Opinion: Gut Mickey's Philharmagic, Put In Dark Ride


Well-Known Member
I fully disagree with your post.

MK is not becoming "devoid of the mouse's influence" nor is it becoming "princessland".

And Storybook Circus (that's what it's called, so stop calling "circusland") is by no means a "mess". Plus, SBC is part of Fantasyland.

You have your opinion which you are fully entitled to and I respect that fact, I have mine as well and I will state it as I see fit...CIRCUSLAND!!!!:D


Well-Known Member
With SASW getting taken out, they should put in a new dark ride here. I don't understand why every single park needs a 3D film. Also, there's the fact that Mickey's Philharmagic looks incredibly dated, like it was redered for a Nintendo 64. I think it's time to put it to rest.

I don't really care what the dark ride would be. It could be anything for all I know, but there needs to be another ride put in the section I think.

Actually I couldn't think of any change in the MK that is more unnecessary than this one. Mickey's Philharmagic has become a classic by now, we do it at least 6 times during every stay and we love it. BTW the building always was a cinema respectively a show. If Philharmagic would go another movie would come or some AA show (like the original MM Revue) but definitely not some short dark ride.


Park History nut
Premium Member
The water remained for just over a decade. I never knew the exact reason. I heard people on forums like this talk about the lagoon/weight issues vs the Magic Kingdom tunnels and "that" is why it sat for so long. I don't pretend to be an engineer. If somebody knows the backstory people are certainly interested.
No backstory. Just no desire to build on it. FLE wasn't a TDO decision remember. And the Utilidors (tunnels) did not go under the 20k lagoon, contrary to myth.


Well-Known Member
Hmm...I guess I'd say I'd rather have a dark ride, but my kids actually really like this show...The way they overly promote it makes me think that it can't be that popular. But, I think it's a nice show to go to for a break on a hot day and there's never a line. So, I guess I'm stuck in the middle. I'm happy with it, but wouldn't be sad if it left?


Active Member
Circusland. Circusland. Circusland. Circusland. Circusland. Circusland. Circusland. ... Circusland. :cool::D

I'm not sure I'd say it's a "mess" but I could easily see it becoming so. It's definitely the most toddler oriented area of the park, even within Fantasyland. Not that there is anything wrong with that but I'd say it could lead to more wear and tear faster than other areas.

I'd say Disney as a whole is become "princessland." Does that mean that the princesses are pervasive everywhere? No. But they certainly are highly more prevalent than they used to be. And within the MK, other than M&Gs, Philharmagic is the only place since the destruction of Toontown Fair where Mickey (or his house) can be seen in an attraction...and he isn't even the main character. So I think there is something to be said that there is less of the mouse's influence in the parks. I've never ever once understood why there is no attraction featuring Mickey/the classic characters (and no Barnstormer doesn't count).

Anywho, as I stated previous, I love that Mickey, and Donald are included in Philharmagic, and equally love that we get to see classic scenes and hear classic songs. I would be truly upset if this were to go. There is plenty of room for them to put a dark ride somewhere else without gutting the attraction.

(Shoots Bubbles1812 with a blunderbuss...) :mad:


Well-Known Member
Hard to say for me. I don't want to lose Philharmagic for good from WDW. It's an incredibly charming 3D movie and very funny and entertaining. But at the same time it needs updating.

The 3D animation is pretty bad, i'd say bad even for 2003 standards. Pixar had been making better looking 3D animation for quite a long time. Someone likened it to "something rendered on a Nintendo 64". I wouldn't 100% agree with that but I get the sentiment and where they're coming from. I'd like to see it updated to at least Tangled's standards if they keep the CGI style. Though I wonder how it could look if the film was actually done in hand drawn style (still 3D but with traditional 2D animation). I'm a huge sucker for hand drawn and think it ends up aging much better than CGI does even over many many decades. But either way, the CGI is pretty bad.

I'm assuming the film hasn't been updated to digital either. It certainly doesn't look like it at least, all the times i've visited over the past few years it has been extremely fuzzy quality. And for reasons I can't really explain, the film has some of the worse 3D crosstalk in all of the 3D movies at WDW (you see a double or even triple ghost image in some cases, especially the part where Lumiere's flame first appears and the Be Our Guest song plays). This may be partially due to my astigmatism (though I wear corrective glasses), but the issue barely occurs in Captain EO or Muppet Vision 3D. And not at all in Star Tours 2.0. Not sure what's going on there that isn't in other 3D films...

I'm with Martin here though, if any attraction should get replaced with a ride, it's that new meet and greet for princesses they've slapped in Snow White's old ride space. Waste of good show space, even if it's a relatively small area. And there's still plenty of room elsewhere for new rides too that hasn't been used much. There's probably room over in the new Beast's Castle area for a potential future Beauty and the Beast dark ride, and some of Circusland's tents could probably be dealt with to restructure into ride real estate as well.

I don't see why we always have to do away with attractions to get new ones. That's one of the problems with the Fantasyland "Expansion". While undeniably pretty from a visual standpoint, little of true value was really ADDED. It's not so much an expansion but a replacement.

If Philharmagic had to go, i'd at least like it to be moved instead of just done away with. Could probably fit nicely at Hollywood Studios. I think Peter Pan actually already has enough ride space to be better than it is now. It could use a major overhaul and I'm guessing it has enough room to at least get it on the same level as the Peter Pan's Flight in California and Paris.


We need time for things to happen.
I actually love this attraction. I also don't have a problem with the 3D as some people are mentioning. Previous to Star Tours 2.0 this was my favorite all around 3D experience at the World.
It may not be that technologically advanced but being paired with all the 'classic' Disney cartoons it seems to be perfect.
I also have to say I'm not a huge Disney songs fan, but I think they pick the best points of all these popular tunes and blend them pretty seamlessly.
As much as I'd love another dark ride if it meant getting rid of Philharmagic I'd vote against it. ;)


Well-Known Member
Every time I've gone the theater fills up, the guests have fun with it, and leave the theater with a smile on their faces. Young and old alike enjoy the entertainment it provides. Give us an upgrade but leave the attraction in tact.

Todd H

Well-Known Member
Nooooooooooooo!!!! Love Philharmagic!

I'm assuming they still have the files necessary to re-render the film to modern CG standards. Do that, put in a 4K 3D projector, and it should be good to go for a long time.


Well-Known Member
I really like Philhamagic and dont want it to go away. I do think it should be revamped and moved to DHS in the Animation Courtyard. Now to replace it, I would like to see Mr. Toad's Wild ride return. That would be ideal!

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Well what do you expect for Early 2003 based computer animation...Disney was still trying out CGI before their first film Chicken Little in 05..The first time Mickey appeared in CG was in 2003 for the Oscars..It was their first test. And I'm pretty sure it's the same model as well..

Mickey looks cute there, but he is waaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too big. The walk-around version has a built-in excuse for its size, but there is no excuse for an animated version to be so disproportionate, especially in comparison to a real human. It's distracting. The first thing you think of is NOT "Yay! There's Mickey", but "Dang, that is one big mouse!" :p

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