New York City, Characters in the Wild, and Canadians - Eh!

It’s time for another cruise trip report! I just finished my Disneyland trip report, and finally had time to work on this report! It was a great trip where we met some new friends, saw characters galore and some beautiful sights! Here’s a sneak peak of our view on the last morning:


And here’s my plug of the trip report! I’m going to plug the Unofficial Wdwmagic Girls Cruise! If you haven’t heard, we are planning a 4 night Bahamian Disney cruise on September 8, 2013. There are already almost 30 us signed up! We are going to have so much fun! If you've wanted to try cruising, or wanted to meet some of your Wdwmagic friends - here's your chance! It's not too late! :)


A five night Canadian cruise on the Disney Magic.

A military rate for the New York to Canada cruises came out, it was too good to pass up! Not to mention we didn’t have to fly anywhere!

We live in DC right now and New York is a quick bus/train ride/drive away.


Adults only this time!

We decided against taking the kids for this one since school just started and DS is a senior (sniff), so we asked several friends. It was pretty last minute, but one other couple from church could get away so there were four of us.

Here we are - Dh (Stephen), Myself, Steve “Buddha” and Misty –


We had a Steve and a Stephen. Luckily the other Steve has gone by his old call sign from his military days for years. Yes, we call him Buddha. :D


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Oh girl, what a tease! Where is the rest, wah.

So excited to read more - hoping you liked my east coast as much as I like your TRs!
I saw then Magic in Halifax and thought of you and your trip - I've been keeping an eye out!


It's coming! I'll put more up tomorrow!

We loved your East Coast! Loved it. Halifax was especially awesome! :)


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We went to the room and unpacked after our first encounter of a character in the wild.

Oh my word there’s a lot of room to put things in that room when there are only 2 of you!

The lifeboat drill was next. We were in Animators for that and at the end, one of the guys at the table we were with said, “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I hope I never see all of you together here like this again.” Pretty funny!

We went back to the room and almost gave in to the siren call of a nap, when Buddha called and said they were upstairs at the Sail Away party. We can’t say no to the party!

We wandered around up top for a while and found Buddha and Misty.






About halfway through the sailaway party, I realized we were moving! Yikes! I didn’t take any pictures off the front of the ship yet!

I took off and found the front of the ship, absolutely packed! I guess lots of people wanted to see that! I couldn’t get a full shot:





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We had planned on going downstairs and changing for dinner and then going back up to watch when we passed the statue of Liberty. I remembered from Chuck’s trip report that they had missed it when they were told it would be on the opposite side than it was, and I thought he said they passed it earlier than they were told also.

I had a feeling since we left earlier, we would probably be passing it early, and I also noticed the side of the ship was already filling up! So I insisted we go plant ourselves at the side rail and start watching!


There were great views on the other side too!











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Sure enough, we passed her pretty quick! There she is!









After we took a gazillion pictures, we only had about 15 minutes before dinner. We ran downstairs for a quick change. And a couple of pictures off the verandah of course:


Our escort:





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Then we were off to our first dinner at Animator’s Palate!

Our server’s name was Oliver and our assistant server was Erwin. Oliver was especially excellent. Our head servers name escapes me, but he was great too. We saw him every single night and he had done some research. He listed some of the cruises I had been on and he called me “Miss Tammy” every time he saw me, no matter where we ran into him.

I was impressed!

Here’s my mushroom risotto:




Here we are!


Somehow I forgot to take any pictures during the entrée but I remembered during dessert! The best dessert ever!!



Mickey visited the dining room!


After dinner we walked through the shops and then relaxed in some chairs on deck 4 while we waited for the opening night show.

We went to the theater shortly after it opened and it was about the most packed I’d ever seen it! Maybe because there were so may adults onboard?


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Tonight was the welcome aboard show with two variety acts. One was a magician named Magic Dave and the other was a juggler named Jeff. Magic Dave was hilarious, Jeff was okay.

Our cruise director was Peter, and he opened the show for us. I’ve had Peter as a cruise director before and I didn’t love him. He was fine, but I didn’t ever love him. This cruise I was much more impressed! He was funnier, he didn’t go on and on and on, and he was personable. Well done, Peter!

After the show we were all completely exhausted! So no exciting partying tonight, we said goodnight and went back to our rooms.

We had happys waiting for us!


I’m guessing snake?




Tomorrow is a day at sea! Thanks for reading!


Well-Known Member
Thank you, Kris! Oh you know I'll have toe pictures!
And you'll definitely have to work in a trip to Disneyland between all the cruises! :)

I will have to plan a DL trip to go along with an Alaskan cruise. Sounds like a good mix. I'll have to get more info from you via email.


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Ooohh... Sitting here at the lab with Chandler for the loooong haul (glucose tolerance test, 2 hours) and your TR is the perfect way to pass the time! The cab pic cracked us up. Never seen anything like NYC before and I so want to. The pic of Palo and Animator''s like I was just there! Loved it! Your pics of the city skyline and the Statue of Liberty are awesome. Totally eating it all up!

And Stephen's "characters in the wild" is the BEST description! So true! I miss the old days when that's what park characters were like. It was all so much more low-key which is what I love about the cruises. I'll have to remember that one...characters in the good!


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Ooohh... Sitting here at the lab with Chandler for the loooong haul (glucose tolerance test, 2 hours) and your TR is the perfect way to pass the time! The cab pic cracked us up. Never seen anything like NYC before and I so want to. The pic of Palo and Animator''s like I was just there! Loved it! Your pics of the city skyline and the Statue of Liberty are awesome. Totally eating it all up!

And Stephen's "characters in the wild" is the BEST description! So true! I miss the old days when that's what park characters were like. It was all so much more low-key which is what I love about the cruises. I'll have to remember that one...characters in the good!

2 hours! Yuck!

The first time I went to NYC, I was shocked by the number of cabs. They are everywhere!!

Isn't that a good description? I miss that too about the parks! On the one hand, it's nice to know where to go when you really want to plan to see one. But on the other hand, it's so awesome to just happen upon one!!


Well-Known Member
I'm definitely following this one... for a long time now I've wanted to do a Disney Cruise but it is so hard for me to justify the cost. Maybe I'll see something in here that does. LOL!


New Member
Woohoooo! Loving your TR Tammy! Great pics as always...the photo of the bus seat made me laugh a lot! The mix of NY and a Disney Cruise sounds great! ...thanks for sharing!


Well-Known Member
Loving this report already! I have yet to read your last report, but I am getting to it slowly but surely! Now I have to start writing my trip report from last week! (and study for my Fundamentals of Engineering exam to become an "Engineer in Training" at the end of the month, which I haven't studied for yet...oh no!)

Definitely different seeing a cruise go out of NYC! I just love the characters in their cruise outfits!!! They are so darn cute! I can't wait til our girls cruise!!!! 340 days!!!!! :D

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