No Pixie Hollow???


Well-Known Member
The flaw, to me, is basing such a huge area on a relatively new direct to video property.

I know I'm beating a dead horse here (but people seem to be willfully ignoring the point) the Fairies franchise is bigger than a couple of direct-to-video properties.

Go play the online game sometime. There are several servers and there are always lots of players. Go to a toy store. Go to a department store. A clothing store. A book store. You name it. The Fairies are everywhere.

(Yes, anything that doesn't feature Tink is likely to be discounted. But so is any and all Pirates merchandise.)

Also, if the franchise eventually died out, it would not be hard to retheme the area to Neverland or Wonderland. So it really wasn't all that risky of a gambit.

Grizzly Hall 71

New Member
Well, I personally wouldn't care one way or the other what happens to PH, but my sister is a huge Tinker Bell fan and would be pretty disappointed if they scrapped this. Unless they replaced the idea with a Neverland theme... Of course, to be true to the Neverland theme, my sister and I couldn't go in it seeing as how we're both adults :lol:

Yes. Sadly, a lot of teens and even some adults seem to think that if it's not throwing you around like a rag doll, then it can't possibly be fun.

Yup, sad but true. That's what they grew up on though so you can't really blame them for it. That's why I think Disney should invest in another thrill ride since thrill rides have ruled this generation.


Well-Known Member
So is everybody against Pixie Hollow because it is a meet and greet, Fairy based area, or both?

I think the general dissatisfaction of the Pixie Hollow theme is that it's a new franchise with a bunch of characters that no one other than 7-10 year old girls can even identify by name besides Tink.

I'm all for a Tink M&G, and to be honest, I was happy with the Princess ones - a) because more themed buildings in Fantasyland = good, and b) more places for people with kiddos to stand in line where I am not in line, LOL. But a "land" based off a a direct-to-video franchise that is so demographically specific just didn't sit well with many.

Now, all that said, it's clear Pixie Hollow may be on the chopping block, but I am much, much less convinced about the Princess meet & greets. I just don't think as much money was allotted to those as people might speculate, certainly not enough to build an E-ticket, or even a C-ticket, probably.

We'll just have to see as the walls go up what happens - as long as Mermaid and the Restaurant go in I'll be happy.


Well-Known Member
Yup, sad but true. That's what they grew up on though so you can't really blame them for it. That's why I think Disney should invest in another thrill ride since thrill rides have ruled this generation.

Yes, Disney should change their entire brand identity which has been established for generations so that it can appeal more to teens - a demo that will never embrace them. :rolleyes:

Grizzly Hall 71

New Member
Yes, Disney should change their entire brand identity which has been established for generations so that it can appeal more to teens - a demo that will never embrace them. :rolleyes:

The reason they don't embrace them is because they show no interest in teens. Never said change the identity but they should invest in everyone in the common family. The young one, the tween, the teen, and the adult.
Here is what I am thinking

Keep all the princess stuff. It sounded really cute and yes it does really only have a one time factor for most but most people only visit Disney World once. Make Pixie Hollow smaller and just make it a Tinker Bell and friends M&G. Have the Dumbo area be where it was on the leaked blue prints. Than move the tea cups closer to the barn stormer and turn that area into Wonderland (a franchise that is way more popular with everyone) Turn the Barnstormer into the Cheshire Cat coaster that was once rumored. They can finally build the Alice in Wonderland dark ride into MK and obviously make it better.

To help with appealing more to boys

They could work on Adventureland. Remove the Aladdin Carpets :hurl: and put in an Aladdin Dark ride. You could board a magic carpet and soar over Agraba. How awesome would that be!? Then they could referb JC and Tiki Room. And for those of you who keep talking about thrill rides in the MK, they could put in Fire Mountain or the Indiana Jones ride from DL. They could also do something in Tomorrowland. Than they could get some of the old ideas from Disney America (the park that was planned for Virgina) and put them in LS.

Once they do all of this, MK should be good for the next 40 years :p

Grizzly Hall 71

New Member
Here is what I am thinking

Keep all the princess stuff. It sounded really cute and yes it does really only have a one time factor for most but most people only visit Disney World once. Make Pixie Hollow smaller and just make it a Tinker Bell and friends M&G. Have the Dumbo area be where it was on the leaked blue prints. Than move the tea cups closer to the barn stormer and turn that area into Wonderland (a franchise that is way more popular with everyone) Turn the Barnstormer into the Cheshire Cat coaster that was once rumored. They can finally build the Alice in Wonderland dark ride into MK and obviously make it better.

To help with appealing more to boys

They could work on Adventureland. Remove the Aladdin Carpets :hurl: and put in an Aladdin Dark ride. You could board a magic carpet and soar over Agraba. How awesome would that be!? Then they could referb JC and Tiki Room. And for those of you who keep talking about thrill rides in the MK, they could put in Fire Mountain or the Indiana Jones ride from DL. They could also do something in Tomorrowland. Than they could get some of the old ideas from Disney America (the park that was planned for Virgina) and put them in LS.

Once they do all of this, MK should be good for the next 40 years :p

I can dig it! :wave:
How so? The latest thing was Pirates.

Well if you remember, Walt wanted a place where everyone could have fun together, where parents and kids could do things together. That is the point of the MK. Even though yes there are a few rides in MK that have height restrictions but the main feel of the place is still a place for fun for all. They need to take the teen focus and put it on the studios. With some great effort that place could be a great place for teens to want to go on their vacations :drevil:

Grizzly Hall 71

New Member
Well if you remember, Walt wanted a place where everyone could have fun together, where parents and kids could do things together. That is the point of the MK. Even though yes there are a few rides in MK that have height restrictions but the main feel of the place is still a place for fun for all. They need to take the teen focus and put it on the studios. With some great effort that place could be a great place for teens to want to go on their vacations :drevil:

I understand that but when Mattehorn opended Walt knew that the entire family couldn't ride. I find it strange DL has 5 thrill rides while Mk have 3 and they have the same policy about doing family things together.


Well-Known Member
I understand that but when Mattehorn opended Walt knew that the entire family couldn't ride. I find it strange DL has 5 thrill rides while Mk have 3 and they have the same policy about doing family things together.

If there were 4 parks in CA, the thrill rides would be spread out among them.
I understand that but when Mattehorn opended Walt knew that the entire family couldn't ride. I find it strange DL has 5 thrill rides while Mk have 3 and they have the same policy about doing family things together.

Disneyland has turned into something a bit different than MK. Disneyland it has to cater to the residents of Southern CA while MK has to cater to the residents of the entire world. So they put in a few thrill rides to keep those people happy while MK gets more world class entertainment. (This is just my theory. I am not in no way saying that Disney would use the same explanation to justify the 5 vs. 3)


Well-Known Member
Well if you remember, Walt wanted a place where everyone could have fun together, where parents and kids could do things together. That is the point of the MK. Even though yes there are a few rides in MK that have height restrictions but the main feel of the place is still a place for fun for all. They need to take the teen focus and put it on the studios. With some great effort that place could be a great place for teens to want to go on their vacations :drevil:

You know... I'm fine with putting the "teen focus" (if that's what you want to call it) in the Studios!

But with that being said, I think the Studios needs one more "family friendly" ride. TSMM was (still is) a great ride that the whole family can enjoy together. I like the idea of the Monsters Inc. coaster (don't know much about it but I like the idea)... I hope that if they do this ride it won't have a high height requirement (or be too intense).

Grizzly Hall 71

New Member
If there were 4 parks in CA, the thrill rides would be spread out among them.

CA has 2 parks and the balance is 5 (DL) to 4 (dca) that's 9 total. WDW has 4 parks 3 (MK) 2 (ec) 2(mgm) 2 (ak) that's 9 also. So really the thrills aren't even spread out between the 2, they're fairly close. When WDW only had 2 parks there were only 2 thrill rides and they were all in MK not spread out. While at that same time DL had 2 thrills in one park. So they don't spread them out. And if DL got 2 more parks it wouldn't be spread evenly unless they put 5 in each of the 2 new parks.

Grizzly Hall 71

New Member
"The latest thing"? What's that got to do with anything? Attractions only count if they are new?

MK is filled with attractions that can be enjoyed by all ages... even teens.

Never said that, all I said the latest thing that appealed to teens was Pirates. Can you name anything else that has?

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