Night Kingdom... Here we go again


New Member
Perhaps this is just a diversion. WDI probably intentionally leaked this to keep us from discovering something else they have planned.

I thought of this also and I really hope this is the case. At the least, I just don't see how they can make it as "intense" as described. Stranger things have happened though, I suppose.


New Member
I'd love to do this, I'm a scrawny 15 year old and quite clearly this would have an age limit on the doors I'd say maybe 16-29. The normal healthy ages. You'd also probobly need to have no serious health problems, kids with asthma wouldn't be let in and it'd attract alot more thrill seekers to disney.

Haha, because after you hit 30 you're knocking on death's door, right? I don't think we'll ever see them put an upper age limit on this.


New Member
This is getting better and better! I would go to this park in a heartbeat.

Is any of this true? I have no idea. But this adventure/game sounds like an absolute blast, and I could name a good 25 friends off the top of my head who would as well. As long as they don't wuss out for those that want a real challenge and adventure - I think this could be a real world-class experience.

I have my $300 ready to go.


New Member
I really don't think, what with the rock climbing and zip lines, that a justifiable number of people would attend a park like this. It sounds ridiculous and very far fetched. If people shied away from edutainment at EPCOT when the rides did the thinking FOR them, why would they possibly catch onto something where they have to think for themselves?



New Member
Haha, because after you hit 30 you're knocking on death's door, right? I don't think we'll ever see them put an upper age limit on this.
Not what I meant, after 30 many adults are slowing down, they can't STOP you from going in they'd prolly just have a warning of sorts. Besides that, 30 is around the average age of teenage parents hence why teens would go to this to get thrills away from their parents saying things along the lines of "Be safe, no way you're doing that it's too dangerous" etc. you get what I mean.


New Member
Not what I meant, after 30 many adults are slowing down, they can't STOP you from going in they'd prolly just have a warning of sorts. Besides that, 30 is around the average age of teenage parents hence why teens would go to this to get thrills away from their parents saying things along the lines of "Be safe, no way you're doing that it's too dangerous" etc. you get what I mean.

I honestly don't know what you mean by this. But I seriously doubt that parents are going to pony up $300 for their kids to go to a boutique park if they (the parents) can't enjoy it, too. It doesn't seem like Disney's way to go about making money, but who knows? Maybe they're throwing the rule book completely out the window this time.


New Member
The big attraction and icon of the park, right now, appears to be a large central Disney-made mountain structure where guests will be forced to ‘rock climb’ to the top, take zip lines down again and explore a serious network of caves.

There's definitely something fishy going on here. I highly doubt that Disney would force their high end guests to potentially injure themselves by making them climb mountains if they didn't want to. Just like I highly doubt Disney would let their guests hand feed hippos as Jim Hill suggested months ago. While I do believe Night Kingdom is probably going to happen, these details seem a bit too ludicrous for me.


Account Suspended
You know, I was thinking about it - with how hard WDI is pushing "interactive!" down our throats and thinking it's the end-all be-all of the guest experience coupled with DCA's multiple attempts at "extreme sports" themed experiences and shows - how unlikely is it really that this is the same person/group's lame brained idea?

I think if it is true and goes through Disney will be sadly informed of how different their well-to-do demographic is from the intended demographic for this experience. A good number of people's faces might light up over the idea of ziplining - however those same people commonly wont be at WDW in the first place (nor inclined to go because of it).

Think of the rock climbing things they already have in some parks, like IOA at universal. They're an upcharge attraction and from what i've seen they're not very busy.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Not what I meant, after 30 many adults are slowing down, they can't STOP you from going in they'd prolly just have a warning of sorts. Besides that, 30 is around the average age of teenage parents hence why teens would go to this to get thrills away from their parents saying things along the lines of "Be safe, no way you're doing that it's too dangerous" etc. you get what I mean.

If you mean that 30 is the average age of teenager's parents, perhaps you need to study math. That would mean that these parents were popping out kids at the age of 11-17.

If you mean that 30 is the average age of "teenage parents" - then .....:eek: :zipit:


Active Member
I'm still amazed that members of this and other forums get so negative at the mention of new ideas. As part of the creative process, you start with a clean "White Board" or "Story Board" and throw out ideas and see which ones stick. The ideas we are hearing here are "Blue Sky". The problem here is that due to the internet and fan sites like this and insiders who can't keep a secret (or imagineers trying to gauge fan reaction), we the fans are hearing about these ideas very early in the creative process. However, we the fans need to give the Imagineers a break when these spoilers are published. I mean what if Walt had to create in this environment. I can imagine - "Who will want to see a show where 500 puppets of children stand around and sing the most annoying song in the world over and over again." (By the way, I love ITASW - I saw it 13 times at the New York World's fair in 1964/1965 and 100's of time since).

The imagineers have been given a task - create something that can compete with Discovery Cove and other high end vacationing experiences. You may not like it, agree with it, or be able to afford it but the high end vacation experience is real (e.g. Adventures By Disney) and it makes sense for Disney to bring what they are learning from those experiences to WDW. I for one am intrigued by the idea and look forward to seeing where this goes. However, due to my advanced age (I am over the hill at 51), I am not sure I will be able to rock climb, he says with tongue in cheek. By the way, I believe there were quotes around the words "Rock Climb" and the article explained how WDI is trying to figure out how to make the experiences realistic but safe for old fogies like me.

Let's views these stories with a healthy skepticism and give the Imagineers a break and let them create. We should also give a break to the fan sites that publish this info. In most cases, they are only reporting what they hear. Besides, where would I get my daily Disney fix, if these forums didn't exist.

As you kids say - IMO :)


New Member
(or imagineers trying to gauge fan reaction)

If imagineers are trying to gauge fan reaction, then this is EXACTLY the kind of feedback we as fans need to give. Why should we say things like, "It's a great idea!" when we truly that that it's one of the worst ever? Then we're just feeding the imagineers false information, and everyone gets hurt in the end.

I love new ideas. But I especially love the good ones.


Well-Known Member
The park should be based off the island on LOST. That would be awesome.

The more rumors I hear about this...the more I like it. Lets hope its more than just rumors. :D


Well-Known Member
You know, I was thinking about it - with how hard WDI is pushing "interactive!" down our throats and thinking it's the end-all be-all of the guest experience coupled with DCA's multiple attempts at "extreme sports" themed experiences and shows - how unlikely is it really that this is the same person/group's lame brained idea?

Disney isn't pushing interactive...guests are! Especially younger guests. The ones they want to bring back (or convince their parents to bring them back). Its a societal thing...we want to be able to "customize" every experience...especially entertainment. We want to be a part of it. Nowadays its hard to see the "escape" of theme parks unless there is a certain level of interactivity to the attractions. People want more than just a show with robots.

From the sounds of this concept...Disney could really push the THEME PARK envelope. And I'm guessing since we're hearing about this...they're pretty far in design/planning stages. We're probably close to an announcement.


imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Disney isn't pushing interactive...guests are! Especially younger guests. The ones they want to bring back (or convince their parents to bring them back). Its a societal thing...we want to be able to "customize" every experience...especially entertainment. We want to be a part of it. Nowadays its hard to see the "escape" of theme parks unless there is a certain level of interactivity to the attractions. People want more than just a show with robots.

From the sounds of this concept...Disney could really push the THEME PARK envelope. And I'm guessing since we're hearing about this...they're pretty far in design/planning stages. We're probably close to an announcement.


Just because guests like interactive rides, doesn't mean you should suddenly build as many interactive rides as possible. Guests want other kinds of rides too.


Well-Known Member
If imagineers are trying to gauge fan reaction, then this is EXACTLY the kind of feedback we as fans need to give. Why should we say things like, "It's a great idea!" when we truly that that it's one of the worst ever? Then we're just feeding the imagineers false information, and everyone gets hurt in the end.

I love new ideas. But I especially love the good ones.
I couldn't agree more with you.

I'm usually open to new ideas...and still open to this idea, should it end up being released, but I can tell you...the way this "5th gate" stands, I will not be attending. Or if I will be once and it would have to impress me a heck of a lot to go back. B/c to spend something like $300 per person to's going to take a lot to get me in there. (And it better be even more impressive b/c of course, I'll be spending $600 at one time b/c I'm sure I'll have to bring my DH.)

However, just to understand my context, I am one of those people who usually think, let's wait and see...I'm still an optimistic person about American Idol in DHS...but this idea, on average, really doesn't do it for me.


Account Suspended
Disney isn't pushing interactive...guests are! Especially younger guests. The ones they want to bring back (or convince their parents to bring them back). Its a societal thing...we want to be able to "customize" every experience...especially entertainment. We want to be a part of it. Nowadays its hard to see the "escape" of theme parks unless there is a certain level of interactivity to the attractions. People want more than just a show with robots.

From the sounds of this concept...Disney could really push the THEME PARK envelope. And I'm guessing since we're hearing about this...they're pretty far in design/planning stages. We're probably close to an announcement.


I really suggest you do some research into the "interactive" and presentations of this sort before you act as though this is remotely ground breaking or new. This idea gets stuck in people's head every so often - as in every so often ever since there was people trying to entertain other people - and it never sticks around and always fades out as a fad.


Well-Known Member
I really suggest you do some research into the "interactive" and presentations of this sort before you act as though this is remotely ground breaking or new. This idea gets stuck in people's head every so often - as in every so often ever since there was people trying to entertain other people - and it never sticks around and always fades out as a fad.

I'll leave all that fancy research gathering to you....along with your lack of vision.


If anyone thinks Disney makes any decision (especially huge ones) without proper research you're dead wrong. Its not like they just wake up one day and say..."lets build that because it will look pretty".


God bless the "Ignore" button.
I'm pulling the BS card on this one. I'll believe it when Disney says it's real... and they'll probably phrase it in a way that will make me want to go, not like ScreamScape.

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