Its me the OP, im very sorry for starting this thread seems to have caused alot of falling out, it wasnt meant to start a debate on everest, english american relations, american comedy shows, english spelling (color vs colour),hidden messages, rude things in rides,degoratory terms,urban legends, anything like that at all.
i just wanted to know if any one else could see it and could i have a contact address.
please dont let this go on and beat the 'WDW picture of the day' which i much more valid than arguing over a picture on my t shirt.
g'or blimey gov, love a duck, whats up with your boat race, up the apple and pears, its not really like mary poppins at all!
Please don't feel bad. The fact that it turned into anything nasty is no reflection on you, just the state of things. Sometimes you never know what is going to set people off. It's too bad, but it happens.