OUR BEST ITINERARY....Suggestions to improve?


New Member
This will be our first time to DW, although we've been several times to DL. We're so pumped! Our kids are 12, 10, and 8: the boys are into rides, while the oldest, our daughter: performances.... We visit at the end of August. WE SO enjoy the States.....We've heard many good things about DW, and have learned a lot from this forum...thanks!

My wife and I just put the finishing touches on our 7 day resort stay, and would really appreciate any feedback you may have. We want to take full advantage of the 7 days the best we can, but do not want to be hurried. For Days 1 to 3 we room at the Polynesian Resort, and Days 4 to 7 stay at the Animal Kingdom Resort. We've added on a 4 might Wonder cruise. What do you think?:

Day 1 - Magic Kingdom
MK all day, pool breaks at our Poly resort,
Wishes Fireworks boat cruise in evening.

Day 2 - Typhoon Lagoon
Water Park all day, downtown Disney at night.
Plannet Hollywood, DisneyQuest, shopping.

Day 3 - Best/Missed Parts of Magic Kingdom
Redo MK, pool breaks again.
Kona for lunch, Spirit of Aloha Show in evening.

Day 4 - Animal Kingdom
AK all day, pool breaks at our AK resort.
Rainforest Cafe.
Cirque de Soleil (rest before!).

Day 5 - Blizzard Beach
Sleep in. Water Park day (not Saturday).
Simba's Clubhouse, so Jiko for 2!! ;)
Nite vision goggles, firepit stories at our AK resort.

Day 6 - MGM
AK in morning (since staying there), MGM the rest...
Sci-Fi Theatre, 50's Prime Time.
Fantasia show.

Day 7 - EPCOT
AK in morning, Epcot the rest....
Coral Reef, China Nine Dragons (my birthday)

Day 8,9,10,11 - Disney Cruise
Palo Dining for 2.
Couples Well Being Massage.
Parasail, Banana boat.....Castaway Cay.
Room at Comfort Suites accross from Atlantis...Nassau.

Thanks again for all your help!
Daryl & Connie.


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Original Poster
Lots of neat ideas!!....

Wow, guys!...I'm impressed....You've got a lot of great ideas! Thanks!

The collective wisdom from those of you who have been to the parks is just awesome! So here's what we've heard so far:

1. Less AK, more Epcot/MGM: Sounds good to me!...most of you agree one AK day is ample. And in looking at our itinerary, we did skimp a bit on Epcot and MGM. So we've bumped the AK mornings, and swung more time to MGM and Epcot. We can hardly wait to see them!...(I also like the idea to piggy back one of the parks onto the end of each water park day...Great idea!).

2. Water Park times: SPLISH SPLASH...we are keeping both water parks in our itinery, to experience the variety, but will only go for half days each...We love the water....but we don't want to spend two full days when we could be taking advantage of the main parks instead. Thanks! (By the way, I love the idea of trying both water parks in one day. Neat!...never would of thought of that!).

3. Avoid Rainforest: Thanks for the warning...opting instead for German, French, or LeCellier in Epcot (I love good food!)...And we'll make the ressies ASAP to avoid missing out!

4. Other Items:
- Check the unofficial guide for best/worst (wow, didn't know about that!),
- Extra Magic Hours (can't forget that!),
- One sit down a day rather than two (frees up more time for the parks!),
- Add on Cirque to the DTD day (less travel back and forth - makes sense, since we are in the AK resort, which is on the opposite side of the property to DTD).

And above else...have fun! The whole idea is to enjoy the parks, and be flexible if possible to what we like or how tired we are....That's the secret to being a "Fun Dad"...

All great ideas! Thanks! You guys definately know what you are talking about! We've made these adjustments, and are looking forward to any other ideas you may have....

Daryl & Connie
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Active Member
FUNDAD said:
All great ideas! Thanks! You guys definately know what you are talking about! We've made these adjustments, and are looking forward to any other ideas you may have....

Daryl & Connie

Don't forget the Dole Whip Floats in Adventureland at the Aloha Isle!!!! And make sure you get pineapple soft serve with pineapple juice!!

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More food than we can handle....there goes our diet!....

daverube said:
Don't forget the Dole Whip Floats in Adventureland at the Aloha Isle!!!! And make sure you get pineapple soft serve with pineapple juice!! dave
Oh yeh...the floats!:slurp: ...<SO he right? approved, Craig Jenny are these>....(Dave, these are Jenny Craig approved, I assume..:D )...
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Ella's Mommy

Active Member
Well it looks pretty good but I would just make a few changes. I wouldnt spend so much time at AK cause there isnt that much to do there. I also wouldnt make the water parks an all day affair. I would squeeze in a park on the two water park days. I mean you are paying for a park hopper pass, so u might as well use it. And what about great character dinners like Chef Mickeys, 1900 Park Fair, And Liberty Tree Tavern. I personally would beef up the dining more, especially if u are getting the dining plan. Well anyway have a blast!!!!:sohappy:
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New Member
Its so nice to see that someone else puts so much effort into their Disney itinerary. I do this each and every time we go. (When we go Sept 22 - Oct 6 it will be out 3rd time this year).

I always plan our days around evening EMH as the parks tend to thin out a little as the night gets later. The next thing to go on our itinerary is meal locations (one table service each day). Then we fill in the blanks with water parks (1/2 days always) and other activities such as resort pool time, mini golf, campfire singalong, etc.

We always get through AK in half a day (we don'y usually get back to conservation station though) and usually plan that 1/2 day on a day that MK or EPCOT has EMH. I agree that you will need at least one full day (if not more at EPCOT).

WIth the advise you get from the very knowledgable people on this site, you can't go wrong. You just have to decide what your family will enjoy the most.

I hope you have a GREAT!!! trip and can't wait to hear a report. :animwink:
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New Member
FUNDAD said:
1. Less AK, more Epcot/MGM: Sounds good to me!...most of you agree one AK day is ample. And in looking at our itinerary, we did skimp a bit on Epcot and MGM. So we've bumped the AK mornings, and swung more time to MGM and Epcot.
If you like animals, morning is the best time to visit AK then hop over to another park later in the day. I will even return in the last hour of AK's opening to see the gorillas put to bed and the tigers getting active prior to coming in for their supper.

Flexibility is the most important thing to me. I don't make a solid plan in advance, I go where I feel like on the day. That way if you missed something or want to see more of it you are not tied down to a list.

It's what YOU wish to do not what other's opinions are that should guide you to the most enjoyable visit.
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New Member
But a little guidance and assistance goes a long way :animwink:
Oh definitely. The already mentioned Unofficial Guide is a great guide. But when you hear of people missing out on great chunks of parks because "Epcot is boring" or "Magic Kingdom is just for kids" I think it's important to reiterate that what may work for one, won't be the case for another. :wave:
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New Member
Rainforest Cafe is always a must for us also. We don't have any here at home so it is a way different experience.
Yes alot of it is themeing but the food has always been good for us.

I say leave in Rainforest.
The kids will enjoy it.
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Well-Known Member
We have visited a couple of times in August. Everyone here has great advice, but be advised.........you may run out of gas. Don't feel guilty if you end up just blowing off a couple of days to just sleep, shop, hang out by the pool at your hotel. Sometimes the heat is so bad that all you can think about when you are in the parks is how fast you can get to the next air condiditoned attraction. Your agenda is packed. The first time I visited I wanted to pack in so much that my wife and kids rebelled about going back again. Since then we have gone much easier. And also sometimes one or two stayed at the hotel while the rest of us hit the parks. Keep in mind that after 2-3 days you may have to just spend a day doing nada! Then you can go go go again! Have a great trip.
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Well-Known Member
Rainforest Cafe is always a must for us also. We don't have any here at home so it is a way different experience.
Yes alot of it is themeing but the food has always been good for us.

I say leave in Rainforest.
The kids will enjoy it.
That's how it is for us. Glad to see we're not alone. lol
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Disneyfanman said:
We have visited a couple of times in August. Everyone here has great advice, but be advised.........you may run out of gas. Don't feel guilty if you end up just blowing off a couple of days to just sleep, shop, hang out by the pool at your hotel. Sometimes the heat is so bad that all you can think about when you are in the parks is how fast you can get to the next air condiditoned attraction. Your agenda is packed. The first time I visited I wanted to pack in so much that my wife and kids rebelled about going back again. Since then we have gone much easier. And also sometimes one or two stayed at the hotel while the rest of us hit the parks. Keep in mind that after 2-3 days you may have to just spend a day doing nada! Then you can go go go again! Have a great trip.
That's my biggest concern...I don't want to wear everyone out!...I tend to "overplan" sometimes...my wife knows that!!:)
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Not old, just vintage.
FUNDAD said:
Wow, guys!...I'm impressed....You've got a lot of great ideas! Thanks!

The collective wisdom from those of you who have been to the parks is just awesome! So here's what we've heard so far:

1. Less AK, more Epcot/MGM: Sounds good to me!...most of you agree one AK day is ample. And in looking at our itinerary, we did skimp a bit on Epcot and MGM. So we've bumped the AK mornings, and swung more time to MGM and Epcot. We can hardly wait to see them!...(I also like the idea to piggy back one of the parks onto the end of each water park day...Great idea!).

2. Water Park times: SPLISH SPLASH...we are keeping both water parks in our itinery, to experience the variety, but will only go for half days each...We love the water....but we don't want to spend two full days when we could be taking advantage of the main parks instead. Thanks! (By the way, I love the idea of trying both water parks in one day. Neat!...never would of thought of that!).

3. Avoid Rainforest: Thanks for the warning...opting instead for German, French, or LeCellier in Epcot (I love good food!)...And we'll make the ressies ASAP to avoid missing out!

4. Other Items:
- Check the unofficial guide for best/worst (wow, didn't know about that!),
- Extra Magic Hours (can't forget that!),
- One sit down a day rather than two (frees up more time for the parks!),
- Add on Cirque to the DTD day (less travel back and forth - makes sense, since we are in the AK resort, which is on the opposite side of the property to DTD).

And above else...have fun! The whole idea is to enjoy the parks, and be flexible if possible to what we like or how tired we are....That's the secret to being a "Fun Dad"...

All great ideas! Thanks! You guys definately know what you are talking about! We've made these adjustments, and are looking forward to any other ideas you may have....

Daryl & Connie
It sounds like you are on the right track to having a fantastic trip! Good job with taking the Rainforest Cafe advice. The place is a disaster if you ask me. Opt for Le Cellier or Marakkesh (the Moroccan restaurant if you want different food). Definetly throw in another trip to MGM or Epcot after you dry out from your water park days. MOst times you will be burned out on the water parks by about 3pm (if you get there at opening which you have to since you are going in august and it will be PACKED). You can be well rested, dry, and into a park by about 6 or 7 pm. Try to hit up the park that is open for EMH that night. Have a great time and ask plenty of questions here!
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Active Member
:wave: More Epcot. go to El Rio de Tempo and ride and Norway for the boat ride. Kids will like it. also, no Rainforest Cafe. have a magical trip. what a plan!:sohappy:
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New Member
I have not enjoyed our two trips to RAinforest Cafe either. If you really like good food than you should LOVE Le Cellier - we discovered it two years ago and it is one of our musts for every trip to EPCOT. Your itinerary looks great - have a wonderful trip:sohappy:
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You DO sound like a FUN dad!! That's totally how my Dad is when we go to the parks - especially Epcot. Lots of sit down meals (which we as kids have ALWAYS loved) where he can get foreign cuisine and lots of foreign beer:lol: !

Your trip sounds AMAZING! Your kids are SO lucky - 7 days at WDW AND a cruise????? Are you looking to adopt a 23 year old? ;)

Just to throw in my 2 cents worth, since I sound a lot like your daughter - I love shows!! A day at AK is always enough for us - a couple rides on Exp.Everest, a couple on Dinosaur, the Primevil Whirl, Lion King, and of course the Safari, and we're done. There aren't many more rides to do - unless you love animals. If you do, ignore everyone's advice and spend a lot of time at AK:animwink: Also loved Rainforest Cafe - we don't have any in GB, WI, and while it's regular old American food, we've always had a fun experience there - little kids usually love it unless they're afraid of loud noises!

MGM is one of my favorites - all the old movie rides, the shows, the whole FEEL of the place is just amazing...I think your daughter will love it!

EPCOT- I've never had a problem with it, although sometimes if feels a bit educational after trips to MK and MGM. Make sure you don't miss Soarin', Test Track, or the American Adventure. The kids might not appreciate AA now, but they can nap - it's amazing. (BTW, IMO it takes about 3/4 of a day just to walk around the lagoon and see all the countries, if that's something you'd like to do, then stay for Illuminations at night. We love Alfredo's in Italy, The Rose n Crown Pub in England, and the Steakhouse in Japan.)

Never been to Typhoon Lagoon, but Blizzard Beach is a BLAST!! Have fun!!
(And in case no one's told you, or they don't have them at DL, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE FAST PASSES. They cut out at least 3-5 hours of waiting in line, especially if you go during the busy times!)

Again, have fun!!!
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Pizza Guy

New Member
I think all the advice you have received is right on course. A couple things to add would be as follows;

A) Unless you are a huge Chinese food fan, avoid the Chinese restaurant and opt for either Le Cellier (which is fabulous) or the French or Japenese restaurants, which are also very good.

B) I did not see much advice for your cruise, so I will say if you are already willing to pay for the couples massage, then go the little extra and do a cabana one at Castaway Cay. I have never had a more relaxing massage, you are right out on the beach with the waves in the background, talk about theraputic.

Otherwise, Your approach looks wonderful. The waterparks are a lot of fun, but I agree they both can be done in one day total. MGM needs a full day, and one full day at AK should be enough barring monstrous crowds. I am one who enjoys the fine dining at Disney, so I will not tell you to avoid sit down restaurants, and with reserved seating, you can get in and out of most of them fairly quickly and still get through the parks (especially since you have older kids that can move quicker.)

Have fun (and go to Boma if you can, I was there in October, and the food was still fabulous...)
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Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Hey fundad , considering you are staying at the AK lodge you might want to checkout the Sunrise Safari Drive that they hold at AK. It is Kilimanjaro Safaris, except you stay in the ride much longer, the truck stops so you can take pictures, and you get a huge breakfast at the end. I definitely recommend it. But you have to make reservations for it!!
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
You've already been warned, but I would definitely caution you about overdoing it in the hot...HOT August sun in Florida. I see you budgeted yourself some downtime which is great-be aware, you may need more. And segueing from that to the water park issue...I have a lot of fun in the water parks, but BLizzard Beach affords MUCH less shade than Typhoon Lagoon. If you wind up having to wait on-line for slides, you get a little bit more relief from the sun at TL.

I disagree with the comment about spending too much time at sit-down meals. First of all, it definitely helps get some bounce back in your step to sit in an air-conditioned restaurant for a while. Second of all, while late August tends to be the least busy time of the summer (many schools are back in-session by then), the counter-service restaurants could still get busy. To stand on line to order, and then wait for the food to be prepared, and then potentially fight for a table to handle your entire brood...I say, keep the reservations, and you can awlays cancel them if you choose to.

Finally, it's hard to determine whether or not to schedule different parks on different days because, believe it or not, the days of the week that you go to any specific park also impacts how busy it might be. "The Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World" that so many other people suggested really backlogs data on attendance in different parks on different days & different times of the year, and I'd recommend it as well. Extra Magic Hours, IMHO, are kind of a risk. Because only one park opens earlier or later on any given day, many people staying at Disney resorts flock to them, especially for the later nights. So there's a very real risk that you won't see much less traffic those days. The one TREMENDOUS advantage, however, is you're not under the sun. Can you tell I'm not much of a sun person? Seriously, why can't they just build a giant tarp over Orlando and be done with it? :animwink:

So The Unofficial Guide will probably be able to answer your questions much better than any of us (it also gives cumulative reader reviews of every restaurant in WDW-sorry to say, Rainforest Cafe fails to impress their readers as well). Use it wisely, prepare to abandon your plans if people are exhausted (or, split up your party, if one parent can stay with some kids in a park while the other half goes to Nap), and think of Extra Magic Hours more as a way to beat the heat then to beat the crowds. That's my advice. Enjoy.
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