New World Showcase and DHS Rumors


Well-Known Member
The Turkey rumor is crazy ridiculous. :hurl: I just cannot imagine that happening.
Now, the Indy rumor wouldn't be too bad, I suppose. Like a previous poster said, the Indy franchise is headed "to the space between space" after the garbage called Crystal Skull. :brick:Time to put that out of its misery and move on.
Marvel Weekends? Meh. I guess I just don't really care either way on that one.:shrug:

Mouse Man

New Member
Now if we are talking Dinner then Turkey with mashed potato's and garvy and cranberry sauce sounds great, If we are talking the country of Turkey, then I don't think so. That is really reaching if you ask me on that one. Now far as Indy, I could see them making a Star War show. I could see Indy show gone and have the Indy ride built in MK where it will fit in at Adventure land.


Well-Known Member
I am a Star Wars fan, but Indy is even better! I would much rather see the Indy ride from DL than another Star Wars attraction!

I agree with you! Although i am no star wars fan, I still rather see the indy ride from DL. And as far as it being a dieing franchise, imo that doesnt matter, because the ride alone is simply amazing.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you! Although i am no star wars fan, I still rather see the indy ride from DL. And as far as it being a dieing franchise, imo that doesnt matter, because the ride alone is simply amazing.
Completely agree - look at Splash Mountain and Song of the South. Despite the ride's theme, it is still one of the most popular (and it obviously has some merchandise to go along with it).

I agree that the Indy franchise is waning, and the stunt show could go any time and I'd be happy. But Indiana Jones Adventure is still the best replacement for it, IMO. Along with Star Tours 2, it would draw people away from Sunset Boulevard and TSM, and it would be a very popular ride.

As for Turkey, it's an interesting country, but I'd rather see something different. Another African country, a South American country, Australia, India, there's so much potential.


Well-Known Member
Why more star wars? Why not bring the DL indy ride to mgm? Or atleast a brand new Indy adventure or something.

They wont bring the Indy ride because it is already there!!!!!! People Dinosaur is Indy just without the Indy!!!! I know people think that no one would notice, but you have a week long vacation people will figure it out! Plus Indy/Dino still has so many downtimes, I doubt they will build another one anytime soon!

DHS should have something new like an Avatar attraction.

Oh yes here put on your 3-D glasses and sit and enjoy Dances With Wolves the animated adventure!!!!!! How about no!!!!

I say both these rumors are a bit out there!


Well-Known Member
Yeah... not a big fan of Turkey. Has Disney not been reading these boards?
What can be rumored at the Magic Kingdom other than Fantasyland?


Well-Known Member
They wont bring the Indy ride because it is already there!!!!!! People Dinosaur is Indy just without the Indy!!!! I know people think that no one would notice, but you have a week long vacation people will figure it out! Plus Indy/Dino still has so many downtimes, I doubt they will build another one anytime soon!
Yes, they are exactly the same ride. But Indy's theming blows Dinosaur out of the water, so it would still be worth having. And if there would be a backlash against either of the attractions, it would be against Dinosaur, reminding Disney to focus on the theming that makes so much of AK great.

Plus, two rides being exactly the same (besides theme) didn't stop Disney from building 3 spinners in MK and 1 in AK (yes, Astro Orbiter has higher elevation and a slightly different seating configuration, but besides that, they're all the same).


Well-Known Member
They wont bring the Indy ride because it is already there!!!!!! People Dinosaur is Indy just without the Indy!!!! I know people think that no one would notice, but you have a week long vacation people will figure it out! Plus Indy/Dino still has so many downtimes, I doubt they will build another one anytime soon!

There are building one right now at DCA. It is located in Carsland. Same ride control system just different vehicles more like Test Track.


A Long Time DVC Member
I understand that the "host country" pays most of the cost of a county in the show case. Turkey is putting on a big push to get more visitors to come and increase money coming into the county by visitors. This may be a great way to do this.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if this is a baseless rumor or not, but Turkey would make some sense. It's got a big tourist industry that many Americans aren't familiar with and has aspirations to join the EU to cement its European-ness. The country has an amazing history, architecture, and great food.

Regarding the earlier statements about going w/an American ally, Turkey is in NATO and sent troops to fight alongside American troops during the Korean War.

My preference would be to see some plussing of the rest of the World Showcase pavilions before a new country was added.

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