You completely missed my point, but, OK. The only problem was that Horizons was a walk on and as deserted as Imagination is now. Since the older people were not going to it... why not cater to teens? That also happened after EPCOT died. Then all bets were off, they could do whatever they wanted to because it no longer had the same mission except in the minds of some of us older folks. I'm happy that I can still enjoy what is there now as much as I did the old stuff. I miss some of them, Horizons wasn't one of them, but, I really do miss Imagination and WoM. The rest haven't really changed a whole hell of a lot. BTW, no one was going to WoL either. Who should we blame for that? Them or us for losing interest in it. Whether or not it is a good idea to put Frozen in Norway still remains to be seen, but, let's show at least a little bit of reality and admit that Maelstrom was a crashing bore. Mexico was not a sustainable re-ride anymore then the Three whatevers are now. But, one is no worse then the other. Mexico was a Mexican themed Small World with a tribute to the ride past the restaurant of PoTC at Disneyland from the very beginning. At least, that last part is the same as it was.