Well-Known Member
It seems, like everything else going on at WDW right now, that only time will tell just how successful this project will be.
Only time will tell. Yeah ... so all of us who knew say DCA, DSP and HKDL were going to be major disasters needed to wait and hold our opinions?
Those of us who thought a billion dollars on an internet venture (recall Go.com) or a few billion for a cable channel no one watched (FOX Family) or on a pair of pro sports teams or on all sorts of regional ventures (from DisneyQuest to Club Disney to Mickey's Kitchen) ... we should have just waited for their failures to offer opinions?
I like to be bold and brash and show some balls by making predictions and offering opinions based on factual knowledge plus reasoned analysis ... and if I'm wrong, so be it.
It's a whole lot better to question something on Sunday than to Monday Morning Quarterback.
And without any proof to the contrary, there's no reason to throw out the same gloom and doom scenario over and over again. And no, I'm not a "fanboi," so any proponents of that term can quit while they're behind. I'm just willing to allow event to play out and for results to happen before I make a judgment.
There can't be any PROOF to anything here. The largest use of the tech currently at WDW is for costuming ... where it seems to be a huge success. But it in NO WAY makes for a more magical WDW vacation.
Technology without layered, immersive storytelling is simply COLD. Unless you feel warm and tingling at the Apple Store. I don't.
My biggest concern is privacy issues and being tracked like its 1984 all across WDW. My second biggest concern is that Disney has a very sad track record going back two decades now of latching onto technology and placing it above story and selling it as revolutionary.
NEXTGEN is simply taking everything from Kim Possible to FastPass to DDP to Pal Mickey to Magic Your Way to DME and expanding it exponentially ... personlizing things because Disney sadly believes that todays fanbois need to be stimulated constantly (resisiting the urge to toss in a WDI joke because THe Mom sees all when I'm posting!) ... not only is FP not enough, but queues need to either not exist or have interactive features because kids today can't simply stand and wait in line ... besides, if they're playing on their iphones they might as well be playing with some Disney content.
That's where this is all going. And while some of it may well be great, I can't help but think they're trying to reinvent the Disney theme park experience (well, since that's the EXACT language used at a high-level gathe... oops, I'm not supposed to know about that ... yet I do, how strange is that?

So ... while the ideas I've heard may well be kewl (If they happen), none of them are as cool as adding a major new land to MK or DAK or EPCOT with immersive attractions that take you into the story, rather than make you part of the story ... (is that Cindy in the mirror wishing Brittany magical dreams before lights out at the GF? ... is that ... nope, that's it for now).
Oh, but I'll look forward to your opinions on things around 2020 (if the planet, WDW and you still exist!)