Resident Curmudgeon
You know, I've been thinking a little...
Water in bottled form has been something that people have been purchasing and carrying along only since - oh, the mid 80's maybe.
Even back then, it hadn't really caught on yet. The craze is more of a late 90's thing.
Now, I'll grant you that we are more educated about the dangers of dehydration but still...
Anyway, it got me to thinking of my earlier trips to WDW.
On my first trip right after WDW opened, my mother would have carried a pocketbook (she was never without it) and my father would have had his wallet.
That's it.
Ditto, a couple of years after that when the family took a trip out to Disneyland.
By later trips, with friends or girlfriends - we carried nothing either.
My point is, that this phenomena of people carrying lots of stuff and believing that they cannot go anywhere without it, and are entitled to haul it into an establishment they go to - is a relatively new thing.
True but at least for us it's a CamelBak or a small day pack with bottled water, But I know what you mean some people go in there like they are preparing to ascend K2!