No 5th gate but...


Well-Known Member
Absolutely right! People complain a great deal about the lack of upkeep and new attractions already! Imagine how much farther an entriely new park would stretch WDW resources.

And this is one of the reasons why we are seeing today what is going in all four of the major parks... is the refurbishment and enhancement of the current crop of rides (HM, POTC, SSE, Mexico, Toy Story Mania, EE, etc...) Also with new rides coming on-line, it seems every year... there is more to look forward to. Iger, in his outlook statements, said that the US theme park focus was enhancement of current assets for the time being. And so far, that is what is happening. Glad to see it, and its been needed. Hopefully someone leadership can get a new sponsor for the WOL pavillion and get that gutted & re-themed.


New Member
Unless somebody here is management nothing anybody says on these boards is fact unless its proven right through a press release or an interview with management.

That is so completely untrue it isn't even funny.

For instance, because Disney has not announced that the new Contemporary Tower will be DVC, it isn't fact? Sorry, but it is.

The Mom

Premium Member
I don't care who is right or wrong as far as information is concerned, but I do care about HOW you address one another, and in my OPINION some of the responses have been rude, so I pointed it out.

In in this circumstance, my opinion DOES carry more weight than someone else's. :)


Active Member
Yeah and how do people know that the new contemporary tower is for the dvc?

I havent seen a news release or anything else.

Just because one person says oh it will be a dvc doesnt mean anything.

Champion I feel you have eben very rude lately and saying that you know this or that and then throwing it in peoples faces.

"There is a saying that people who know dont tell and people who dont know tell"

Any person who does know anything wont say because they would get in a lot of trouble and companies like disney who specifically put small amounts of people on projects till there announced can trace it back to the person who leaked it.


Active Member
Yeah and how do people know that the new contemporary tower is for the dvc?

I havent seen a news release or anything else.

Just because one person says oh it will be a dvc doesnt mean anything.

Champion I feel you have eben very rude lately and saying that you know this or that and then throwing it in peoples faces.

"There is a saying that people who know dont tell and people who dont know tell"

Any person who does know anything wont say because they would get in a lot of trouble and companies like disney who specifically put small amounts of people on projects till there announced can trace it back to the person who leaked it.
Majortom, the reason people 'know' about the DVC contemp is because a permit was filed with the Orange County Comptroller for construction of a project, literally titled "Contemporary DVC". In this day and age, building things is no longer a secret thanks to these sorts of websites from most major cities, counties and states.

That's not to say that this couldn't be some sort of company trickery to throw folks off, but that scenario doesn't seem likely.


Active Member
OK and that would be proof. So would still go along with my statement now wouldn't it.

So champion saying I am wrong is a wrong statement because there was proof from the county that they are building the dvc tower and that goes along with my statement.


New Member
Yeah and how do people know that the new contemporary tower is for the dvc?

I havent seen a news release or anything else.

Just because one person says oh it will be a dvc doesnt mean anything.

Champion I feel you have eben very rude lately and saying that you know this or that and then throwing it in peoples faces.

"There is a saying that people who know dont tell and people who dont know tell"

Any person who does know anything wont say because they would get in a lot of trouble and companies like disney who specifically put small amounts of people on projects till there announced can trace it back to the person who leaked it.

Just because you don't know whats going on doesn't mean that no one else does either.

What you don't recognize is that there are people that know things, and they can allude to them, or sometimes outright say them, without it being in a press release.

If you want an example. I don't work for Disney. However, my company (don't want to reveal my position at the moment) was hired a couple years ago to do some work for them, which resulted in a project that you will all be hearing about this summer. I'm on a NDA, so I can't say much more. However, during my time working with the company, I was able to meet a lot of great people that are higher-ups, (and some that weren't that great.) And you know what, when you're already on an NDA they are more willing to tell you things.

I haven't spilled anything to anyone, regarding anything special. I'm smart enough to know to not spill the beans on things that are important enough to make Disney mad. However, clearing things up such as why they are still waiting before finishing Pop Century is hardly something that matters.

As far as "throwing it in peoples faces", I have had discussions in depth with a few people lately, you among them. Why does it seem like I'm "throwing it" in your face? Because you refuse to see that you just might be wrong.


Well-Known Member
Not to get off topic... but the idea of "all day" parks is completley based on personal opinion. Each disney experience is different with each traveler. I will agree, MGM and AK have lower attendance than MK and Epcot and park attractions will always be a reason. None the less... I'm a traveler that could spend all day in AK with just a morning in MK. :eek:

As for the LEGANDARY years at PC, not CL (classic years)... it has been confirmed that the remainder of PC will be family suites... BUT... there's still a lot of speculation regarding completion. ASmusic is in the process of a full resort renovation that included the family suites (will be completed by July '07). Assports is actually next on deck to recieve this renovation that will also include family suites(to be completed early '09).

From all my reading, it appears that Disney is trying to maintain and "better" their existing parks. But one thought did pop into my head:
Even 7 days at WDW is not enough to see everything Disney has to offer. A 5th park would just mean longer stays or more frequent visits for us (not complaining :lookaroun ) I'm sure Disney knows the potential a 5th park could bring... but it would take years of design and construction... so something has to hold us over until that point!


Active Member
Also champion just by you being a member of these boards you are breaking your nda and taking a huge risk. With boards especially as big as this one I do beleive disney views this site.

Yo uhave been rude to a lot of people. IF yo ureally did know that much you would have gone to the admins of the board and gotten a special title.

Dont give me any excuses as to why you havent. If you really are contracted by a company and are blabing about it on these boards then you are taking an awfully big risk by saying so.

Unless you get a special title from the admins of this board we have no reason to beleive anything you say.

YEs I know how things like this work . I do help run another popular site for another park and Have experience in stuff like this.

If you really were working for this company You would not be on these boards saying I know this and I know that.


Active Member
What am I missing?

Yeah and how do people know that the new contemporary tower is for the dvc?

I havent seen a news release or anything else.

Just because one person says oh it will be a dvc doesnt mean anything.

Champion I feel you have eben very rude lately and saying that you know this or that and then throwing it in peoples faces.

"There is a saying that people who know dont tell and people who dont know tell"

Any person who does know anything wont say because they would get in a lot of trouble and companies like disney who specifically put small amounts of people on projects till there announced can trace it back to the person who leaked it.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but is this not the news and RUMOR forum? Champion, please continue to be rude and throw information in our faces (if it's true of course) I, for one, enjoy the speculation and discussion about what might be true, what could be true, what should be true--that's the entire purpose of this forum.

After reading this thread, I have no idea why people are getting so worked up over people's responses to their statements. I would like to think that if someone had a different view than me, they could state it without being accused of being rude. Without a personal attack or name-calling, just saying someone is wrong and then providing some evidence (facts, anecdotes, etc) is NOT rude--it's just a healthy debate.

Besides, on the computer, you can't judge the tone of the words--something may look harsh, but it's just written without any non-verbals to soften the message.

Give each other a break, state your case, stay on topic, and get a thicker skin.

Champion, keep telling us everything you know. Time will prove you right or wrong. Until then, enjoy the speculation.


Premium Member
Yes absolutely this is the news and rumor board. Of course its always helpful if people can mention if what they are posting is rumor, fact, or a bit of both. Over time, you will know the people who are accurate, and those who arent. Also, if anything is being posted that is obviously wrong, people will mention it.

Let's now keep on topic in this thread. Thanks


Well-Known Member
I'm a little confused about land surrounding the MK. Some people are saying there's plenty, some are saying there isn't. And, from what I've seen backstage, there is not alot of free land available around the MK. On the NE corner, there's DU and Westclock, and the maintenance buildings and that goes up to Reams Rd. which is not Disney property. On the East side you have some Disney parking lots and security and such, but from what I was told, there isn't much land past that. The South side is all parking lots and roads, and the West side, like behind Adventureland and Frontierland, houses alot of backstage buildings.

From what I've seen, the only way to build out would involve knocking down existing buildings - and buildings in use at that - or moving the actual front of the park further South, like towards the TTC, which would throw off the entire flow of the park. Main St. would either be in the middle of the park, or they'd have to re-do that.

Please note that my North, South, etc directions are very broad. I do not travel on property with a compass; these are kind of ideas of which was is north on a map lol.


Park History nut
Premium Member
^ Here`s what I think I know - clarification and corrections welcome from those who can.

I`m not saying every backstage area can and should be made onstage - some areas are backstage for good reason.

Red line - park berm

A - The large Adventureland plot south of PotC
B - Small Adventureland plot near Swan Boat spur (originally for a larger Crystal Palace)
C - 20k plot. It really is this big.
D - The 1979 Tomorrowland expansion plot. It would involve moving the east lake, but they did this for Space Mountain in `73
E - Diamond Horseshoe saloon
F - Fantasyland Skyway
G - Tomorrowland Skyway
H - South East & West parking. See comment above.
I - Plot designated in 1969
J - Plot designated in 1969; probably for the Persian Monorail
K - What appears to be plot designated in 1969 (but never utilised)
L - Unused but undeveloped area; could also be said for land north east of here outside the berm.


  • park expansion areas WITH KEY.jpg
    park expansion areas WITH KEY.jpg
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Well-Known Member
I am not saying that there is a 5th gate right over the horizon or anything as bold as that and I haven't heard anything from anyone, no CMs and no Monorail drivers but...

Unless I have been misreading press releases between now and 2009 Disney has announced plans for 4000-5000 moderate and value rooms as part of the western expansion, some unamed number of timeshares as part of the same expansion, another 1200 rooms as part of the 4 seasons, Contermporary and AK DVC (another 2000 rooms?), Hilton is building another 2000 rooms in the form of a Waldorf and a Hilton suites, the Ritz-Carlton chain is building another 1000 rooms (yes I know they and Hilton are not Disney, but business people tend not to act in a vacuum), Marriot is adding another building the the Marriot World Center, Disney is putting up the last phase of the Saratogo Springs DVC, and finally although not directly related to room count the one of my friends (not a preferred source I know) says that Orlando airport has announced construction of a new batch of gates. I have a question. Where are all these people who stay in these thousands of rooms going to be during the day? Does anyone happen to know if room building came before or after new park openings in the past?

when it comes to hotel construction, you have no idea what you are talking about...


Active Member
...I know there is room to expand the borders of the parks but many may feel adding another park is a better answer. Think of it this way, if each park holds 45,000 guests and they expand each park so each one can hold 50,000 guests you get another 20,000 guests. Build a new park that holds another 45,000 guest and you get another 45,000 guests. It might be a more economic move to build another park, plus you now offer 5 parks instead of 4 creating a bigger draw.
I don't mean to start an argument, but this is not true. Just by building another 45,000 person park does not mean that another 45,000 people will come. This was seen with the opening of Animal Kingdom. Instead of bringing in another 30,000-40,000 people to WDW, it mearly drew the guest poulation from other parks. Although this was most easily seen in MK, it happened in all the parks. It may have increased the yearly visitors at first, but since AK opened, none of the other parks have rebounded back to the numbers of people that they had before (I'm talking yearly averages). And on the point of parks closing: it does make more sense to add another 5,000-10,000 capacity to existing parks that reach their limits in peak seaseon (like MK, and EPCOT) rather than build an entire park that will probably just take away from the others. The total cost for AK was about over a billion dollars (I think the figure was $1.2 billion but I'm not exactly sure). To bring the existing park to another 5,000+ capacity would probably cost them no more then about $500,000,000, and it would not draw away from the existing park attendance.

EDIT: I'm not even sure if the current (or past) figures were even close to 45,000. I'm just comparing it to what was said earlier.

EDIT2: (Sorry for the 2nd Edit, I don't like to double post) Marni, earlier in this thread you mentioned something about a Persian monorail or something to that extent. I have heard of many of the rumored attractions in MK, but this is the first that I have heard of this. Could you please elaborate?:shrug:


Park History nut
Premium Member
EDIT2: (Sorry for the 2nd Edit, I don't like to double post) Marni, earlier in this thread you mentioned something about a Persian monorail or something to that extent. I have heard of many of the rumored attractions in MK, but this is the first that I have heard of this. Could you please elaborate?:shrug:
Sure. The `68 masterplan had the `5 year` plan filled out - Asian, Venitian and Persian Resorts and all. The monorail was to leave the Contemporary as it does, but continue north to the Persian resort on Bay Lake. After leaving this station, at least 2 versions of the plot plan have it turning west and entering the Magic Kingdom roughly where Toontown is today. It was then to travel through Tomorrowland - with a station - with one plan having it pass through where the CoP was built, another along the edge of the hub - and exit the park east of Main St USA, turn west and pull into the MK station as today.


Well-Known Member
Sure. The `68 masterplan had the `5 year` plan filled out - Asian, Venitian and Persian Resorts and all. The monorail was to leave the Contemporary as it does, but continue north to the Persian resort on Bay Lake. After leaving this station, at least 2 versions of the plot plan have it turning west and entering the Magic Kingdom roughly where Toontown is today. It was then to travel through Tomorrowland - with a station - with one plan having it pass through where the CoP was built, another along the edge of the hub - and exit the park east of Main St USA, turn west and pull into the MK station as today.

I actually think it's good that version of the monorail track never came to being.


Active Member
I actually think it's good that version of the monorail track never came to being.
Ya, as much as it would be something cool, I think that having the monorail traveling right through the park would not have been such a great idea. It would have made the room for expansion somewhat less possible to happen if it had to cut in and out of areas.

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