New World Showcase and DHS Rumors

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
Not to mention a place for all those tour groups to hang out

I would welcome ANY new country but on just 1 condition. It gets a ride. It doesnt have to be an E-ticket but something at least on the scale of the maelstrom or a bit larger. Not a circle vision, or glorified travel commercial, or a show of some sort, but a RIDE. If I had a vote it would go to Australia.

Wannabe Walt

New Member
I believe these rumors are bogus.

However, that being said, I wouldn't mind them becoming true -- to an extent. The Turkey rumor is interesting, it would be an unexpected country. And to those who are saying "change Morocco", no no... the countries can't really easily be changed, they are all based on actual landmarks, not just stereotypical architecture. While Turkey and Morocco share some common architecture, they are still different enough that a switch over would be very complex-- may as well build new.

I do like the idea of Brazil and/or Greece. I'm not a fan of the Australia idea for WS though -- put a big Australia in DAK, so much potential.

As for the DHS rumors mentioned, hm. As previously mentioned, Indy pretty well fills up for every show, so it is obviously still drawing people in. I, honestly, wouldn't mind seeing it go, but it is a huge crowd eater. A Star Wars land would be pretty cool, but I'd rather just see the Lucas Land more developed. Backlot Express needs a new theme. I hear guests complaining quite a big about how "nasty that restaurant looks". Their menu is blah, the theme is blah, it's all just blah.

After all this Fantasyland stuff is done with, I have a feeling Disney will finally say "Okay, Studios." ... and maybe "Okay, Animal Kingdom." Both are in need of some new stuff. Yes, DHS is getting ST2 but I don't think that's going to make DHS a huge draw for the long-term. We shall see. :)

Evil Genius

Well-Known Member
I think a Star Wars resturant could certainly work in DHS. I keep picturing in my head walking into a space ressembling the Mos Eisley Cantina with the Cantina band playing in the corner and perhaps some cast members decked out as alien wait staff or other cantina goers to interact with. I know it'll make me sound like a monster geek, but I love that idea.

As for


New Member
The rumor is that the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular's days may be numbered and that it will be replaced with a Star Wars themed restaurant and a new Star Wars show. Both of these are suppose to open right around the same time as Star Tours 2 in June of 2011.

You have absolutely no idea how much I hope you're right about this. Frankly, the Indiana Jones thing is boring and most of our kids have no idea who that even is! It was fun 10 years ago, but even my 14 year old doesn't know who Indiana Jones is. On the other hand, my 5 year old is a Star Wars FANATIC! He would go absolutely BALLISTIC if there was a Star Wars restaurant! And, honestly, DHS needs some new attractions and better restaurants!


New Member

I would welcome ANY new country but on just 1 condition. It gets a ride. It doesnt have to be an E-ticket but something at least on the scale of the maelstrom or a bit larger. Not a circle vision, or glorified travel commercial, or a show of some sort, but a RIDE. If I had a vote it would go to Australia.

I agree! I vote Egypt though. Can you imagine how awesome a ride there would be?

Also, where was "The Emperor's New Groove" based? A water ride based on that would be cool, too.


Well-Known Member
PLEASE anything but TURKEY! Take Burkina Faso instead! Or Bangladesh. Or El Salvador. Any other country on this planet but Turkey.

But I don't believe these rumors anyway, at least not those about a Turkish Pavillon as the FIRST addition to WS in more than 20 years or so.

Venezuela! Or finally add the originally planned ride to our pavillon, an updated Rhine River Cruise (I am German) or something even better.


New Member
Venezuela will not be added to WS any time soon. With Chavez going after every company in Venezuela that disagrees with him and his profound hatred of America and any American company, I highly doubt any company would provide the necessary capital for the pavilion.


Well-Known Member
Venezuela will not be added to WS any time soon. With Chavez going after every company in Venezuela that disagrees with him and his profound hatred of America and any American company, I highly doubt any company would provide the necessary capital for the pavilion.

OK then Brazil. Rio with Sugar Loaf and a Skyway, Rainforest Ride etc. Finally a South American pavillon.


Well-Known Member
If this is turning into a 'what new pavilion would you like?' thread, I'll say South Africa.

The country is beautiful and truly embraces its rainbow nation label. Of course it has some problems, but the country has come a long way and would add a lot to WS. I think another part of Africa besides Northern Africa should be represented (and the outpost doesn't cut it). The cuisine there is amazing due to the nation's combination of African, Indian, and European cultures (Braai in NYC and Moyo throughout SA are examples of fabulous South African restaurants), and I think this pavilion could be really popular.


Well-Known Member
has aspirations to join the EU to cement its European-ness.

A country doesn't become a member of the EU to cement "European-ness". A country becomes a member of the EU if it makes sound business sense.

After being in Europe for several months last year and taking European History and European Government courses in college, I read something which hits the nail on the head about the European Union:

"The EU has a flag no one salutes, an anthem no one sings, a president no one can name, a parliament no one other than its members wants to have power (which must subtract from the powers of national legislatures), a capital (Brussels) of coagulated bureaucracy no one admires or controls, a currency that presupposes what neither does nor should nor soon will exist (a European central government), and rules of fiscal behavior that no member has been penalized for ignoring."

Europe is full of very distinct peoples in very distinct land areas, all of whom have distinct values. When crossing borders, it is rather easy to tell you are in a different country with a different culture and different values. There's simply nothing that truly unites them the way these States in America are United under common principles outlined in our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Evil Genius

Well-Known Member
If we're still suggesting about Antarctica!

Make the entire pavillion in doors...jack the thermostat down to 12 degrees...have it constantly snowing and coat the entire floor with a thin sheet of ice...then let the edutainment begin!


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
If we're still suggesting about Antarctica!

Make the entire pavillion in doors...jack the thermostat down to 12 degrees...have it constantly snowing and coat the entire floor with a thin sheet of ice...then let the edutainment begin!

Well, the only problem I could see with this is the fact that Antarctica is not a country....:brick:

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