Once Upon A Dream: A March 2011 Disney Wedding/Honeymoon Pre-Trip Report!

FINALLY! We’re getting married... that’s right, I said married. After seven years of dating and 21 trips to Disney World together, the time has finally come. Oh dear, where do I even start? I’m constantly splattering our faces (and vacation stories) all over the internet so I never quite know how much detail to put at the beginning of a report, because it always feels so repetitive. I guess a little background on us is a must though, seeing as how this is a pre-marriage report and all. :D

We (Holly and Brett) met in 2004 working at one of the dive bars in our little college town. We probably worked together (flirting shamelessly) six months or so before we started dating. We weren’t together two months before Brett had my first trip to Disney planned and executed. For real. I vividly remember us hanging out at a friend’s house one afternoon when the subject of Disney came up. The conversation eventually moved to other territory, except for in our little corner of the room... Brett was downright shocked that I’d never been to Disney. He was like “Let’s go.” And I’m thinking, sure, what’s the harm in playing along with this little game, it’s not like we’re going to pick up and go tomorrow. A few days later he tells me he’s worked out all the details, and if I’m still up for it, we leave next week! Talk about sweeping a girl off her feet. :)

It was a short trip, and I mean short... only two nights. We took off after work one Friday night and were at Downtown Disney by lunchtime the next day. We stayed at Caribbean Beach and somehow managed to hit up all four parks and Blizzard Beach over the course of two and a half days. It was a whirlwind. Here are some pictures from that very first trip. Yes, I had to scan them in because they’re from the dark ages – April 2004 to be precise. High quality!




Overall the trip was a screaming success. Of course it was, otherwise I don’t think we’d be where we are today. :lol:

There are a handful of moments from that first trip that are as clear as could be for me... one was running through the Magic Kingdom at night during a major downpour, laughing like crazy and holding Brett’s hand as he drug me from one awning to the next, not caring in the slightest that I was completely drenched from head to toe.

Another was dinner at Ohana. I fell in love. In love with the Polynesian. In love with the restaurant. In love with the food. In love with the fireworks outside the window. In love with Disney. In love with the guy across the table from me. What?!? :eek: Uh-oh. Wait. How’d that happen?! And how am I gonna keep him from noticing? After all we’d only been dating two months.

Another was ice cream on Main Street on our last afternoon, just before we had to leave and head back home. I was hit so hard by how much I didn’t want any of it to end. I still get the exact same feeling every single time we leave property to head home. I think I mention it quite a bit in my trip reports, but my love for Disney is completely and totally tangled up and intertwined with my love for Brett. Falling in love with them both at the same time can have that affect on a girl. :animwink:

For us, Disney is a place where our relationship shines. Simply put... it is us at our best. And as cheesy as it may sound I come away from every trip even more in love with this man than before. THIS is why we are getting married at Disney World... it’s always been a part of our narrative as a couple and it will always continue to be.



Well-Known Member
OMG! Y'all are too stinkin' cute! Looove the email exchange. We don't do the email thing like we did when we both worked in an office. My office used to be within eyeshot of his cubby and we'd still email each other like that. LOL!

Lately Tracey's little Disney digs are random but plentiful. We'll be having some detailed conversation about something and he'll just totally out of the blue blurt out, "I'm ready to go back." Or we'll finish a conversation and I'll be about to hang the phone up and he'll say, "Wish we were there." Since we now have reservations made I get the random "I can't wait." I know what he's talking about but nobody else in the world does. It's funny. The kids have taken to doing this, too, and it's torture! LOL!

Lovin' the excitement. Don't stress over the shoes. They most likely won't even show. I've decided **if** I ever get to wear my dress I will not stress about shoes. It's so hard for me to find cute shoes that are big and wide and don't make my feet look as sasquatch-ey as they are. LOL! I've decided I'll wear something the opposite of bridal if that's what has to happen. I think shoes would be a fun way to interject a little inconspicuous quirkiness. :animwink:


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
I've been away for a while, and just found your pre-wedding report (silly me, I was looking in the Disney weddings section).

Just had to say, I am teary-eyed after the first post. You guys are magic.

I'll be at WDW the week before your wedding! That's what my mom wanted for her 75th birthday. I'll try to talk to the weather gods and smooth the way for you.

Back to the beginning now, to read the whole thing...


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
I think I'm completely stunned at the price of the characters! That is INSANE! That is really tough to narrow down which ones to have. I think mine would be Mary Poppins and Boo...HAHAHA what a combo! I'm sure everything will come together with the lei's and the weather. I love the idea of the eggplant, that's a gorgeous color. And honoring your sister...that's so sweet. I'm loving hearing all of your wedding plans! Keep 'em coming!:sohappy::sohappy:

Hahahaha, that is some combination of characters!!


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
OK, I'm all up to date. Actually took notes as I went, so all comments could go in a single post.

What a blast, seeing the pics from your first trip! I have my picture with Robin Hood and Friar Tuck, probably circa 1995. Who is the girl 'munk??

Kudos to Brett on choosing the date by working the existing cruise plans into the honeymoon. Smart man! My honey picked our wedding date, too. ;)

I could not agree more about neither postponing the wedding date nor incurring debt. I distinctly recall, while planning our own wedding, posing the question: do we want to be rich, or do we want to be married? We chose married. P.S., the year that we got married, Hawaii was THE place to honeymoon. My best friend/maid of honor got married the same year and went to Hawaii, as did several other people I know. We still haven't been there! Although now that DVC has built there, it's a very great possibility!! :lol:

That's too bad about your brother not attending. When I got married, my brother was an active duty Marine, and the USMC would not let him know if they would grant him leave to come home for the wedding until the week of. So, I didn't put him in the wedding party, not knowing if he would be in attendance. Still my greatest wedding regret, because they did let him come. We had fun anyway--one of my favorite pictures from my wedding is of me dancing with my brother in his civvies.

I am so glad that you adore your dress. Truly! But almost 200 try-ons?? :eek: Crazy! And, as the daughter of a former seamstress, and having done my fair share of sewing, shame on that woman. Just shame on her. You write that letter when you get back.

I was so sad to read about your sister, got goosebumps about the color purple, and totally melted when you described the charm sewn to your dress. I totally agree with Kelly--your mom and dad should both have one.

Character attendance: Holy Smoke!! Especially when you put it into perspective with the cruise.

Ouch on the backup location. I really will pray hard for good weather for you, and if it wants to rain the whole week that I am there so that it can be clear for you, then so be it.

It must be hard for you, who takes such beautiful, wonderful pictures, to turn over control of the camera to someone else. But what can you do, you can't take your own wedding pictures!! :lol:

Just yesterday, I booked us a weekend getaway to celebrate our 25th anniversary, the first weekend of May. I cannot believe it's been such a long time. We honeymooned at WDW, and were too poor to afford a vacation for years after that. We returned for our 9th anniversary, because I got a bonus from work, and we figured we'd go then, because who knew if we'd have money to get away for our 10th. We did manage to squeeze out a weekend for out 10th anniversary, did the DVC tour, and have been back for every anniversary since. I can't believe I was able to get Bay Lake Tower for this trip!

Thanks for sharing your whole story, I was delighted to follow along, and wish you guys the best for your wedding, honeymoon, and the happily ever after!!!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
This trip report is not making my wait until November any easier...and you haven't even set foot in the World yet.

I can't wait to read all the details, because your trip reports are always the best, and considering this trip will have special significance, I can only imagine the amazing report.

Thanks for the sweet words, I'm going to do my best to remember and include as much detail as possible. I hope I'll be able to post it in a timely manner, as I have no clue how long the pro photographer will take to get the pictures back to me.

And my apologies for adding to the anticipation of your own trip... but it really will be here before you know it. :sohappy:

Still following along Holly! Getting more and more excited for you!! I love the leis that you and your mom made. Very pretty.

As for the e-mail exchanges, my fiance and I don't do that, but we often find ourselves quoting Test Track while driving, acting like we have the special flashlights from "Where's the Fire? when we see a fire hazard, or humming the background music from the parks to each other while at the mall or just sitting around the house. (among many other Disney dork things). It is all part of being a Disney couple and it is pretty fun! lol

Can't wait to see all of those amazing pictures you have been talking about!

Isn't it funny how Disney infiltrates our daily lives? It's like second nature for so many of us, I don't even think we realize it. I LOVE that you quote Test Track while driving. That's awesome.

Thanks for the compliments on the leis, I'm super excited with how they turned out.

*raises hand* I do the same thing with my husband.

We actually will just randomly quote attractions when we are out together or over Google chat while at work. Something usually triggers it and it's all downhill from there.

Heh, here's something funny...you know the scene in Splash Mtn when you see Br'er Fox trying to pull Br'er Bear out of the tree? Well we dubbed the really big section of Briar Patch you see in the scene Br'er Br'er. So yeah..that has worked it's way in to MANY a conversation while out and about.

Hilarious Disney couples unite!

Br'er Br'er... that's awesome! I love that the two of you google chat throughout the day. Isn't it great that Disney gives us so much material to work with? :lol:

OMG! Y'all are too stinkin' cute! Looove the email exchange. We don't do the email thing like we did when we both worked in an office. My office used to be within eyeshot of his cubby and we'd still email each other like that. LOL!

Lately Tracey's little Disney digs are random but plentiful. We'll be having some detailed conversation about something and he'll just totally out of the blue blurt out, "I'm ready to go back." Or we'll finish a conversation and I'll be about to hang the phone up and he'll say, "Wish we were there." Since we now have reservations made I get the random "I can't wait." I know what he's talking about but nobody else in the world does. It's funny. The kids have taken to doing this, too, and it's torture! LOL!

Lovin' the excitement. Don't stress over the shoes. They most likely won't even show. I've decided **if** I ever get to wear my dress I will not stress about shoes. It's so hard for me to find cute shoes that are big and wide and don't make my feet look as sasquatch-ey as they are. LOL! I've decided I'll wear something the opposite of bridal if that's what has to happen. I think shoes would be a fun way to interject a little inconspicuous quirkiness.

Hmm... what's keeping you from emailing back and forth these days, Kelly? It's not like you have to pull double duty as teacher AND mom or anything! :D I bet those little "wish we were there's" are totally bittersweet when there isn't a trip in the works. Heartbreaking!

As for the shoes... I bought some tonight after work! :sohappy: Yay. More on those later. My thing with the shoes is that I didn't want to spend much on them for the exact reason you mentioned: they're likely not to ever be seen (or worn again). I contemplated doing a colored shoe, which is apparently all the rage these days, but in the end it just wasn't me.

I've been away for a while, and just found your pre-wedding report (silly me, I was looking in the Disney weddings section).

Just had to say, I am teary-eyed after the first post. You guys are magic.

I'll be at WDW the week before your wedding! That's what my mom wanted for her 75th birthday. I'll try to talk to the weather gods and smooth the way for you.

Back to the beginning now, to read the whole thing...

Aww thanks, Siobhan! I wasn't sure where to post this, but seeing as how I didn't start it until a month out, I figured it'd probably be *okay* to post here!

Oh my goodness, how awesome is your mom?! I think it's so great that the two of you are celebrating her birthday at the World. I hope you have such an amazing time! Get in good with those weather gods for me, will ya? :animwink:

Hahahaha, that is some combination of characters!!

I thought that at first to, and then I thought, well Mary does take care of children and Boo is about as adorable as a child gets!

OK, I'm all up to date. Actually took notes as I went, so all comments could go in a single post.

What a blast, seeing the pics from your first trip! I have my picture with Robin Hood and Friar Tuck, probably circa 1995. Who is the girl 'munk??

How crazy is it that I had to SCAN those in because they were taken on film?

That would be Clarice. She's from a Chip and Dale cartoon called "Two Chips and a Miss." If I'm not mistaken, she's a professional dancer. :eek: :lol: And she definitely qualifies for the random character gallery!

Kudos to Brett on choosing the date by working the existing cruise plans into the honeymoon. Smart man! My honey picked our wedding date, too.

I could not agree more about neither postponing the wedding date nor incurring debt. I distinctly recall, while planning our own wedding, posing the question: do we want to be rich, or do we want to be married? We chose married. P.S., the year that we got married, Hawaii was THE place to honeymoon. My best friend/maid of honor got married the same year and went to Hawaii, as did several other people I know. We still haven't been there! Although now that DVC has built there, it's a very great possibility!!

That's too bad about your brother not attending. When I got married, my brother was an active duty Marine, and the USMC would not let him know if they would grant him leave to come home for the wedding until the week of. So, I didn't put him in the wedding party, not knowing if he would be in attendance. Still my greatest wedding regret, because they did let him come. We had fun anyway--one of my favorite pictures from my wedding is of me dancing with my brother in his civvies.

Sounds like you had a fabulous wedding with lots of good memories. I'm sure that was a tough decision to make with regards to whether or not to plan on your brother being in the wedding party. Luckily though he was able to make it in the end.

Oooh you totally need to book the new DVC in Hawaii and then come back and write up a report for us. :sohappy:

I am so glad that you adore your dress. Truly! But almost 200 try-ons?? Crazy! And, as the daughter of a former seamstress, and having done my fair share of sewing, shame on that woman. Just shame on her. You write that letter when you get back.

Yeah. I was that girl. :lookaroun Granted a good bit of those were tried on at a really fun outlet store. It was really weird, and something my mom and I talked about a lot, but for whatever reason I placed so much importance on the dress and I just could not settle on one. Seriously, I was even a wreck the day we went back to purchase my gown. I mean the "maybe someone should give this girl a paper bag" kind of nervous wreck. :ROFLOL:

I was so sad to read about your sister, got goosebumps about the color purple, and totally melted when you described the charm sewn to your dress. I totally agree with Kelly--your mom and dad should both have one.

Thank you, truly. I'm liking this idea of both my parents having one as well. I think you ladies are on to something here.

Character attendance: Holy Smoke!! Especially when you put it into perspective with the cruise.

Ouch on the backup location. I really will pray hard for good weather for you, and if it wants to rain the whole week that I am there so that it can be clear for you, then so be it.

Honestly, you are too sweet, Siobhan. And I mean that; this comment really touched me. But I think the weather gods need to shine on you and your mom as well.

It must be hard for you, who takes such beautiful, wonderful pictures, to turn over control of the camera to someone else. But what can you do, you can't take your own wedding pictures!!

You've got that right. Relinquishing control is certainly not one of my strong suits!

Just yesterday, I booked us a weekend getaway to celebrate our 25th anniversary, the first weekend of May. I cannot believe it's been such a long time. We honeymooned at WDW, and were too poor to afford a vacation for years after that. We returned for our 9th anniversary, because I got a bonus from work, and we figured we'd go then, because who knew if we'd have money to get away for our 10th. We did manage to squeeze out a weekend for out 10th anniversary, did the DVC tour, and have been back for every anniversary since. I can't believe I was able to get Bay Lake Tower for this trip!

Thanks for sharing your whole story, I was delighted to follow along, and wish you guys the best for your wedding, honeymoon, and the happily ever after!!!

Much congratulation on your 25th anniversary. That is so incredibly exciting, not to mention, inspiring.

Okay, so I find it really sweet that the two of you haven't missed an anniversary trip to Disney since the point in your lives when you were able to make it happen.


Well-Known Member
My iPod decided it was ready to go to Disney World this morning. After the Jammin' Jungle Parade ended, it randomly played the Epcot Background Loop, the Hawaiian Rollercoaster Ride, and the old El Rio Del Tiempo song. :cool:

For reference, Disney stuff only makes up about 2% of the music I have on there.


New Member
Love your emails back and forth! Too cute!

I remember being so stressed out about our wedding I almost forgot we were going to Disney World for our honeymoon. I know I didn't need to worry about the honeymoon because it was Disney, I knew everything I needed to know. So I focused all my attention on our wedding. Then it just hit me a couple weeks before our big day. . . I was going to Disney World the day after I got married with my husband!!! It suddenly made everything better. (That sounds cheesy, but it did! :)) Just knowing Dan and I would be there after our special day made everything else seem perfect.

I know the feeling that hit you and it's incredible! You'll be there so soon! YAY!!! :sohappy:


New Member
Hi Holly!
I'm new here but have read your pre-wedding trip report and it sounds wonderful!!! Congrats on the upcoming nuptials!
In regards to you and Brett sending emails back and forth, my sister and I who were brought up going to Disney all the time send messages over blackberry like that whenever our next trips to the World get closer! Its a fun way to get excited about it! We normally take ride phrases and the other completes it for instance, When hinges creek... from HM!
Can't wait to read the Wedding trip report when ya'll return! and once again Congrats!


Well-Known Member
OMG! That email convo had me LOL! :ROFLOL: So much so, my assistant just walked in my office to ask what was going on in my office! You guys are so funny!


New Member
Okay, so I've been kinda stressing out about all the little things. In fact, for the last 3-4 weeks I've really been pleading with time to SLOW DOWN. Let me just tell you, this morning I turned a corner... now our trip/wedding can't get here fast enough! :sohappy:

What changed things? A simple little email conversation between Brett and myself. It was like a switch was flipped. It was actually funny enough that I think I'll post it. I removed our email/contact info and then decided to reverse it so you wouldn't have to start at the bottom and read it backwards. To make it easier to keep track, Brett's text is in green and mine is in purple.

Just a quick preface/some background info:
a) we've participated in MJJP twice and it's by far my favorite day time parade
b) we're big into music, so often one of us will send a quick email just letting the other one know who it is we're listening to.

[FONT=&quot]From:[/FONT][FONT=&quot] Brett [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 9:12 AM[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]To: Holly [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Subject: Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom! Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom![/FONT]


The Jammin’ Jungle Parade just came on my iPod. I have a goal for our next trip. I want to get in the Jammin’ Jungle Parade again!

[FONT=&quot]From:[/FONT][FONT=&quot] Holly[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 9:12 AM[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]To: Brett[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Subject: RE: Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom! Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom![/FONT]

Let’s DO IT! And ummm, can we please have a drink at the Dawa Bar? Pretty please?!

[FONT=&quot]From:[/FONT][FONT=&quot] Brett [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 9:14 AM[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]To: Holly [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Subject: RE: Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom! Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom![/FONT]

I don’t mean to spam your inbox, but I think it just hit me. Not the wedding, that’s already hit me, but the fact that we’re going to Disney World soon! You know that feeling when it hits you and you just can’t stop thinking about it. I’m encompassed with it now! This trip is going to be freakin’ amazing! ARE YOU READY FOR THE PARTY! BARK AND GROWL AND SCREECH AND ROAR!

[FONT=&quot]From:[/FONT][FONT=&quot] Holly [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 9:16 AM[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]To: Brett [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Subject: RE: Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom! Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom![/FONT]

OMG! It hit me at the very same time! For the last few weeks I’ve been trying to make time slow down so I can get things done. Now, I just don’t care. Let’s go get married and have fun!

[FONT=&quot]From:[/FONT][FONT=&quot] Brett [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 9:19 AM[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]To: Holly [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Subject: RE: Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom! Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom![/FONT]

AND STOMP AND GROWL AND LEAP AND SOAR! The Jammin’ Jungle Parade did it for me. I really want to be at the Animal Kingdom right now. And yes, I’ll take you to the Dawa Bar.

[FONT=&quot]From:[/FONT][FONT=&quot] Holly [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 9:21 AM[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]To: Brett [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Subject: RE: Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom! Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom![/FONT]



[FONT=&quot]From:[/FONT][FONT=&quot] Brett [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 9:26 AM[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]To: Holly [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Subject: RE: Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom! Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom![/FONT]

Donald Duck is looking for adventure right now! HI-YA HOW YOU DOING? OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY!!!!! IT’S A PARTY! ARE YOU READY FOR FUN!?!

Oh my god I want to be in the Jammin Jungle Parade right now.

[FONT=&quot]From:[/FONT][FONT=&quot] Holly[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 9:27 AM[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]To: Brett[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Subject: RE: Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom! Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom![/FONT]

“Join the adventure, the party’s begun. We’re jammin’ in the jungle to the rhythm of one!” HOOOOORAY! If there weren’t students sitting right outside my office right now, I’d totally be doing all the hand motions!

Okay, so are Brett and I just crazy or does anyone else do stuff like this? As we get close to our trips we're constantly sending each other emails saying "Where in the World do you want to be right now?"

OMG! This entire conversation is exactly what my boyfriend and I do whenever we get on the topic of Disney. We are going back in May and since we are under the 100 day mark, it is all we talk about. Too Cute!!


Well-Known Member
Hi! I just joined here, but I've been reading your pre-trip wedding report and have read your previous trip report! Congrats on the wedding coming up so soon! Everything will turn out great and can't wait to see pictures! (I have been saving up already for my future disney wedding whenever that may be) Your pre-trip report is very informative! Can't wait to hear more and keeping my fingers crossed on the weather for you guys!


Active Member
Alright, we need our weekend update! Did you find shoes and an outfit? I thought about you guys yesterday, I took the kids to Jetty beach and the Disney boat was in port. :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
My iPod decided it was ready to go to Disney World this morning. After the Jammin' Jungle Parade ended, it randomly played the Epcot Background Loop, the Hawaiian Rollercoaster Ride, and the old El Rio Del Tiempo song. :cool:

For reference, Disney stuff only makes up about 2% of the music I have on there.

Soon enough we'll be hearing all of those at the World. Except for El Rio, I think it's safe to say that one's out. :lol:

Love your emails back and forth! Too cute!

I remember being so stressed out about our wedding I almost forgot we were going to Disney World for our honeymoon. I know I didn't need to worry about the honeymoon because it was Disney, I knew everything I needed to know. So I focused all my attention on our wedding. Then it just hit me a couple weeks before our big day. . . I was going to Disney World the day after I got married with my husband!!! It suddenly made everything better. (That sounds cheesy, but it did! :)) Just knowing Dan and I would be there after our special day made everything else seem perfect.

I know the feeling that hit you and it's incredible! You'll be there so soon! YAY!!! :sohappy:

Thanks, Krista. You're right, it's like the wedding is the focus and at the forefront of our minds so we're not daydreaming about the upcoming Disney fun, which is what we usually do leading up to a trip. This trip is threefold (WEDDING/CRUISE/DISNEY) and I seem to only be focused on the first part. I guess that means all the rest of it will just be icing on the cake, so to speak!

Hi Holly!
I'm new here but have read your pre-wedding trip report and it sounds wonderful!!! Congrats on the upcoming nuptials!
In regards to you and Brett sending emails back and forth, my sister and I who were brought up going to Disney all the time send messages over blackberry like that whenever our next trips to the World get closer! Its a fun way to get excited about it! We normally take ride phrases and the other completes it for instance, When hinges creek... from HM!
Can't wait to read the Wedding trip report when ya'll return! and once again Congrats!

Welcome to the boards, Oliver & Co. Thanks for the well wishes. I love that you and your sister just finish each others ride quotes.

OMG! That email convo had me LOL! :ROFLOL: So much so, my assistant just walked in my office to ask what was going on in my office! You guys are so funny!

I'm glad we could humor you at work, Reese!

OMG! This entire conversation is exactly what my boyfriend and I do whenever we get on the topic of Disney. We are going back in May and since we are under the 100 day mark, it is all we talk about. Too Cute!!

Excellent, another crazy Disney lovin' couple for the record books! :sohappy:

Hi! I just joined here, but I've been reading your pre-trip wedding report and have read your previous trip report! Congrats on the wedding coming up so soon! Everything will turn out great and can't wait to see pictures! (I have been saving up already for my future disney wedding whenever that may be) Your pre-trip report is very informative! Can't wait to hear more and keeping my fingers crossed on the weather for you guys!

Welcome, PartOfYourWorld! Thanks for all the well wishes. I hope some pixie dust comes your way and you're able to have the Disney wedding of your dreams one day soon.

Alright, we need our weekend update! Did you find shoes and an outfit? I thought about you guys yesterday, I took the kids to Jetty beach and the Disney boat was in port. :)

Let's see...shoes, check! I still need to find a pair of wedge flip flops to change into and wear for the remainder of the evening, but I do have a nice pair to wear with my dress for the ceremony now, so that's good. As for the luau outfit, still no luck! I'm probably being picky about it. Really I'm just looking for a cute skirt to wear but I can't seem to find anything (at a price I'm willing to pay for).

I still think it's just so cool that you take the kids to watch the ships depart.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
A few small updates from over the weekend...

Initially, I didn’t think I wanted a veil, but I quickly changed my mind, because really, when else will I ever get the chance to wear one? So the plan is to wear one for the ceremony only and then take it off afterwards. Although, I may also want to wear it for a few pictures over at the Grand Floridian, because it just seems like it would “fit” with that environment. My other concern with wearing a veil is the potential for wind at Sunset Pointe. It’s highly likely that it would blow around to the point of being a distraction. Add to that, the fact that veils are ridiculously and insanely overpriced (along with everything else bridal). Even the cheapest of veils with no beading of any kind was priced at, like, $200. :eek: Blech. Curse you, you billion dollar a year bridal industry!

Enter... my fabulous Mom! She didn’t think twice before telling me that making a veil would be a breeze and she’d happily stitch one up for me! Woohooo. And I’ve got to say, I think it’s really cool that my mom will have made the veil I wear on my wedding day. So anyway, over the weekend she was working on the final touches. Here it is:


What? You thought I’d actually post the final product? :lol: Seriously though, it’s going to have a completely plain edge because I don’t want it to take away from my dress. So it won’t look much different than the raw fabric you see pictured.

Total price:


Booyah! For those who can’t see it, the tulle cost $9.08. My mom already had white thread and seam binding and we picked up a metal comb for, like, $3. That’s what I’m talking about. Another item she’s finished and checked off the list is my garter. I have a picture, similar to the one above, with all the necessary parts but Brett doesn’t really want to see it, so I guess that means you don’t get to see it yet either. :lol:

I was able to check something else off the list this weekend: Brett’s Mickey ears! Apparently, Disney decided to discontinue the top hat groom ears in favor of the silly looking tuxedo groom ears pictured below:


(from disneystore.com)

Not cool. The top hat ears can be found for upwards of $50 online, but that’s such a rip off and they’re likely used. I decided just to purchase some individually priced ears at the Chapeau ($2.50 apiece) and pop them on a hat that we picked up at a party supply store for around $6. Voila!


I’ve got two of those big plastic storage containers set aside and anything that needs to go with us goes into one of those when it’s completed but I still have this major fear that something will get left behind. My biggest stress right now is centered around packing and ensuring that we remember it all. I could NOT imagine the level of stress I would feel if we had to pack in a way that is conducive with flying.


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Brilliant idea for the groom ears!

Good thing you included instructions, ;) otherwise you'd probably be getting dozens (hundreds, even) of requests to make them for people (a cottage industry, perhaps? Could pay for future Disney trips...wonder if it'd be legal) :ROFLOL:

You are fortunate to be driving, I can imagine the stress that must be involved in making sure you've got everything.

Not long now!

EDIT: Haha, what did I tell you! http://forums.wdwmagic.com/showthread.php?t=707516


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Brilliant idea for the groom ears!

Good thing you included instructions, ;) otherwise you'd probably be getting dozens (hundreds, even) of requests to make them for people (a cottage industry, perhaps? Could pay for future Disney trips...wonder if it'd be legal) :ROFLOL:

You are fortunate to be driving, I can imagine the stress that must be involved in making sure you've got everything.

Not long now!

EDIT: Haha, what did I tell you! http://forums.wdwmagic.com/showthread.php?t=707516

Thanks, Siobhan, although I don't think it was all that original of an idea. I was just excited when we found the ears "a la carte," so we didn't have to purchase a perfectly good hat and pop them off. Could you imagine paying the ebay price of $50 for a used one?!

And we are totally fortunate to be driving. My parents were considering flying until I had a bridezilla moment on them. :lol: I'm totally kidding, I didn't really freak out on them. It was a fleeting thought of my mom's before she came to the same conclusion I had about getting everything there. It's funny too, because I don't even have that much stuff to take. I couldn't imagine trying to have a BIG destination wedding.


Well-Known Member
That's so nice of your mom to make a veil! And great job on the ears...sometimes I think those DIY things make the day all the more special.

Completely agree that the new ears are no good. It seems like no one likes them...maybe they'll go back to the old style someday. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Foodie, Food, Food!

For the Polynesian portion of our trip, we’ll be hitting up all the usual suspects at some point, because after all they are some of my very favorites. And I'm all about taking advantage of the fact that we'll be staying at the Polynesian. My gut feeling is that we won't be checking back in at the resort for quite some time. We've been incredibly fortunate though to get to stay there twice within an eight month span, so I'm definitely grateful for that!

The "rehearsal dinner" will be at the Spirit of Aloha dinner show...


And as you already know, we'll be heading to Ohana for dinner on the night of our wedding. Plus we'll be going back for breakfast the morning we check out and head to Port Canaveral. Not only is it my favorite character breakfast, but I've gotta get my POG juice fix!


My parents and I will be hitting up Captain Cook's for a little breakfast on the morning of the wedding, while Brett and his family enjoy breakfast at Kona!



And the Plaza and Via Napoli are on the agenda for the day after the wedding...



We’ll be checking back in at Disney (at the Wilderness Lodge) for three nights after our cruise. The focus of this portion of the trip is going to be relaxation and dining! Initially we had plans to stay at the Grand Floridian for the last few days of our honeymoon, but we decided against it. Obviously it’s more expensive, so it was nice to save a little money there. But our main reason for not booking it was because we’d like to save it for an anniversary or some other special event in the future. We’ve got so many exciting and special things to focus on for this trip that we decided the Grand could wait. No need to pack it all into one trip!

Back to the dining.... we decided on Victoria and Albert’s, along with two signature restaurants. Artist’s Point is a clear standout because we’ll be staying at the Lodge. And then we’ve narrowed the other one down to either Narcoossee’s or the Flying Fish. Two of my favorites. Right now, I think we’re leaning towards the Flying Fish.

Funny story. So, Brett took on the task of managing our dining and he followed the necessary procedures to make reservations at Victoria & Albert’s. Well, once he received the confirmation email, he copied and pasted a sample menu into the email to send me along with the confirmation. He, of course, colored it with his own comments about some of the menu items and lots of OM NOM NOM’s written out beside certain courses in all caps. There was even a comment about how it would be a travesty if we consume duck on a Disney trip. Once he was done making comments all over it, he sent it to me. Or so he thought! He actually hit “reply” and “send” before changing the email address. :ROFLOL:

He realized his mistake as soon as his finger hit the button. We've all done this before, right?! Well, he got a reply from someone within an hour asking if she could clarify anything or answer any questions he may have about Victoria and Albert’s. I thought it was absolutely hilarious! Brett, not so much. You know we’ve probably been red-flagged in the reservation system as one of those couples that should be turned away immediately upon arrival. :lookaroun They'll never believe we're the true foodies that we are. So, Brett has decided to right this wrong by showing up as the most ultra refined and elegant man to ever grace the main dining room at Vicky’s... he believes a monocle is an absolute must!


(from tvtropes.com)

Of course, I say he should only wear the monocle if he also plans on wearing that fancy schmancy top hat I made for him. :lol:


Well-Known Member
you and your mom are so crafty!! making your own veil and that mickey ears top hat!!! GENIUS! way to save money! and your dining plans sound wonderful, as always. :D and how funny that brett emailed disney back by mistake. :lol: we have certainly all done that before but i don't think i have ever sent something as humorous as that! :lol:

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