News and observations from the past month


Liker of Things
Premium Member
I know, I was trying to make a chemistry geek reply. Ferric and ferrous refer to the oxidative states of iron. So if you were inclined to replicate the tag name, Ferrous Maiden or Ferric Maiden would be equally appropriate.

Truth - I wasn't sure if you were going there on not and it occurred to me on my drive in to work that I made not have given you proper credit. My apologies.


Well-Known Member
I know, I was trying to make a chemistry geek reply. Ferric and ferrous refer to the oxidative states of iron. So if you were inclined to replicate the tag name, Ferrous Maiden or Ferric Maiden would be equally appropriate.
No, just no. That sounds too much like Ferris Maiden.

"Oh well, wherever, wherever you are, Fe Maiden's gonna get you, not matter how far......" :cool:


Spent 10/16-10/24 on yearly visit to attend Food and Wine as well as Mnsshp. First time my wife and I discussed list of disappointments on drive home. Have answered online surveys as well as direct email and phone call to vent.
Parks just not as clean as we remember. I also noticed for the first time seeing work areas and backs of buildings, storage areas that were once carefully hidden or disguised now in view. Reminded me of the average amusement park.
CMs with no smiles, huddled together in small groups talking together and not offering help. this includes who appeared to be higher level supervisory types strolling along in small packs and not attending issues that were obvious to me. Problems with Disney Visa discounts and package routing at registers. Could not answer questions about merchandise, characters, scheduling, did not offer to find someone who did.
Rides not running, breaking down, or effects not working. Seem tamer?
Buses at a crawl and routed crazy.
No matter, we plan to return and give another try. we have our agenda that we want to do to make us feel we are at WDW.
Still enjoy specifics of Epcot such as Spaceship, Soarin, Test track, and Mission Space in spite of flaws. Food and wine enjoyable and not too crowded our days, Grey Goose and chardannay at French permanent kiosk a regular stop...really missed Jamie's bagpipes. Did not like moving Chase lounge to America, long way off from F and W hq, musty, did not let us get Pointer Sister tickets. UK bar and meal and Morocco were good to us. Bring back Beatles.
Stackers at Tony's on lunch menu our favorite. Add wine like at Be Our Guest? Try to do all of old and new at MK, but do CMs ride the rides off and on during the day for quality control to notice any trash or spills or things not working? In the Little Mermaid Ride one of the serpents you pass under has had a lighted eye that has not been fixed since I noticed at a visit in March. Once I saw a wad of chewing tobacco stuck to the entrance of Space Mountain on TTA. Rode it again several hour later and still there.
Haunted best at night during Mnsshp, ghost lady on bench a hoot, but still crowd control poor and trash everywhere. The best of the party is the dancing and music of Mix and Mingle and fireworks show, and especially the headless rider, otherwise the price is pretty steep for what you get. Spoke to teen on a bus later and he and family there without arm band all night, they just laid low and did not ride, shop, or buy food and saw everything for free, lax security.
Studios and Animal half days on a park hop, do Star Wars, Tower, and Roller Coaster, Yeti ride, a little shopping and gone.
Average amusement park. I hope not on next visit.


Well-Known Member
Spent 10/16-10/24 on yearly visit to attend Food and Wine as well as Mnsshp. First time my wife and I discussed list of disappointments on drive home. Have answered online surveys as well as direct email and phone call to vent.
Parks just not as clean as we remember. I also noticed for the first time seeing work areas and backs of buildings, storage areas that were once carefully hidden or disguised now in view. Reminded me of the average amusement park.
CMs with no smiles, huddled together in small groups talking together and not offering help. this includes who appeared to be higher level supervisory types strolling along in small packs and not attending issues that were obvious to me. Problems with Disney Visa discounts and package routing at registers. Could not answer questions about merchandise, characters, scheduling, did not offer to find someone who did.
Rides not running, breaking down, or effects not working. Seem tamer?
Buses at a crawl and routed crazy.
No matter, we plan to return and give another try. we have our agenda that we want to do to make us feel we are at WDW.
Still enjoy specifics of Epcot such as Spaceship, Soarin, Test track, and Mission Space in spite of flaws. Food and wine enjoyable and not too crowded our days, Grey Goose and chardannay at French permanent kiosk a regular stop...really missed Jamie's bagpipes. Did not like moving Chase lounge to America, long way off from F and W hq, musty, did not let us get Pointer Sister tickets. UK bar and meal and Morocco were good to us. Bring back Beatles.
Stackers at Tony's on lunch menu our favorite. Add wine like at Be Our Guest? Try to do all of old and new at MK, but do CMs ride the rides off and on during the day for quality control to notice any trash or spills or things not working? In the Little Mermaid Ride one of the serpents you pass under has had a lighted eye that has not been fixed since I noticed at a visit in March. Once I saw a wad of chewing tobacco stuck to the entrance of Space Mountain on TTA. Rode it again several hour later and still there.
Haunted best at night during Mnsshp, ghost lady on bench a hoot, but still crowd control poor and trash everywhere. The best of the party is the dancing and music of Mix and Mingle and fireworks show, and especially the headless rider, otherwise the price is pretty steep for what you get. Spoke to teen on a bus later and he and family there without arm band all night, they just laid low and did not ride, shop, or buy food and saw everything for free, lax security.
Studios and Animal half days on a park hop, do Star Wars, Tower, and Roller Coaster, Yeti ride, a little shopping and gone.
Average amusement park. I hope not on next visit.
Sounds like you need to go on a Cruise or a different Disney resort.


Beta Return
Spent 10/16-10/24 on yearly visit to attend Food and Wine as well as Mnsshp. First time my wife and I discussed list of disappointments on drive home. Have answered online surveys as well as direct email and phone call to vent.
Parks just not as clean as we remember. I also noticed for the first time seeing work areas and backs of buildings, storage areas that were once carefully hidden or disguised now in view. Reminded me of the average amusement park.
CMs with no smiles, huddled together in small groups talking together and not offering help. this includes who appeared to be higher level supervisory types strolling along in small packs and not attending issues that were obvious to me. Problems with Disney Visa discounts and package routing at registers. Could not answer questions about merchandise, characters, scheduling, did not offer to find someone who did.
Rides not running, breaking down, or effects not working. Seem tamer?
Buses at a crawl and routed crazy.
No matter, we plan to return and give another try. we have our agenda that we want to do to make us feel we are at WDW.
Still enjoy specifics of Epcot such as Spaceship, Soarin, Test track, and Mission Space in spite of flaws. Food and wine enjoyable and not too crowded our days, Grey Goose and chardannay at French permanent kiosk a regular stop...really missed Jamie's bagpipes. Did not like moving Chase lounge to America, long way off from F and W hq, musty, did not let us get Pointer Sister tickets. UK bar and meal and Morocco were good to us. Bring back Beatles.
Stackers at Tony's on lunch menu our favorite. Add wine like at Be Our Guest? Try to do all of old and new at MK, but do CMs ride the rides off and on during the day for quality control to notice any trash or spills or things not working? In the Little Mermaid Ride one of the serpents you pass under has had a lighted eye that has not been fixed since I noticed at a visit in March. Once I saw a wad of chewing tobacco stuck to the entrance of Space Mountain on TTA. Rode it again several hour later and still there.
Haunted best at night during Mnsshp, ghost lady on bench a hoot, but still crowd control poor and trash everywhere. The best of the party is the dancing and music of Mix and Mingle and fireworks show, and especially the headless rider, otherwise the price is pretty steep for what you get. Spoke to teen on a bus later and he and family there without arm band all night, they just laid low and did not ride, shop, or buy food and saw everything for free, lax security.
Studios and Animal half days on a park hop, do Star Wars, Tower, and Roller Coaster, Yeti ride, a little shopping and gone.
Average amusement park. I hope not on next visit.

Wow, your posts match your screen name perfectly :)

Mr Bill

Well-Known Member
In the Little Mermaid Ride one of the serpents you pass under has had a lighted eye that has not been fixed since I noticed at a visit in March.
That's how they're supposed to look.


Well-Known Member
Spent 10/16-10/24 on yearly visit to attend Food and Wine as well as Mnsshp. First time my wife and I discussed list of disappointments on drive home. Have answered online surveys as well as direct email and phone call to vent.

Parks just not as clean as we remember. I also noticed for the first time seeing work areas and backs of buildings, storage areas that were once carefully hidden or disguised now in view. Reminded me of the average amusement park.

CMs with no smiles, huddled together in small groups talking together and not offering help. this includes who appeared to be higher level supervisory types strolling along in small packs and not attending issues that were obvious to me.

Problems with Disney Visa discounts and package routing at registers. Could not answer questions about merchandise, characters, scheduling, did not offer to find someone who did.

Rides not running, breaking down, or effects not working. Seem tamer?

Buses at a crawl and routed crazy.

No matter, we plan to return and give another try. we have our agenda that we want to do to make us feel we are at WDW.

Still enjoy specifics of Epcot such as Spaceship, Soarin, Test track, and Mission Space in spite of flaws. Food and wine enjoyable and not too crowded our days, Grey Goose and chardannay at French permanent kiosk a regular stop...really missed Jamie's bagpipes. Did not like moving Chase lounge to America, long way off from F and W hq, musty, did not let us get Pointer Sister tickets. UK bar and meal and Morocco were good to us. Bring back Beatles.

Stackers at Tony's on lunch menu our favorite. Add wine like at Be Our Guest?

Try to do all of old and new at MK, but do CMs ride the rides off and on during the day for quality control to notice any trash or spills or things not working? In the Little Mermaid Ride one of the serpents you pass under has had a lighted eye that has not been fixed since I noticed at a visit in March. Once I saw a wad of chewing tobacco stuck to the entrance of Space Mountain on TTA. Rode it again several hour later and still there.

Haunted best at night during Mnsshp, ghost lady on bench a hoot, but still crowd control poor and trash everywhere. The best of the party is the dancing and music of Mix and Mingle and fireworks show, and especially the headless rider, otherwise the price is pretty steep for what you get. Spoke to teen on a bus later and he and family there without arm band all night, they just laid low and did not ride, shop, or buy food and saw everything for free, lax security.

Studios and Animal half days on a park hop, do Star Wars, Tower, and Roller Coaster, Yeti ride, a little shopping and gone.

Average amusement park. I hope not on next visit.
I know the CMs are standing around, chatting with each other, ignoring guests. I notice it more all the time. It is a little disappointing, especially when you have to say, "Excuse me" to ask a question...or just don't bother because you don't want to interrupt.

I agree with a lot of what you said, like the parks getting dirtier, but I think you may have been off the mark with Flotsam and Jetsam, as was already pointed out.

Paragraphs, man! Paragraphs! Makes it easier on the reader. I added some in my quote. :)


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying this as a promotion of Universal, but the old Disney CM's are there. I noticed, overwhelmingly that you didn't have to even ask, if you looked even slightly puzzled they were right there proactively to ask if they could help with anything. I even had a person that was working in janitorial, for lack of a better description, ask if he could help when I was looking at a map to see where I was going next. He did help me and then spent about 5 minutes asking me where I was from and if I liked Uni/IOA. Top notch service and it really left a positive impression with me.

Mr Bill

Well-Known Member
One thing I'd like to say is that if you see an issue with show quality in one of the rides, if something doesn't look right, if it's not functioning properly, speak up. Tell a CM. For the most part, they aren't going through the rides during the day, just when they open in the morning and close at night. If something's wrong with an animatronic in the middle of the ride, the cast may have no way of knowing about that unless a guest mentions it to them. If nobody knows something is broken, it's going to be hard to get it fixed.

(Do not take this to mean you should bug the cast at Expedition Everest about the Yeti.)


Thanks for correcting me on serpents and other stuff. WDW special place for me and my wife and plan to keep going 1-2 times a year even if 10 hour drive.


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying this as a promotion of Universal, but the old Disney CM's are there. I noticed, overwhelmingly that you didn't have to even ask, if you looked even slightly puzzled they were right there proactively to ask if they could help with anything. I even had a person that was working in janitorial, for lack of a better description, ask if he could help when I was looking at a map to see where I was going next. He did help me and then spent about 5 minutes asking me where I was from and if I liked Uni/IOA. Top notch service and it really left a positive impression with me.

To be fair I saw a WDW maintenance guy do this with a couple a couple weeks ago as well. Just calling it as I see them!


Well-Known Member
The other day, I stopped to read a text from a sick friend and a Disney employee I'd stopped near asked me if I was lost. She did finish the conversation she was having with her friend first, of course ;), but she asked and I thought that was nice. :)

(I don't generally text in the parks, but she was getting some results back and if they were bad, I was going to leave and go sit with her, if she wanted.)


Park History nut
Premium Member
Original Poster
One thing I'd like to say is that if you see an issue with show quality in one of the rides, if something doesn't look right, if it's not functioning properly, speak up. Tell a CM. For the most part, they aren't going through the rides during the day, just when they open in the morning and close at night. If something's wrong with an animatronic in the middle of the ride, the cast may have no way of knowing about that unless a guest mentions it to them. If nobody knows something is broken, it's going to be hard to get it fixed.

(Do not take this to mean you should bug the cast at Expedition Everest about the Yeti.)
To be fair, SQ rides should be taken during the operating day.

When speaking up, I've found a problem has been fixed within an hour, the problem is known but they don't think its urgent, they don't care, or I've been assured (a simple fix) it will be remedied and nothing happens.


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying this as a promotion of Universal, but the old Disney CM's are there. I noticed, overwhelmingly that you didn't have to even ask, if you looked even slightly puzzled they were right there proactively to ask if they could help with anything. I even had a person that was working in janitorial, for lack of a better description, ask if he could help when I was looking at a map to see where I was going next. He did help me and then spent about 5 minutes asking me where I was from and if I liked Uni/IOA. Top notch service and it really left a positive impression with me.
To be fair I saw a WDW maintenance guy do this with a couple a couple weeks ago as well. Just calling it as I see them!
To clarify, I call them as I see them as well. As for a maintenance guy being helpful, I have no doubt that if I asked one a question they would do the best they could to answer it. However, I have never witnessed, at least in recent years, anyone, front line CM's included, actively ask me if they could help me with anything, in fact, I have seen a lot more of the old 'if I don't see me, they're not there' approach from them.

Tonka's Skipper

Well-Known Member
Your last trip I was approached 2 times by CM's asking it they could help! I was likely looking kind of lost as my wife wondering into another shop and I was looking for them.

We have in all our trip recent and old never had a problem with Cm's and getting help. The truth be known we never had a problem at UNI in 2 day trips.


Mr Bill

Well-Known Member
To be fair, SQ rides should be taken during the operating day.

When speaking up, I've found a problem has been fixed within an hour, the problem is known but they don't think its urgent, they don't care, or I've been assured (a simple fix) it will be remedied and nothing happens.
I agree, SQ rides should happen during the day and I'm not going to make excuses for it not happening. Ultimately it's an issue of show over efficiency and by Disney's own standards, the show should take priority. In reality though...


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying this as a promotion of Universal, but the old Disney CM's are there. I noticed, overwhelmingly that you didn't have to even ask, if you looked even slightly puzzled they were right there proactively to ask if they could help with anything. I even had a person that was working in janitorial, for lack of a better description, ask if he could help when I was looking at a map to see where I was going next. He did help me and then spent about 5 minutes asking me where I was from and if I liked Uni/IOA. Top notch service and it really left a positive impression with me.

I'm not saying this as a promotion of either park as I love them both so have no conflict of intereset, but perhaps it was just just circumstances and timing that made you see this? I'm not doubting your story (why would you make it up?) but would hope that this isn't a common feature between the parks, it's certainly somethng I've not noticed though and we visit both multiple times a year. I sometimes notice on here that sometimes Disney is judged to different standards to Universal. I understand that Disney set the bar high and I realise that they maybe don't live up to the high standards that they set themselves many years ago, I know people expect more from Disney but sometimes the comparrisons to me seem unfair.

For instance I often read on here what a fantastic time people have at Universal (and we cetainly do) and the same people say what a terrible time they have at Disney (we have a great time there with my only complaint this year being FP+). Obviously it can be subjective which park a person enjoys more depending on what you're looking for, the type of attraction you like or your age etc, etc and as such nobody is right or wrong. However I read on here what a mess Disney is with refurbs needed and things falling to pieces. Every year in Sept/Oct we visit and Im expecting the place to resemble downtown Baghdad and it's nothing like the mess I've read about? This year at Uiversal I noticed that in the Incredible Hulk that the 'tube' you stop in to remove your seat belts before the loading/unloading bay was 10 times more worn out and in need of painting and cleaning than anything I've seen at Disney. It didn't ruin the ride for me but I did think that things like that aren't taken into consideration by some of those who believe that Universal now outshines Disney on all fronts.

At Universal I think the cm's are usually great as I do at Disney, if I'm honest though I've noticed not so great ones at both parks. If I were to spend time doing the math however, the ratio of staff 'not so interested' at Universal is probably just a fraction higher than at Disney (remember Disney employs many more staff so it's possibly more noticable). It's only this thread that's made me think about this as we're usually too busy enjoying ourselves at either park, but again on The Hulk when I asked if I could re-ride early morning when there was NOBODY waiting to get on when it finished I was impatiently told "No dude, get off and go round the line again no exceptions". I have no problems if for safety reasons or technical reasons they can't allow peole to re-ride (though I couldn't work out why) but just thought it very abrasive the way I was spoken to for politely asking a simple question. I'm pretty sure this guy could have got a job at Disney though if he'd applied so it's maybe unfair to judge Universal on this. I suppose though it demonstrates that on any given day if we witness something we view it at representative of the park and maybe judge unfairly that park and maybe normally that cm is great and had just had bad news or a bad day (not that that is an excuse though)?
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