Not good but saw it coming


Well-Known Member
GothMickey said:
You are insulting everyone else that does not agree with you.. And I find no one here pushing any agenda of getting MS closed.. Did I not say if you dont like it dont ride it???? I believe I did... And please do not insult me by saying I am using a tragic incident to push some made up agenda... That I take high offense to...

So, I just want to make sure that you do not want the ride closed down...yes or no.

I am still not sure about these insults.


New Member
DMC-12 said:
Because a severely outdated Horizons was so much better?
I love when people say Horizons was outdated. So, you're dining in undersea resorts and living in space? Wow.

Anyway. Sorry to hear about this woman's death. :(


Well-Known Member
ISTCNavigator57 said:
yes, the 143 out of 8.5 million did happen, and you likely find similar numbers on Rock 'n' Roller Coaster but we don't hear about that b/c people have a bone to pick with MS. I don't think .00168% of riders getting sick on a ride is substantial.

Well, I would say that more people than that got sick on it...I know I did the first time.

It is only 143 that sought medical that .00168% still is very very small. I am not sure how many other people have sought medical attention after riding TOT or RnR or whatever else...but the people throwing around terms like "countless" and "hundreds" probably have no interest in what the numbers for other rides are.


Well-Known Member
Timmay said:
Well, I would say that more people than that got sick on it...I know I did the first time.

It is only 143 that sought medical that .00168% still is very very small. I am not sure how many other people have sought medical attention after riding TOT or RnR or whatever else...but the people throwing around terms like "countless" and "hundreds" probably have no interest in what the numbers for other rides are.
well I don't really qualify dizzy as getting sick...people can get dizzy on anything that spins, but that doesn't mean we need to close the Mad Tea Party and the Astro Orbitor. They are designed to make you a LITTLE dizzy. I would count, instead, people who have thrown maybe 1000, though I doubt even that--1 person a day seems a bit high. I think more people puke after trying beverly at Club Cool...

So maybe 0.004% of people get sick on MS. Still exceptionally low odds. I've certainly seen more than 1 person puke after RnRC.


Active Member
Timmay said:
So, I just want to make sure that you do not want the ride closed down...yes or no.

I am still not sure about these insults.

I do not like M:S for the fact that I did not enjoy it, has nothing to do with getting sick on it, these deaths, or me hating thrill rides... I did not like M:S... I do not ever state that Disney should shut down a ride I do not like.. i simply do not ride it again.... This case is different.. People are getting sick from this ride and now 2 deaths in 2 and a half years.. I am not calling for a closure of the ride.. All I am saying is that we cannot hold Disney unresponsible for any of these deaths or sicknesses.... The ride had some sort of effect on hundreds of people.. That number is way too high in 2 years of operation... Something is wrong with the ride, something is not right, and Disney needs to fix it.... If that means closing it then fine.. i won't cry if it is shut.. but I won't cry if it is kept open... I simply will choose not to ride, just as you will choose to ride... :)


Active Member
Here ya go.. Disney dropped the ball big time on M:S.. proof is here...

Designer Questioned Mission: Space's Safety, Testing
Suit Claims Disney Never Allowed Company To Conduct Final Safety Test

POSTED: 6:32 pm EDT June 15, 2005
UPDATED: 7:13 pm EDT June 15, 2005

ORLANDO, Fla. -- WESH 2 News has uncovered serious questions about the safety and testing of the ride Mission: Space.

Mission: Space's Designer Questioned Safety, Testing In Lawsuit

The questions come from the company that designed and built the attraction.

The questions are raised in a 2003 lawsuit filed by Entertainment Technology Corp., of Pennsylvania -- the company hired personally by Michael Eisner to design and build Mission: Space.

The bottom line -- ETC said Disney never allowed company engineers to conduct a final safety inspection for Mission: Space's before guests began riding it.

Mission: Space has been touted as one of the innovative, realistic and exciting rides of all time. It's a space flight simulator, which spins guests fast enough to create the feeling of weightlessness in space.

ETC designed and built Mission: Space, so who better to answer questions about the attraction's safety? But now, WESH 2 News has obtained a 2003 federal lawsuit questioning the ride's safety and the suit was filed by ETC claiming "Disney refuses to allow ETC to participate in the safety testing and analysis" as outlined in its contract.
ETC claims Disney prevented their engineers from conducting final safety tests on the ride. The lawsuit also claims Disney took over responsibilities for the completion of the attraction after the project fell behind schedule.

The pending lawsuit says, "If ETC is prevented from using its years of experience with human centrifuge systems to participate in the safety testing and analysis ... then there are increased risks of injury to the public at-large."
Despite those concerns, Mission: Space opened to the public and has been operating since 2003. More than 8 million guests have ridden it, and Disney engineers say it is operating normally. The ride was back open Wednesday.

"I think it's a safe ride. I've ridden it personally," said Jerry Aldrich, an expert in amusement park rides. He also worked for Disney for 27 years.

WESH 2 News asked him about the lawsuit's claims, specifically whether this is a safety issue.

"No, I don't believe so. I don't see where that's founded," he said.

The lawsuit asks for millions of dollars in damages and an order allowing ETC to inspect Mission: Space to assure that it is safe.

Disney has counter-sued, alleging failures in ETC's performance and design. Because of that, neither side will talk to WESH 2 News about the pending lawsuit.

ETC also has a financial agenda. The lawsuit also alleges that Disney failed to honor a $26 million contract. It asks for $15 million in damages.

Seems in my last bold highlight even Disney admnits M:S is a failure and a problem...


Well-Known Member
GothMickey said:
Here ya go.. Disney dropped the ball big time on M:S.. proof is here...

Seems in my last bold highlight even Disney admnits M:S is a failure and a problem...
You just won't quit, huh?

Where does Disney "admit M:S is a failure and a problem"? Quit making such claims that you have zero knowledge about. This whole ETC lawsuit is old news and was instigated BY ETC because Disney wanted to clone the attraction. ETC did not live up to the contractual agreement and Disney severed the agreement. This claim by ETC is a self-serving attempt to gain headlines.


Well-Known Member
GothMickey said:
Here ya go.. Disney dropped the ball big time on M:S.. proof is here...

Seems in my last bold highlight even Disney admnits M:S is a failure and a problem...
The judge has since thrown out all of ETC’s safety allegations against Disney. There was no substance to them whatsoever. ETC simply used safety to gain publicity for their attempt to get more money.

Disney's counter suit had nothing to do with them being unhappy with the M:S product but rather that they were unhappy with ETC performance on the project. Thus why they finished it on their own.


Well-Known Member
By the way... there's something extremely interesting in the thread statistics... yet you claim to have no agenda? You have more than 3 times the number of posts in this thread than anyone.

User Name Posts
GothMickey 51
Timmay 16


Active Member
wannab@dis said:
By the way... there's something extremely interesting in the thread statistics... yet you claim to have no agenda? You have more than 3 times the number of posts in this thread than anyone.

User Name Posts
GothMickey 51
Timmay 16

Cause I respond to each post one by one... Why don't you go back and check that out... You on the other hand I can say has an agenda on making these boards full of people who agree with you.... Well, that is not what a message board is supposed to be about.. We can all have our opinions, lik,e and dislikes, and we can all disagree.. But some people here right away bash those who do not agree with them like everyone here bashing those of us who think this ride is a failure for Disney and a major problem for people's health... I am not pushing any agenda.. Simply responding to one post at a time instead of making one large post of several quotes... I would think you could have figured that one out.


New Member
Does that make their arguments any less valid? It seems that ETC's allegations are starting to become a reality...even if the courts found otherwise...


Well-Known Member
First of all, I’m not an apologist. I wanted to get that out of the way even though I imagine I’ll get labeled one in a minute or two.

This article does raise some concerns, but I don’t see an indication that anyone is admitting the entire ride is a failure or a problem. I imagine, since ETC has "years of experience with human centrifuge systems", they were probably more concerned with mechanical failure and not any affects caused by the centrifuge. If the ride system was inherently dangerous, they’d be out of a job.

Performance issues? Yes. M:S, or at least some segment of it, is down a pretty decent chunk of time (or so it seems when I’m there). Just because ETC didn’t get to run their final checks, it doesn’t mean that no one did. The State has signed off on the ride more than once and I’d imagine they aren’t just giving it a cursory glance. I work with inspectors here in Florida for many professions and most of them are pretty relentless when it comes to public safety. Having said that, I do think that maybe M:S operation should be suspended and the ride subjected to inspection by some independent third party. As the article states:

"ETC also has a financial agenda."

So I don’t think ETC qualifies at the moment. Centrifuge technology seems to really hit some people the wrong way and it’s always better to be safe. In the long run, I don’t think M:S will be permanently shelved. Changed? Most likely. Personally, I love the ride, but having something in the parks that people legitimately fear (I’m scared of ToT, but that’s a whole different story) is not a good thing.

Edit: And there were a stack of replies while I was churning this out... Feel free to ignore me. :)


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
GothMickey said:
Here ya go.. Disney dropped the ball big time on M:S.. proof is here...

Ah yes... the ETC lawsuit. Let me shed some light on that for ya. :wave:

ETC was running way behind schedule on the centrifuge installs. THEY (ETC) were then in breach of contract, at that point. So... The contract was breached, and Disney cancelled any or all future work with them (including but not limited to possible clone installs in other Disney parks around the world) and finished the work themselves.

ETC was LIVID... and decided to attack Disney, and bad mouth them and attack them very publicly from this alleged safety angle. :wave:


Active Member
peter11435 said:
The judge has since thrown out all of ETC’s safety allegations against Disney. There was no substance to them whatsoever. ETC simply used safety to gain publicity for their attempt to get more money.

Disney's counter suit had nothing to do with them being unhappy with the M:S product but rather that they were unhappy with ETC performance on the project. Thus why they finished it on their own.

And you think Disney's Imagineers were fully capable of building a cenerfuge when they have no experience in building them??? That is why Eisner contratced a company with that experience and with Disney not allowing experts to test and build it, Disney failed... sorry...


Well-Known Member
GothMickey said:
And you think Disney's Imagineers were fully capable of building a cenerfuge when they have no experience in building them??? That is why Eisner contratced a company with that experience and with Disney not allowing experts to test and build it, Disney failed... sorry...
Your making accusation you have no proof of. Saying Disney failed is absurd. Because for all intents and purposes Mission: Space is a safe ride that has never malfunctioned.


Active Member
DMC-12 said:
Ah yes... the ETC lawsuit. Let me shed some light on that for ya. :wave:

ETC was running way behind schedule on the centrifuge installs. THEY (ETC) were then in breach of contract, at that point. So... The contract was breached, and Disney cancelled any or all future work with them (including but not limited to possible clone installs in other Disney parks around the world) and finished the work themselves.

ETC was LIVID... and decided to attack Disney, and bad mouth them and attack them very publicly from this alleged safety angle. :wave:

Ok, so what to disney is more important.. Run behind schedule and have experts test the ride to make sure it is safe or speed up production with people not experienced in building certerfuges and opening the attraction on time thus raising the risk of a dangerous attraction opening???? I would have persoanlly rather Disney spend a little while longer and let the experts build a ride that may have been more safe... Guess we will never know what the outcome would have been if ETC got to test and finish everything.. but to this point, M:S has been a cause of problems for people... And that there lies the issue...

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