Once Upon A Dream: A March 2011 Disney Wedding/Honeymoon Pre-Trip Report!

FINALLY! We’re getting married... that’s right, I said married. After seven years of dating and 21 trips to Disney World together, the time has finally come. Oh dear, where do I even start? I’m constantly splattering our faces (and vacation stories) all over the internet so I never quite know how much detail to put at the beginning of a report, because it always feels so repetitive. I guess a little background on us is a must though, seeing as how this is a pre-marriage report and all. :D

We (Holly and Brett) met in 2004 working at one of the dive bars in our little college town. We probably worked together (flirting shamelessly) six months or so before we started dating. We weren’t together two months before Brett had my first trip to Disney planned and executed. For real. I vividly remember us hanging out at a friend’s house one afternoon when the subject of Disney came up. The conversation eventually moved to other territory, except for in our little corner of the room... Brett was downright shocked that I’d never been to Disney. He was like “Let’s go.” And I’m thinking, sure, what’s the harm in playing along with this little game, it’s not like we’re going to pick up and go tomorrow. A few days later he tells me he’s worked out all the details, and if I’m still up for it, we leave next week! Talk about sweeping a girl off her feet. :)

It was a short trip, and I mean short... only two nights. We took off after work one Friday night and were at Downtown Disney by lunchtime the next day. We stayed at Caribbean Beach and somehow managed to hit up all four parks and Blizzard Beach over the course of two and a half days. It was a whirlwind. Here are some pictures from that very first trip. Yes, I had to scan them in because they’re from the dark ages – April 2004 to be precise. High quality!




Overall the trip was a screaming success. Of course it was, otherwise I don’t think we’d be where we are today. :lol:

There are a handful of moments from that first trip that are as clear as could be for me... one was running through the Magic Kingdom at night during a major downpour, laughing like crazy and holding Brett’s hand as he drug me from one awning to the next, not caring in the slightest that I was completely drenched from head to toe.

Another was dinner at Ohana. I fell in love. In love with the Polynesian. In love with the restaurant. In love with the food. In love with the fireworks outside the window. In love with Disney. In love with the guy across the table from me. What?!? :eek: Uh-oh. Wait. How’d that happen?! And how am I gonna keep him from noticing? After all we’d only been dating two months.

Another was ice cream on Main Street on our last afternoon, just before we had to leave and head back home. I was hit so hard by how much I didn’t want any of it to end. I still get the exact same feeling every single time we leave property to head home. I think I mention it quite a bit in my trip reports, but my love for Disney is completely and totally tangled up and intertwined with my love for Brett. Falling in love with them both at the same time can have that affect on a girl. :animwink:

For us, Disney is a place where our relationship shines. Simply put... it is us at our best. And as cheesy as it may sound I come away from every trip even more in love with this man than before. THIS is why we are getting married at Disney World... it’s always been a part of our narrative as a couple and it will always continue to be.



Well-Known Member
OMG! That is hysterical! I loooove it! So is Brett gonna get you for telling us about his email oops? I swear, I can't look at anything Cookie Monster anymore without thinking of y'all and your NOM NOM NOMs and laugh.

The veil sounds great. Isn't insane the way something so simple can get marked up sooooo much?! Ugh!


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure that the staff at Vicky and Albert's will have a bib, a booster seat, and a crazy straw waiting for me. I still can't believe I sent them that... it's only the most refined dining establishment in all of the World. Why not make a complete @$$ out of myself before I get there?



Well-Known Member
Oh I absolutely LOVED Flying Fish. Probably one of the best dinners my husband and I had on property. I got the signature Potato Wrapped Snapper...cue Homer gargle...so delicious!


Ahem...now where was I? It is so cool that your mom was a able to make your veil, definitely one less thing to worry about when you are in wedding-crunch-time.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure that the staff at Vicky and Albert's will have a bib, a booster seat, and a crazy straw waiting for me. I still can't believe I sent them that... it's only the most refined dining establishment in all of the World. Why not make a complete @$$ out of myself before I get there?


You sir are my new hero. That is simply amazing.

If you wear the monocle, please post pictures of it. Such classy eye-ware needs to be shown off.


Well-Known Member
Oh Brett that's awesome! LOL Holly you must have been rolling with that happening. I can't wait to hear how the actual dinner goes!

Kudos to you also for making your own veil. That's totally something my Mom & I would do. :sohappy:


Oh how I love this trip report, I laugh, I cry, I nod in agreement!
You and Brett are still the most adorable couple ever.
Just love you and your Mom making stuff for your wedding, that is going to be so special both now and in years to come. Again, best wishes to you both... :)


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Ooooh, I'm so glad (and so jealous) that you guys are treating yourselves to V&A for your honeymoon! :king: :sohappy:

And too funny about the misdirected email. Brett, do hold your head up straight when you walk in there, no point being embarrassed, just embrace it (and the bib and crazy straw, when they offer them) :lol:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
That's so nice of your mom to make a veil! And great job on the ears...sometimes I think those DIY things make the day all the more special.

Completely agree that the new ears are no good. It seems like no one likes them...maybe they'll go back to the old style someday.

I think you're totally right about the DIY stuff. Honestly, I'm so incredibly excited about the leis that we made and I think they're even better than anything we could've bought.

Yeah, what is with those new ears? And what is Disney thinking?! :lol: The top hats are way cooler, ya know, as cool as a hat with ears can be.

you and your mom are so crafty!! making your own veil and that mickey ears top hat!!! GENIUS! way to save money! and your dining plans sound wonderful, as always. and how funny that brett emailed disney back by mistake. :lol: we have certainly all done that before but i don't think i have ever sent something as humorous as that!

Thanks, Ashley. My mom is the super crafty one and I just get to feed off of here energy. She's done so much for me for this wedding and I'm so incredibly grateful. How are the wedding plans going for you so far?

OMG! That is hysterical! I loooove it! So is Brett gonna get you for telling us about his email oops? I swear, I can't look at anything Cookie Monster anymore without thinking of y'all and your NOM NOM NOMs and laugh.

The veil sounds great. Isn't insane the way something so simple can get marked up sooooo much?! Ugh!

Luckily, Brett has no problem laughing at himself.... one of the many things I love about him. Do you watch Top Chef? Because Cookie Monster was totally on Top Chef a couple of weeks ago as a guest judge and I swear, Brett and I watched and re-watched that scene a bazillion times. LOVE the Cookie Monster!

I'm pretty sure that the staff at Vicky and Albert's will have a bib, a booster seat, and a crazy straw waiting for me. I still can't believe I sent them that... it's only the most refined dining establishment in all of the World. Why not make a complete @$$ out of myself before I get there?


It still makes me laugh out loud every time I think about what the staff member at V&A's must've been thinking when she read your email! :ROFLOL:

Oh I absolutely LOVED Flying Fish. Probably one of the best dinners my husband and I had on property. I got the signature Potato Wrapped Snapper...cue Homer gargle...so delicious!


Ahem...now where was I? It is so cool that your mom was a able to make your veil, definitely one less thing to worry about when you are in wedding-crunch-time.


Mmmmm..... potato wrapped snapper, you say?!


I heart the Flying Fish! There's just something about the ambiance and the food that have made this restaurant stand out among the other great signature restaurants for us. We've had two amazing meals here (at the exact same table). We've pretty much decided on this one for sure. For a brief moment we toyed around with the idea of doing the "Chef's Table" type experience. But inevitably we decided to save that for another trip, and instead, soak up the romantic ambiance!

Oh Brett that's awesome! LOL Holly you must have been rolling with that happening. I can't wait to hear how the actual dinner goes!

Kudos to you also for making your own veil. That's totally something my Mom & I would do.

Yeah, this was one of those moments where I was actually laughing out loud at work. I just couldn't help myself.

Moms rock! Considering I'm not sure if I'll even be wearing the veil for the actual wedding (due to the potential wind factor), it's great not having to spend all that money on a veil. Especially when the one my mom made looks exactly like the one I liked at the shop.

Oh Brett...D'OH!

The food plans sound amazing! NOM NOM NOM...:D

Mmmm... food! I can't wait to spoil ourselves with all those signature restaurants.

Oh how I love this trip report, I laugh, I cry, I nod in agreement!
You and Brett are still the most adorable couple ever.
Just love you and your Mom making stuff for your wedding, that is going to be so special both now and in years to come. Again, best wishes to you both...

Aww, that really makes me smile, Soaringirl! Thank you so much.

Ooooh, I'm so glad (and so jealous) that you guys are treating yourselves to V&A for your honeymoon! :king: :sohappy:

And too funny about the misdirected email. Brett, do hold your head up straight when you walk in there, no point being embarrassed, just embrace it (and the bib and crazy straw, when they offer them)

You know, I'm still debating whether or not I'm going to photograph the meal. I mean, on one hand I just feel like there's too much refinement at Vicky's for me to bust out the camera and take pictures of our food. But then, on the other hand, how else will I report about it and drool over the awesomeness later? Decisions. Decisions.
Holly, I just finished catching up! Love the DIY leis and veil!! Also love the charm - what a great way to have you sister be a part of your wedding :).

I took these for you last week! I'm working on a deal with the weather gods for you. I think it's working because we've had rain for the past 5 days :ROFLOL:




Just under 2 weeks! I'm so excited for you!!



Well-Known Member
Thanks, Ashley. My mom is the super crafty one and I just get to feed off of here energy. She's done so much for me for this wedding and I'm so incredibly grateful. How are the wedding plans going for you so far?

wedding plans are going really well. i have 230 days left til my big day! i am almost done with getting all of the big stuff taken care of like flowers, dj, venue, etc. and of course the most important part, the honeymoon has already been booked! :D i can't wait to hear all about your big day and your disneymoon! its so soon!!! i'm very excited for you!!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Holly! Your day is coming soon! I can't wait to see pictures!!!! SO excted for you!

I know... it's literally right around the corner now!!! Thanks, Megan.

Yeah 2 weeks to go I'm SO excited for you!!! :sohappy:

Woohooo... it's totally going to be here (and gone) before I know it!

wedding plans are going really well. i have 230 days left til my big day! i am almost done with getting all of the big stuff taken care of like flowers, dj, venue, etc. and of course the most important part, the honeymoon has already been booked! :D i can't wait to hear all about your big day and your disneymoon! its so soon!!! i'm very excited for you!!

Yay! I'm glad to hear things are moving along smoothly for you. How about the dress? Have you started looking for one yet?

Holly, I just finished catching up! Love the DIY leis and veil!! Also love the charm - what a great way to have you sister be a part of your wedding :).

I took these for you last week! I'm working on a deal with the weather gods for you. I think it's working because we've had rain for the past 5 days :ROFLOL:


Just under 2 weeks! I'm so excited for you!!


Aww, thanks, Krista! I'm loving this first shot. Hopefully, the day will look this way, with beautiful blue skies and a couple fluffy non threatening clouds! I can't wait!

ahem... I'm still hoping for a Princess Half Marathon report from you!* :D


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So, today we hit a milestone that I'm sure everyone anticipates as they count down to their Disney vacations... the 10 day weather forecast! :lol: We're technically 9 sleeps out! Can you believe it?!

Unfortunately this particular week is my hell week at work and I'll be putting in 60 plus hours, but that's okay because I have this to look forward to... strolling past the waterfall where Brett proposed as we check in for our Disney wedding! Is it crazy that I can "smell" this area and hear the ambient noises just by looking at the picture?! :ROFLOL:



Well-Known Member
So, today we hit a milestone that I'm sure everyone anticipates as they count down to their Disney vacations... the 10 day weather forecast! :lol: We're technically 9 sleeps out! Can you believe it?!

Unfortunately this particular week is my hell week at work and I'll be putting in 60 plus hours, but that's okay because I have this to look forward to... strolling past the waterfall where Brett proposed as we check in for our Disney wedding! Is it crazy that I can "smell" this area and hear the ambient noises just by looking at the picture?! :ROFLOL:


Wow! Time is flying! It's getting so close now. I'm so excited for y'all. And, no, you aren't crazy. When I read that part I could hear & smell it, too.


Well-Known Member
That is a HUGE milestone! :sohappy: I hope you guys have perfect weather!

Sorry about your hell week...at least it will make the time go by faster...?? Maybe? :dazzle:


Well-Known Member
OMG Holly!!! I am getting so excitd for you!!! Less then 2 weeks to go!!! I can not beleive how quick the time has went. It seriously feels like just yesterday that you told us you got engaged!!!

YAY!!! :sohappy: It's such a great feeling when you can view the 10 day forecast isn't it??? That's how I know the trip is literally right around the corner!

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