Premium Member
To judge by some of the responses from management when asked if it's for everyone, they might not have made up their minds. "We're working on it" was the reply when asked about annual passholders. So who knows. Maybe they'll give annuals a single reservation per day, rather than four like the hotel guests.
If the overall number of reservations for the E-ticket rides drop, then the standby lines will become more tolerable, unless the math is more complex than I'm assuming. That's the bottom line. The FP+ on stuff like Turtle Talk and Idol don't factor into the E-ticket reservations total or the E-ticket standby line, as far as I can see (setting aside the fact that some rubes may "use up" their precious reservations on Idol... but I doubt there are many that silly. In this era of the Internet, everyone is going to know what to use the reservations for).
I assume that the E tickets will have a limited number of FP+ available so the only way I see anyone using it for some of the minor attractions is if everything else runs out but you still have some left to use. It is interesting that they didn't flat out deny that it would be limited to hotel guests.