Once Upon A Dream: A March 2011 Disney Wedding/Honeymoon Pre-Trip Report!

FINALLY! We’re getting married... that’s right, I said married. After seven years of dating and 21 trips to Disney World together, the time has finally come. Oh dear, where do I even start? I’m constantly splattering our faces (and vacation stories) all over the internet so I never quite know how much detail to put at the beginning of a report, because it always feels so repetitive. I guess a little background on us is a must though, seeing as how this is a pre-marriage report and all. :D

We (Holly and Brett) met in 2004 working at one of the dive bars in our little college town. We probably worked together (flirting shamelessly) six months or so before we started dating. We weren’t together two months before Brett had my first trip to Disney planned and executed. For real. I vividly remember us hanging out at a friend’s house one afternoon when the subject of Disney came up. The conversation eventually moved to other territory, except for in our little corner of the room... Brett was downright shocked that I’d never been to Disney. He was like “Let’s go.” And I’m thinking, sure, what’s the harm in playing along with this little game, it’s not like we’re going to pick up and go tomorrow. A few days later he tells me he’s worked out all the details, and if I’m still up for it, we leave next week! Talk about sweeping a girl off her feet. :)

It was a short trip, and I mean short... only two nights. We took off after work one Friday night and were at Downtown Disney by lunchtime the next day. We stayed at Caribbean Beach and somehow managed to hit up all four parks and Blizzard Beach over the course of two and a half days. It was a whirlwind. Here are some pictures from that very first trip. Yes, I had to scan them in because they’re from the dark ages – April 2004 to be precise. High quality!




Overall the trip was a screaming success. Of course it was, otherwise I don’t think we’d be where we are today. :lol:

There are a handful of moments from that first trip that are as clear as could be for me... one was running through the Magic Kingdom at night during a major downpour, laughing like crazy and holding Brett’s hand as he drug me from one awning to the next, not caring in the slightest that I was completely drenched from head to toe.

Another was dinner at Ohana. I fell in love. In love with the Polynesian. In love with the restaurant. In love with the food. In love with the fireworks outside the window. In love with Disney. In love with the guy across the table from me. What?!? :eek: Uh-oh. Wait. How’d that happen?! And how am I gonna keep him from noticing? After all we’d only been dating two months.

Another was ice cream on Main Street on our last afternoon, just before we had to leave and head back home. I was hit so hard by how much I didn’t want any of it to end. I still get the exact same feeling every single time we leave property to head home. I think I mention it quite a bit in my trip reports, but my love for Disney is completely and totally tangled up and intertwined with my love for Brett. Falling in love with them both at the same time can have that affect on a girl. :animwink:

For us, Disney is a place where our relationship shines. Simply put... it is us at our best. And as cheesy as it may sound I come away from every trip even more in love with this man than before. THIS is why we are getting married at Disney World... it’s always been a part of our narrative as a couple and it will always continue to be.



Well-Known Member
Oh Holly, this all sounds fabulous!...

...except for the seamstress. HORRIBLE. Ugh. Just hearing the story makes me mad for you. Good job to you and your mon for holding it together.

That aside, I am very much looking forward to the dress hunt post :D


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
ahhh!!!! i LOVE it!! :D your report has me soooo excited for you two! and for my own day!! :D isn't it crazy, that counting down for a disney trip and a wedding leave you with the same feelings? at first you are like, man its so far away and then before you know it, its almost here! mine is still pretty far away but i know that it will be here before i know it! planning is going really well. i am trying to get as much done, as early as possible so i am not stressed out as we get closer to the big day. and i do want to make sure i have plenty of time to plan all the fun activities we are going to do on our disneymoon! :lol:

oh, and i can't believe that seamstress was such a "B"! i don't know how you all didn't flip out on the lady. i do not do well with poor customer service so i was getting angry just reading that part!! man! people just drive me crazy sometimes with how rude and stupid they can be!!

You are so right. It was like, after Christmas a switch was flipped and I started feeling like I wouldn't get it all done. I still feel like I have a lot to do, so I think this is the first time I'm actually hoping that the days before my Disney trip won't just disintegrate into thin air. :lol: I need those days to get all the little things done!

Have you started dress shopping yet?! Smart that you're trying to get so much of it done now and not in the last three months.

Oh Holly, this all sounds fabulous!...

...except for the seamstress. HORRIBLE. Ugh. Just hearing the story makes me mad for you. Good job to you and your mon for holding it together.

That aside, I am very much looking forward to the dress hunt post :D

Thanks, Shannon. After we left the dress shop we were wishing we had been a little more direct with them about how we felt. I'm actually planning on writing a letter to the owner letting her know that I wouldn't recommend her shop and it's solely based on the seamstress, which is a shame because apart from her everything else was great.

Thankfully it's all over now and I have my dress... so I'm focusing on that!

Awwww. This thread is like magic. :)

Congrats to both of you, and I cannot wait to read the report! :D

This made me smile... Thanks, darthspielberg!


New Member
Holly, your plans sound perfect!!! Rehearsal dinner at the Luau and your reception at O'Hana! Love it!!! And how cute that you and Brett have surprise plans for your family that night!

I read your wedding plans to my husband and he said that's the way to go. We did the whole extended family invited, wedding in my hometown, etc. You guys are definitely doing it the right way! Have a blast!

I'm glad you love the dress! I didn't have one of those teary, "this is the dress!" moments either, but I was so in love with my dress too!

Congrats again!!! :sohappy:


Active Member
Congratulations Holly & Brett!!! I am so incredibly excited for you, less than a month away!! Woot!

I love the pic of your contract & AP vouchers :) Escape brides unite! Your wedding is going to be beautiful. How appropriate that you are getting married at Sunset Pointe because you got engaged at the Poly!

I'm so sorry to hear about the trouble with your dress. I probably would have handled it the same way - just pay to be classy and don't cause trouble. Unfortunately sometimes you have to swallow your pride in situations like that because the problem and resolution are purely subjective.

I'm floored that you are arriving the day before the wedding! I'm guessing there is no tux fitting in your itinerary. We are arriving 3 days before our wedding because there has to be a tux fitting 2 days before and we want to leave enough time to do anything.

I just have to say boo to your relatives who won't come because of work conflicts and not taking the kids out of school. I have a bunch of kids coming to my wedding in September and they're all getting out of school for it: 2 elementary school, 3 high school, 1 college. Their parents didn't really even balk at the idea (probably because it's value season LOL so they know the rates will be much cheaper). Oh well they are going to miss a fabulous and magical vacation! Cheers :sohappy:
Krista! I'm honored you came out of lurkdom to post. Hooray! And an even bigger "hooray" for doing the Princess half; that is so exciting. I totally suggest befriending the volunteers with economy size bottles of biofreeze. :lol:

So did you end up doing a cruise for your honeymoon? If so, I'm curious as to which line you chose and how it was. So far, Princess has been my favorite.

And major points to the husband for proposing at the California Grill. That place is amazing!
So, yeah, I'm totally planning on loving some biofreeze during the race. And taking lots of pictures! Did you carry your camera in your hand the whole time?

We ended up going on the Carnival Legend for our honeymoon. 7 day western caribbean itinerary. It was wonderful! I actually wrote up a report here but since it was my first trip report, it doesn't have quite the finesse of your trip reports. We'd love to go on another cruise, but the budget is not conducive for traveling this year :(.

I remember the last 3 months before our wedding being pretty crazy. For me, going from 3 months to 2 months was worse than 2 to 1 month. I found that when you are only a month out, there isn't a whole lot you can change so it is just easier to roll with the punches rather than stress out over the difference between cornflower blue and azure sea blue :). I'm sure your wedding will be just lovely.



Well-Known Member
Wow that's total crap what happened with your dress. If you decide at a later date that you would like some good throttling done or at least someone to tell her off, your buddy from New Jersey would be happy to assist. :wave:

I still can't wait to see photos of it and how all the wedding plans turn out! You should ask for "our" table again since it has been lucky! :D


Active Member
I'm so excited for you guys, it's funny b/c I never met you guys, but following your vaca's and story's through the forums, I feel like I know you guys and I'm just excited for your wedding as I am when someone I know gets married! I couldn't be happier for you two.....and your happily ever after! :)

When you get into the Port on Sunday for your cruise, wave to me, I don't live too far, I'm actually thinking of going to jetty park on that Sunday afternoon to watch the boat leave port, my son loves to go out there and watch the cruise boats leave and run around on the fishing pier. We usually eat out there and then watch the boats leave. I'm kinda a dork, but I think it'd be fun to say I was there when you guys left for your Disney cruise!

Thanks for sharing your plans with us, and I can't wait to read the rest....One month from today you'll be in Disney!


Well-Known Member
Holly, I am sure you are going to look absolutely stunning on your wedding day and will patiently be waiting for pics when you get back!!! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
So now I find out that I am actually going to be there when you get married, I thought you were getting married that Saturday!....ah I may just have to sneak a peek. LOL....Man I really can't wait for the report and the pictures and all...And to know that I will be there. Super Excited for you guys...


Well-Known Member
Wow - you have teared me up twice reading your report. I wish you all the happiness in the world with your Disney Dude. I have a daughter in college who has already informed us she is having a Disney wedding and a Dream cruise. We are cool with it. How awesome to be married at the most magical place in the world.

Congratulations and I may hit you up in the future for Disney wedding tips :)


Well-Known Member
Those shots of "your" aisle are great! It must be so wonderful to know every time you visit the Poly or even sail across Seven Seas Lagoon that "Hey! We got married right. over. there!"

As far as the wedding dress situation, I was VERY lucky my mom knows how to sew so she did my alteration. The first attempt she made it a little too tight in the bodice and I couldn't breathe. :lol: I don't know what I would have done if a seamstress screwed up my dress. Kudos to you and your mom for not leaping over the counter at her.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Holly, your plans sound perfect!!! Rehearsal dinner at the Luau and your reception at O'Hana! Love it!!! And how cute that you and Brett have surprise plans for your family that night!

I read your wedding plans to my husband and he said that's the way to go. We did the whole extended family invited, wedding in my hometown, etc. You guys are definitely doing it the right way! Have a blast!

I'm glad you love the dress! I didn't have one of those teary, "this is the dress!" moments either, but I was so in love with my dress too!

Congrats again!!!

Thanks, Krista. We're really excited about surprising everyone and we feel like it's a great way to thank our parents for all that they've done for us. Ohana was always the plan, but it was exciting to nail down the luau as well. I can't wait!

I think I would've really enjoyed planning a big wedding if I had had time to do so; however, I don't know how much I would've actually enjoyed it come the day of the wedding. I would've been a stressed out mess.

The wedding location looks awesome! I'm sure it's going to be a great wedding

Sorry to hear about the seamstress

Thanks, Joanna. We're really excited about Sunset Pointe. Now I just need to put in a tall order with someone for perfect weather. I'd hate to get moved to a conference room somewhere. :eek:

Congratulations Holly & Brett!!! I am so incredibly excited for you, less than a month away!! Woot!

I love the pic of your contract & AP vouchers :) Escape brides unite! Your wedding is going to be beautiful. How appropriate that you are getting married at Sunset Pointe because you got engaged at the Poly!

I'm so sorry to hear about the trouble with your dress. I probably would have handled it the same way - just pay to be classy and don't cause trouble. Unfortunately sometimes you have to swallow your pride in situations like that because the problem and resolution are purely subjective.

I'm floored that you are arriving the day before the wedding! I'm guessing there is no tux fitting in your itinerary. We are arriving 3 days before our wedding because there has to be a tux fitting 2 days before and we want to leave enough time to do anything.

I just have to say boo to your relatives who won't come because of work conflicts and not taking the kids out of school. I have a bunch of kids coming to my wedding in September and they're all getting out of school for it: 2 elementary school, 3 high school, 1 college. Their parents didn't really even balk at the idea (probably because it's value season LOL so they know the rates will be much cheaper). Oh well they are going to miss a fabulous and magical vacation! Cheers

Yes... Escape Brides Unite! LOVE IT.

You said it so well, Shelley... "just pay to be classy and don't cause trouble." That's exactly how it was. We didn't want to argue over $30 but it was just the principle of the fact that the seamstress was in the wrong and she even got an attitude with us over it.

We're arriving two nights early and checking in at the Polynesian the day before. But you're right, there won't be a tux fitting. Brett is just wearing a suit. We can't really arrive any earlier because the week prior is my "hell week" at work. We were just lucky that my office is willing to take on a good bit of my workload because March is a crazy time around here.

I'm sad that my brother won't be there, but I've made a promise to myself not to let it upset me that day.

So, yeah, I'm totally planning on loving some biofreeze during the race. And taking lots of pictures! Did you carry your camera in your hand the whole time?

We ended up going on the Carnival Legend for our honeymoon. 7 day western caribbean itinerary. It was wonderful! I actually wrote up a report here but since it was my first trip report, it doesn't have quite the finesse of your trip reports. We'd love to go on another cruise, but the budget is not conducive for traveling this year .

I remember the last 3 months before our wedding being pretty crazy. For me, going from 3 months to 2 months was worse than 2 to 1 month. I found that when you are only a month out, there isn't a whole lot you can change so it is just easier to roll with the punches rather than stress out over the difference between cornflower blue and azure sea blue :). I'm sure your wedding will be just lovely.


Oh my goodness, Krista, I just checked out your cruise review and it rocks. Certainly a job well done. I LOVE all the scuba shots; it is so cool that both you and your husband dive together. We also went to Altun Ha when we were in Belize. You're so right about the level of poverty there; the contrast to even other Caribbean ports is jarring.

As for the marathons, we did just carry the camera the whole way through. And when I say we, I mean Brett. We took an older point and shoot and he wore the little wrist strap in addition to holding it in the palm of his hand. We never had any issues doing this and he says it wasn't really a nuisance. I saw lots of other people carrying them in waist packs and such and then just pulling them out for quick character pictures. This would also work because there are certain stretches with nothing to photograph but the backsides of all the runners in front of you. :lol: Will your husband be joining you or is the Princess a solo venture?!

So cornflower blue and azure sea blue? Which one won out in the end?! :D You've got a good point about how the planning stages start to drop off as you get closer to the wedding. I have absolutely everything set with Disney. My stress is wrapped up in finding things that I still need (like wedding shoes!) and getting little extra things done.

Wow that's total crap what happened with your dress. If you decide at a later date that you would like some good throttling done or at least someone to tell her off, your buddy from New Jersey would be happy to assist. :wave:

I still can't wait to see photos of it and how all the wedding plans turn out! You should ask for "our" table again since it has been lucky! :D

Oooh, it's too bad "our" table won't be big enough for everyone! And I might just take you up on that offer to accompany me to the bridal shop. :ROFLOL:

I'm so excited for you guys, it's funny b/c I never met you guys, but following your vaca's and story's through the forums, I feel like I know you guys and I'm just excited for your wedding as I am when someone I know gets married! I couldn't be happier for you two.....and your happily ever after! :)

When you get into the Port on Sunday for your cruise, wave to me, I don't live too far, I'm actually thinking of going to jetty park on that Sunday afternoon to watch the boat leave port, my son loves to go out there and watch the cruise boats leave and run around on the fishing pier. We usually eat out there and then watch the boats leave. I'm kinda a dork, but I think it'd be fun to say I was there when you guys left for your Disney cruise!

Thanks for sharing your plans with us, and I can't wait to read the rest....One month from today you'll be in Disney!

Awww... thanks, Corey. One month?! Ack. I really need time to slow down just a little bit. Now there's something I've never said about the time leading up to a Disney trip in the past. How fun that your family makes a picnic out of watching the ships leave port. That is so cool. If I can get past security in my wedding dress you'll be sure to see me waving from the ship. :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Bring it on. That's so messed up what the seamstress did. Can you believe it's next month!? I'm living vicarously through you since I don't know when our next trip is. Just not soon enough..I think it would be better if I at least knew a time frame. :brick: Oh well...bring on more details!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Holly, I am sure you are going to look absolutely stunning on your wedding day and will patiently be waiting for pics when you get back!!! :sohappy:

Awww, thanks Reese! I'm super excited to write this report. I'm counting on it helping me ease off the high of our trip.

So now I find out that I am actually going to be there when you get married, I thought you were getting married that Saturday!....ah I may just have to sneak a peek. LOL....Man I really can't wait for the report and the pictures and all...And to know that I will be there. Super Excited for you guys...

Okay, so let's say this Aleisha, if you happen to be headed across the lagoon to the MK that afternoon, please take a picture our way! In my engagement report I talked about needing "photographers" out on the lagoon in sea raycers.... just sayin! :lol:

Wow - you have teared me up twice reading your report. I wish you all the happiness in the world with your Disney Dude. I have a daughter in college who has already informed us she is having a Disney wedding and a Dream cruise. We are cool with it. How awesome to be married at the most magical place in the world.

Congratulations and I may hit you up in the future for Disney wedding tips :)

Smart girl, that daughter of yours! Just say the word if you ever have any questions I might be able to answer for you. I can talk about Disney (and getting married there) for hours! And thanks for the kind words.

Those shots of "your" aisle are great! It must be so wonderful to know every time you visit the Poly or even sail across Seven Seas Lagoon that "Hey! We got married right. over. there!"

As far as the wedding dress situation, I was VERY lucky my mom knows how to sew so she did my alteration. The first attempt she made it a little too tight in the bodice and I couldn't breathe. :lol: I don't know what I would have done if a seamstress screwed up my dress. Kudos to you and your mom for not leaping over the counter at her.

I'm definitely excited about being able to point out our ceremony location in the future. And I'm really happy that we picked places that already have a special meaning to us.

Like your mom, mine also knows how to sew, which made seeing a poorly sewn dress even more mortifying for her. We figured using a seamstress who makes a living doing alterations would make more sense than my mom doing it. Guess we were wrong there. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Bring it on. That's so messed up what the seamstress did. Can you believe it's next month!? I'm living vicarously through you since I don't know when our next trip is. Just not soon enough..I think it would be better if I at least knew a time frame. :brick: Oh well...bring on more details!

No, I so cannot believe that it's next month! :eek: I hate that your next trip isn't in the works yet, but I'll be hoping that some pixie dust drifts your way soon.
Oh my goodness, Krista, I just checked out your cruise review and it rocks. Certainly a job well done. I LOVE all the scuba shots; it is so cool that both you and your husband dive together. We also went to Altun Ha when we were in Belize. You're so right about the level of poverty there; the contrast to even other Caribbean ports is jarring.

As for the marathons, we did just carry the camera the whole way through. And when I say we, I mean Brett. We took an older point and shoot and he wore the little wrist strap in addition to holding it in the palm of his hand. We never had any issues doing this and he says it wasn't really a nuisance. I saw lots of other people carrying them in waist packs and such and then just pulling them out for quick character pictures. This would also work because there are certain stretches with nothing to photograph but the backsides of all the runners in front of you. :lol: Will your husband be joining you or is the Princess a solo venture?!

So cornflower blue and azure sea blue? Which one won out in the end?! :D You've got a good point about how the planning stages start to drop off as you get closer to the wedding. I have absolutely everything set with Disney. My stress is wrapped up in finding things that I still need (like wedding shoes!) and getting little extra things done.

Aw, shucks. Thanks for reading my review. I do love taking pictures underwater and someday I would love to get a nice underwater setup (just using a point and shoot right now) but it is going to be a long while before that happens. Scuba trips are expensive! But so worth it.

The princess is going to be a girls-only trip with my mom :). I tried to get her to run it with me, but she's going to be a spectator (this year :animwink:). I have a running belt, but it is full with my phone (for letting mom know when I'm coming up on MK) and 2 GU gels so the camera will be in my hand for the journey.

As far as which blue won out.... well, we'll just say that blue is blue and leave it at that :p. After a really stressful day about 3 months before the wedding, I just decided that yes, it is my wedding day, but it is also just a day, and at the end of that day the thing that is the most important is that I will be married to the love of my life.

Have you found shoes yet? As far as getting everything done, it somehow all manages to come together. My bridesmaids and I were up until 11pm the night before the wedding sipping wine and putting the favor boxes together and it is one of my favorite memories. Family and friends make great free labor :lol:.

I look forward to your next update!



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The ceremony location looks perfect!

I can't imagine how you've gotta feel getting to have the wedding of your dreams.

Thanks, barrettismyhero! I'm super excited about the ceremony location. It just fits us so well. As for how I'm feeling, I'm feeling super lucky for getting to have the wedding of my dreams.

Aw, shucks. Thanks for reading my review. I do love taking pictures underwater and someday I would love to get a nice underwater setup (just using a point and shoot right now) but it is going to be a long while before that happens. Scuba trips are expensive! But so worth it.

The princess is going to be a girls-only trip with my mom :). I tried to get her to run it with me, but she's going to be a spectator (this year :animwink:). I have a running belt, but it is full with my phone (for letting mom know when I'm coming up on MK) and 2 GU gels so the camera will be in my hand for the journey.

As far as which blue won out.... well, we'll just say that blue is blue and leave it at that :p. After a really stressful day about 3 months before the wedding, I just decided that yes, it is my wedding day, but it is also just a day, and at the end of that day the thing that is the most important is that I will be married to the love of my life.

Have you found shoes yet? As far as getting everything done, it somehow all manages to come together. My bridesmaids and I were up until 11pm the night before the wedding sipping wine and putting the favor boxes together and it is one of my favorite memories. Family and friends make great free labor :lol:.

I look forward to your next update!


Hi Krista. A girls-only trip sounds fun. My mom and I actually did that last June. Interesting point about carrying a waist pack. I wore one and carried a ton of gu's during the full marathon (ten total, five each) and in the early miles I was starting to feel some lower back pain, which didn't make sense to me. Turns out it was the weight of the gu's on my back. As we started to unload them my back began to feel better. Just another reason why I should've listened to those training plans that tell you not to try anything on race day that you haven't already done in training. :lol:

That statement I bolded really makes me smile. :D I've tried really hard not to get caught up in the "but it's my wedding day!" drama, because you're right in the end it's all about the marriage and not the wedding.

No shoes yet, but there is a pair out there that I plan on picking up if I don't find something I like better. You're right, it'll all fall into place. At this point, I'd say the necessities are taken care of. There are just some little extras that I'd like to get done, but I also know that if it doesn't happen the world will likely not end. :lol:

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