Only a year and a half away from Harry Potter Land and still nothing from Disney!


Well-Known Member
For Eisner, it all changed when Frank Wells' helicopter crashed.

Then it was Ovitz instead of Katzenberg. and that two was a fatal mistake.

Wells was the brains behind the expansion.. not Eisner. But it was a three headed beast that couldn't be stopped between Eisner, Wells and Katzenberg. they were a great team. and they all brought different things to the table..

and Eisner lost one to a tragic accident, and the other to his own arrogance.

Even Trump said that Eisner's best moves were realizing the parks were underpriced.. and he left the expansion stuff to the two other guys..
That is a more level headed resoponse. As far as resting on their laurels, none of us knows what exactly is going on with their future plans. I also do not see where you get that they are doing nothing. TSM, AI, Contemporary DVC, PI, Some great refurbs as well as many other rumored projects. I will not mention the other projects that the company itself is involved in with their other venues because they are not in direct competition with Universal. I will not get into the whole Universal vs. Disney conversation because it is about as pointless as a tennis ball. They are both great parks that are in competition with one another and that is a good thing because it elevates the standards. I do not have the attitude of Disney can do no wrong (just ask me about Alien Encounter) nor do I have the opinion that they are completely off their rocker either. Those are extreme opinios and extremists are generally dangerous.(Not suggesting that you are one).


Well-Known Member
Disney's smart. I'd put all my money on the fact that Disney's letting Universal get the spotlight when PotterLand opens just so that when everyone's had their fill of the place Disney has something big enough to lure them away from the now way-past open PotterLand.

In short, you gotta' lose for now to win it later.


Well-Known Member
Disney's smart. I'd put all my money on the fact that Disney's letting Universal get the spotlight when PotterLand opens just so that when everyone's had their fill of the place Disney has something big enough to lure them away from the now way-past open PotterLand.

In short, you gotta' lose for now to win it later.

Bang Bang.

Go enjoy the dragon ride at the Golfball Park.


Well-Known Member
Why should we think that Harry potter will be anything more then a slight redressing of a small piece of the park?

Um... the big ol' show building being built between Jurassic Park and the now closed area of Lost Continent is a good tell. And the concept art that was leaked about the Kuka Robocoaster attraction being built. And the released concept art that has Hoggwarts in the background with Dueling Dragons closer to the side which implies that Hoggwarts will be an addition.

You know... little things tell you that it's going to be more than "a slight redressing."


Active Member
Reading everyone's thoughts and flames between WDW and US/IoA got me thinking: who out there has a vision to even pull off something remotely close to Walt Disney World?

I'm astounded by Walt's vision. The fact it still is pulled off after all these years amazes. Especially when you consider they answer to stockholders.

Why didn't JKR build something similar from the ground up in England or Europe? Or in the north U.S. where it snows regularly in winter?

Imagine WWoHP as a vision like Walt's Disney World . . . .


Active Member
The wand is gone.

Awesome pun! :sohappy:

I am a Walt Disney World fan all the way. But me and my family love Harry Potter and are excited about the new land being built at Universal. We've said we will certainly go and check it out the next time we go. It looks amazing. Will Universal be able to pull off what they advertise? Maybe, maybe not. But unfortunately I have to say these days my faith wouldn't be much greater if Disney was the one attempting it.

We've considered going to Universal before because of all the new rides they've built over the years that look really good and Harry Potter is what will finally make us do it. Plus my wife is a big thrill seeker and that's where you go for thrills. I've been to Universal and the difference is huge, with Disney winning hands down for detail, quality, and service. It's going to take more than Harry Potter to make a dent in Disney's attendance.


Well-Known Member
Here's my two cents on the whole IOA Potterland thing:

I went to US and IOA for the first time this past April. I heard good things about Universal, and I decided it was time I checked it out.

I came away from Universal disappointed. There was simply not enough to do there, and some of the attractions I did see were just a waste of time (Disaster, ugh). Even the Hulk did not measure up, which I was very disappointed to find out because I read all the time that people love it (the launch on RNRC is way more thrilling). Ripsaw Falls was awful, bad show all around.

There were things I really liked at Universal, though. My favorites were Dueling Dragons and the Mummy. Lost Continent was pretty amazing and on par with some of Disney's best themed lands. I was pleasantly surprised by Poseidon's Fury, and Spiderman was really fun. Men in Black and Popeye were good, too.

But I digress. The point I'm trying to make is that Potterland won't really entice me to leave WDW next time I'm down there, even though I do like the books (the first two movies were pretty good, but the other ones were pretty bad). Here's why - if you'll notice, my favorite part of Universal was Lost Continent in IOA. Basically half of that land is going to be annexed by Potterland, including Dueling Dragons. The queue of Dueling Dragons is amazing (the coaster is unthemed, but still great fun and way better than Hulk), but I hate that they're going to slap some Triwizard Tournament theming around it. It will totally ruin the queue for Dueling Dragons, especially considering that the castle queue doesn't belong anywhere in the Harry Potter universe. The ride will no doubt be the same exact thing, but the queue is half of the experience and Harry Potter will probably ruin it.

Another "new" ride they're touting is turning the Flying Unicorn into the Flying Hippogriff, which will cost next to nothing for Universal. The only real additions that are worthwhile are the Weasleys' car Robocoaster ride and the Hogwarts Castle.

The simple fact that Harry Potter is going to take over the best part of Lost Continent, leaving only Poseidon and Sinbad, is not enticing me to go Universal on my next trip. And, the net expansion for Universal is only two attractions, which doesn't add enough really to fill out Universal, especially considering that I took a large part of my time there doing repeat rides on Dueling Dragons after I had done everything else.

Actually now that I think about it, US is getting that Hollywood Rockit coaster, so Universal's net expansion is three attractions. Three attractions opening close together is significant expansion, but Disney has some new experiences in store, too. We've been told by insiders that Space Mountain refurb and Star Tours 2.0 are pretty much a go, and there's still that rumor of a family coaster in Pixar Place that just won't go away.

Sorry Universal, but I won't be leaving WDW for your parks anytime soon. I live up North, time is limited down in Orlando, so when I make the trip, I come for the best. Disney still has the best rides and theming/immersion factor out there. Universal did well with Port of Entry, Seuss Landing, and especially Lost Continent in IOA, but on the other side of the park they did poorly in Marvel Island and Toon Lagoon. Disney has highly themed in all their parks, and they've been doing it since the 70's in MK. And look what incredibly themed experiences they've done since then: World Showcase, Hollywood/Sunset Blvd., and all of AK. Universal is just starting to get it.

I don't think Disney has to respond to Universal simply because they are the leader in Central Florida. Universal will see an increase in attendance when Potterland first opens, no doubt. Disney will end up benefitting from it, though. Universal may have a big draw with Harry Potter, but Disney is still THE destination resort. Disney will keep pushing Magical Express, especially for international visitors, and that way Disney will still get people in THEIR hotels. People may come to see Harry Potter, but they will spend time in Disney's parks as well, most likely Disney will consist of the majority of their vacation time, if only because Magical Express is so effective at keeping people on WDW property. Disney is aware of this, and they know they don't have to respond in a big way. Disney has actually responded already, with refurbs to IASW, POTC, HM, SSE, and The Seas. Disney might not be getting all the press attention for these refurbs, but it's only Step 1. Disney is getting their existing rides in top shape, so that Disney's classic rides will be fresh when all the new rides come, which will improve the guest experience at WDW.

I think Disney is waiting for the hype over Potterland to subside before they make their move. Don't forget WDW's 40th is in 2011, and we're hearing rumblings of great things that are happening or might happen for that big year. By 2011, Disney will have opened American Idol, Midway Mania, a new Space Mountain, and Star Tours 2.0, and that's not even counting the rumors about the Pixar Place coaster, Little Mermaid at the MK, and maybe even Beastly Kingdom or JII 4. What will Universal have opened? They'll still be pushing 4 Potterland attractions and the Rockit coaster at the Studios, and two of the "new" rides in Potterland aren't even additions. American Idol, Midway Mania, Pixar Place coaster, and Little Mermaid are actual additions. Have we even considered the possibility that many young adult American Idol fans will be flocking to DHS for the chance to audition for the real thing?

Trust me, Disney has nothing to worry about, especially after the last Harry Potter movie leaves the theaters. Harry Potter has a huge following, yes, but so do Star Wars, Disney Princesses, and Pixar (American Idol, too, but that's kind of a love-hate thing). All that being said though, I hope Harry Potter does turn out to be popular because the competition will keep Disney on its toes and the guests will be the winners in the end.

Believe me, Disney will handle Potterland just fine.


Well-Known Member
Why didn't JKR build something similar from the ground up in England or Europe? Or in the north U.S. where it snows regularly in winter?

Imagine WWoHP as a vision like Walt's Disney World . . . .

I was thinking about this same idea as well.... It would be more authentic to the story if the magical world of HP was set into a good landscape in the UK. Like somewhere northwest of London.

But if it was seriously discussed to create it somewhere in Europe, there is probably a ton of red-tape you have to go through to put together that kind of a project. The vacation destination of the world, Orlando, is already set for an attraction like this.


Active Member
It would be more authentic to the story if the magical world of HP was set into a good landscape in the UK. Like somewhere northwest of London.

Exactly. Or better, someplace State side that looks like the landscape of the U.K. Perhaps someplace with an ailing economy . . . oh I don't know . . . around the Great Lakes region. Bring some jobs back to my State.

We can make it look like England. ;)

Where's the vision?


I won't read through this thread, but I'm planning my first ever Universal Vacation for 2010. We'll stay onsite and do a whole week at Univeral and the beach. May hit DTD, but this will be the first time Universal gets my money. I've gone for free on media passes. Wasn't worth going again until now. GO HP!!!! Sorry Disney, it was a lose-lose for you. And this is part of you losing.

A whole week at Universal?? If you have the Xpress Pass, you can do EVERYTHING in both parks comfortably in less than a full day...


Well-Known Member
The nerds are going to go to the Wizarding Nerdville of Harry Potter no matter what. Disney doesn't need to build a new attraction or land to compete with Harry Potterville.

However, it would be interesting if Disney brought in a Star Trek themed land, then Disney and Universal could compete to see which park generated the most mouth breathing.

Concerning Harry Potter you are talking about "Nerdville" but then you suggest a STAR TREK-Land! You see the irony, do you?:D


Well-Known Member
Well, after careful study, I have come to the conclusion that Disney rose-colored glasses not only make people see things differently, they stop all logical thought as well.


Well-Known Member
A whole week at Universal?? If you have the Xpress Pass, you can do EVERYTHING in both parks comfortably in less than a full day...

Yeah... if you're in a rush rather than relaxing and just enjoying the park.

If you go to any park and do EVERYTHING in a day than you're working... not having fun.


Well-Known Member
Well, after careful study, I have come to the conclusion that Disney rose-colored glasses not only make people see things differently, they stop all logical thought as well.

This site becomes a tad more enjoyable once you realize that.


Well-Known Member
I think the popularity of Harry Potter is severely overrated. While I like Harry Potter, I don't see it being huge. The 5th Potter film was less popular then PoTC:At World's End. Although neither were unpopular by any means.

I believe it was less popular than the first, lets say three movies of the franchise, because since the Prisoner of Azkaban the movies go severely downhill in every single element. Michael Gambon eg. is an AWFUL Dumbledore, but even worse is the writing and directing. The last fairly good HP-movie was TPoA, TGoF was already weak and the Order of the Phoenix is abysmal! Thats why it didn't score as high as PoTC. If this movie would have had the quality of the first two, i am sure it would have been a major blockbuster as the book was the best.
But even as they are weak, there is no real competition to PotC because the already existing attraction was only updated a little for the movies and the new Wizarding World is completely new.


Active Member
What's your point? We get it. Disney is the greatest thing ever. Since it didn't get the Potter rights, the Potter addition will be lousy. If Disney had gotten it, there would be peace in the Middle East. :hammer:

Well, after careful study, I have come to the conclusion that Disney rose-colored glasses not only make people see things differently, they stop all logical thought as well.

This site becomes a tad more enjoyable once you realize that.

You folks do realize that this is a site for WDW fans, right? Why would you expect objectivity? Anyone who says they know what's going to happen is mistaken. The Potter addition will increase attendance at Universal. How much is anyone's guess. Disney will have "something" to answer with. The affect on Disney attendance or, more importantly, length-of-stay remains to be seen.


Well-Known Member
You folks do realize that this is a site for WDW fans, right? Why would you expect objectivity? Anyone who says they know what's going to happen is mistaken. The Potter addition will increase attendance at Universal. How much is anyone's guess. Disney will have "something" to answer with. The affect on Disney attendance or, more importantly, length-of-stay remains to be seen.

Side note, I joined this site thinking I was a "rapid Disney fan" who just happened to appreciate Universal. The more parks I went to though (including a few Six Flags) I realized that I just like parks in general. I still enjoy Disney, but I also enjoy everything else. The objectivity doesn't surprise me. What surprises me is how people react when they discover that there are people who like stuff other than Disney on this board.


Yeah... if you're in a rush rather than relaxing and just enjoying the park.

If you go to any park and do EVERYTHING in a day than you're working... not having fun.

Sorry, but I did EVERYTHING by 6pm and even rode some stuff twice. Still had plenty of relaxing time left over. Why wait in lines for an hour, give or take, when you can just walk on everything and have more time to enjoy stuff?? There really isn't that much to do at either park, when all is said and done.


Active Member
Side note, I joined this site thinking I was a "rapid Disney fan" who just happened to appreciate Universal. The more parks I went to though (including a few Six Flags) I realized that I just like parks in general. I still enjoy Disney, but I also enjoy everything else. The objectivity doesn't surprise me. What surprises me is how people react when they discover that there are people who like stuff other than Disney on this board.

On this board, I think you would be in the minority with your feelings. Amusement parks are just thrill rides, which are cool. Disney is a more about theming, environment, service and showmanship. It's fine to like other stuff. I've had conversations with people on here about Kings Island and the things we enjoy at that park (I miss the enchanted voyage).

Universal is really the only other park that competes with Disney on theming. Their track record is spotty. I have no doubt they are putting all they've got into HP, but it's way to early to take a "WWOHP is better than anything Disney has" stand (not saying that's what you said). We've only seen production art at this point. I'm not interested in HP, so it doesn't affect me, but I understand that it will have some draw. I do think the Kuka arm tech is pretty cool. I rode the arm at Legoland and it has lots of potential. Personally, I think HRRR is going to be a bigger draw than HP, but that's just opinion.

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