Once Upon A Dream: A March 2011 Disney Wedding/Honeymoon Pre-Trip Report!

FINALLY! We’re getting married... that’s right, I said married. After seven years of dating and 21 trips to Disney World together, the time has finally come. Oh dear, where do I even start? I’m constantly splattering our faces (and vacation stories) all over the internet so I never quite know how much detail to put at the beginning of a report, because it always feels so repetitive. I guess a little background on us is a must though, seeing as how this is a pre-marriage report and all. :D

We (Holly and Brett) met in 2004 working at one of the dive bars in our little college town. We probably worked together (flirting shamelessly) six months or so before we started dating. We weren’t together two months before Brett had my first trip to Disney planned and executed. For real. I vividly remember us hanging out at a friend’s house one afternoon when the subject of Disney came up. The conversation eventually moved to other territory, except for in our little corner of the room... Brett was downright shocked that I’d never been to Disney. He was like “Let’s go.” And I’m thinking, sure, what’s the harm in playing along with this little game, it’s not like we’re going to pick up and go tomorrow. A few days later he tells me he’s worked out all the details, and if I’m still up for it, we leave next week! Talk about sweeping a girl off her feet. :)

It was a short trip, and I mean short... only two nights. We took off after work one Friday night and were at Downtown Disney by lunchtime the next day. We stayed at Caribbean Beach and somehow managed to hit up all four parks and Blizzard Beach over the course of two and a half days. It was a whirlwind. Here are some pictures from that very first trip. Yes, I had to scan them in because they’re from the dark ages – April 2004 to be precise. High quality!




Overall the trip was a screaming success. Of course it was, otherwise I don’t think we’d be where we are today. :lol:

There are a handful of moments from that first trip that are as clear as could be for me... one was running through the Magic Kingdom at night during a major downpour, laughing like crazy and holding Brett’s hand as he drug me from one awning to the next, not caring in the slightest that I was completely drenched from head to toe.

Another was dinner at Ohana. I fell in love. In love with the Polynesian. In love with the restaurant. In love with the food. In love with the fireworks outside the window. In love with Disney. In love with the guy across the table from me. What?!? :eek: Uh-oh. Wait. How’d that happen?! And how am I gonna keep him from noticing? After all we’d only been dating two months.

Another was ice cream on Main Street on our last afternoon, just before we had to leave and head back home. I was hit so hard by how much I didn’t want any of it to end. I still get the exact same feeling every single time we leave property to head home. I think I mention it quite a bit in my trip reports, but my love for Disney is completely and totally tangled up and intertwined with my love for Brett. Falling in love with them both at the same time can have that affect on a girl. :animwink:

For us, Disney is a place where our relationship shines. Simply put... it is us at our best. And as cheesy as it may sound I come away from every trip even more in love with this man than before. THIS is why we are getting married at Disney World... it’s always been a part of our narrative as a couple and it will always continue to be.



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Thanks for the tips! I think I mentioned to you a few weeks back that I was most nervous about the sleep issue...we will definitely have multiple alarms set.

You are too sweet! I am planing on posting a (most likely wordy) trip report soon after :D

Horray for getting your luggage tags!! How exciting!! The tags and booklet look so cute...what a great surprise!:sohappy:

Yay a race report!!! I'll be looking forward to it!

Well I definitely have my fingers crossed for you on the weather front (pun not intended.)

I'm sure "your" waterfall is on the list for picture spots, right? :animwink: *romantic sigh* The pictures spots are endless at the Poly...as well you know!

Oh yeah... the waterfall is definitely on the list! Along with the beach, a hammock, the boat dock, and the bridge just outside the Great Ceremonial House. Any other suggestions?

After we hit up the hot spots at the Poly, we're going to go hop on the monorail and head for the Grand Floridian. And if there's time, we're also going to stop at the Contemporary. Another shot I'm really hoping for is a good one of us on the monorail in our wedding attire. It's not every day you get to do that!

I am so excited for you guys! When you posted your TR when your soon to be DH popped the question, I cried! :ROFLOL: Looking forward to lots of great pictures of the big day! Congrats!! :sohappy:

Aww... thanks, allycat. I cried, too, and even teared up as I was writing about it. :D


Well-Known Member
Hey Hol! Hope all is well... Your big day is inching closer! :sohappy: It seems like you got all your ducks in a row!

And the Escape package sounds perfect and the fact you both get AP's that price is a bargain in my eyes for a wedding at the Happiest Place on Earth! I have to say... I darn near dropped my computer off my lap when I saw the price for the characters to be there!!! OMG!

You brought a tear to my eye with the sewing of the angel wings in your dress for your sister! What a wonderful and sweet way to make sure she is close to you our your special day!

Isn't it the best when you get Mickey mail. I love getting my DME tags when my trip gets close! I can't wait to get the cruise tags now, but we have a year to wait for those babies!


Active Member
Holly, I know you now are a Disney-addict like the rest of us, but were you somewhat skeptical before your first trip? The reason I am asking is, my fiance (will be husband come May) has never been, and I am planning our trip for this coming December. He is anti-enthusiastic about it, and isn't getting into the planning stuff (I realize I'm kind of a nut, and it is 10 months away) but it crushes my spirit! He just kind of has this "yeah, I don't care where we stay, I don't care where we eat" nonchalant attitude about it. I'm hoping it's just because he has never been, and he will "get it" once we get there....


Well-Known Member
Yay a race report!!! I'll be looking forward to it!

I can only hope it will be close to the awesomeness that is your race reports! (That sentence sounds grammatically incorrect, but you know what I mean.)

I have a trip report question for you...rather than hijack your excellent wedding plan thread, would you mind giving my your opinion via PM? :D


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Hey Hol! Hope all is well... Your big day is inching closer! :sohappy: It seems like you got all your ducks in a row!

And the Escape package sounds perfect and the fact you both get AP's that price is a bargain in my eyes for a wedding at the Happiest Place on Earth! I have to say... I darn near dropped my computer off my lap when I saw the price for the characters to be there!!! OMG!

You brought a tear to my eye with the sewing of the angel wings in your dress for your sister! What a wonderful and sweet way to make sure she is close to you our your special day!

Isn't it the best when you get Mickey mail. I love getting my DME tags when my trip gets close! I can't wait to get the cruise tags now, but we have a year to wait for those babies!

You know, I totally saw that price as a bargain,too (and it includes all the taxes). Basically, just knock a thousand dollars off that bottom line because we always buy APs. Plus, I think if you were to try and price out a venue, cake, flowers, violinist, transportation, and photography, you'd be hard pressed to find something in that price range. I'm happy to say that our final payment comes in at $4775. I only spent an extra $25. :sohappy: I got my dad a boutonniere ($15) since he's walking me down the aisle, and I'm renting a shepherd's hook ($10) from Disney to hang the leis on until we do the exchange.

Now, I did forego the Disney photography, because I'm not too impressed with what is included there, and aside from actually marrying Brett, it is the most important aspect of the day for me! :D

I'm really excited about the angel wing. I think it's a great way to have her standing up there with me.

You're right, Mickey Mail is awesome! We booked this cruise in November 2009 (the earliest I've every booked any kind of vacation) and I thought it was going to kill me to wait for it. And what do you know? Here it is, right around the corner. Ugghhh... time flies by way too quickly.

Holly, I know you now are a Disney-addict like the rest of us, but were you somewhat skeptical before your first trip? The reason I am asking is, my fiance (will be husband come May) has never been, and I am planning our trip for this coming December. He is anti-enthusiastic about it, and isn't getting into the planning stuff (I realize I'm kind of a nut, and it is 10 months away) but it crushes my spirit! He just kind of has this "yeah, I don't care where we stay, I don't care where we eat" nonchalant attitude about it. I'm hoping it's just because he has never been, and he will "get it" once we get there....

Hi, Megan! This is an interesting question. While I was super excited about my first trip, my responses to Brett over where we might stay or what we might do were very "I don't care, whatever is fine with me" but that is mostly because I didn't know enough to care. Does that make sense? That being said, I was never really skeptical about taking a Disney trip. I was super excited to experience it, because I definitely see myself as a kid at heart. I think the best thing you can do is tailor the trip around what you think he might enjoy most.

Congrats on your upcoming marriage!


Well-Known Member
You know, I totally saw that price as a bargain,too (and it includes all the taxes). Basically, just knock a thousand dollars off that bottom line because we always buy APs. Plus, I think if you were to try and price out a venue, cake, flowers, violinist, transportation, and photography, you'd be hard pressed to find something in that price range. I'm happy to say that our final payment comes in at $4775. I only spent an extra $25. :sohappy: I got my dad a boutonniere ($15) since he's walking me down the aisle, and I'm renting a shepherd's hook ($10) from Disney to hang the leis on until we do the exchange.

Now, I did forego the Disney photography, because I'm not too impressed with what is included there, and aside from actually marrying Brett, it is the most important aspect of the day for me! :D

I'm really excited about the angel wing. I think it's a great way to have her standing up there with me.

You're right, Mickey Mail is awesome! We booked this cruise in November 2009 (the earliest I've every booked any kind of vacation) and I thought it was going to kill me to wait for it. And what do you know? Here it is, right around the corner. Ugghhh... time flies by way too quickly.

You totally could not have a wedding for that price at home, well at least not here in Philly! That is so awesome. Are you limited to the number of guest you could have or anything like that? Not that I am getting marriesd anytime soon... I can't even find a guy worth dating for goodness sake! :ROFLOL: But when I do finally meet Prince Charming I think you have me convinced a Disney wedding in the way yo go!

I so can not wait to hear all about the wedding!


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Original Poster
I can only hope it will be close to the awesomeness that is your race reports! (That sentence sounds grammatically incorrect, but you know what I mean.)

I have a trip report question for you...rather than hijack your excellent wedding plan thread, would you mind giving my your opinion via PM? :D

Oh yeah... I LOVE race reports. I can't wait to see which characters are awaiting you out on the course. I'm off to respond to your PM!

You totally could not have a wedding for that price at home, well at least not here in Philly! That is so awesome. Are you limited to the number of guest you could have or anything like that? Not that I am getting marriesd anytime soon... I can't even find a guy worth dating for goodness sake! :ROFLOL: But when I do finally meet Prince Charming I think you have me convinced a Disney wedding in the way yo go!

I so can not wait to hear all about the wedding!

There is a minimum guest count for Escape weddings, and it's 18, which for some people would be really hard to stick to. For us it was perfect. And there are quite a few ceremony venue options: Seabreeze Pointe at the Boardwalk, a Gazebo at the Yacht Club, Sunrise Terrace (WL), Sunset Pointe (Poly), the Canada pavilion at Epcot, and the Wedding Pavilion. The Wedding Pavilion actually comes at a premium price ($1,000 more) and some of the locations (Sunset Pointe and Sunrise Terrace) actually have a stricter minimum guest count, which I think is ten. Although, I was able to get Disney to budge on that when I thought my brother and his family were coming along, because at that time my count was 12 guests. None of this includes a true reception, but we're okay with that.

Obviously, Disney will let you go completely crazy and throw a budget out the window...the Wishes Collection is for that! I think the minimum starting point for it is $10,000.

And here's to hoping Prince Charming drops out of the sky soon enough! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah... the waterfall is definitely on the list! Along with the beach, a hammock, the boat dock, and the bridge just outside the Great Ceremonial House. Any other suggestions?

After we hit up the hot spots at the Poly, we're going to go hop on the monorail and head for the Grand Floridian. And if there's time, we're also going to stop at the Contemporary. Another shot I'm really hoping for is a good one of us on the monorail in our wedding attire. It's not every day you get to do that!

OMG, I love the idea of getting a shot on the monorail! As far as other spots at the Poly, I could see you two standing on a balcony looking out onto the lagoon in that state of wedded bliss. I'm not sure if there's one in the Great Ceremonial House, I am frightfully unfamiliar with a lot of the Poly..which I hope to remedy one day! But I think the list of spots you have is perfect!


Active Member
I tried so desperately hard to talk my fiance into a Disney wedding. But to no avail. We had originally settled on a small beach wedding on Sanibel Island (for less than $2000) but my grandmother threw a fit, so here we are planning this extravegant ordeal apparently, and I myself have spent over $4000 on flowers, decorations, gifts, and DJ. That's not counting the 2 venues (church and reception), my dress (fluffy ballgown), catering for 200 people, alcohol, photo/video, and everything else our parents are paying for. I figure $10,000 is a rough estimate (I'm too sick to even add up everything) and it's not even a huge fancy-schmansy wedding! I'm doing as much myself as I possibly can! (That pic of your table with the lei's? Multiply that by like 4, and that's what my basement looks like!) Plus, being the control freak that I am, I have planned every teeny tiny detail myself, which has me stressed to the max. I really wish I could have gone with the Disney.....you guys are a smart bride and groom! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Ack, almost inside the 3-week mark!

I love these Poly pictures that you are posting every once in awhile! Yay!! :sohappy:


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Original Poster
OMG, I love the idea of getting a shot on the monorail! As far as other spots at the Poly, I could see you two standing on a balcony looking out onto the lagoon in that state of wedded bliss. I'm not sure if there's one in the Great Ceremonial House, I am frightfully unfamiliar with a lot of the Poly..which I hope to remedy one day! But I think the list of spots you have is perfect!

Oooh wouldn't it be nice if we had a balcony looking over the lagoon?! We booked standard, so I wont' hold my breath on that one. :lol: But I love the idea of that kinda shot.

I tried so desperately hard to talk my fiance into a Disney wedding. But to no avail. We had originally settled on a small beach wedding on Sanibel Island (for less than $2000) but my grandmother threw a fit, so here we are planning this extravegant ordeal apparently, and I myself have spent over $4000 on flowers, decorations, gifts, and DJ. That's not counting the 2 venues (church and reception), my dress (fluffy ballgown), catering for 200 people, alcohol, photo/video, and everything else our parents are paying for. I figure $10,000 is a rough estimate (I'm too sick to even add up everything) and it's not even a huge fancy-schmansy wedding! I'm doing as much myself as I possibly can! (That pic of your table with the lei's? Multiply that by like 4, and that's what my basement looks like!) Plus, being the control freak that I am, I have planned every teeny tiny detail myself, which has me stressed to the max. I really wish I could have gone with the Disney.....you guys are a smart bride and groom! :lol:

WHOA! That's a lot of work on you! Especially when it sounds like you would've preferred the "run away and get hitched" option! I'm sure though, that when the day comes it will all go off perfectly (or as perfectly as possible :animwink:) due to all your hard work and attention to detail. Oddly enough, my cousin is actually getting married at Sanibel Island this summer.

Ack, almost inside the 3-week mark!

I love these Poly pictures that you are posting every once in awhile! Yay!! :sohappy:

Three weeks = three weekends to get stuff done. :eek: Ahh well, today I hit a point of "who cares, what gets done, gets done, and what doesn't, doesn't matter!" More on that shortly.

And thanks for the photo compliment... the ones I've posted (and likely will continue to post) are from our engagement trip last August!


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Okay, so I've been kinda stressing out about all the little things. In fact, for the last 3-4 weeks I've really been pleading with time to SLOW DOWN. Let me just tell you, this morning I turned a corner... now our trip/wedding can't get here fast enough! :sohappy:

What changed things? A simple little email conversation between Brett and myself. It was like a switch was flipped. It was actually funny enough that I think I'll post it. I removed our email/contact info and then decided to reverse it so you wouldn't have to start at the bottom and read it backwards. To make it easier to keep track, Brett's text is in green and mine is in purple.

Just a quick preface/some background info:
a) we've participated in MJJP twice and it's by far my favorite day time parade
b) we're big into music, so often one of us will send a quick email just letting the other one know who it is we're listening to.

[FONT=&quot]From:[/FONT][FONT=&quot] Brett
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 9:12 AM
To: Holly
Subject: Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom! Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom![/FONT]


The Jammin’ Jungle Parade just came on my iPod. I have a goal for our next trip. I want to get in the Jammin’ Jungle Parade again!

[FONT=&quot]From:[/FONT][FONT=&quot] Holly
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 9:12 AM
To: Brett
Subject: RE: Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom! Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom![/FONT]

Let’s DO IT! And ummm, can we please have a drink at the Dawa Bar? Pretty please?!

[FONT=&quot]From:[/FONT][FONT=&quot] Brett
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 9:14 AM
To: Holly
Subject: RE: Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom! Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom![/FONT]

I don’t mean to spam your inbox, but I think it just hit me. Not the wedding, that’s already hit me, but the fact that we’re going to Disney World soon! You know that feeling when it hits you and you just can’t stop thinking about it. I’m encompassed with it now! This trip is going to be freakin’ amazing! ARE YOU READY FOR THE PARTY! BARK AND GROWL AND SCREECH AND ROAR!

[FONT=&quot]From:[/FONT][FONT=&quot] Holly
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 9:16 AM
To: Brett
Subject: RE: Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom! Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom![/FONT]

OMG! It hit me at the very same time! For the last few weeks I’ve been trying to make time slow down so I can get things done. Now, I just don’t care. Let’s go get married and have fun!

[FONT=&quot]From:[/FONT][FONT=&quot] Brett
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 9:19 AM
To: Holly
Subject: RE: Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom! Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom![/FONT]

AND STOMP AND GROWL AND LEAP AND SOAR! The Jammin’ Jungle Parade did it for me. I really want to be at the Animal Kingdom right now. And yes, I’ll take you to the Dawa Bar.

[FONT=&quot]From:[/FONT][FONT=&quot] Holly
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 9:21 AM
To: Brett
Subject: RE: Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom! Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom![/FONT]



[FONT=&quot]From:[/FONT][FONT=&quot] Brett
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 9:26 AM
To: Holly
Subject: RE: Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom! Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom![/FONT]

Donald Duck is looking for adventure right now! HI-YA HOW YOU DOING? OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY!!!!! IT’S A PARTY! ARE YOU READY FOR FUN!?!

Oh my god I want to be in the Jammin Jungle Parade right now.

[FONT=&quot]From:[/FONT][FONT=&quot] Holly
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 9:27 AM
To: Brett
Subject: RE: Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom! Mickey Mouse to Animal Kingdom![/FONT]

“Join the adventure, the party’s begun. We’re jammin’ in the jungle to the rhythm of one!” HOOOOORAY! If there weren’t students sitting right outside my office right now, I’d totally be doing all the hand motions!

Okay, so are Brett and I just crazy or does anyone else do stuff like this? As we get close to our trips we're constantly sending each other emails saying "Where in the World do you want to be right now?"


Well-Known Member
Guilty. I just recently posted on Bill's facebook wall "Simba one, come in simba one. I love you. Disney World in 3 months."

After typing that I had to go on Facebook to see our "wall to wall" conversations. Including me writing on his wall "Norway has a rich history...of trolls and ships and giant polar bears" His response was "Back, Back over de falls!"

And me writing "Brer fox and brer bear are causing a ruckus upstream!"
Maybe it's a Disney couples thing. We can't help it.


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Original Poster
How much do you still have to do Holly? Tons of stuff? I can't even imagine how excited you guys must be! :)

No, it's not tons of stuff. Just little things. Other than finding a pair of shoes to wear, it won't be a huge deal if some of the things don't get done. We went by a printing/copy shop during lunch today to have some fun stuff I made printed up. I'll share more details on those once they're done.

And like, finding a new outfit for the luau is on my to-do list... I've been searching, but I just haven't found what I'm looking for. If I don't find something though, I'm sure there's an outfit in my closet that'll work just fine. :D Stuff like that.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Guilty. I just recently posted on Bill's facebook wall "Simba one, come in simba one. I love you. Disney World in 3 months."

After typing that I had to go on Facebook to see our "wall to wall" conversations. Including me writing on his wall "Norway has a rich history...of trolls and ships and giant polar bears" His response was "Back, Back over de falls!"

And me writing "Brer fox and brer bear are causing a ruckus upstream!"
Maybe it's a Disney couples thing. We can't help it.

OMG!!! You must be my long lost twin, Jess. :lol:

"Back, back, over de falls" is one of our favorite lines! And we're constantly quoting the pre-show for Dinosaur. "It alters the homing signal... and that's not good." :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
This trip report is not making my wait until November any easier...and you haven't even set foot in the World yet.

I can't wait to read all the details, because your trip reports are always the best, and considering this trip will have special significance, I can only imagine the amazing report. :D
Still following along Holly! Getting more and more excited for you!! I love the leis that you and your mom made. Very pretty.

As for the e-mail exchanges, my fiance and I don't do that, but we often find ourselves quoting Test Track while driving, acting like we have the special flashlights from "Where's the Fire? when we see a fire hazard, or humming the background music from the parks to each other while at the mall or just sitting around the house. (among many other Disney dork things). It is all part of being a Disney couple and it is pretty fun! lol :wave:

Can't wait to see all of those amazing pictures you have been talking about!


Well-Known Member
*raises hand* I do the same thing with my husband. :lol:

We actually will just randomly quote attractions when we are out together or over Google chat while at work. Something usually triggers it and it's all downhill from there.

Heh, here's something funny...you know the scene in Splash Mtn when you see Br'er Fox trying to pull Br'er Bear out of the tree? Well we dubbed the really big section of Briar Patch you see in the scene Br'er Br'er. So yeah..that has worked it's way in to MANY a conversation while out and about.

Hilarious Disney couples unite! :king:

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