Does anyone have the total number of all FPs given out for all attractions per day (obviously varies depending on how long the parks are open, if all are operating at full capacity, with 100% up time, etc. but let's assume the maximum of each variable here) and how it compares to the number of people inside the park on an average day? If everyone (resort guests and non-resort guests alike) will eventually have access to 3 FPs per day, I am truly skeptical that there are enough to go around. My husband disagrees, saying that every single guest will get 3 FPs, hence why they're adding FPs to needless attractions, viewing areas, and M&Gs. That last part is obviously true, but even still - I have a hard time believing that there won't be at least some people that will be unable to get any FPs due to not enough being available. I would like to know approximately many people that would be, in theory.