At this stage of the game, I'm neither for it nor against it. There are some things worth railing about when they are announced (Disney's Florida Adventure would be one such, if they ever tried it), but this is one that needs more info exposed before a true position can be taken.
I have slivers of thoughts, nothing concrete just yet. I'm excited by the possibilities (some posters here have GREAT imaginations for the kind of future-tech this will open up). I'm excited, but also wary, of the $1.5 billion figure. If true, I'd also rather have a new park instead.
This is the sort of project that has lots of "then agains" for me. While I'd rather have a new park, then again it might be kind of neat for WDW to be GROUND ZERO for a 21-st century social experiment. It really would be a kind of "model city" like Walt originally envisioned, only this time the thing being modeled is future-tech ability to customize not just your ride, but how transportation moves you and how the system responds to your presence.
Then again (there's the phrase again!), I'm also worried about privacy. It's correct that spending chip-money is not the same as spending "real" money (or what feels like/passes for real money), so the system isn't going to be anonymous. And non-anonymous means we'll be seeing a real Minority Report type of backlash, I think. Maybe I should use Orwell instead, since the relevant part of the metaphor in Minority Report is the omnipresent panopticon: the system knows you, knows where you are, knows what you want... and there's a creepiness to this that should not just be shrugged off as the reactions of a Luddite.