Tricky, aren't I? I really thought people wouldn't care to hear that part again.
Oh please!

Maybe if you would've posted that after you asked that, I'd think that you're open-minded when it comes to Everest.
In what way have I come across as not "open-minded when it comes to Everest"? Because I don't agree with you that it's an awesome attraction? I wasn't impressed with it, so it MUST mean that I'm closed-minded right?

Yea, other than the fact the guy who made two everest-hate threads thinks an everest T-Shirt was intended to be dirty, they have nothing in common.
The only thing they have in common is the fact that it happens to be Everest on the t-shirt. How is that MY doing? Have there been other "dirty t-shirt" threads about other attractions that I've conveniently ignored or something? My comments on this thread have been about the t-shirt, not the ride. In fact, I even stated in this thread that I didn't think the drawing even looked like Everest. It could just as easily have been about Splash Mountain (an attraction I happen to love by the way) and if I saw something that looked like an offensive image, you'd still be reading the same comments from me. You're the one who is obsessed with making me out to be an "Everest hater". I'm not sure why.
Oh, and for the record, I don't hate Everest. I've actually gone to great lengths in these "other threads" (particularly the one that was deleted) to make that point clear. But you and others choose to ignore those parts of my posts.