at Vistana. She only purchased it for every other year, thinking that as we grew older we wouldn't want to go to Disney as much.... boy was she wrong! lol We still enjoy Disney as much as we ever have! So much in fact, she is thinking of upgrading to every year. This does mean we will never be able to take our weeklong vacations and stay on property, but not worrying about saving money for the hotel is a plus for us. So we'll take the timeshare :)
Speaking of Mom, here she is.


Her name is Terryn and she turned "29 again" the day we arrived in Florida. This was her 23rd trip to the World. Her first time going to WDW was when she took me when I was a baby. She loves it just as much as we do. She not really into the "thrill rides" but I will give her credit as this year she did go on some rides she normally wouldn't (mostly at Universal) so kudos to Mama :)
Then there's my sister:


Her name is Ashley and she is 25. This was her 19th trip to the world. She has a few less visits than me due to the fact she is A - younger and B - She didn't join us on our Thanksgiving trips in 2001 and 2010.
We had a week full of great food, fun meet and greets, beautiful weather, low crowds, short wait times, thrills, smiles and laughter. So sit back, relax, pop open a beverage or two and enjoy reliving our trip to Walt Disney World :)

***Friday April 29, 2011***
After work on Friday, we were heading down to my aunts house in Rhode Island to fly out of Providence Saturday morning. Why Providence you ask? Well, we have 4 different airports to choose from up here.. We have Portland Jetport, which is a mile from our house but didnt have anything less than $300 roundtrip. UGH!... We also have family right outside Manchester, NH so Manchester is an option as well (but Southwest was even more expensive than anything out of Portland) We also have Boston, but that would require a bus ride and a hotel stay the night before since we wanted a very early AM flight and they were still about the same price as Portland.... But Providence had a GREAT rate of $167 roundtrip with good connection times. Plus we have family in Rhode Island who we dont get to see all that often so we'd get to spend some time with them and we were willing to spend 3 hours down and 3 hours back to save $133 each! :) So at 7pm we hopped into the car for a 3 hour car ride to Rhode Island.. Oh, with a stop at Sonic along the way :) The closest Sonic to us happens to be right outside Boston on the way to my aunts, a little over an hour from our house. So of course, we had to make a stop! We got to my aunts around 10:30pm and immediately went to bed as we had to be at the airport by 5:15 the next morning. So my sister and I climbed into the futon and got as much sleep as one can possibly get the night before leaving for WDW :)

***Saturday April 30 2011***Mama's Birthday***


Well-Known Member
OMg love love love thie report so far,a couple thinghs I think are super cool 1) we have the exact same coach purse YAY!!! 2)I love that your a Nathan Horton fan ,he's actually married to one of my really good friends,that I danced with for years and went to highschool with. and 3)you know the pics where you have the grey n pink striped tank top n ur sister has thw white top with black polka dots,well my daughters have similar shirts and it was funny to see because one of them is blonde n one is brunette,crazy I know:lol: Can't wait to read more

Good ol' Notre Dame College High!? I went to school with Mrs. Horton as well.


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No celebratory post yet, what kind of fan are you? I figured you would have been in blktidots TR by now.

I don't understand why they put luongo in there, he sure didn't show up. He acted like he was a Yankee in October, out on the golf course. As much as I dislike Thomas, he made some great saves, and didn't leave the paint hardly at all.

haha, I've been busy at work all day... I'm tired!! But it was a really great series. Once the B's got the first goal, I knew it was over.... Now to get to Boston Saturday for the parade.....


New Member
haha, I've been busy at work all day... I'm tired!! But it was a really great series. Once the B's got the first goal, I knew it was over.... Now to get to Boston Saturday for the parade.....

Your trip report was great! The IOA pics were so fun I am actually thinking of reworking mt trip to take my girls.

Last night's game was amazing... Luongo should have brought his game out onto the ice with his bad attitude... lucky for us! :ROFLOL:

I just left the dollar store with my gold and black beads and ribbons.... trusty Horton tshirt all washed and ready! We should be kissing his feet for dumping the "dirty water" on the ice pregame! :king:


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Your trip report was great! The IOA pics were so fun I am actually thinking of reworking mt trip to take my girls.

Last night's game was amazing... Luongo should have brought his game out onto the ice with his bad attitude... lucky for us! :ROFLOL:

I just left the dollar store with my gold and black beads and ribbons.... trusty Horton tshirt all washed and ready! We should be kissing his feet for dumping the "dirty water" on the ice pregame! :king:

Uni and IOA are both really fun parks. It's a little break from all the Disney stuff. WWOHP is so well done. We could have spent a lot longer there if we hadn't been crunched for time!

Sadly I cannot go to the parade :( My cousins graduation party starts at noon in NH. Family over hockey!! lol I'll tape it and watch it on tv.


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We left the condo at 7:30ish. We wanted to make sure we got to WL in plenty of time because this was one property I wanted to check out. None of us had ever been before so it was all new for us! When we arrived, we parked and headed to the lobby. It was soooooo quiet walking towards the hotel. You would never guess that you were in the middle of Disney .



When I first walked in, I was blown away by the lobby. It is GORGEOUS!!! It was only about 8:05 when we arrived, so we walked out back and down to the pool. I took some pictures of the gorgeous scenery.



We checked in at 8:25after looking around the gift shop where I found a cookbook of a bunch of Disney recipes that I sooo want!! We sat down on a couch and just looked around at the lobby. It was HUGE!! At about 8:35, our buzzer went off and we were shown to a table right in the middle of the dining room. This had been my pick for my birthday dinner, but it really wasn't my birthday. Mama was the only one who really had a birthday on the trip but before we left we got to thinking, Ashley and I will never get to celebrate our birthdays at Disney. My birthday is January 3, right smack dab in the middle of the New Years/Christmas crowd and my sister's is in July, smack dab in the middle of summer. Two times neither of us ever want to travel there. So we figured, why not each take a day to celebrate our birthdays while we're there? We didn't do it to get anything free or anything like that mind you. We just wanted to be able to say we celbrated our birthday at the happiest place on earth. Besides, I see some people sporting their birthday buttons the whole week so us taking a day each isn't so bad.

Our waiter was Right N Neighborly and he was very quiet but very friendly. He asked us where we spent the day and we said "Universal" and he said "Oh, thats ok.. I wont tell anyone!!" lol There were the usual shenanigans going on that I had read about (pony races, families having to bring ketchup to the next table that asked for it) Since we had never been to WCC before, I had printed out the menus for us to look at before our dinner. I was going back and forth between the skillet and the tenderloin. I decided on the skillet. I love down-home, country cooking so the skillet is right up my alley. My sister got the pot roast and my mother got the meatloaf. We also had the cornbread (delicious) and I had a salad that was very good. The food came out pretty quickly and there was so much of it!! Fried chicken, beef brisket, mashed potatoes, ribs, corn on the cob, pulled pork, baked beans. I ate as much as I could but I was stuffed after only a little of it!!



Mom really enjoyed her meatloaf and Ashley said the pot roast was delicious (It ended up being her favorite meal on property to date!) After we finished up, our waiter asked us if we wanted dessert but we were too full. He went to get the check and when he came back, he brought a birthday cupcake for me. He also turned out to be not so quiet as he piped right up and got the whole dining room to sing Happy Birthday to me lol


Side note, I love Disney's cupcakes (specifically, the marble cupcake at Starring Rolls is my favorite snack at Disney!!) the frosting is the best!! I ate as much of the cupcake as I could but I really was stuffed from the meal. We would definitely recommend WCC to others. It was really good. Nothing too spectacular but the food was good and so was the atmosphere. After we got some to go boxes, we headed out and back to the condo. It was around 9:45 and we were ready to shower and head to bed to rest for we had an early character breakfast at Magic Kingdom on Tuesday!!


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Tuesday 5/3 - Magic Kingdom

We woke up bright and early Tuesday morning, earlier than normal. Why you ask? Because we had an ADR at 8:25am for the Crystal Palace!! I had never been to CP for breakfast before, but I had eaten lunch there before. I tried without success to change it to 8:00am so we could be done by park opening but I wasn't able to find anything open. Oh well!! We were out the door by 7:20 and headed for the Magic Kingdom. We parked so close to the T&TC (since it was so early) that we didn't even need to take the tram. We were in row 2 I think. We skipped over to the T&TC and hopped on the monorail. (Monorail Teal I believe - it was the resort monorail. Not sure why the Express monorail wasn't running yet)



I love the monorail. It's one of my favorite things about WDW. I have the monorail spiele from back in the 90's on a Disney mix cd and I listen to it all the time!! After a few minutes, we reached the MK, proceeded through bag check and through the turnstiles.



When we reached Main Street and Cinderella Castle came into view, I got chills. Main Street really is beautiful and I feel many people underappreciate it. Everyone is rushing to this ride or that ride.. people don't stop to enjoy the little details on the buildings or take time to walk down the little alleys off to the side. Such a beautiful sight!! And even more beautiful this morning because Main Street was pretty empty except for the people heading to early ADR's at CP or CRT. We stopped and had our picture taken by the photopass photographer. We even got the special one where Tinkerbell shows up in our hands.


We proceeded to CP to check in. It was very busy there. The woman in front of me checked in for an 8:00 reservation at 8:20 (Is there a time limit as to how long they will hold your table?) Once we checked in, we sat up on the porch and just took in all that is the Magic Kingdom. MK is by far my favorite Disney park. I'm not sure why... I'm more of a thrill ride girl than a dark ride girl... You would think DHS would be my favorite, not that DHS has a ton of thrill rides by any means, but no.. MK all the way. I think it's just the fact that when you enter those gates, you really feel like you are entering a completely different world. Disney movies come to life more in MK than anywhere else. It's pure magic.

Once our table was ready, about 5-10 minutes later, we were called by the woman at the podium. She led us to our table, a window table looking out to Space Mountain and Tomorrowland (my favorite land!) and decorated with a streamer (This was my sisters birthday meal!) Eeyore had just passed by our table and I know it takes about an hour for them to make their way around the whole dining room. There was no chance we'd be done by park opening so we decided to take our time and eat at a slower pace. Eeyore is one of my fav characters so I didn't want to miss seeing him. We got up and headed for the buffet. I loaded my plater with bacon, eggs, Mickey waffles, fruit and sausage. Breakfast is THE BEST meal of the day. whenever we go out somewhere to eat and breakfast is an option, 9 times out of 10 I will order breakfast, usually pancakes of french toast! YUM!!!

When we got back to our table, Piglet made his way over. Piglet is just so darn cute!!!


Ashley and I each got up for second helpings of food and the Pooh Corner gang led the kiddos in a parade around the dining room. The laughter and smiles coming from the children were priceless!! Shortly after Piglet, Tigger and Pooh made their way to us.



Ashley and I each got up for second helpings of food and the Pooh Corner gang led the kiddos in a parade around the dining room. The laughter and smiles coming from the children were priceless!! I looked outside and saw that the gates had opened and peoplew ere flooding in, heading off mostly towards Fantasyland and Tomorrowland. Eeyore still hadnt made his ay back to our table so when I went up to get some more fruit, I took a peek and saw that he still had a ways to go in the other dining room. The characters then led the parade around the dining room again and took a short break. We were all done eating and had paid our check so we didnt want to hold up the table. The waitres brought my sister over a birthday cupcake. CP is definitely a great character dining experience (my favorite is Chef Mickey's breakfast!) At around 9:30, another delicious Disney meal under our belts, we made our way outside, ready to take on the Magic Kingdom!!



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We headed straight for Tomorrowland and straight for my favorite attraction in MK and one of my top 3 in Disney... Space Mountain!! In November I got to go on the newly revamped version and I liked it a lot. The only thing I miss is looking up and seeing the coaster cars flying along the track. Oh, and the giant chocolate chip cookie (aka - asteroid lol) We walked right up to the loading dock almost. Less than a 5 minute wait. SCORE!!! After our exciting flight through space, we grabbed FP for Space for later that day. We headed over to Buzz Lightyear and it had a 10 minute wait displayed. Why not? I let my Mom ride with my sister.


We're very competative when it comes to these games. It's win or nothing... lol We usually make bets that the loser has to buy everyone a "treat" that day (usually a small snack.. ice cream, popcorn etc) The 10 minute wait actually was more like 5 as we walked right on. I ended up winning and Mama lost. So it would be her turn to buy the treat today. We decided that we wanted to ride it again so around we went and walked on again. I rode with my sister this time and she ended up losing (I won. YESSSS!)



Not exactly sure why Ashley is pointing her shooter DOWN into our ride vehicle.. Pretty sure there are NO points for hitting anything inside there!!

We decided after that to go see one of our all time favorite attractions. Can you guess what it is? I'll give you a hint... there's a great big beautiful tomorrow, shining at the end of everyday!! This attraction is a favorite for me, my mother and my sister. I'm not sure if it's because it's "classic" Disney... because it was Walt's own creation... I don't know what makes us love it like we do, but it's definitely a favorite. After seeing the show, my sister needed to call my father so we headed over to the bathrooms by Space Mountain. Our cat had gotten out when we were leaving Friday night and my dad had stopped by the house a few times to feed to cats but he hadn't seen her at all. We were worried about her. So Ashley called Dad, who still hadn't seen the cat. While she was on the phone, we saw Chip and Dale heading out for their Tomorrowland meet and greet so we got in line which was relatively short. When it was out turn, Dale (or Chip.. I dont remember which one) held up his finger as if to say "just one second" and then the 2 chipmunks primped themselves up for us, making sure they looked good. Chip took my hand a kissed it and Dale took Ashley by the arm and we posed for pics. Then, Chip decided we were leaving so him and I started to stroll off before he realized he had other pictures to take.


It was about 10:45 at this point and we had done quite a bit in the hour and 15 minutes we had been in the park (Space Mountain, 2 rides on Buzz, COP and a character meet and greet) We decided to head over towards Adventureland. We crossed the hub and ventured across the bridge into Adventureland. The line for the Ariel meet and greet was super long which was a bummer because I had never met Ariel and wanted to but I wasn't about to wait in line for too long. We decided to stroll through the Swiss Family Treehouse.




Just as we were exiting the treehouse and about to head left to the Jungle Cruise, we heard a woman start screaming out "Help! Help!! Call the medic! We need a medic!!" We couldnt see what was going on and my first thought was oh my gosh, something happened to her child . Another woman frantically rushed over to the beverage cart beside us and asked for help and the CMs there looked at her like she had 3 heads. Then she rushed into one of the shops in the plaza. Meanwhile, the woman is screaming for help. No one knew what was going on though so no one could really step up and help. If the emergency had been someone was choking, then someone with CPR could have helped... If it was a bee sting, maybe someone had an epi-pen to provide. People kept asking "whats wrong?" but she just kept screaming "help help!" About 30 seconds later, the woman helped another woman up from the ground and the woman who went to find help, came back with what looked like a manager CM of some sort. Apparently the woman was diabetic and had gone into diabetic shock and fell to the ground. Since we didnt want to stand around staring, we proceeded forward, glad the woman was ok. It was a very scary feeling hearing someone scream for help like that. My stomach was in knots!!


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MK Continued....

We proceeded to head towards Jungle Cruise and PotC. Pirates was down and they weren't sure for how long (Boooo!!) So we got FP for JC and headed over towards Frontierland. We were stuck between BTMRR and Splash. MTMRR had a 20 minute wait so we opted for that as opposed to Splash's 30 min wait. Mama sat this one out.



After the "wildest ride in the wilderness" we ventured over to see something we hadn't seen in awhile.. good old fashioned sing-along with those Country Bears!! It was nice and cool waiting for the show and Ashley and I decided to sit down and rest our tootsies for a bit.


We hadn't been to see CBJ since 2003 so it was nice seeing something we considered "new" to us. After that, I hustled over to Splash Mountain to get us some FP for later on. We walked back over to Adventureland and saw PotC was up and running. SCORE!!! We went and took a sail with Jack Sparrow (with a very short line, btw) and then decided to use our FP for Jungle Cruise. It was cheesy and corny as usual and most of the animals looked like they weren't working this time. JC needs a HUGE refurb, IMHO. It just looks so old and worn down. After JC, we decided we were hungry so we headed to our favorite CS meal in MK... El Pirata Y El Perico (there is no WAY we will call it Tortuga Tavern!!!! lol) I got the same meal I get everytime... taco salad and chocolate milk.


After lunch, it was time for our Splash FP. We got really lucky on this trip with FP.. Our return times were never more than an hour or so later than when we got them, which was good. Just means most FP for us!! Woooo hoooo!!! Ashley and I got stuck in the front on Splash so we knew we were gonna get prett wet.... ugh!! But it was a hot day so it would be refreshing (even though it would make my hair an absolute frizzball!!!!)



After getting soaked on Splash, we headed over to the home of 999 grim grinning ghosts... That's right, the Haunted Mansion. They had both queue areas open so of course, we opted to check out the new queue. It was pretty neat. I just see it getting beat up sooooo easily. There were a group of teens in front of us pounding the books that slide out. I'm thinking it's only a matter of time before those are broken



After our creepy journey through the HM, we headed to Fantasyland. We decided to hit IASW and Mickey's Philharmagic. Definitely my favorite 3D show in WDW. As we were heading over to Snow White's Adventure, who should be walking along for a meet and greet but Peter Pan! We had never met PP so we scooted over to where he was going and were first in line. It's kind of an awkward picture but it's one more character we can check off our list!




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After meeting Peter Pan, we headed to Snow White's Scary Adventure. As much as I love this ride because it's a classic, I'm glad it's going to be closing and getting a better ride (well, hopefully a better ride) in the mine train coaster. We enjoyed what we thought would be one of our last, if not THE LAST ride on SWSA (turns out it probably won't be since we're going back in November) We headed over to Tomorrowland to cash in on our FP for Space before heading out to DHS for Fantasmic! On the way over to Space, we saw the Tomorrowland Speedway had a 10 minute wait... why not? We never do this attractive strictly due to the long line it always seems to have. 10 minutes was worth it. Cruising around in a tiny car, jerking back and forth on the track is the perfect way to spend 5 minutes of my life!! lol... In all seriousness, it was a fun time. (Not to mention there was a very attractive male directing people what number to stand on.. Always nice to have some good eye candy!!)


We proceeded to Space Mountain and cashed in on our FP. Mama rode with us this time and she enjoyed it. We made our way to Main Street but not without taking the standard castle pictures. You know, the pictures you already have 8,000 copies of yet you still take about 100 more each time you visit MK.



It was a little before 5:00 so we decided to head over to DHS to get some dinner, take in some rides and see Fantasmic! which is our favorite evening show at WDW. As we were passing Town Square Theatre we saw the meet and greet time with the big cheese himself was only 10 minutes. When we had passed by earlier it was 45 min. I gave a quick look to Mama and Ashley and we decided to go in. I love what they have done with this area for the M&G's. Very clever to have Mickey in his dressing room! When it was out turn to go in and see Mr. Mickey, we were also greeted with Minnie as well. SCORE!!!


Even Mama got in a picture with the mice!


We headed out to the monorail and then to the parking lot. We walked to the car and on the way we saw the Tronorail snaking along the track. My sister loves the actor who plays Sam Flynn in the Tron Legacy movie so she also loves the Tronorial.


She was determined to ride it before the trip was over. Seeing as we probably weren't going to be traveling from Epcot to MK, I didn't see that happening.

We got to the Studios around 5:30 and headed down Hollywood Blvd. I think the Studios is my 2nd fav park, behind MK.


We headed down Sunset Blvd and heard a CM telling everyone the first seating of Fantasmic! was full.. YIKES!! Good thing we planned to see the 2nd show. The Tower of Terror only had a 15 minute wait. Ashley and I rode and Mama waited. This is my favorite ride in all of WDW. No joke, I have like, anxiety attacks every time I ride it even though I've ridden it probably close to 100 times. lol. Ashley hadn't ridden it with the new random drop sequences and we got a 7 drop ride. It was intense.

After ToT, we met Mama and decided to get some dinner. Mama had kept an eye on the line for the 2nd show and it was already starting to stretch up Sunset but I wasn't worried because no one was let up the pathway that leads to the theater yet. I wanted a chili dog but the place was out.. RATS!! So I settled for a kiddie pizza which was the size of a coaster on my coffee table. Super tiny! As we were eating, the first F! show let out and they then let people up the walkway to wait to sit for the 2nd one. We got in line and were herded up the pathway and stopped about halfway up. Of course we would be stuck with some sort of travel group cheering and singing songs.

One thing that makes me mad is people who push their way up through because their group is already up ahead. Well guess what? Too bad, if you didn't get in line with the rest of them, then you can wait back there. Maybe that's a little harsh but oh well. I didnt wait in line for someone else to cut in front of me. It's one thing if it's a mother or father and a child and the child needed something, but when it's 2 or 3 teenagers who decided they wanted to ride the Rock N Roller Coaster again, thats not ok. Does anyone else feel this way or is it jsut me? We had about 6 or 7 people do this while we waited and we will never again wait for the 2nd show of Fantasmic! We love it, but it almost seems too much to wait in that loooong line. We had MUCH better luck later in the week getting into the first show. At least with the first show, they let you up to sit in the theater. The 2nd show, you have to stand there for awhile while they clean up from the first show. We ended up standing for probably half an hour before they let the masses in. Ugh.....

Enough complaining though.. Fantasmic! was great! I always tear up at the end when Mickey comes out to save the day... Yes, I'm such a sap!! lol After it was over, we headed out with the rest of the crowd as the park was closed. Another great Disney day complete, we headed for the car and back to the condo...



Active Member
Great trip report! I'm loving all the pictures! We were there in May too so I got to "re-live" the magic while looking at your pictures! :) Can't wait to read the rest.


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Wednesday 5/4 - Epcot / Magic Kingdom

We slept a little this morning as we had a late breakfast reservation at Captain's Grille @ the Yacht Club for 10am. We were up and out the door by 9:15. When we got there, we checked in and were seated right away as there was not much of a wait. We probably could have walked right in without a reservation but being Disney and all, you never know and we weren't about to take any chances!!


Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day!! Wait - let me rephrase that... Breakfast FOOD is my favorite food to eat and it doesn't matter the time of day!! lol We had already browsed the menus at home so we knew that they had. I ordered a mimosa to start with... Mmmmm.... delicious!! For my meal I decided on the brioche french toast. Ashley got pancakes with chocolate chips and Mama got eggs, bacon and home fries. It was pretty good. Nothing spectacular.. Just typical breakfast fair. But it was delicious!! The cinammon butter was super yumm-o!!




Ashley got a birthday cupcake after breakfast. YUM!! Sugar rush before 11am!!! lol After our meal, we decided to take some time to wander around out behind the property. We have never been to any of the Epcot resort hotels before so we wanted to see them all. It really is such a beautiful area out behind the resort on the lake.



After leaving the Yacht Club, we decided to head over to Epcot so Ashley could see about getting the Tron picture she had seen at Mission Space. But before that, we decided to take a small detour and stop by the Caribbean Beach Resort... Why? Because we were planning to stay on property next fall and we hadnt seen all the properties yet. CBR seemed right up my alley.. Tropical, bright and colorful and relaxing so I wanted to take a peek. We did the loop around and the resort and we all thought it looked great. And since it's in the moderate category, it's in our price range!! Even better!!!

We headed to Epcot and decided to hit SSE again. I rode with Ashley this time. The only bad part of the ride was that when our picture was taken, her image didn't work.. She was replaced!!!! Not cool!!! After SSE, we headed over to M:S but sadly, the picture had been sold since the last time we were there... Awwwww. Ashley was really bummed out cause she wanted it real bad. We planned on checking at DTD or at DHS for it. Hopefully someplace would have it!!!!

We meandered along over in to World Showcase.. Mama wanted to go to Mexico to see about getting a shirt she saw earlier in the week. On the way over, we saw Duffy. I know some people dislike Duffy but I think he is absolutely adorable! I never knew the story behind Duffy until I read it waiting to see him. How sweet of Minnie to make Mickey a teddy bear!! There were only a couple people in line so we only waited a couple mins to meet Duffy!!


Immediately afterwards, we went into MouseGears so my sister could get a Duffy bear. I contemplated it, but they were too expensive. Instead, I decided ona small Duffy that had magnets in its hands/feet. I also got Mickey Mouse measuring cups, table and teaspoons and a thing to stick on the dishwasher that says dirty on on side, then you spin it to the other side and it says clean. I plan on redoing all our kitchen in the yellow, black, white and red kitchen line they have. EXPENSIVE, but I love it!! (Our bathroom also has the classic Mickey posing on the shower curtain, toothbrush holder, soap dish and bath rug) After MouseGears, we proceeded to Mexico. I got 2 silver bracelets, Ashley got a breacelet and Mama got the shirt she had been eyeing earlier in the week. It was a pretty white top with patterns on it.


We decided we were done at Epcot and were debating between taking the monorail over to MK and then back after it closed or just driving over. We decided it'd prolly be quicker to take the car, but we hadn't done to Epcot to MK monorail in years so we decided on that. Upon heading out of Epcot however, we stumbled upon 2 characters doing meet and greets near the entrance... None other than Miss Daisy and Mr. Stitch! I've only met Daisy once and she is my favorite character!! So of course, we had to meet her!


And Stitch had no line, so let's get a pic with him too! Why not?!


After that we departed Epcot and headed for the MK...


Well-Known Member
Good job on the TR! We stayed at CBR in 2000 and really enjoyed it.

- and I also can't stand rude people trying to "gip" in front of you in lines.


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Working on another post for today but just wanted to update everyone that we booked our airfare this morning for our November trip!! It's really official now!! RT Portland, ME to Orlando, FL for $260... not too bad.... We depart Portland at 7:05pm and get into Orlando at 11:59 on Thursday 11/10 and depart at 6:20pm on Tuesday 11/15 arriving back to Portland at 10:35pm. Since we're getting to the world so late on Thursday, we can't fathom paying the $400+ to stay at the Poly for that night so we're gonna check into the All Star for one night then move over to the Poly for our last 4 nights!! We're doing MVMCP Friday the 11th.. Our first time doing this!! Hoo-ray!!!! 120 days!!! :sohappy:
how exciting about your November trip! I've always wanted to go to MVMCP...hope you do a report so I can live vicariously through you!:sohappy:

still lovin' your trip report! I'm heading to Disney for a quick trip on 7/20 and I'm reading your updates and listening to my four parks one world cd at my desk...very productive afternoon


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Just joining in and need to catch up, but I did read about day 1 and it looks very fun. Kona and Ohana are both places I would like to try in the future. I always hear great things about the Kona breakfast too.
I'm loving you Condo....it looks so roomy and nice.

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