Oh dear - my worst fear


Carey Poppins - Nanny and Disney Enthusiest
I have a scratchy throat and am feeling terribly run down. I'm pumping airborne and emergen c. Drinking tea and honey. We leave in 8 days!!! This is my worst fear! I hope its just allergies but i'm afraid i'm getting a cold. :(


Carey Poppins - Nanny and Disney Enthusiest
Original Poster
Good girl!!!!!!! (sending mounds of pixie dust your way!!!)

Thank you! Have meds in hand. To take for 5 days. She suggested I wait one day to see if I feel any better but then I have them in case I don't. I am SO relieved! Will be doing tea, honey, whiskey and more garlic when I get home. NyQuil to sleep. And then hope for the best in the a.m. If not feeling better, then meds will begin.
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Well-Known Member
I know it won't help you now but it's something to think about for the future. When hubby had 4 months without work between jobs a couple years ago we spent the year working up to that time preparing. Part of our preparation was for illness. We kept our medical insurance paid up (we've always done private policies) for really bad stuff but for the sickies when antibiotics would be needed we wanted to be able to avoid going to doctors. Soooo, we ordered a supply of various antibiotics according to dosage amounts and length of a course. We got 2 or 3 kinds to cover all of us. You can order them thru pharmacies outside the U.S. You'd be sick if you knew how inexpensive a lot of the medicines are that pharmacies here charge out the butt for. I have a little stockpile tucked away that we've used very rarely. I'm not one to take antibiotics at the drop of a hat. My oldest son is immune to Amoxicilin because it was given to him so much for ear infections when he was little. To earn a course of antibiotics from me you gotta run a solid fever for over 36 hours. Oftentimes allowing the body to be sick gives it the chance to fight off the cooties all by itself. And then it builds more of an immunity to the germs. I have printouts and stuff for dosage sizes, course lengths, and which are better for different illnesses. I never travel without a course of antibiotics packed just in case someone comes down with something. In this case, because you're about to go on the trip, you'd have them on-hand for just this sort of emergency.

Worst case, I've been sick with "the crud" twice at WDW. Definitely slows you down. Not fun at all. Just treat the symptoms and keep on truckin'. A sick day at WDW still beats a well day at home. LOL!
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Well-Known Member
Crap! Can't believe I forgot! Take echinacea! It's sold by the vitamins and supplements at the pharmacies. I take an echinacea tablet every morning with my multivitamin, calcium, acidophilus, and sinus medicine. When I feel icky I take extra of it.

Definitely sinus issues going around here, too. Hubby has been sick off & on for a couple weeks with sinus issues. Started the day after he drove to the lake to go do some maintenance on his boat. He never holds onto flu or colds like that. He's always a few days and done. It's when I catch stuff that it lingers for a long time. I haven't gone crazy overboard trying not to catch what he's had. Yes, I've even kissed the man. LOL! That's how I know it's not anything contagious. If he gets sick I ~always~ get sick. He gets it for a couple days but I get the crud for weeks. My body just doesn't bounce back the way his does.

That's my tip! Take echinacea!
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Carey Poppins - Nanny and Disney Enthusiest
Original Poster
On the plus side, if you are coming down with something, 8 days out shouldn't be so bad. If it gets worse, you'll hopefully be on the mend by the time you depart for the most magical place on earth.

Sending "get healthy" thoughts your way.:)

This is what I keep repeating to myself. Over and over again - i tell myself this. :)
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Active Member
I need to find a friend or a doc that will just call them in for me. I go to this doctor who is nice and everything but is so stingy about the antibiotic scripts! I can feel it in my throat - i have had this 1000% times - i need antibiotics but they won't give them to me UNTIL it turns into something worse. It stinks!

Does your pharmacy or area have walk-in clinics? If you have a Walgreens they should. You might have a better chance of getting antibiotics from there. Hope you feel better....sending Pixie Dust!
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Carey Poppins - Nanny and Disney Enthusiest
Original Poster
Hi all! You are all so sweet and I think your pixie dust is working!!!!! Yesterday was rough...i'm hoping worse before it gets better, kind of thing. I couldn't focus and look at a computer. It was awful. I only ate chicken broth and crackers. I think though, knock on wood, i'm on the other side of it. I slept through the night last night which I haven't done for a few days. And although a wee stuffy nose and feeling a bit tired, i'm feeling better and the headache and sore throat are gone. I only have 3 full days of work and 2 half days before we leave so I should be able to rest a lot. Thanks again for the wonderful advice and well wishes!!!! Should be able to hop back on this afternoon. :)
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Well-Known Member
I have a scratchy throat and am feeling terribly run down. I'm pumping airborne and emergen c. Drinking tea and honey. We leave in 8 days!!! This is my worst fear! I hope its just allergies but i'm afraid i'm getting a cold. :(

That sucks I'm leaving on the 23rd and I just finished my 3 day flu. Thank god!!! Hope u feel better just hope the fever comes now and not when u leave..
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Well-Known Member
Glad your feeling better, it does sound like you are at the better end of it. I do like Airborne for an extra boost and Alka seltzer cold is a good one too, or as my Irish aunty would give a nice shot of whiskey and you'll be fine.
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