Norway Pavilion Frozen construction - Frozen Ever After ride

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Well-Known Member
Ok, with the info from the WSJ article, at the very least now we can do some reverse-imagineering.

This will be a video screen with a window frame over the top of it, enough said.

This will be in the area immediately after load, in what was a dark room.

This scene will probably be right at the base of the ramp.

Olaf will probably be seen at the top of the ramp as you ride up, and then the scene will continue through the former vikings area.

The concept art shows shows the boats coming right up to the ice castle, so this will be where the ride reverses direction. The doors will be new (probably to give a big-reveal of the scene) because as far as I know, there are only doors on the opposite side (before the waterfalls). As she said, the ice castle will be the biggest scene in the show.

or a couple of re-skinned polar bears... "What do they know? They're tourists." -Gonzo

This animatronic should be impressive as you'll be staring at it for a while when the boat reverses direction again. Then, through the mist and down a huge (surprise, frozen) slope to the final scene, formerly the oil rig, and then unload. Then undoubtedly through a huge gift shop where they will unload more money from your wallet.

Sounds like a winner to me!

Thanks. I have a better visual now.

Brian Swan

Well-Known Member
Also, Splash Mountain is book report and it is my favorite attraction at WDW. ET is too IIRC, although USF does have good non-book reports (Forbidden Journey, Mummy, Transformers) Regarding PPF, Half of it is flying over scenes from the movie, the other half is showing scenes from the movie, I consider it a book report.
Splash is also my favorite attraction in the MK (and one of my favorites in all of WDW), but I would NOT call it a "book report" ride. Yes, it borrows characters and scenes from the animated sequences (with a whole lot of new ones added), but (thankfully) it ignores the wretched live-action portions of the movie that tie the animated sequences together and serve as the real "plot" of the film. As a note, when I say "wretched" I'm not referring to the issues that get the PC Nazis knickers all in a wad, I'm referring to the bad plot, the bad writing, the bad directing, and with the exception of James Baskett, the really bad acting that are the hallmarks of this movie.


Well-Known Member
Seeing that Maelstrom boat in the concept art and realizing that those pictures of the completely gutted ride building were just lies to my eyes..knowing its the exact the same ride path and they're squeezing a giant property such as Frozen into that small space is the disappointing part. I had hoped they would've wiped everything clean and built a longer, more dynamic ride..even re-themed those boats to something more "royalty" based or water-sled like.

Maelstrom was a 2 minute ride- you would've think with Frozen they would've extended it somewhat..even 30 more seconds.

Wouldn't be surprised if Maelstrom fans ride it just so they can close their eyes and imagine they're back on Maelstrom.


Well-Known Member
They may also be adding new pull down lap bars. :eek:

I heard they are adding new arm restraints that will hold you arm out the side of the boat. They will require you to wear your magic band on your left arm on the left side of the boat, or right arm on the right side of the boat.

The final scene to the new ride will be walls of merchandise. Think of it as a float through merch shop.
This way when the boats go through the final scene you will automatically get your allotted purchase of merchandise. Whether you want it or not. mwhahahahaha!!

Disney's way of telling your bank account to "Let it go! Let it Go!"
ooops. I mean MyMagic+

Brian Swan

Well-Known Member
The architecture, the bakery, some items in the shop. I'd actually like to see the Stave church get shifted back to an exhibit not related to Frozen, like returning the Vikings.

Do they even have any entertainment in Norway? Would be nice if they could have at least some music or such related to the culture.
To the best of my knowledge, there has never been any live entertainment in Norway, and I don't see it as being likely that any will ever be added. When it first opened it was Maelstrom, a very good Norwegian restaurant, the gift shop(s), the stave church, and the bakery. The restaurant was downgraded to a princess barn with mediocre food. The vikings were kicked out of the church to make way for the Frozen crowd. The gift shop was infiltrated with Frozen "stuff". Norway was kicked out of Maelstrom to make room for more Frozen stuff. The "big addition" is a Frozen M&G (and new bathrooms - probably the best "improvement" made to Norway since it opened). There is no room for authentic musicians or dancers in the overall deculturalization plans for the "country".


Well-Known Member
Also, Splash Mountain is book report and it is my favorite attraction at WDW. ET is too IIRC, although USF does have good non-book reports (Forbidden Journey, Mummy, Transformers) Regarding PPF, Half of it is flying over scenes from the movie, the other half is showing scenes from the movie, I consider it a book report.
At least splash mountain was built from the ground up and not some lame re-decorated version of another ride that Imagineers threw together to make a quick buck. It was completely created from scratch and that is the key to creating an attraction that people will ride time after time year after year. It gets into your heart and soul. It is like a living thing. The frozen ride could have been cool, I wish they had just taken the time to develop it instead of cutting corners.


Well-Known Member
At least splash mountain was built from the ground up and not some lame re-decorated version of another ride that Imagineers threw together to make a quick buck. It was completely created from scratch and that is the key to creating an attraction that people will ride time after time year after year. It gets into your heart and soul. It is like a living thing. The frozen ride could have been cool, I wish they had just taken the time to develop it instead of cutting corners.
Agree 1000%


Well-Known Member
Maelstrom was a horrible ride it was never meant to be a big ticket ride. Went for years and never went on it. When I did I was so disappointed in it more then likely because everyone built it up so much. It was not a good ride it needed to be replaced upgraded something

Now going to frozen is not my choice but those that keep saying it was a classic ride please come on no where close to it. In my opinion.

Mike S

Well-Known Member
Maelstrom was a horrible ride it was never meant to be a big ticket ride. Went for years and never went on it. When I did I was so disappointed in it more then likely because everyone built it up so much. It was not a good ride it needed to be replaced upgraded something

Now going to frozen is not my choice but those that keep saying it was a classic ride please come on no where close to it. In my opinion.
Don't know about anyone else but I've never said it was a classic. Certainly not in the same league as Pirates, Mansion, etc. I was a fan though and agree it needed an update.


Well-Known Member
To the best of my knowledge, there has never been any live entertainment in Norway, and I don't see it as being likely that any will ever be added. When it first opened it was Maelstrom, a very good Norwegian restaurant, the gift shop(s), the stave church, and the bakery. The restaurant was downgraded to a princess barn with mediocre food. The vikings were kicked out of the church to make way for the Frozen crowd. The gift shop was infiltrated with Frozen "stuff". Norway was kicked out of Maelstrom to make room for more Frozen stuff. The "big addition" is a Frozen M&G (and new bathrooms - probably the best "improvement" made to Norway since it opened). There is no room for authentic musicians or dancers in the overall deculturalization plans for the "country".

There have been several different folk groups over the years, including Blamann and Spelmanns Gledje.

Brian Swan

Well-Known Member
Do you know how they adding capacity?
Would it be bigger logs or closer spacings between logs? I'm assuming that there are limited options given that the ride system is not changing.
Capacity increases will be minimal. Due to the double reversing elements of the ride system, they cannot reduce the distance between boats. Due to the same mechanisms, they cannot increase the size of the boats. With a single load/unload dock they could possible have one more boat "in motion" at the same time, and the load/unload process may go a little faster - but this would be off-set by a slightly longer ride. The only way they could significantly increase throughput would be to remove the two "switches" and replace tham with curves - but there is no indication that *any* changes are being made to the flume itself. And even then, there would have to be at least some delay built in to allow one boat to clear the bottom of the hill before the next one went down (as in PoC or Splash). Given the current capacity of 900/hour (quoting others on this board), I wouldn't expect to see any more than 1000/hour...

Brian Swan

Well-Known Member
Weird, Will any work be done on the facade?
The ride system was designed to bring the boat very close to the the edge of the outside waterfall (a great visual effect of the ride was the "fear" of going over the waterfall, but because it was behind you, it was completely lost). It also served a practical purpose of being a run-off for water in the switching area, so I'm guessing they will reopen the hole and have some sort of "ice cave" just barely visible inside - as a teaser.
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